



Chief Sponsor: Fred C. Cox

Senate Sponsor: Margaret Dayton


9     General Description:
10           This joint resolution of the Legislature designates the state of Utah as a Purple Heart
11     State, strongly encourages Utahns to honor Purple Heart recipients, and honors the
12     service and sacrifice of the nation's men and women in uniform wounded or killed by
13     the enemy while serving to protect our freedoms.
14     Highlighted Provisions:
15          This resolution:
16          ▸      designates the state of Utah as a Purple Heart State and strongly encourages Utahns
17     to honor Purple Heart recipients by showing their appreciation for the sacrifices
18     Purple Heart recipients have made in defending our freedoms; and
19          ▸     honors the service and sacrifice of the nation's men and women in uniform wounded
20     or killed by the enemy while serving to protect the freedoms enjoyed by all
21     Americans.
22     Special Clauses:
23          None

25     Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
26          WHEREAS, the state of Utah has always supported its military veterans;
27          WHEREAS, the Purple Heart is the oldest military decoration in current use;
28          WHEREAS, the Purple Heart was initially created as the Badge of Military Merit by
29     General George Washington in 1782;

30          WHEREAS, the Purple Heart was the first American service award or decoration made
31     available to the common soldier and is specifically awarded to members of the United States
32     Armed Forces who have been wounded or made the ultimate sacrifice in combat with a
33     declared enemy of the United States of America;
34          WHEREAS, the mission of the Military Order of the Purple Heart is to foster an
35     environment of goodwill among the combat-wounded veteran members and their families,
36     promote patriotism, support legislative initiatives, and -- most importantly -- ensure that Utahns
37     never forget the sacrifices made to preserve the freedoms we enjoy;
38          WHEREAS, in recognition of the sacrifices of those who have served in the military,
39     the Legislature has designated Interstate Highway 15 from the Utah-Idaho border to the
40     Utah-Arizona border as Veterans Memorial Highway; Route 224 from Kimball Junction
41     southeasterly to the junction with Route 248 in Park City as Tenth Mountain Division
42     Memorial Highway; Interstate 80 as the Dwight D. Eisenhower Highway; beginning at the
43     Nevada-Utah border in Wendover, east to the Wyoming-Utah border west of Evanston,
44     Wyoming, as the Purple Heart Trail; and the existing portions of Interstate 84 located within
45     the state of Utah as the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway;
46          WHEREAS, the state of Utah has a highly decorated military veteran population,
47     including many Purple Heart recipients;
48          WHEREAS, the state of Utah and its citizens recognize and deeply appreciate the
49     sacrifices of the state's Purple Heart recipients for their courage in defending our nation and our
50     freedoms; and
51          WHEREAS, the state of Utah and its citizens recognize the great need to acknowledge
52     and honor Utah's Purple Heart recipients for their service and sacrifice:
53          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
54     designates the state of Utah as a Purple Heart State and strongly encourages Utahns to honor
55     Purple Heart recipients by showing their appreciation for the sacrifices Purple Heart recipients
56     have made in defending our freedoms.
57          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah honors the

58     service and sacrifice of the nation's men and women in uniform wounded or killed by the
59     enemy while serving to protect the freedoms enjoyed by all Americans.
60          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Northern,
61     Central, and Southern Utah chapters of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the National
62     Military Order of the Purple Heart, the Utah Department of Veterans' and Military Affairs, and
63     the members of Utah's congressional delegation.