8 General Description:
9 This bill directs the Division of Child and Family Services to complete a study and
10 report to the Child Welfare Legislative Oversight Panel.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ directs the Division of Child and Family Services to:
14 • conduct a study of the costs and benefits of implementing a program under
15 which youths in foster care may obtain a driver license and be insured to drive
16 under a motor vehicle insurance policy; and
17 • report the study findings to the Child Welfare Legislative Oversight Panel on or
18 before November 1, 2016.
19 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20 None
21 Other Special Clauses:
22 None
23 Utah Code Sections Affected:
25 63I-2-262, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 258
27 62A-4a-213, Utah Code Annotated 1953
29 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
30 Section 1. Section 62A-4a-213 is enacted to read:
31 62A-4a-213. Study item.
32 (1) The division, in collaboration with the Division of Risk Management, Department
33 of Administrative Services, shall conduct a study of the costs and benefits of implementing a
34 program under which youths in foster care may obtain a driver license and be insured to drive
35 under a motor vehicle insurance policy.
36 (2) The study shall include findings on the costs and benefits of implementing at least
37 the following alternative policy options:
38 (a) requiring a foster parent to add a foster youth to the foster parent's motor vehicle
39 insurance policy and directing the division to reimburse the foster parent the cost of any
40 premium increase on the foster parent's policy as a result of the foster youth's operation of a
41 vehicle, including any insurance claims involving the foster youth;
42 (b) directing the division to issue a request for proposals or a request for information to
43 learn whether or which motor vehicle insurance companies may be available to bid on or may
44 be interested in bidding on offering motor vehicle insurance coverage to foster youth;
45 (c) directing the division to obtain a motor vehicle insurance policy or create a fund to
46 cover the liability cost associated with foster youth who obtain a driver license and operate a
47 motor vehicle;
48 (d) directing the division to assume costs associated with foster youth obtaining learner
49 permits or driver licenses, including learner permit, driver license, and driver education fees;
50 and
51 (e) leaving in place the state's current policy regarding foster youth driver licenses,
52 foster youth driving, and associated liability.
53 (3) The division shall, when possible, for each option:
54 (a) estimate the cost per foster youth; and
55 (b) compare other states' approaches.
56 (4) The division shall include in the findings the division's preferred policy option.
57 (5) The division shall report the study findings to the Child Welfare Legislative
58 Oversight Panel on or before November 1, 2016.
59 Section 2. Section 63I-2-262 is amended to read:
60 63I-2-262. Repeal dates, Title 62A.
61 Section 62A-4a-213 is repealed January 1, 2017.
Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel