


Chief Sponsor: Eric K. Hutchings

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9           This bill provides alleged victims with reasonable notice of a suspect's pending release
10     from custody.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸      provides notice of a suspect's pending release from custody to alleged victims who
14     have properly registered with the appropriate notification system;
15          ▸     lists the forms of communication that may be used to provide notice to an alleged
16     victim;
17          ▸     requires the arresting agency to inform an alleged victim of the right to register with
18     the notification system and provide guidance on how to register; and
19          ▸     makes technical changes.
20     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
21          None
22     Other Special Clauses:
23          None
24     Utah Code Sections Affected:
25     AMENDS:
26          77-38-2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1997, Chapter 103
27          77-38-3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapters 196 and 445


29     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
30          Section 1. Section 77-38-2 is amended to read:
31          77-38-2. Definitions.
32          For the purposes of this chapter and the Utah Constitution:
33          (1) "Abuse" means treating the crime victim in a manner so as to injure, damage, or
34     disparage.
35          (2) "Dignity" means treating the crime victim with worthiness, honor, and esteem.
36          (3) "Fairness" means treating the crime victim reasonably, even-handedly, and
37     impartially.
38          (4) "Harassment" means treating the crime victim in a persistently annoying manner.
39          (5) "Important criminal justice hearings" or "important juvenile justice hearings" means
40     the following proceedings in felony criminal cases or cases involving a minor's conduct which
41     would be a felony if committed by an adult:
42          (a) any preliminary hearing to determine probable cause;
43          (b) any court arraignment where practical;
44          (c) any court proceeding involving the disposition of charges against a defendant or
45     minor or the delay of a previously scheduled trial date but not including any unanticipated
46     proceeding to take an admission or a plea of guilty as charged to all charges previously filed or
47     any plea taken at an initial appearance;
48          (d) any court proceeding to determine whether to release a defendant or minor and, if
49     so, under what conditions release may occur, excluding any such release determination made at
50     an initial appearance;
51          (e) any criminal or delinquency trial, excluding any actions at the trial that a court
52     might take in camera, in chambers, or at a sidebar conference;
53          (f) any court proceeding to determine the disposition of a minor or sentence, fine, or
54     restitution of a defendant or to modify any disposition of a minor or sentence, fine, or
55     restitution of a defendant; and
56          (g) any public hearing concerning whether to grant a defendant or minor parole or other
57     form of discretionary release from confinement.
58          (6) "Reliable information" means information worthy of confidence, including any

59     information whose use at sentencing is permitted by the United States Constitution.
60          (7) "Representative of a victim" means a person who is designated by the victim or
61     designated by the court and who represents the victim in the best interests of the victim.
62          (8) "Respect" means treating the crime victim with regard and value.
63          (9) (a) "Victim of a crime" means any natural person against whom the charged crime
64     or conduct is alleged to have been perpetrated or attempted by the defendant or minor
65     personally or as a party to the offense or conduct or, in the discretion of the court, against
66     whom a related crime or act is alleged to have been perpetrated or attempted, unless the natural
67     person is the accused or appears to be accountable or otherwise criminally responsible for or
68     criminally involved in the crime or conduct or a crime or act arising from the same conduct,
69     criminal episode, or plan as the crime is defined under the laws of this state.
70          (b) For purposes of the right to be present, "victim of a crime" does not mean any
71     person who is in custody as a pretrial detainee, as a prisoner following conviction for an
72     offense, or as a juvenile who has committed an act that would be an offense if committed by an
73     adult, or who is in custody for mental or psychological treatment.
74          (c) For purposes of the right to be present and heard at a public hearing as provided in
75     Subsection 77-38-2(5)(g) and the right to notice as provided in Subsection 77-38-3[(7)](8)(a),
76     "victim of a crime" includes any victim originally named in the allegation of criminal conduct
77     who is not a victim of the offense to which the defendant entered a negotiated plea of guilty.
78          Section 2. Section 77-38-3 is amended to read:
79          77-38-3. Notification to victims -- Initial notice, election to receive subsequent
80     notices -- Form of notice -- Protected victim information -- Pretrial criminal no contact
81     order.
82          (1) Prior to the release from custody of any suspect from a county jail or other adult
83     correctional facility in the state, an alleged victim that has properly registered with the
84     appropriate notification system shall be provided reasonable notice of the suspect's pending
85     release.
86          (a) Notification may be provided in person, via telephone, text, email, or other
87     electronic message communication.
88          (b) The arresting agency, at the time of arrest, shall inform the alleged victim of the
89     alleged victim's right to register for notification of the suspect's pending release from custody

90     and provide the alleged victim with reasonable guidance on how to register to receive
91     notification.
92          [(1)] (2) Within seven days of the filing of felony criminal charges against a defendant,
93     the prosecuting agency shall provide an initial notice to reasonably identifiable and locatable
94     victims of the crime contained in the charges, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
95          [(2)] (3) The initial notice to the victim of a crime shall provide information about
96     electing to receive notice of subsequent important criminal justice hearings listed in
97     Subsections 77-38-2(5)(a) through (f) and rights under this chapter.
98          [(3)] (4) The prosecuting agency shall provide notice to a victim of a crime for the
99     important criminal justice hearings, provided in Subsections 77-38-2(5)(a) through (f), which
100     the victim has requested.
101          [(4)] (5) (a) The responsible prosecuting agency may provide initial and subsequent
102     notices in any reasonable manner, including telephonically, electronically, orally, or by means
103     of a letter or form prepared for this purpose.
104          (b) In the event of an unforeseen important criminal justice hearing, listed in
105     Subsections 77-38-2(5)(a) through (f) for which a victim has requested notice, a good faith
106     attempt to contact the victim by telephone shall be considered sufficient notice, provided that
107     the prosecuting agency subsequently notifies the victim of the result of the proceeding.
108          [(5)] (6) (a) The court shall take reasonable measures to ensure that its scheduling
109     practices for the proceedings provided in Subsections 77-38-2(5)(a) through (f) permit an
110     opportunity for victims of crimes to be notified.
111          (b) The court shall also consider whether any notification system it might use to
112     provide notice of judicial proceedings to defendants could be used to provide notice of those
113     same proceedings to victims of crimes.
114          [(6)] (7) A defendant or, if it is the moving party, Adult Probation and Parole, shall
115     give notice to the responsible prosecuting agency of any motion for modification of any
116     determination made at any of the important criminal justice hearings provided in Subsections
117     77-38-2(5)(a) through (f) in advance of any requested court hearing or action so that the
118     prosecuting agency may comply with its notification obligation.
119          [(7)] (8) (a) Notice to a victim of a crime shall be provided by the Board of Pardons
120     and Parole for the important criminal justice hearing provided in Subsection 77-38-2(5)(g).

121          (b) The board may provide notice in any reasonable manner, including telephonically,
122     electronically, orally, or by means of a letter or form prepared for this purpose.
123          [(8)] (9) Prosecuting agencies and the Board of Pardons and Parole are required to give
124     notice to a victim of a crime for the proceedings provided in Subsections 77-38-2(5)(a) through
125     (f) only where the victim has responded to the initial notice, requested notice of subsequent
126     proceedings, and provided a current address and telephone number if applicable.
127          [(9)] (10) (a) Law enforcement and criminal justice agencies shall refer any requests
128     for notice or information about crime victim rights from victims to the responsible prosecuting
129     agency.
130          (b) In a case in which the Board of Pardons and Parole is involved, the responsible
131     prosecuting agency shall forward any request for notice it has received from a victim to the
132     Board of Pardons and Parole.
133          [(10)] (11) In all cases where the number of victims exceeds 10, the responsible
134     prosecuting agency may send any notices required under this chapter in its discretion to a
135     representative sample of the victims.
136          [(11)] (12) (a) A victim's address, telephone number, and victim impact statement
137     maintained by a peace officer, prosecuting agency, Youth Parole Authority, Division of
138     Juvenile Justice Services, Department of Corrections, and Board of Pardons and Parole, for
139     purposes of providing notice under this section, is classified as protected as provided in
140     Subsection 63G-2-305(10).
141          (b) The victim's address, telephone number, and victim impact statement is available
142     only to the following persons or entities in the performance of their duties:
143          (i) a law enforcement agency, including the prosecuting agency;
144          (ii) a victims' right committee as provided in Section 77-37-5;
145          (iii) a governmentally sponsored victim or witness program;
146          (iv) the Department of Corrections;
147          (v) the Utah Office for Victims of Crime;
148          (vi) the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice; and
149          (vii) the Board of Pardons and Parole.
150          [(12)] (13) The notice provisions as provided in this section do not apply to
151     misdemeanors as provided in Section 77-38-5 and to important juvenile justice hearings as

152     provided in Section 77-38-2.
153          [(13)] (14) (a) When a defendant is charged with a felony crime under Sections
154     76-5-301 through 76-5-310 regarding kidnapping, human trafficking, and human smuggling;
155     Sections 76-5-401 through 76-5-413 regarding sexual offenses; or Section 76-10-1306
156     regarding aggravated exploitation of prostitution, the court may, during any court hearing
157     where the defendant is present, issue a pretrial criminal no contact order:
158          (i) prohibiting the defendant from harassing, telephoning, contacting, or otherwise
159     communicating with the victim directly or through a third party;
160          (ii) ordering the defendant to stay away from the residence, school, place of
161     employment of the victim, and the premises of any of these, or any specified place frequented
162     by the victim or any designated family member of the victim directly or through a third party;
163     and
164          (iii) ordering any other relief that the court considers necessary to protect and provide
165     for the safety of the victim and any designated family or household member of the victim.
166          (b) Violation of a pretrial criminal no contact order issued pursuant to this section is a
167     third degree felony.
168          (c) (i) The court shall provide to the victim a certified copy of any pretrial criminal no
169     contact order that has been issued if the victim can be located with reasonable effort.
170          (ii) The court shall also transmit the pretrial criminal no contact order to the statewide
171     domestic violence network in accordance with Section 78B-7-113.

Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel