Representative Stephen G. Handy proposes the following substitute bill:






Chief Sponsor: Stephen G. Handy

Senate Sponsor: Jerry W. Stevenson


10     General Description:
11           This resolution recognizes the United States' and Utah's participation in World War I
12     and urges the Utah Department of Veterans and Military Affairs to establish the Utah
13     World War I Centennial Commission.
14     Highlighted Provisions:
15          This resolution:
16          ▸      recognizes the centennial commemoration of World War I, which spanned from
17     July 28, 1914, to November 11, 1918;
18          ▸     urges the Governor, through the Utah Department of Veterans and Military Affairs
19     and in coordination with the Utah Department of Heritage and Arts, to establish a
20     Utah World War I Centennial Commission, modeled after the United States World
21     War I Centennial Commission; and
22          ▸     urges the future commission to develop a statewide awareness campaign to
23     recognize the following:
24               •     the history of the war, including the causes, the reason for entry into the war by
25     the United States, and the role of the United States military in the war;

26               •     the impact of the war on geopolitics through today;
27               •     the impact of the war on America's and Utah's society and culture -- including
28     science, the arts, and the humanities -- to encompass immigrants, minority
29     populations, and women;
30               •     the technological changes the war brought to transportation, industry,
31     communication, and agriculture;
32               •     the search for peace up to, during, and after the war;
33               •     the World War I monuments and memorials scattered throughout the state; and
34               •     those who served and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
35     Special Clauses:
36          None

38     Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
39           WHEREAS, World War I broke out in Europe on July 28, 1914, quickly became
40     history's first worldwide war, and is the defining conflict of the modern era;
41          WHEREAS, total battlefield deaths or death from wounds for all nations was
42     enormous, tabulating some seven million people;
43          WHEREAS, the United States declared war on the German Empire on April 6, 1917, as
44     follows: "Whereas, the Imperial German Government has committed repeated acts of war
45     against the Government and the people of the United States of America; therefore, be it
46     resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in
47     Congress assembled, that the state of war between the United States and the Imperial German
48     Government, which has thus been thrust upon the United States, is hereby formally declared;
49     and that the President be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to employ the entire naval
50     and military forces of the United States and the resources of the Government to carry on war
51     against the Imperial German Government; and to bring the conflict to a successful termination
52     all the resources of the country are hereby pledged by the Congress of the United States";
53          WHEREAS, after the declaration, President Woodrow Wilson called for the
54     federalization and mobilization of National Guard troops into the regular army and a draft
55     ensued;
56          WHEREAS, more than four million men and women from the United States served in

57     uniform during World War I;
58          WHEREAS, the United States suffered 375,000 casualties, including 116,516 deaths;
59          WHEREAS, Utahns responded immediately to the call of duty, sending some 21,000 of
60     their sons and daughters into the armed forces of the United States, with 11,000 being drafted
61     and 10,000 volunteering;
62          WHEREAS, 655 Utahns lost their lives in the conflict, including 219 from battlefield
63     injuries, 32 from accidents, and 414 from disease and other health-related issues, and another
64     864 were wounded;
65          WHEREAS, Utah's population in 1917 was between 400,000 and 450,000, meaning
66     nearly 5% (4.94%) of the population served, and by comparison, 5% of Utah's 2016 population
67     of three million would amount to 150,000 Utahns in uniform today;
68          WHEREAS, 43 Utah servicemen received the Distinguished Service Cross of the Navy
69     Cross, the second highest military decoration for valor;
70          WHEREAS, at a time that some questioned the patriotism and loyalty of Utahns to the
71     United States of America, Utah's contribution on the battlefield and on the home front was
72     substantial, with about $81 million in war bonds and donations to the American Red Cross
73     recorded, averaging approximately $190 for every man, woman, and child living in Utah at the
74     time;
75          WHEREAS, Utahns viewed their participation and support of the war effort as a means
76     to help end the horrors of war once and for all, and to demonstrate their fidelity and loyalty to
77     the United States of America;
78           WHEREAS, Utah citizens volunteered countless hours in response to Governor Simon
79     Bamberger's call to serve as members of the Utah State Council of Defense and as members of
80     county and community councils of defense to help mobilize, coordinate, and facilitate the war
81     effort in the state;
82          WHEREAS, on March 24, 1917, Governor Bamberger, in anticipation of America's
83     entry into the war in Europe, called for volunteers to enlist in the Utah National Guard;
84          WHEREAS, on June 6, 1917, the U.S. War Department issued orders to the state of
85     Utah to reorganize Utah forces into a regiment of light field artillery, which became the First
86     Utah Field Artillery Regiment;
87          WHEREAS, on July 6, 1917, Adjutant General William G. Williams ordered that a

88     campsite be organized west of the Jordan Narrows, which stands as present-day Camp
89     Williams, for "intensive training in every duty that may be expected in an artillery regiment in
90     active service against an enemy";
91          WHEREAS, mobilization orders were issued by Adjutant General Williams, which
92     stated that "under the proclamation of the president, the National Guard of Utah is drafted into
93     federal service as of August 5, 1917";
94          WHEREAS, the First Utah Field Artillery Regiment was drafted into federal service
95     with a compliment of 350 to 400 men;
96          WHEREAS, the Utah Field Artillery Regiment reached Camp Kearney, Linda Vista,
97     California on October 13, 1917 to train with the 40th Division, also known as the "Sunshine
98     Division";
99          WHEREAS, the Utah Field Artillery Regiment was designated as the 145th Field
100     Artillery Regiment of the 65th Artillery Brigade, and some members of the 145th Field
101     Artillery Regiment were called up into active combat divisions in the American Expeditionary
102     Force, seeing action along the front in the Argonne Forest, Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel and
103     Verdun;
104          WHEREAS, the 145th Field Artillery Regiment arrived in France in early September
105     1918 and was preparing for an assault on Metz when the armistice was signed on November
106     11, 1918;
107          WHEREAS, on January 21, 1919, after parades in Ogden and Logan and an address by
108     Governor Bamberger at the Utah State Agricultural College, the 145th Field Artillery Regiment
109     was officially mustered out of service;
110          WHEREAS, the 159th Field Hospital was organized as the Utah Field Hospital of the
111     4th Division, remained in France as part of occupation forces, and returned to Utah and was
112     mustered out of service on July 3, 1919;
113          WHEREAS, Governor Bamberger appointed B.H. Roberts to serve as Chaplain of the
114     145th Field Artillery Regiment; and
115          WHEREAS, Chaplain Roberts volunteered at age 60 to accompany the troops to
116     France, requiring a special act of Congress to receive his appointment:
117          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
118     Governor concurring therein, urges the Utah Department of Veterans and Military Affairs, in

119     coordination with the Utah Department of Heritage and Arts, to organize a Utah World War I
120     Centennial Commission to accomplish the following purposes:
121               •     to honor the more than 21,000 Utahns who served during World War I
122     and the 665 who gave their lives for our country;
123               •     to educate all Utahns, particularly school children, about this period in
124     our history, including the causes, the reason for entry of the United
125     States into the war, and the role of the United States military;
126               •     to educate all Utahns on the impacts of the war on geopolitics, society,
127     and culture in America and Utah, including science, the arts, and the
128     humanities;
129               •     to educate all Utahns on the impacts of the war on immigrants, minority
130     populations, and women;
131               •     to recognize the technological changes the war brought to transportation,
132     industry, communication, and agriculture;
133               •     to recognize the search for peace up to, during, and beyond the war;
134               •     to remember and recognize the citizens of Utah who served, and honor
135     this service and sacrifice by soldiers and their families;
136               •     to identify and catalogue the more than 92 World War I memorials and
137     monuments statewide and add them to the national database developed
138     by the World War I Memorial Inventory Project; and
139               •     to provide educational experiences designed to broaden and strengthen
140     the commemoration.
141          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Governor of
142     the state of Utah, the Director of the Utah Department of Veterans and Military Affairs, the
143     Veterans of Foreign Wars chapters in Utah, the American Legion chapters in Utah, the Utah
144     State Historical Society, and the members of Utah's congressional delegation.