8 General Description:
9 This bill amends certain oil and gas severance tax statutes.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ defines terms;
13 ▸ clarifies the formula for calculating the oil and gas severance tax; and
14 ▸ makes technical changes.
15 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
16 None
17 Other Special Clauses:
18 This bill provides a special effective date.
19 This bill provides retrospective operation.
20 Utah Code Sections Affected:
22 59-5-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 310
23 59-5-103.1, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapter 244
25 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
26 Section 1. Section 59-5-102 is amended to read:
27 59-5-102. Definitions -- Severance tax -- Computation -- Rate -- Annual
28 exemption -- Tax credit -- Tax rate reduction.
29 (1) [
30 (a) "Royalty rate" means the percentage of the interests described in Subsection
31 (2)(b)(i) as defined by a contract between the United States, the state, an Indian, or an Indian
32 tribe and the oil or gas producer.
33 (b) "Taxable value" means the total value of the oil or gas minus:
34 (i) any royalties paid to, or the value of oil or gas taken in kind by, the interest holders
35 described in Subsection (2)(b)(i); and
36 (ii) the total value of oil or gas exempt from severance tax under Subsection (2)(b)(ii).
37 (c) "Taxable volume" means:
38 (i) for oil, the total volume of barrels minus:
39 (A) for an interest described in Subsection (2)(b)(i), the product of the royalty rate and
40 the total volume of barrels; and
41 (B) the number of barrels that are exempt under Subsection (2)(b)(ii); and
42 (ii) for natural gas, the total volume of MCFs minus:
43 (A) for an interest described in Subsection (2)(b)(i), the product of the royalty rate and
44 the total volume of MCFs; and
45 (B) the number of MCFs that are exempt under Subsection (2)(b)(ii).
46 (d) "Total value" means the value, as determined by Section 59-5-103.1, of all oil or
47 gas that is:
48 (i) produced; and
49 (ii) (A) saved;
50 (B) sold; or
51 (C) transported from the field where the oil or gas was produced.
52 (e) "Total volume" means:
53 (i) for oil, the number of barrels:
54 (A) produced; and
55 (B) (I) saved;
56 (II) sold; or
57 (III) transported from the field where the oil was produced; and
58 (ii) for natural gas, the number of MCFs:
59 (A) produced; and
60 (B) (I) saved;
61 (II) sold; or
62 (III) transported from the field where the natural gas was produced.
63 (f) "Value of oil or gas taken in kind" means the volume of oil or gas taken in kind
64 multiplied by the market price for oil or gas at the location where the oil or gas was produced
65 on the date the oil or gas was taken in kind.
66 (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection [
67 or gas produced from a well in the state, including a working interest, royalty interest, payment
68 out of production, or any other interest, or in the proceeds of the production of oil or gas, shall
69 pay to the state a severance tax on [
70 the owner's interest in the taxable value of the oil or gas:
71 (i) produced; and
72 (ii) (A) saved;
73 (B) sold; or
74 (C) transported from the field where the substance was produced.
75 (b) [
77 The severance tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a) does not apply to:
78 (i) an interest of:
79 (A) the United States in oil or gas or in the proceeds of the production of oil or gas;
80 [
81 the proceeds of the production of oil or gas; [
82 [
83 gas or in the proceeds of the production of oil or gas produced from land under the jurisdiction
84 of the United States[
85 (ii) the value of:
86 (A) oil or gas produced from stripper wells, unless the exemption prevents the
87 severance tax from being treated as a deduction for federal tax purposes;
88 (B) oil or gas produced in the first 12 months of production for wildcat wells started
89 after January 1, 1990; and
90 (C) oil or gas produced in the first six months of production for development wells
91 started after January 1, 1990.
92 (3) (a) The severance tax on oil shall be calculated as follows:
93 (i) dividing the taxable value by the taxable volume;
94 (ii) (A) multiplying the rate described in Subsection (4)(a)(i) by the portion of the
95 figure calculated in Subsection (3)(a)(i) that is subject to the rate described in Subsection
96 (4)(a)(i); and
97 (B) multiplying the rate described in Subsection (4)(a)(ii) by the portion of the figure
98 calculated in Subsection (3)(a)(i) that is subject to the rate described in Subsection (4)(a)(ii);
99 (iii) adding together the figures calculated in Subsections (3)(a)(ii)(A) and (B); and
100 (iv) multiplying the figure calculated in Subsection (3)(a)(iii) by the taxable volume.
101 (b) The severance tax on natural gas shall be calculated as follows:
102 (i) dividing the taxable value by the taxable volume;
103 (ii) (A) multiplying the rate described in Subsection (4)(b)(i) by the portion of the
104 figure calculated in Subsection (3)(b)(i) that is subject to the rate described in Subsection
105 (4)(b)(i); and
106 (B) multiplying the rate described in Subsection (4)(b)(ii) by the portion of the figure
107 calculated in Subsection (3)(b)(i) that is subject to the rate described in Subsection (4)(b)(ii);
108 (iii) adding together the figures calculated in Subsections (3)(b)(ii)(A) and (B); and
109 (iv) multiplying the figure calculated in Subsection (3)(b)(iii) by the taxable volume.
110 (c) The severance tax on natural gas liquids shall be calculated by multiplying the
111 taxable value of the natural gas liquids by the severance tax rate in Subsection (4)(c).
112 (4) Subject to Subsection (8):
113 (a) the severance tax rate for oil is as follows:
114 (i) 3% of the taxable value of the oil up to and including the first $13 per barrel for oil;
115 and
116 (ii) 5% of the taxable value of the oil from $13.01 and above per barrel for oil[
117 (b) [
118 (i) 3% of the taxable value of the natural gas up to and including the first $1.50 per
119 MCF for gas; and
120 (ii) 5% of the taxable value of the natural gas from $1.51 and above per MCF for
121 gas[
122 (c) [
123 the taxable value of the natural gas liquids.
124 [
127 [
129 [
131 [
133 [
136 [
139 [
140 [
141 [
145 [
149 [
152 [
154 [
158 [
159 (a) the shipment constitutes a sale; and
160 (b) the oil or gas is subject to the tax imposed by this section.
161 [
162 the tax is not imposed until the oil or gas is:
163 (i) sold;
164 (ii) transported; or
165 (iii) delivered.
166 (b) [
167 years, the oil or gas is subject to the tax imposed by this section.
168 [
169 [
171 [
173 [
175 [
176 taxpayer who pays for all or part of the expenses of a recompletion or workover may claim a
177 nonrefundable tax credit equal to 20% of the amount paid.
178 (b) The tax credit under Subsection [
179 not exceed $30,000 per well during each calendar year.
180 [
184 (c) A taxpayer may carry forward a tax credit allowed under this Subsection (7) for the
185 next three calendar years if the tax credit exceeds the taxpayer's tax liability under this part for
186 the calendar year in which the taxpayer claims the tax credit.
187 [
188 achieved from an enhanced recovery project.
189 [
190 (a) in addition to all other taxes provided by law; and
191 (b) delinquent, unless otherwise deferred, on June 1 [
192 calendar year when the oil or gas is:
193 (i) produced; and
194 (ii) (A) saved;
195 (B) sold; or
196 (C) transported from the field.
197 [
198 in the production of oil or gas or in the proceeds of the production of [
200 interest in the production or in the proceeds of the production.
201 [
202 that takes oil or gas in kind pursuant to an agreement on behalf of the producer and on behalf of
203 each owner entitled to participate in the oil or gas sold by the producer or transported by the
204 producer from the field where the oil or gas is produced.
205 [
206 amounts due to other owners for the production or the proceeds of the production.
207 [
210 [
213 [
216 Section 2. Section 59-5-103.1 is amended to read:
217 59-5-103.1. Valuation of oil or gas -- Deductions.
218 (1) (a) For purposes of the tax imposed under Section 59-5-102 and subject to
219 Subsection (2), the value of oil or gas shall be determined at the first point closest to the well at
220 which the fair market value for the oil or gas may be determined by:
221 (i) a sale pursuant to an arm's-length contract; or
222 (ii) for a sale other than a sale described in Subsection (1)(a)(i), comparison to other
223 sales of oil or gas.
224 (b) For purposes of determining the fair market value of oil or gas under this
225 Subsection (1), a person subject to a tax under Section 59-5-102 may deduct:
226 (i) all processing costs from the value of[
227 attributable to the value of oil and gas that is exempt from taxation under Section 59-5-102;
228 and
229 [
230 [
231 (ii) [
232 from the value of[
233 gas that is exempt from taxation under Section 59-5-102.
234 [
235 [
236 [
237 (c) The deduction for transportation costs may not exceed 50% of the value of the[
238 or gas.
239 [
240 [
241 (2) Subsection (1)(a)(ii) applies to a sale of oil or gas between:
242 (a) a parent company and a subsidiary company;
243 (b) companies wholly owned or partially owned by a common parent company; or
244 (c) companies otherwise affiliated.
245 Section 3. Effective date.
246 If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, this bill takes effect
247 upon approval by the governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah
248 Constitution, Article VII, Section 8, without the governor's signature, or in the case of a veto,
249 the date of veto override.
250 Section 4. Retrospective operation.
251 This bill has retrospective operation for a taxable year beginning on or after January 1,
252 2015, and applies to an oil and gas severance tax for any taxable year, including a taxable year
253 beginning before January 1, 2015, that is the subject of an appeal that was filed or pending on
254 or after January 1, 2016.