9 General Description:
10 This resolution recognizes Utah's enduring contribution to the common defense.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This resolution:
13 ▸ recognizes Utah's legacy of an enduring contribution to the common defense;
14 ▸ identifies challenges to the viability of common defense;
15 ▸ identifies important foundational strengths unique to Utah; and
16 ▸ commits to building innovative solutions to emerging security challenges.
17 Special Clauses:
18 None
20 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
21 WHEREAS, Utah has a proud heritage of contribution to our state's and nation's
22 defense -- our common defense -- which ensures citizens of Utah are free to live and excel in a
23 safe, secure society;
24 WHEREAS, one of the fundamental purposes of government is to provide for the
25 common defense;
26 WHEREAS, the emerging global security environment presents increasingly complex
27 challenges to the viability of our common defense;
28 WHEREAS, many of these challenges stem from broader trends affecting our national
29 security posture, including the complexity of modern warfare, waning national defense
30 budgets, and aging defense infrastructure;
31 WHEREAS, these trends and their accompanying challenges present a tremendous
32 opportunity for growth and innovation;
33 WHEREAS, future conflicts will be fought and won only through the full involvement
34 of the "Total Force," which is recognized as the organizations, units, and individuals that
35 comprise Department of Defense resources for implementing the National Security Strategy;
36 WHEREAS, the Total Force consists specifically of active duty, reserve, and National
37 Guard military personnel, Department of Defense civilian personnel, and contracted support;
38 WHEREAS, the foundation for the Total Force's contribution in Utah consists of other
39 defense-related agencies; commercial, community, and academic partners; local and state
40 government; and the civilian population;
41 WHEREAS, the Total Force, and notably the National Guard when under command
42 and control of the Governor, play a prominent role in the common defense inasmuch as one of
43 the National Guard's primary roles is to respond to state-level crises such as natural disasters
44 and other emergencies as declared by the Governor;
45 WHEREAS, Utah possesses a wealth of resources that have been, and will continue to
46 be, vital to our common defense;
47 WHEREAS, synergies are created when multiple components of the Total Force
48 conduct basing and training using shared resources;
49 WHEREAS, the Utah Test and Training Range has been identified by Congress as a
50 unique and irreplaceable national asset at the core of the test and training mission of the
51 Department of Defense;
52 WHEREAS, the Department of Defense has long recognized both the Dugway Proving
53 Ground and the Utah Test and Training Range as national assets required to support
54 development and deployment of the United States warfighting capabilities;
55 WHEREAS, vast training areas and several major defense-related installations, such as
56 Hill Air Force Base, Fort Douglas, the Tooele Army Depot, and Camp Williams, are positioned
57 to stimulate economic growth while meeting current and future defense needs;
58 WHEREAS, bold leaders throughout Utah are committed to action and have a unique
59 ability to muster and leverage the state's resources through strategic partnerships;
60 WHEREAS, Utah consistently ranks first in the nation in government operations and
61 economic categories such as best performing state, best state for business and careers,
62 pro-business state, technology concentration and economic dynamism, entrepreneurship and
63 innovation, and job satisfaction;
64 WHEREAS, Utahns possess knowledge, skills, abilities, and work ethic that are
65 invaluable in responding to emerging security challenges and threats;
66 WHEREAS, Utahns are committed to service and sacrifice for the greater good and for
67 a better future for generations to come; and
68 WHEREAS, the many women and men of Utah who have served or currently serve in
69 the military bring a wealth of experience and positive attributes that are a boon to our local
70 economy and workforce:
71 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
72 Governor concurring therein, commits to further advancing Utah's enduring contribution to the
73 common defense by solving today's security challenges with innovative solutions in three broad
74 categories:
75 1) new synergies through utilization of the Total Force;
76 2) cost savings and modernization through recapitalization of defense infrastructure;
77 and
78 3) prosperity and strength through leveraging a world-class workforce.
79 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor commit to
80 supporting worthy objectives and to boldly leading the effort to establish a new national and
81 state standard in contributing to the common defense.
82 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the United
83 States Department of Defense, the United States Air Force, the National Guard Bureau, and the
84 members of Utah's congressional delegation.