8 General Description:
9 This bill amends and enacts provisions regarding partnerships focused on student
10 success.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ creates the Partnerships for Student Success Grant Program (program);
14 ▸ provides requirements for the program, including requiring the State Board of
15 Education to administer the program; and
16 ▸ coordinates the program with existing programs.
17 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
18 This bill appropriates:
19 ▸ to the State Board of Education - State Office of Education - Initiative Programs, as
20 an ongoing appropriation:
21 • from the General Fund, $5,000,000.
22 Other Special Clauses:
23 None
24 Utah Code Sections Affected:
26 53A-1-1209, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 449
28 53A-1-1211, Utah Code Annotated 1953
29 53A-4-301, Utah Code Annotated 1953
30 53A-4-302, Utah Code Annotated 1953
31 53A-4-303, Utah Code Annotated 1953
32 53A-4-304, Utah Code Annotated 1953
33 53A-4-305, Utah Code Annotated 1953
34 53A-4-306, Utah Code Annotated 1953
35 53A-4-307, Utah Code Annotated 1953
37 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
38 Section 1. Section 53A-1-1209 is amended to read:
39 53A-1-1209. School Leadership Development Program.
40 (1) As used in this section, "school leader" means a school principal or assistant
41 principal.
42 (2) There is created the School Leadership Development Program to increase the
43 number of highly effective school leaders capable of:
44 (a) initiating, achieving, and sustaining school improvement efforts[
45 (b) forming and sustaining community partnerships as described in Section 53A-4-303.
46 (3) The board shall identify one or more providers, through a request for proposals
47 process, to develop or provide leadership development training for school leaders that:
48 (a) may provide in-depth training in proven strategies to turn around low performing
49 schools;
50 (b) may emphasize hands-on and job-embedded learning;
51 (c) aligns with the state's leadership standards established by board rule;
52 (d) reflects the needs of a school district or charter school where a school leader serves;
53 (e) may include training on using student achievement data to drive decisions;
54 (f) may develop skills in implementing and evaluating evidence-based instructional
55 practices; [
56 (g) may develop skills in leading collaborative school improvement structures,
57 including professional learning communities[
58 (h) includes instruction on forming and sustaining community partnerships as
59 described in Section 53A-4-303.
60 (4) Subject to legislative appropriations, the State Board of Education shall provide
61 incentive pay to a school leader who:
62 (a) completes leadership development training under this section; and
63 (b) agrees to work, for at least five years, in a school that received an "F" grade or "D"
64 grade under the school grading system in the school year previous to the first year the school
65 leader:
66 (i) completes leadership development training; and
67 (ii) begins to work, or continues to work, in a school described in this Subsection
68 (4)(b).
69 (5) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
70 board shall make rules specifying:
71 (a) eligibility criteria for a school leader to participate in the School Leadership
72 Development Program;
73 (b) application procedures for the School Leadership Development Program;
74 (c) criteria for selecting school leaders from the application pool; and
75 (d) procedures for awarding incentive pay under Subsection (4).
76 Section 2. Section 53A-1-1211 is enacted to read:
77 53A-1-1211. Coordination with the Partnerships for Student Success Grant
78 Program.
79 If a low performing school is a member of a partnership that receives a grant under
80 Chapter 4, Part 3, Partnerships for Student Success Grant Program, the school turnaround
81 committee shall:
82 (1) coordinate the school turnaround committee's efforts with the efforts of the
83 partnership; and
84 (2) ensure that the goals and outcomes of the partnership are aligned with the school
85 turnaround plan described in this part.
86 Section 3. Section 53A-4-301 is enacted to read:
88 53A-4-301. Title.
89 This part is known as "Partnerships for Student Success Grant Program."
90 Section 4. Section 53A-4-302 is enacted to read:
91 53A-4-302. Definitions.
92 As used in this part:
93 (1) "Board" means the State Board of Education.
94 (2) "Eligible elementary school" or "eligible junior high school" means a district school
95 or charter school that has at least 50% of the school's students with a family income at or below
96 185% of the federal poverty level.
97 (3) "Eligible partnership" means a partnership that:
98 (a) includes at least:
99 (i) a local education agency that has designated an eligible school feeder pattern;
100 (ii) a local nonprofit organization;
101 (iii) a private business;
102 (iv) a municipality or county in which the eligible school feeder pattern is located;
103 (v) an institution of higher education within the state;
104 (vi) a state or local government agency that provides services to students attending
105 schools within the eligible school feeder pattern;
106 (vii) a local philanthropic organization; and
107 (viii) a local health care organization; and
108 (b) has designated a local education agency or local nonprofit organization to act as
109 lead applicant for a grant described in this part.
110 (4) "Eligible school feeder pattern" means the succession of schools that a student
111 enrolls in as the student progresses from kindergarten through grade 12 that includes, as
112 designated by a local education agency:
113 (a) a high school;
114 (b) an eligible junior high school that:
115 (i) is a district school within the geographic boundary of the high school described in
116 Subsection (4)(a); or
117 (ii) is a charter school that sends at least 50% of the charter school's students to the
118 high school described in Subsection (4)(a); and
119 (c) an eligible elementary school that:
120 (i) is a district school within the geographic boundary of the high school described in
121 Subsection (4)(a); or
122 (ii) is a charter school that sends at least 50% of the charter school's students to the
123 junior high school described in Subsection (4)(b).
124 (5) "Local education agency" means a school district or charter school.
125 Section 5. Section 53A-4-303 is enacted to read:
126 53A-4-303. Partnerships for Student Success Grant Program established.
127 (1) There is created the Partnerships for Student Success Grant Program to improve
128 educational outcomes for low income students through the formation of cross sector
129 partnerships that use data to align and improve efforts focused on student success.
130 (2) Subject to legislative appropriations, the board shall award grants to eligible
131 partnerships that enter into a memorandum of understanding between the members of the
132 eligible partnership to plan or implement a partnership that:
133 (a) establishes shared goals, outcomes, and measurement practices based on unique
134 community needs and interests that:
135 (i) are aligned with the recommendations of the five- and ten-year plan to address
136 intergenerational poverty described in Section 35A-9-303; and
137 (ii) address, for students attending a school within an eligible school feeder pattern:
138 (A) kindergarten readiness;
139 (B) grade 3 mathematics and reading proficiency;
140 (C) grade 8 mathematics and reading proficiency;
141 (D) high school graduation;
142 (E) postsecondary education attainment;
143 (F) physical and mental health; and
144 (G) development of career skills and readiness;
145 (b) coordinates and aligns services to:
146 (i) students attending schools within an eligible school feeder pattern; and
147 (ii) the families and communities of the students within an eligible school feeder
148 pattern;
149 (c) implements a system for:
150 (i) sharing data to monitor and evaluate shared goals and outcomes, in accordance with
151 state and federal law; and
152 (ii) accountability for shared goals and outcomes; and
153 (d) commits to providing matching funds as described in Section 53A-4-304.
154 (3) In making grant award determinations, the board shall prioritize funding for an
155 eligible partnership that:
156 (a) includes a low performing school as determined by the board; or
157 (b) addresses parent and community engagement.
158 (4) In awarding grants under this part, the board:
159 (a) shall distribute funds to the lead applicant designated by the eligible partnership as
160 described in Section 53A-4-302; and
161 (b) may not award more than $500,000 per fiscal year to an eligible partnership.
162 Section 6. Section 53A-4-304 is enacted to read:
163 53A-4-304. Matching funds -- Grantee requirements.
164 (1) (a) The board may not award a grant to an eligible partnership unless the eligible
165 partnership provides matching funds equal to two times the amount of the grant.
166 (b) The board shall ensure that at least half of the matching funds provided under
167 Subsection (1)(a) are provided by a local education agency.
168 (c) Matching funds may include cash or an in-kind contribution.
169 (2) A partnership that receives a grant under this part shall:
170 (a) select and contract with a technical assistance provider identified by the board as
171 described in Section 53A-4-305;
172 (b) continually assess progress toward reaching shared goals and outcomes;
173 (c) publish results of the continual assessment described in Subsection (2)(b) on an
174 annual basis;
175 (d) regularly report to the board in accordance with rules established by the board
176 under Section 53A-4-307; and
177 (e) as requested, share information and data with the third party evaluator described in
178 Section 53A-4-306, in accordance with state and federal law.
179 (3) A partnership that receives a grant under this part may use grant funds only for the
180 following purposes:
181 (a) to contract with a technical assistance provider identified by the board as described
182 in Section 53A-4-305; and
183 (b) to plan or implement a partnership, including:
184 (i) for project management;
185 (ii) for planning and adaptation of services and strategies;
186 (iii) to coordinate services;
187 (iv) to establish and implement shared measurement practices;
188 (v) to produce communication materials and conduct outreach activities to build public
189 support;
190 (vi) to establish data privacy and sharing agreements, in accordance with state and
191 federal law;
192 (vii) to purchase infrastructure, hardware, and software to collect and store data; or
193 (viii) to analyze data.
194 (4) (a) The board shall establish interventions for a partnership that:
195 (i) fails to comply with the requirements described in this section; or
196 (ii) is not making progress toward reaching the shared goals and outcomes established
197 by the partnership as described in Section 53A-4-303.
198 (b) An intervention under Subsection (4)(a) may include discontinuing or reducing
199 funding.
200 Section 7. Section 53A-4-305 is enacted to read:
201 53A-4-305. Technical assistance.
202 (1) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code, the board shall
203 identify two or more technical assistance providers that a partnership may select from to assist
204 the partnership in:
205 (a) establishing shared goals, outcomes, and measurement practices;
206 (b) creating the capabilities to achieve shared goals and outcomes that may include
207 providing leadership development training to members of the partnership; and
208 (c) using data to align and improve efforts focused on student success.
209 (2) In identifying technical assistance providers under this section the board shall
210 identify providers that have a credible track record of providing technical assistance as
211 described in Subsection (1).
212 Section 8. Section 53A-4-306 is enacted to read:
213 53A-4-306. Independent evaluation -- Reporting.
214 (1) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code, the board shall
215 contract with an independent evaluator to annually evaluate a partnership that receives a grant
216 under this part.
217 (2) The evaluation described in Subsection (1) shall:
218 (a) assess implementation of a partnership, including the extent to which members of a
219 partnership:
220 (i) share data to align and improve efforts focused on student success; and
221 (ii) meet regularly and communicate authentically; and
222 (b) assess the impact of a partnership on student outcomes using appropriate statistical
223 evaluation methods.
224 (3) In identifying an independent evaluator under Subsection (1), the board shall
225 identify an evaluator that:
226 (a) has a credible track record of conducting evaluations as described in Subsection (2);
227 and
228 (b) is independent of any member of the partnership and does not otherwise have a
229 vested interest in the outcome of the evaluation.
230 (4) Beginning in the 2017-18 school year, the board shall ensure that the independent
231 evaluator:
232 (a) prepares an annual written report of an evaluation conducted under this section; and
233 (b) annually submits the report to the Education Interim Committee.
234 Section 9. Section 53A-4-307 is enacted to read:
235 53A-4-307. Rules.
236 In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
237 board shall make rules to administer the Partnerships for Student Success Grant Program in
238 accordance with this part.
239 Section 10. Appropriation.
240 Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, for
241 the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016, and ending June 30, 2017, the following sums of money
242 are appropriated from resources not otherwise appropriated, or reduced from amounts
243 previously appropriated, out of the funds or amounts indicated. These sums of money are in
244 addition to amounts previously appropriated for fiscal year 2017.
245 To State Board of Education - State Office of Education - Initiative Programs
246 From General Fund
247 Schedule of Programs:
248 Contracts and Grants -
249 Partnerships for Student Success $5,000,000
250 The Legislature intends that, under Section 63J-1-603, appropriations under this
251 section not lapse at the close of fiscal year 2017.
Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel