8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies Title 13, Commerce and Trade, regarding pawn and secondhand
10 businesses.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ defines a retail media item and provides that these items are not subject to
14 secondhand business provisions;
15 ▸ modifies provisions regarding the disposition of property, including:
16 • notice from law enforcement to the pawn or secondhand business; and
17 • the return of an item to the original victim after it has been held or seized;
18 ▸ modifies the procedure for the disposition of an item no longer needed for
19 investigation or prosecution, including the procedure for pawn or secondhand
20 businesses to contest the disposition; and
21 ▸ modifies provisions regarding the Secondhand Merchandise Advisory Board,
22 including recommendations and appointment of members.
23 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
24 None
25 Other Special Clauses:
26 None
27 Utah Code Sections Affected:
29 13-32a-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapters 124 and 187
30 13-32a-109, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 124
31 13-32a-109.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 284
32 13-32a-112, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 284
33 13-32a-115, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapters 144 and 189
34 13-32a-116, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 284
36 13-32a-116.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
38 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
39 Section 1. Section 13-32a-102 is amended to read:
40 13-32a-102. Definitions.
41 As used in this chapter:
42 (1) "Account" means the Pawnbroker and Secondhand Merchandise Operations
43 Restricted Account created in Section 13-32a-113.
44 (2) "Antique item" means an item:
45 (a) that is generally older than 25 years;
46 (b) whose value is based on age, rarity, condition, craftsmanship, or collectability;
47 (c) that is furniture or other decorative objects produced in a previous time period, as
48 distinguished from new items of a similar nature; and
49 (d) obtained from auctions, estate sales, other antique shops, and individuals.
50 (3) "Antique shop" means a business operating at an established location and that
51 offers for sale antique items.
52 (4) "Board" means the [
53 created by this chapter.
54 (5) "Central database" or "database" means the electronic database created and
55 operated under Section 13-32a-105.
56 (6) "Coin" means a piece of currency, usually metallic and usually in the shape of a
57 disc that is:
58 (a) stamped metal, and issued by a government as monetary currency; or
59 (b) (i) worth more than its current value as currency; and
60 (ii) worth more than its metal content value.
61 (7) "Coin dealer" means a person or business whose sole business activity is the selling
62 and purchasing of coins and precious metals.
63 (8) "Commercial grade precious metals" or "precious metals" means ingots, monetized
64 bullion, art bars, medallions, medals, tokens, and currency that are marked by the refiner or
65 fabricator indicating their fineness and include:
66 (a) .99 fine or finer ingots of gold, silver, platinum, palladium, or other precious
67 metals; or
68 (b) .925 fine sterling silver ingots, art bars, and medallions.
69 (9) "Division" means the Division of Consumer Protection in Title 13, Chapter 1,
70 Department of Commerce.
71 (10) "Identification" means a valid [
72 [
73 passport card, [
74 (11) "Local law enforcement agency" means the law enforcement agency that has
75 direct responsibility for ensuring compliance with central database reporting requirements for
76 the jurisdiction where the pawnshop or secondhand business is located.
77 (12) "Misappropriated" means stolen, embezzled, converted, obtained by theft, or
78 otherwise appropriated without authority of the lawful owner.
79 (13) "Original victim" means a victim who is not a party to the pawn or sale transaction
80 and includes:
81 (a) an authorized representative designated in writing by the original victim; and
82 (b) an insurer who has indemnified the original victim for the loss of the described
83 property.
84 (14) "Pawnbroker" means a person whose business engages in the following activities:
85 (a) loans money on one or more deposits of personal property;
86 (b) deals in the purchase, exchange, or possession of personal property on condition of
87 selling the same property back again to the pledgor or depositor;
88 (c) loans or advances money on personal property by taking chattel mortgage security
89 on the property and takes or receives the personal property into his possession, and who sells
90 the unredeemed pledges;
91 (d) deals in the purchase, exchange, or sale of used or secondhand merchandise or
92 personal property; or
93 (e) engages in a licensed business enterprise as a pawnshop.
94 (15) "Pawn and secondhand business" means any business operated by a pawnbroker
95 or secondhand merchandise dealer, or the owner or operator of the business.
96 [
97 conducts business.
98 [
99 transaction is entered when the pawn transaction is made.
100 [
101 delivers property to a pawnbroker for an advance of money and retains the right to redeem the
102 property for the redemption price within a fixed period of time.
103 (19) "Pledgor" means a person who conducts a pawn transaction with a pawnshop.
104 (20) "Property" means any tangible personal property.
105 (21) "Register" means the record of information required under this chapter to be
106 maintained by pawn and secondhand businesses. The register is an electronic record that is in a
107 format that is compatible with the central database.
108 (22) "Retail media item" means recorded music, a movie, or a video game that is
109 produced and distributed in hard copy format for retail sale.
110 [
111 (a) for its gold, silver, or platinum content; and
112 (b) for the purpose of reuse of the metal content.
113 [
114 business that:
115 (i) deals in the purchase, exchange, or sale of used or secondhand merchandise or
116 personal property; and
117 (ii) does not function as a pawnbroker.
118 (b) "Secondhand merchandise dealer" does not include:
119 (i) the owner or operator of an antique shop;
120 (ii) any class of businesses exempt by administrative rule under Section 13-32a-112.5;
121 (iii) any person or entity who operates auction houses, flea markets, or vehicle, vessel,
122 and outboard motor dealers as defined in Section 41-1a-102;
123 (iv) the sale of secondhand goods at events commonly known as "garage sales," "yard
124 sales," or "estate sales";
125 (v) the sale or receipt of secondhand books, magazines, or post cards;
126 (vi) the sale or receipt of used merchandise donated to recognized nonprofit, religious,
127 or charitable organizations or any school-sponsored association, and for which no
128 compensation is paid;
129 (vii) the sale or receipt of secondhand clothing and shoes;
130 (viii) any person offering his own personal property for sale, purchase, consignment, or
131 trade via the Internet;
132 (ix) any person or entity offering the personal property of others for sale, purchase,
133 consignment, or trade via the Internet, when that person or entity does not have, and is not
134 required to have, a local business or occupational license or other authorization for this activity;
135 (x) any owner or operator of a retail business that:
136 (A) receives used merchandise as a trade-in for similar new merchandise ; or
137 (B) receives used retail media items as a trade-in for similar new or used retail media
138 items;
139 (xi) an owner or operator of a business that contracts with other persons or entities to
140 offer those persons' secondhand goods for sale, purchase, consignment, or trade via the
141 Internet;
142 (xii) any dealer as defined in Section 76-6-1402, which concerns scrap metal and
143 secondary metals; or
144 (xiii) the purchase of items in bulk that are:
145 (A) sold at wholesale in bulk packaging;
146 (B) sold by a person licensed to conduct business in Utah; and
147 (C) regularly sold in bulk quantities as a recognized form of sale.
148 Section 2. Section 13-32a-109 is amended to read:
149 13-32a-109. Holding period for articles -- Return of articles -- Penalty.
150 (1) (a) A pawnbroker may sell an article pawned to the pawnbroker if:
151 (i) 15 days have passed since the day on which the contract between the pawnbroker
152 and the pledgor was executed;
153 (ii) the contract period between the pawnbroker and the pledgor has expired; and
154 (iii) the pawnbroker has complied with the requirements of Section 13-32a-106
155 regarding reporting to the central database and Section 13-32a-103.
156 (b) If an article, including scrap jewelry, is purchased by a pawn or secondhand
157 business or a coin dealer, the pawn or secondhand business or coin dealer may sell the article
158 after the pawn or secondhand business or coin dealer has held the article for 15 days and
159 complied with the requirements of Section 13-32a-106 regarding reporting to the central
160 database and Section 13-32a-103, except that pawn, secondhand, and coin dealer businesses are
161 not required to hold precious metals or coins under this Subsection (1)(b).
162 (c) This Subsection (1) does not preclude a law enforcement agency from requiring a
163 pawn or secondhand business to hold an article if necessary in the course of an investigation.
164 (i) If the article was pawned, the law enforcement agency may require the article be
165 held beyond the terms of the contract between the pledgor and the pawn broker.
166 (ii) If the article was sold to the pawn or secondhand business, the law enforcement
167 agency may require the article be held if the pawn or secondhand business has not sold the
168 article.
169 (d) If the law enforcement agency requesting a hold on property under this Subsection
170 (1) is not the local law enforcement agency, the requesting law enforcement agency shall notify
171 the local law enforcement agency of the request and also the pawn or secondhand business.
172 (2) If a law enforcement agency requires the pawn or secondhand business to hold an
173 article as part of an investigation, the agency shall provide to the pawn or secondhand business
174 a hold ticket issued by the agency, which:
175 (a) states the active case number;
176 (b) confirms the date of the hold request and the article to be held; and
177 (c) facilitates the ability of the pawn or secondhand business to track the article when
178 the prosecution takes over the case.
179 (3) If an article is not seized by a law enforcement agency that has placed a hold on the
180 property, the property shall remain in the custody of the pawn or secondhand business until
181 further disposition by the law enforcement agency, and as consistent with this chapter.
182 (4) The initial hold by a law enforcement agency is for a period of 90 days. If the
183 article is not seized by the law enforcement agency, the article shall remain in the custody of
184 the pawn or secondhand business and is subject to the hold unless exigent circumstances
185 require the purchased or pawned article to be seized by the law enforcement agency.
186 (5) (a) A law enforcement agency may extend any hold for up to an additional 90 days
187 when exigent circumstances require the extension.
188 (b) When there is an extension of a hold under Subsection (5)(a), the requesting law
189 enforcement agency shall notify the pawn or secondhand business that is subject to the hold
190 prior to the expiration of the initial 90 days.
191 (c) A law enforcement agency may not hold an item for more than the 180 days
192 allowed under Subsections (5)(a) and (b) without obtaining a court order authorizing the hold.
193 (6) A hold on an article under Subsection (2) takes precedence over any request to
194 claim or purchase the article subject to the hold.
195 (7) When the purpose for the hold on or seizure of an article for which an original
196 victim who has complied with Section 13-32a-115 has not been identified is terminated, the
197 law enforcement agency requiring the hold or seizure shall within 15 days after the termination:
198 (a) notify the pawn or secondhand business in writing that the hold or seizure has been
199 terminated;
200 (b) return the article subject to the seizure to the pawn or secondhand business; or
201 (c) if the article is not returned to the pawn or secondhand business, advise the pawn or
202 secondhand business either in writing or electronically of the specific alternative disposition of
203 the article.
204 (8) (a) When the purpose for the hold on or seizure of an article, for which an original
205 victim who has complied with Section 13-32a-115 has been identified is terminated, the law
206 enforcement agency requiring the hold or seizure shall:
207 (i) document the original victim who has positively identified the item of property; and
208 (ii) provide the documented information concerning the original victim to the
209 prosecuting agency to determine whether continued possession of the article is necessary for
210 purposes of prosecution, as provided in Section 24-3-103.
211 (b) If the prosecuting agency determines that continued possession of the article is not
212 necessary for purposes of prosecution, as provided in Section 24-3-103, the prosecuting agency
213 shall provide a written or electronic notification to the law enforcement agency which
214 authorizes the return of the article to an original victim who has complied with Section
215 13-32a-115.
216 (c) (i) A law enforcement agency shall promptly provide notice to the pawn or
217 secondhand business of the authorized return of the article under this Subsection (8).
218 (ii) The notice shall identify the original victim, advise the pawn or secondhand
219 business that the original victim has identified the article, and direct the pawn or secondhand
220 business to release the article to the original victim at no cost to the original victim, or if the
221 article was seized, the notice shall advise that the article will be returned to the original victim
222 within 15 days, except as provided under Subsection (8)(d).
223 (d) The pawn or secondhand business shall release an article under Subsection (8)(c)
224 unless within 15 days of receiving the notice the pawn or secondhand business complies with
225 Section 13-32a-116.5.
226 [
227 business that a hold on an item has expired, the pawn or secondhand business shall send a letter
228 by registered or certified mail to the law enforcement agency that ordered the hold and inform
229 the agency that the holding period has expired. The law enforcement agency shall respond
230 within 30 days by:
231 (a) confirming that the holding period has expired and that the pawn or secondhand
232 business may manage the item as if acquired in the ordinary course of business; or
233 (b) providing written notice to the pawn or secondhand business that a court order has
234 continued the period of time for which the item shall be held.
235 [
236 when:
237 (a) personally delivered to the pawn or secondhand business with a signed receipt of
238 delivery;
239 (b) delivered to the pawn or secondhand business by registered or certified mail; or
240 (c) delivered by any other means with the mutual assent of the law enforcement agency
241 and the pawn or secondhand business.
242 [
243 Subsection [
244 the ordinary course of business.
245 [
246 civil penalties under Section 13-32a-110.
247 Section 3. Section 13-32a-109.5 is amended to read:
248 13-32a-109.5. Seizure of property -- Notification to pawn or secondhand business.
249 [
250 pawn or secondhand business is necessary under this chapter during the course of a criminal
251 investigation, in addition to the holding provisions under Section 13-32a-109, the law
252 enforcement agency shall:
253 [
254 [
255 that:
256 [
257 [
258 [
259 [
260 [
261 investigation; and
262 [
263 article when the prosecution agency takes over the case.
264 [
268 [
271 [
272 [
275 [
276 [
279 Section 4. Section 13-32a-112 is amended to read:
280 13-32a-112. Secondhand Merchandise Advisory Board -- Membership --
281 Quorum.
282 (1) There is created within the division the Secondhand Merchandise Advisory Board.
283 The board consists of 13 voting members and one nonvoting member:
284 (a) one representative of the Utah Chiefs of Police Association;
285 (b) one representative of the Utah Sheriffs Association;
286 (c) one representative of the Statewide Association of Prosecutors;
287 (d) one representative of the Utah Municipal Prosecutors' Association;
288 (e) three representatives from the pawnshop industry[
289 (f) three representatives from the secondhand merchandise business industry[
290 (g) one representative from the coin dealer industry [
294 [
295 Subsections (1)(a) through [
296 [
297 secondhand businesses and who is appointed by the board members under Subsections (1)(a)
298 through [
299 [
300 (2) (a) The board shall prepare recommendations for the appointment of members
301 under Subsections (1)(a) through (g), and Subsection (1)(j), and shall forward its
302 recommendations to the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, which shall make the
303 appointments.
304 (b) The members under Subsections (1)(e), (f), and (g) shall represent three separate
305 pawnshops, three separate secondhand merchandise dealers, and one coin dealer, each of which
306 are owned by a separate person or entity.
307 (c) In appointing members from the individuals recommended under Subsection (2)(a),
308 the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice shall give consideration to recommendations
309 by members of the respective occupations and professions and by their representative
310 organizations.
311 (3) (a) Each member of the board shall be appointed to a term of not more than four
312 years, and may be reappointed upon expiration of the member's term.
313 (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3)(a), the Commission on
314 Criminal and Juvenile Justice shall, at the time of appointments or reappointments, adjust the
315 length of terms to ensure that the terms of board members are staggered so that approximately
316 half of the board is appointed every two years.
317 [
318 majority of the members present at the board's first meeting each year.
319 (b) The chair shall preside over the board for a period of one year.
320 (c) The advisory board shall meet quarterly upon the call of the chair.
321 (d) A quorum of nine members is required for the board to take action.
322 [
323 with this chapter and other applicable state laws for any person who owns or is employed by a
324 pawn or secondhand business subject to this chapter.
325 (b) Each training session shall provide no fewer than two hours of training.
326 [
327 January 1 shall ensure one or more persons employed by the pawn or secondhand business each
328 participate in no fewer than two hours of compliance training within that year.
329 (b) This requirement does not limit the number of employees, directors, or officers of a
330 pawn or secondhand business who attend the compliance training.
331 [
332 accrued by each pawn or secondhand business.
333 [
334 of compliance upon completion by an employee of the two hours of compliance training under
335 Subsection [
336 [
338 of compliance training yearly.
339 (b) Subsection [
340 attend the compliance training.
341 [
342 (a) pawn and secondhand business industry standards for best practices;
343 (b) standardized property descriptions for the database created under this chapter; and
344 (c) a roster of software programs for pawn and secondhand businesses setting out
345 minimum basic requirements for functionality.
346 [
347 regarding law enforcement agency practices perceived to be inconsistent with this chapter. The
348 board may refer the complaints to the Peace Officers Standards and Training Division.
349 Section 5. Section 13-32a-115 is amended to read:
350 13-32a-115. Criminal investigation -- Prosecution -- Property disposition.
351 (1) If the property pawned or sold to a pawn or secondhand business is the subject of a
352 criminal investigation and a hold has been placed on the property under Section 13-32a-109,
353 the original victim shall do the following to establish a claim:
354 (a) positively identify to law enforcement the item stolen or lost;
355 (b) if a police report has not already been filed for the original theft or loss of property,
356 file a police report, and provide for the law enforcement agency information surrounding the
357 original theft or loss of property; and
358 (c) give a sworn statement under penalty of law that:
359 (i) claims ownership of the property;
360 (ii) references the original theft or loss; and
361 (iii) identifies the perpetrator if known.
362 (2) The pawn or secondhand business shall retain possession of any property subject to
363 a hold until a criminal prosecution is commenced relating to the property for which the hold
364 was placed unless:
365 (a) during the course of a criminal investigation the actual physical possession by law
366 enforcement of an article purchased or pawned is essential for the purpose of fingerprinting the
367 property, chemical testing of the property, or if the property contains unique or sensitive
368 personal identifying information; or
369 (b) an agreement between the original victim and the pawn or secondhand business to
370 return the property is reached.
371 (3) (a) Upon the commencement of a criminal prosecution, any article subject to a hold
372 for investigation under this chapter may be seized by the law enforcement agency which
373 requested the hold.
374 (b) Subsequent disposition of the property shall be consistent with [
376 [
379 (4) At all times during the course of a criminal investigation and subsequent
380 prosecution, the article subject to a law enforcement hold shall be kept secure by the pawn or
381 secondhand business subject to the hold unless a pawned or sold article has been seized by the
382 law enforcement agency pursuant to Section 13-32a-109.5.
383 Section 6. Section 13-32a-116 is amended to read:
384 13-32a-116. Property disposition -- Property subject to prosecution -- Property
385 not used as evidence.
386 [
387 subject of a criminal proceeding, and has been seized by law enforcement pursuant to Section
388 13-32a-115, the prosecuting agency shall notify the seizing agency, the original victim, and the
389 pawn or secondhand business [
390 prosecuting agency the prosecuting agency determines the article is no longer needed as
391 evidence pending resolution of the criminal case.
392 [
393 [
396 [
399 [
404 [
408 [
411 [
413 [
415 [
416 [
417 [
419 [
421 [
423 [
426 [
430 [
432 Section 7. Section 13-32a-116.5 is enacted to read:
433 13-32a-116.5. Contested Disposition of Articles - Procedure.
434 (1) If a pawn or secondhand business has received notice from a law enforcement
435 agency under Section 13-32a-109 that an article which was the subject of a hold or seizure shall
436 be returned to an identified original victim, the pawn or secondhand business may contest the
437 determination and seek a specific alternative disposition if within 15 days:
438 (a) the pawn or secondhand business gives notice to the identified original victim, by
439 certified mail, that the pawn or secondhand business contests the determination to return the
440 article to the original victim; and
441 (b) files a petition to determine rightful ownership of the article as provided in Section
442 24-3-104.
443 (2) A pawn or secondhand business is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor if the pawn or
444 secondhand business:
445 (a) holds or sells an article in violation of a notification from a law enforcement agency
446 that the item is to be returned to an original victim; and
447 (b) the pawn or secondhand business does not comply with the requirements of this
448 section within the time periods specified.