


Chief Sponsor: Gene Davis

House Sponsor: Lynn N. Hemingway


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends cruelty to animal provisions.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     makes it a crime to leave an animal tethered and unattended, under certain
13     conditions, in a manner that prevents the animal from reaching shelter; and
14          ▸     makes technical changes.
15     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
16          None
17     Other Special Clauses:
18          None
19     Utah Code Sections Affected:
20     AMENDS:
21          76-9-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 329
22          76-9-301.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 292
23          76-9-301.6, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 292
24          76-10-1602, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 167

26     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
27          Section 1. Section 76-9-301 is amended to read:

28          76-9-301. Cruelty to animals.
29          (1) As used in this section:
30          (a) (i) "Abandon" means to intentionally deposit, leave, or drop off any live animal:
31          (A) without providing for the care of that animal, in accordance with accepted animal
32     husbandry practices or customary farming practices; or
33          (B) in a situation where conditions present an immediate, direct, and serious threat to
34     the life, safety, or health of the animal.
35          (ii) "Abandon" does not include returning wildlife to its natural habitat.
36          (b) (i) "Animal" means, except as provided in Subsection (1)(b)(ii), a live, nonhuman
37     vertebrate creature.
38          (ii) "Animal" does not include:
39          (A) a live, nonhuman vertebrate creature, if:
40          (I) the conduct toward the creature, and the care provided to the creature, is in
41     accordance with accepted animal husbandry practices; and
42          (II) the creature is:
43          (Aa) owned or kept by a zoological park that is accredited by, or a member of, the
44     American Zoo and Aquarium Association;
45          (Bb) kept, owned, or used for the purpose of training hunting dogs or raptors; or
46          (Cc) temporarily in the state as part of a circus or traveling exhibitor licensed by the
47     United States Department of Agriculture under 7 U.S.C. 2133;
48          (B) a live, nonhuman vertebrate creature that is owned, kept, or used for rodeo
49     purposes, if the conduct toward the creature, and the care provided to the creature, is in
50     accordance with accepted rodeo practices;
51          (C) livestock, if the conduct toward the creature, and the care provided to the creature,
52     is in accordance with accepted animal husbandry practices or customary farming practices; or
53          (D) wildlife, as defined in Section 23-13-2, including protected and unprotected
54     wildlife, if the conduct toward the wildlife is in accordance with lawful hunting, fishing, or
55     trapping practices or other lawful practices.
56          (c) "Companion animal" means an animal that is a domestic dog or a domestic cat.
57          (d) "Custody" means ownership, possession, or control over an animal.
58          (e) "Legal privilege" means an act that:

59          (i) is authorized by state law, including Division of Wildlife Resources rules; and
60          (ii) is not in violation of a local ordinance.
61          (f) "Livestock" means:
62          (i) domesticated:
63          (A) cattle;
64          (B) sheep;
65          (C) goats;
66          (D) turkeys;
67          (E) swine;
68          (F) equines;
69          (G) camelidae;
70          (H) ratites; or
71          (I) bison;
72          (ii) domesticated elk, as defined in Section 4-39-102; or
73          (iii) any domesticated nonhuman vertebrate creature, domestic furbearer, or domestic
74     poultry, raised, kept, or used for agricultural purposes.
75          (g) "Necessary food, water, care, or shelter" means the following, taking into account
76     the species, age, and physical condition of the animal:
77          (i) appropriate and essential food and water;
78          (ii) adequate protection, including appropriate shelter, against extreme weather
79     conditions; and
80          (iii) other essential care.
81          (h) (i) "Shelter," as the term relates to an animal other than a dog or cat, means natural
82     or artificial protection against inclement weather and direct sunlight.
83          (ii) "Shelter," as it relates to a dog or cat, means a barn, dog house, or other enclosed
84     structure that:
85          (A) is sufficiently sound to protect against inclement weather and extreme
86     temperatures;
87          (B) prevents penetration by moisture;
88          (C) includes, in an appropriate size for the dog or cat, a floor with a solid surface, a
89     roof, coverage on all sides, a door or entry portal, and sufficient space to allow for freedom of

90     movement;
91          (D) contains hay, straw, bedding, or a safe, artificial heat source, that allows the dog or
92     cat to maintain a normal body temperature; and
93          (E) is adequately ventilated and clean.
94          (iii) "Shelter" does not include:
95          (A) a crawl space under a building or a part of a building;
96          (B) steps, a deck, or a stoop;
97          (C) a vehicle or the space under a vehicle;
98          (D) an animal carrier or crate designed for temporary transport or temporary housing;
99          (E) a structure made of cardboard or another material that is easily degradable; or
100          (F) a structure with a wire floor or a chain link floor.
101          [(h)] (i) "Torture" means intentionally or knowingly causing or inflicting extreme
102     physical pain to an animal in an especially heinous, atrocious, cruel, or exceptionally depraved
103     manner.
104          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (4) or (6), a person is guilty of cruelty to an
105     animal if the person, without legal privilege to do so, intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or
106     with criminal negligence:
107          (a) fails to provide necessary food, water, care, or shelter for an animal in the person's
108     custody;
109          (b) abandons an animal in the person's custody;
110          (c) injures an animal;
111          (d) leaves an animal in the person's custody tethered and unattended in a manner that
112     prevents the animal from reaching shelter:
113          (i) when the temperature is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit or above 85 degrees
114     Fahrenheit; or
115          (ii) when the animal is exposed to wind above 40 miles per hour, or to rain, hail, or
116     snow;
117          [(d)] (e) causes any animal, not including a dog or game fowl, to fight with another
118     animal of like kind for amusement or gain; or
119          [(e)] (f) causes any animal, including a dog or game fowl, to fight with a different kind
120     of animal or creature for amusement or gain.

121          (3) Except as provided in Section 76-9-301.7, a violation of Subsection (2) is:
122          (a) a class B misdemeanor if committed intentionally or knowingly; and
123          (b) a class C misdemeanor if committed recklessly or with criminal negligence.
124          (4) A person is guilty of aggravated cruelty to an animal if the person:
125          (a) tortures an animal;
126          (b) administers, or causes to be administered, poison or a poisonous substance to an
127     animal; or
128          (c) kills an animal or causes an animal to be killed without having a legal privilege to
129     do so.
130          (5) Except as provided in Subsection (6) or Section 76-9-301.7, a violation of
131     Subsection (4) is:
132          (a) a class A misdemeanor if committed intentionally or knowingly;
133          (b) a class B misdemeanor if committed recklessly; and
134          (c) a class C misdemeanor if committed with criminal negligence.
135          (6) A person is guilty of a third degree felony if the person intentionally or knowingly
136     tortures a companion animal.
137          (7) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that the conduct of the actor towards
138     the animal was:
139          (a) by a licensed veterinarian using accepted veterinary practice;
140          (b) directly related to bona fide experimentation for scientific research, provided that if
141     the animal is to be destroyed, the manner employed will not be unnecessarily cruel unless
142     directly necessary to the veterinary purpose or scientific research involved;
143          (c) permitted under Section 18-1-3;
144          (d) by a person who humanely destroys any animal found suffering past recovery for
145     any useful purpose; or
146          (e) by a person who humanely destroys any apparently abandoned animal found on the
147     person's property.
148          (8) For purposes of Subsection (7)(d), before destroying the suffering animal, the
149     person who is not the owner of the animal shall obtain:
150          (a) the judgment of a veterinarian of the animal's nonrecoverable condition;
151          (b) the judgment of two other persons called by the person to view the unrecoverable

152     condition of the animal in the person's presence;
153          (c) the consent from the owner of the animal to the destruction of the animal; or
154          (d) a reasonable conclusion that the animal's suffering is beyond recovery, through the
155     person's own observation, if the person is in a location or circumstance where the person is
156     unable to contact another person.
157          (9) This section does not affect or prohibit:
158          (a) the training, instruction, and grooming of animals, if the methods used are in
159     accordance with accepted animal husbandry practices or customary farming practices;
160          (b) the use of an electronic locating or training collar by the owner of an animal for the
161     purpose of lawful animal training, lawful hunting practices, or protecting against loss of that
162     animal; or
163          (c) the lawful hunting of, fishing for, or trapping of, wildlife.
164          (10) County and municipal governments may not prohibit the use of an electronic
165     locating or training collar.
166          (11) Upon conviction under this section, the court may in its discretion, in addition to
167     other penalties:
168          (a) order the defendant to be evaluated to determine the need for psychiatric or
169     psychological counseling, to receive counseling as the court determines to be appropriate, and
170     to pay the costs of the evaluation and counseling;
171          (b) require the defendant to forfeit any rights the defendant has to the animal subjected
172     to a violation of this section and to repay the reasonable costs incurred by any person or agency
173     in caring for each animal subjected to violation of this section;
174          (c) order the defendant to no longer possess or retain custody of any animal, as
175     specified by the court, during the period of the defendant's probation or parole or other period
176     as designated by the court; and
177          (d) order the animal to be placed for the purpose of adoption or care in the custody of a
178     county or municipal animal control agency or an animal welfare agency registered with the
179     state to be sold at public auction or humanely destroyed.
180          (12) This section does not prohibit the use of animals in lawful training.
181          (13) A veterinarian who, acting in good faith, reports a violation of this section to law
182     enforcement may not be held civilly liable for making the report.

183          Section 2. Section 76-9-301.5 is amended to read:
184          76-9-301.5. Spectator at organized animal fighting exhibitions.
185          It is unlawful for a person to knowingly be present as a spectator at any place, building,
186     or tenement where preparations are being made for an exhibition of the fighting of animals, as
187     prohibited by Subsections 76-9-301(2)[(d) and] (e) and (f), or to be present at such exhibition,
188     regardless of whether any entrance fee has been charged. A person who violates this section is
189     guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
190          Section 3. Section 76-9-301.6 is amended to read:
191          76-9-301.6. Dog fighting exhibition -- Authority to arrest and take possession of
192     dogs and property.
193          (1) A peace officer as defined in Title 53, Chapter 13, Peace Officer Classifications,
194     may enter any place, building, or tenement where an exhibition of dog fighting is occurring, or
195     where preparations are being made for such an exhibition and, without a warrant, arrest all
196     persons present.
197          (2) (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 76-9-305, any authorized officer who
198     makes an arrest under Subsection (1) may lawfully take possession of all dogs, paraphernalia,
199     implements, or other property or things used or employed, or to be employed, in an exhibition
200     of dog fighting prohibited by Subsection 76-9-301(2)[(e)] (f) or Section 76-9-301.1.
201          (b) The officer, at the time of the taking of property pursuant to Subsection (2)(a), shall
202     state his name and provide other identifying information to the person in charge of the dogs or
203     property taken.
204          (3) (a) After taking possession of dogs, paraphernalia, implements, or other property or
205     things under Subsection (2), the officer shall file an affidavit with the judge or magistrate
206     before whom a complaint has been made against any person arrested under this section.
207          (b) The affidavit shall include:
208          (i) the name of the person charged in the complaint;
209          (ii) a description of all property taken;
210          (iii) the time and place of the taking of the property;
211          (iv) the name of the person from whom the property was taken;
212          (v) the name of the person who claims to own the property, if known; and
213          (vi) a statement that the officer has reason to believe and believes that the property

214     taken was used or employed, or was to be used or employed, in violation of Section 76-9-301
215     or 76-9-301.1, and the grounds for the belief.
216          (4) (a) The officer shall deliver the confiscated property to the judge or magistrate who
217     shall, by order, place the property in the custody of the officer or any other person designated in
218     the order, and that person shall keep the property until conviction or final discharge of the
219     person against whom the complaint was made.
220          (b) The person designated in Subsection (4)(a) shall assume immediate custody of the
221     property, and retain the property until further order of the court.
222          (c) Upon conviction of the person charged, all confiscated property shall be forfeited
223     and destroyed or otherwise disposed of, as the court may order.
224          (d) If the person charged is acquitted or discharged without conviction, the court shall,
225     on demand, order the property to be returned to its owner.
226          Section 4. Section 76-10-1602 is amended to read:
227          76-10-1602. Definitions.
228          As used in this part:
229          (1) "Enterprise" means any individual, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation,
230     business trust, association, or other legal entity, and any union or group of individuals
231     associated in fact although not a legal entity, and includes illicit as well as licit entities.
232          (2) "Pattern of unlawful activity" means engaging in conduct which constitutes the
233     commission of at least three episodes of unlawful activity, which episodes are not isolated, but
234     have the same or similar purposes, results, participants, victims, or methods of commission, or
235     otherwise are interrelated by distinguishing characteristics. Taken together, the episodes shall
236     demonstrate continuing unlawful conduct and be related either to each other or to the
237     enterprise. At least one of the episodes comprising a pattern of unlawful activity shall have
238     occurred after July 31, 1981. The most recent act constituting part of a pattern of unlawful
239     activity as defined by this part shall have occurred within five years of the commission of the
240     next preceding act alleged as part of the pattern.
241          (3) "Person" includes any individual or entity capable of holding a legal or beneficial
242     interest in property, including state, county, and local governmental entities.
243          (4) "Unlawful activity" means to directly engage in conduct or to solicit, request,
244     command, encourage, or intentionally aid another person to engage in conduct which would

245     constitute any offense described by the following crimes or categories of crimes, or to attempt
246     or conspire to engage in an act which would constitute any of those offenses, regardless of
247     whether the act is in fact charged or indicted by any authority or is classified as a misdemeanor
248     or a felony:
249          (a) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Title 13, Chapter 10, Unauthorized
250     Recording Practices Act;
251          (b) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Title 19, Environmental Quality
252     Code, Sections 19-1-101 through 19-7-109;
253          (c) taking, destroying, or possessing wildlife or parts of wildlife for the primary
254     purpose of sale, trade, or other pecuniary gain, in violation of Title 23, Wildlife Resources
255     Code of Utah, or Section 23-20-4;
256          (d) false claims for medical benefits, kickbacks, and any other act prohibited by Title
257     26, Chapter 20, Utah False Claims Act, Sections 26-20-1 through 26-20-12;
258          (e) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Title 32B, Chapter 4, Criminal
259     Offenses and Procedure Act;
260          (f) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Title 57, Chapter 11, Utah Uniform
261     Land Sales Practices Act;
262          (g) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Title 58, Chapter 37, Utah
263     Controlled Substances Act, or Title 58, Chapter 37b, Imitation Controlled Substances Act,
264     Title 58, Chapter 37c, Utah Controlled Substance Precursor Act, or Title 58, Chapter 37d,
265     Clandestine Drug Lab Act;
266          (h) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Title 61, Chapter 1, Utah Uniform
267     Securities Act;
268          (i) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah
269     Procurement Code;
270          (j) assault or aggravated assault, Sections 76-5-102 and 76-5-103;
271          (k) a threat of terrorism, Section 76-5-107.3;
272          (l) criminal homicide, Sections 76-5-201, 76-5-202, and 76-5-203;
273          (m) kidnapping or aggravated kidnapping, Sections 76-5-301 and 76-5-302;
274          (n) human trafficking, human smuggling, or aggravated human trafficking, Sections
275     76-5-308, 76-5-309, and 76-5-310;

276          (o) sexual exploitation of a minor, Section 76-5b-201;
277          (p) arson or aggravated arson, Sections 76-6-102 and 76-6-103;
278          (q) causing a catastrophe, Section 76-6-105;
279          (r) burglary or aggravated burglary, Sections 76-6-202 and 76-6-203;
280          (s) burglary of a vehicle, Section 76-6-204;
281          (t) manufacture or possession of an instrument for burglary or theft, Section 76-6-205;
282          (u) robbery or aggravated robbery, Sections 76-6-301 and 76-6-302;
283          (v) theft, Section 76-6-404;
284          (w) theft by deception, Section 76-6-405;
285          (x) theft by extortion, Section 76-6-406;
286          (y) receiving stolen property, Section 76-6-408;
287          (z) theft of services, Section 76-6-409;
288          (aa) forgery, Section 76-6-501;
289          (bb) fraudulent use of a credit card, Sections 76-6-506.2, 76-6-506.3, 76-6-506.5, and
290     76-6-506.6;
291          (cc) deceptive business practices, Section 76-6-507;
292          (dd) bribery or receiving bribe by person in the business of selection, appraisal, or
293     criticism of goods, Section 76-6-508;
294          (ee) bribery of a labor official, Section 76-6-509;
295          (ff) defrauding creditors, Section 76-6-511;
296          (gg) acceptance of deposit by insolvent financial institution, Section 76-6-512;
297          (hh) unlawful dealing with property by fiduciary, Section 76-6-513;
298          (ii) bribery or threat to influence contest, Section 76-6-514;
299          (jj) making a false credit report, Section 76-6-517;
300          (kk) criminal simulation, Section 76-6-518;
301          (ll) criminal usury, Section 76-6-520;
302          (mm) fraudulent insurance act, Section 76-6-521;
303          (nn) retail theft, Section 76-6-602;
304          (oo) computer crimes, Section 76-6-703;
305          (pp) identity fraud, Section 76-6-1102;
306          (qq) mortgage fraud, Section 76-6-1203;

307          (rr) sale of a child, Section 76-7-203;
308          (ss) bribery to influence official or political actions, Section 76-8-103;
309          (tt) threats to influence official or political action, Section 76-8-104;
310          (uu) receiving bribe or bribery by public servant, Section 76-8-105;
311          (vv) receiving bribe or bribery for endorsement of person as public servant, Section
312     76-8-106;
313          (ww) official misconduct, Sections 76-8-201 and 76-8-202;
314          (xx) obstruction of justice, Section 76-8-306;
315          (yy) acceptance of bribe or bribery to prevent criminal prosecution, Section 76-8-308;
316          (zz) false or inconsistent material statements, Section 76-8-502;
317          (aaa) false or inconsistent statements, Section 76-8-503;
318          (bbb) written false statements, Section 76-8-504;
319          (ccc) tampering with a witness or soliciting or receiving a bribe, Section 76-8-508;
320          (ddd) retaliation against a witness, victim, or informant, Section 76-8-508.3;
321          (eee) extortion or bribery to dismiss criminal proceeding, Section 76-8-509;
322          (fff) tampering with evidence, Section 76-8-510.5;
323          (ggg) falsification or alteration of government record, Section 76-8-511, if the record is
324     a record described in Title 20A, Election Code, or Title 36, Chapter 11, Lobbyist Disclosure
325     and Regulation Act;
326          (hhh) public assistance fraud in violation of Section 76-8-1203, 76-8-1204, or
327     76-8-1205;
328          (iii) unemployment insurance fraud, Section 76-8-1301;
329          (jjj) intentionally or knowingly causing one animal to fight with another, Subsection
330     76-9-301(2)[(d) or] (e) or (f), or Section 76-9-301.1;
331          (kkk) possession, use, or removal of explosives, chemical, or incendiary devices or
332     parts, Section 76-10-306;
333          (lll) delivery to common carrier, mailing, or placement on premises of an incendiary
334     device, Section 76-10-307;
335          (mmm) possession of a deadly weapon with intent to assault, Section 76-10-507;
336          (nnn) unlawful marking of pistol or revolver, Section 76-10-521;
337          (ooo) alteration of number or mark on pistol or revolver, Section 76-10-522;

338          (ppp) forging or counterfeiting trademarks, trade name, or trade device, Section
339     76-10-1002;
340          (qqq) selling goods under counterfeited trademark, trade name, or trade devices,
341     Section 76-10-1003;
342          (rrr) sales in containers bearing registered trademark of substituted articles, Section
343     76-10-1004;
344          (sss) selling or dealing with article bearing registered trademark or service mark with
345     intent to defraud, Section 76-10-1006;
346          (ttt) gambling, Section 76-10-1102;
347          (uuu) gambling fraud, Section 76-10-1103;
348          (vvv) gambling promotion, Section 76-10-1104;
349          (www) possessing a gambling device or record, Section 76-10-1105;
350          (xxx) confidence game, Section 76-10-1109;
351          (yyy) distributing pornographic material, Section 76-10-1204;
352          (zzz) inducing acceptance of pornographic material, Section 76-10-1205;
353          (aaaa) dealing in harmful material to a minor, Section 76-10-1206;
354          (bbbb) distribution of pornographic films, Section 76-10-1222;
355          (cccc) indecent public displays, Section 76-10-1228;
356          (dddd) prostitution, Section 76-10-1302;
357          (eeee) aiding prostitution, Section 76-10-1304;
358          (ffff) exploiting prostitution, Section 76-10-1305;
359          (gggg) aggravated exploitation of prostitution, Section 76-10-1306;
360          (hhhh) communications fraud, Section 76-10-1801;
361          (iiii) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of Part 19, Money Laundering and
362     Currency Transaction Reporting Act;
363          (jjjj) vehicle compartment for contraband, Section 76-10-2801;
364          (kkkk) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of the laws governing taxation in
365     this state; and
366          (llll) any act illegal under the laws of the United States and enumerated in 18 U.S.C.
367     Sec. 1961(1)(B), (C), and (D).

Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel