



Chief Sponsor: Lyle W. Hillyard

House Sponsor: Dean Sanpei


9     General Description:
10          This joint resolution amends joint legislative rules related to requests for
11     appropriations.
12     Highlighted Provisions:
13          This joint resolution:
14          ▸     requires additional information to be included in a request for appropriations;
15          ▸     addresses a request for appropriation being heard by an appropriations
16     subcommittee or the Executive Appropriations Committee; and
17          ▸     makes technical changes.
18     Special Clauses:
19          None
20     Legislative Rules Affected:
21     AMENDS:
22          JR4-3-101
23          JR4-3-201

25     Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
26          Section 1. JR4-3-101 is amended to read:
27          JR4-3-101. Request for appropriation.

28          (1) A legislator wishing to obtain funding for a project, program, or entity that has not
29     previously been funded, or to obtain additional or separate funding for a project, program, or
30     entity, shall file a request for appropriation with the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
31          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), a legislator may not file a request for
32     appropriation with the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst after noon on the 11th day of the
33     annual general session.
34          (b) After the date established by this Subsection (2), a legislator may file a request for
35     appropriation if:
36          (i) for a request by a House member, the representative makes a motion to file a request
37     for appropriation and that motion is approved by a constitutional majority of the House; or
38          (ii) for a request by a senator, the senator makes a motion to file a request for
39     appropriation and that motion is approved by a constitutional majority vote of the Senate.
40          (3) The request for appropriation shall [designate] include:
41          (a) a description of the project, program, or entity to be funded;
42          (b) the statewide public purpose for the funding;
43          (c) the state agency through which the funding would be administered;
44          [(b)] (d) the source for the funding;
45          [(c)] (e) the name of the chief sponsor, who is knowledgeable about and responsible for
46     providing pertinent information as the appropriation is processed;
47          (f) the contact information for any other individual, if any, who can provide pertinent
48     information as the appropriation is processed;
49          [(d)] (g) supporting legislators, if any, who wish to cosponsor the appropriation; [and]
50          [(e)] (h) the appropriation subcommittee to which the sponsor wishes the request to be
51     assigned, if any[.]; and
52          (i) supporting documentation such as:
53          (A) an itemized budget;
54          (B) a statement of goals, objectives, and deliverables;
55          (C) a schedule for accomplishing the goals, objectives, and deliverables; and
56          (D) performance measures and targets that will be used for assessing completion of the
57     goals, objectives, and deliverables.
58          Section 2. JR4-3-201 is amended to read:

59          JR4-3-201. Review and action on requests for appropriation.
60          (1) (a) The legislative fiscal analyst shall review each request for appropriation.
61          (b) If the request requires that a statute be enacted, amended, or repealed, the
62     legislative fiscal analyst shall immediately transfer the request to the Office of Legislative
63     Research and General Counsel as a request for legislation.
64          (c) If the request does not require that a statute be enacted, amended, or repealed, the
65     legislative fiscal analyst shall number and title the request and refer the request to:
66          (i) the House chair of the Executive Appropriations Committee, if the sponsor is a
67     House member; or
68          (ii) the Senate chair of the Executive Appropriations Committee, if the sponsor is a
69     Senate member.
70          (2) The House or Senate chair of the Executive Appropriations Committee shall refer
71     the request to the appropriate joint appropriations subcommittee or the Executive
72     Appropriations Committee.
73          (3) Each joint appropriations subcommittee, or the Executive Appropriations
74     Committee, that receives a request for appropriation shall at the earliest possible meeting of the
75     joint appropriations subcommittee or the Executive Appropriations Committee:
76          (a) allow the sponsor to present and discuss the request with the joint appropriations
77     subcommittee or Executive Appropriations Committee;
78          (b) discuss the request; and
79          (c) if heard by a joint appropriations subcommittee, do one of the following:
80          (i) include all or part of the requested appropriation in the budget recommendation
81     made by the joint appropriations subcommittee to the Executive Appropriations Committee;
82          (ii) reject the request; or
83          (iii) recommend to the Executive Appropriations Committee that all or part of the
84     requested appropriation be placed on a funding prioritization list as may be established by the
85     Executive Appropriations Committee.
86          (4) If a request for appropriation is not heard by a joint appropriations subcommittee or
87     the Executive Appropriations Committee, the item requested may not be included in an
88     appropriations act unless:
89          (a) for a request by a representative, the representative makes a motion to place the

90     request in an appropriations act and that motion is approved by a constitutional majority of the
91     House; or
92          (b) for a request by a senator, the senator makes a motion to place the request in an
93     appropriations act and that motion is approved by a constitutional majority of the Senate.

Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel