Room 30, House Building

February 4, 2016

Members Present:                Rep. Bradley G. Last, Chair

                                                Rep. V. Lowry Snow, Vice Chair

                                                Rep. LaVar Christensen

                                                Rep. Kim Coleman

                                                Rep. Bruce R. Cutler

                                                Rep. Steve Eliason

                                                Rep. Justin L. Fawson

                                                Rep. Francis D. Gibson

                                                Rep. Eric Hutchings

                                                Rep. David E. Lifferth

                                                Rep. Daniel McCay

                                                Rep. Carol Spackman Moss

                                                Rep. Marie H. Poulson           


Members Absent:                 Rep. Michael E. Noel                          


Staff Present:                        Ms. Tiffany Stanley, Policy Analyst

                                                Ms. Linda Service, Committee Secretary


Note: List of visitors and copy of handouts are filed with committee minutes.

Vice Chair Snow called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m.

MOTION:     Rep. Gibson moved to approve the minutes of January 27, 2016 and February 1, 2016. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Fawson, Rep. McCay, and Rep. Moss absent for the vote.


H.B. 217         Small School Funding (Rep. K. McIff)

Rep. McIff explained the bill and distributed the handout "Elective Course Offerings Piute High School vs. Larger School."

Spoke for the bill:

                        Ms. Nancy Kennedy, Utah School Boards Association

                        Dr. Sydnee Dickson, Acting State Superintendent of Public Instruction

MOTION:     Rep. Gibson moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Hutchings absent for the vote.


H.B. 175         Public Education Employment Amendments (Rep. K. Powell)

Rep. Powell explained the bill with the assistance of Mr. Everett Perry, Canyons School District, and Ms. Donnette McNeill-Waters, Granite School District.

Spoke for the bill:

                        Mr. James Judd, Human Resources Director, Wasatch County School District

                        Ms. Nancy Kennedy

Spoke to the bill:

                        Ms. Joan Andrews, Attorney

Spoke against the bill:

                        Ms. Becky Ivory, Most Sacred Trust

                        Ms. Regina Burton, Eagle Forum

                        Ms. Britta Schugk, Parent


Rep. Christensen requested that the minutes reference Utah Code, Section 53A-15-1503, regarding background checks for non-licensed employees, contract employees, volunteers, and charter school governing board members and Utah Code, Section 53A-6-502 regarding mandatory reporting of physical or sexual abuse of students.

MOTION:     Rep. Cutler moved to hold the bill. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Fawson, Rep. McCay, and Rep. Moss absent for the vote.

MOTION:     Rep. Poulson moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Fawson, Rep. McCay, and Rep. Moss absent for the vote. Chair Snow adjourned the meeting at 5:40 p.m.


Rep. Brad Last, Chair