Room 20 House Building

February 29, 2016

Members Present:                Rep. Becky Edwards, Chair

                                                Rep. John Westwood, Vice Chair

                                                Rep. Sophia DiCaro

                                                Rep. Timothy Hawkes

                                                Rep. Bradley G. Last

                                                Rep. Curt Oda

                                                Rep. Angela Romero

                                                Rep. Scott Sandall

                                                Rep. Robert Spendlove

                                                Rep. Mark Wheatley

                                                Rep. Brad R. Wilson

Staff Present:                        Mr. Ryan Hunter, Policy Analyst

                                                Ms. Glenda Van Wagenen, Committee Secretary

Note:      A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Chair Edwards called the meeting to order at 8:03 a.m.


H.C.R. 13       Concurrent Resolution Urging Congress to Support the Implementation of Utah's Sage-grouse Conservation Plan (S. Sandall)

Representative Sandall explained the bill to the committee with the assistance of, Jeff Hartley, Sage Grouse Planned Implementation Committee.


Greg Sheehan, Division of Wildlife Resources, answered questions from the committee.


MOTION:     Rep. Westwood moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. DiCaro, Rep. Oda, Rep. Romero, and Rep. Wheatley absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Hawkes moved to place the bill on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. DiCaro, Rep. Oda, Rep. Romero, and Rep. Wheatley absent for the vote.

H.B. 436         Housing and Homeless Reform Initiative (F. Gibson)

Rep. Gibson explained the bill to the committee.

Spoke for the bill:       Jackie Biskupski, Mayor, Salt Lake City

                                    Pamela Atkinson, community advocate

                                    Gail Miller, Co-Chair, Homeless Services Site Evaluation Committee

                                    Richard Snelgrove, Chair, Salt Lake County Council

                                    James Ebert, Commissioner, Weber County Commission

                                    Bryson Garbett, Pioneer Park Coalition

                                    Kathy Bray, Volunteers of America, Utah

                                    Elizabeth Klc, Utah Association of Counties

                                    Jason Mathis, Downtown Alliance/Salt Lake Chamber

                                    Erin Trenbeath-Murray, Salt Lake Community Action Program

                                    Jean Hill, Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City

                                    Matt Minkevitch, The Road Home

Spoke to the bill:        Burton Johnson, citizen

                                    Pete Henderson, Owner, Rio Grande Cafe


MOTION:     Rep. Westwood moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Sandall and Rep. Wilson absent for the vote.

S.B. 148 S01: Workforce Services Revision (T. Weiler)

Rep. Hawkes explained the bill to the committee, assisted by Kathy Bounous, Department of Workforce Services.


MOTION:     Rep. Sandall moved to delete S.B. 148 1st Substitute and replace it with S.B. 148 2nd Substitute. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Wilson absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Sandall moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Wilson absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Spendlove moved to place the bill on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Wilson absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Romero moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Wilson absent for the vote.

Chair Edwards adjourned the meeting at 9:32 a.m.


Rebecca P. Edwards, Chair