Room 30, House Building

January 29, 2016

Members Present:                Rep. Jack R. Draxler, Chair

                                                Rep. Brad M. Daw, Vice Chair

                                                Rep. Patrice M. Arent

                                                Rep. Rebecca Chavez-Houck 

                                                Rep. Fred C. Cox

                                                Rep. Merrill F. Nelson

                                                Rep. Lee B. Perry

Rep. Val L. Peterson

                                                Rep. Dean Sanpei

Members Absent:                 Rep. Keith Grover


Staff Present:                        Mr. Brian J. Bean, Policy Analyst

                                                Ms. Sandra Hash, Committee Secretary

Note:     A list of visitors and handouts are filed with committee minutes.

Vice Chair Daw called the meeting to order at 2:08 p.m.


MOTION:     Rep. Draxler moved to approve the minutes of the February 26, 2016 meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Chavez-Houck, Rep. Cox, Rep. Peterson, and Rep. Sanpei absent for vote.


H.B. 123         Office of Attorney General - Conflict of Interest (Rep. M. Noel)

The bill was not heard.

H.B. 133         Municipal Government Amendments (Rep. J. Anderegg)

Rep. Andregg explained the bill to the committee.


Spoke against the bill:            Cameron Diehl, Director of Government Relations, Utah League of

                                                Cities and Towns

                                                Gary Crane, Layton Attorney

                                                Don Christensen, West Valley City Council


MOTION:     Rep. Peterson moved to hold the bill. The motion passed unanimously.


H.B. 81           Government Employees Insurance Offerings Amendments (Rep. M. Kennedy)

Rep. Kennedy explained the bill to the committee with the assistance John Dougall, Utah State Auditor. The handout, "Opportunities for Financial Benefit Using High Deductible Medical Plans", was distributed to the committee.


Spoke to the bill:        Chet Loftis, Director, Public Employees Health Plan


MOTION:     Rep. Arent moved to amend the bill as follows:


1.    Page 3, Lines 69 through 71:   


69contribution shall be distributed into a health reimbursement account or other tax-advantaged

70 {  health care  } arrangement authorized under the Internal Revenue Code for the benefit of the


The motion passed unanimously.


MOTION:     Rep. Cox moved to pass H.B. 81 out favorably as amended. The motion passed     unanimously.


H.B. 70           Voter Eligibility Amendments (Rep. J. Briscoe)


Rep. Briscoe explained the bill to the committee and provided a handout, "Voter Eligibility."


Spoke to the bill:        Mark Thomas, Director of Elections, Office of the Lieutenant Governor


Spoke for the bill:       Jeff Nokes, Associate Professor, Brigham Young University


MOTION:     Rep. Perry moved to hold the bill. The motion passed unanimously.


H.B. 69           Qualified Political Party Amendments (Rep. F. Cox)


Rep. Cox explained the bill to the committee.


MOTION:     Rep. Draxler moved to pass H.B. 69 out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.


H.B.63            Fees for Government Records Requests (Rep. Brian S. King)


The bill was not considered.



MOTION:     Rep. Sanpei moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.


Vice Chair Daw adjourned the meeting at 3:15 p.m.











Rep. Jack Draxler, Chair