20 House Building, Utah State Capitol Complex

February 8, 2016

Members Present:                Rep. Kay L. McIff, Chair

                                                Rep. Robert M. Spendlove, Vice Chair

                                                Rep. Stewart E. Barlow

                                                Rep. Melvin R. Brown

                                                Rep. Rebecca Chavez-Houck

                                                Rep. Craig Hall

                                                Rep. Sandra Hollins

                                                Rep. Michael S. Kennedy

                                                Rep. Paul Ray

                                                Rep. Edward H. Redd

                                                Rep. Norman J. Thurston

                                                Rep. Raymond P. Ward

Staff Present:                        Ms. Megan L. Bolin, Policy Analyst

                                                Ms. Linda Black, House Secretary

Note:           A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes

Chair McIff called the meeting to order at 3:55 p.m.


MOTION:     Rep. Hall moved to approve the minutes of February 1, 2016, February 3, 2016, and February 4, 2016. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Brown, Rep. Ray, and Rep. Thurston absent for the vote.


H.B. 236         Charitable Prescription Drug Recycling Program (Rep. G. Froerer)

Rep. Froerer explained H.B. 236 to the committee with the assistance of Dr. Jack Wallin. A handout was provided.


MOTION:     Rep. Ward moved to replace H.B. 236 with 2nd Substitute H.B. 236. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Brown, Rep. Ray, Rep. Spendlove, and Rep. Thurston absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Barlow moved to pass 2nd Substitute H.B. 236 out favorably. The motion passed with Rep. Thurston voting in opposition.


H.B. 226         Early Intervention Amendments (Rep. D. Owens)

Rep. Owens explained H.B. 226 to the committee with the assistance of Joel Coleman, Superintendent, Utah School for the Deaf and Blind.


MOTION:     Rep. Thurston moved to pass H.B. 226 out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.


H.B. 18           Medicaid Preferred Drug List Amendments (Rep. R. Ward)

Rep. Ward explained the bill to the committee.

Handouts were provided by Rep. Ward and the following participants:

Molina Healthcare, Utah Association of Counties, Utah Behavioral Healthcare Committee, SUNOVION (3), Select Health, and Pharmacotherapy, "Assessment of Changes in Utilization of Health-Care Services After Implementation of a Prior Authorization Policy for Atypical Antipsychotic Agents"


MOTION:     Rep. Barlow moved to amend the bill as follows:


1.    Page 4, Lines 116 through 119:      


116 (g) {  Accountable  }  An accountable  care {  organizations  }  organization  that {  contract  }  contracts  with the state Medicaid program  , and is responsible for providing behavioral health services,  shall

117grant prior authorization for a psychotropic drug that is not on the preferred drug list

118established by the {  department  }  accountable care organization  if the health care provider has documentation showing {  at least

119one of the conditions listed in Subsections (2)(e)(i) through (vi) for  } the Medicaid client  meets the requirements of Subsection (2)(e)(v)  .


The motion passed unanimously.


MOTION:     Rep. Barlow moved to amend the bill as follows:



1.    Page 1, Line 20:  


20         amends the length of the prior authorization to two years;  

       ► requires the approval of injectible drugs under certain circumstances; 


2.    Page 1, Line 25:  



          requires a study of the placement of psychotropic drugs on the preferred drug list; and 


3.    Page 4, Line 111:       


111previously stabilized with a nonpreferred drug; {  or  }  

       (vi) the patient has been shown to tolerate an oral atypical antipsychotic drug, or has been previously stable on an oral atypical antipsychotic drug, and the health care provider determines that the individual needs a long acting injectible version of the same atypical antipsychotic drug; or  


4.    Page 5, Line 135:       


135the Department of Human Services.  

       (5) The department shall, prior to November 30, 2020 study the impact of placing antipsychotic drugs on the preferred drug list, including:

       (a) patient outcomes;

       (b) trends related to hospitalizations;

       (c) mortality data;

       (d) fiscal impact to the program;

       (e) expenditures of the savings under Subsection (4); and

       (f) other items as requested by the Legislature's Health and Humans Services Interim Committee.  



MOTION:     Rep. Ray moved to amend the bill as follows:


1.        Page 1, Line 20


20         amends the length of the prior authorization to two years;  

       ► requires the approval of injectible drugs under certain circumstances; 


2.        Page 1, Line 25



          requires a study of the placement of psychotropic drugs on the preferred drug list; and 


3.        Page 4, Line 111


111previously stabilized with a nonpreferred drug; {  or  }  

       (vi) the patient has been shown to tolerate an oral atypical antipsychotic drug, or has been previously stable on an oral atypical antipsychotic drug, and the health care provider determines that the individual needs a long acting injectible version of the same atypical antipsychotic drug; or  


4.          Page 5, Line 135 

135the Department of Human Services.  

(5) The department shall, prior to November 30, 2020 study and report to the Health and Human Services Interim Committee and the Social Services Appropriation Subcommittee the impact of placing antipsychotic drugs on the preferred drug list, including:

(a) patient outcomes;

(b) trends related to hospitalizations;

(c) mortality data;

(d) fiscal impact to the program;

(e) expenditures of the savings under Subsection (4); and

(f) other items as requested by the Legislature's Health and Humans Services Interim Committee.  


The motion passed unanimously.


Spoke for the bill:                   Elizabeth Klc, Utah Association of Counties

                                               Holly Ferrin, Utah Epilepsy Association

                                               Jennifer Dailey, Executive Director, Utah Association of Family                                              Physicians

                                               Mark Brinton, Utah Medical Association

                                               Joyce Delcourt, Legislative Coalition for People with Disabilities

                                               Dave Davis, Utah Retail Merchants Association


Spoke against the bill:            Mark Swenson

                                               Robert Jaramello, SUNOVION

                                               Santiago Cortez, Utah Abuse Council

                                               Sean Erickson, National Alliance on Mental Illness

                                               Liane Frederick, Crisis Intervention of Utah

                                               Rick Frendt, National Alliance on Mental Illness

                                               Jami Justice, National Alliance on Mental Illness


Spoke to the bill:                    Ron Gordon, Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice


MOTION:     Rep. Redd moved to pass H.B. 18 out favorably as amended.



MOTION:     Rep. Ray moved to hold the bill. The motion passed with Rep. Chavez-Houck and Rep. Ward voting in opposition


H.B. 229         System of Care Development (Rep. E. Redd)


The bill was not heard.


MOTION:     Rep. Spendlove moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.


Chair McIff adjourned the meeting at 5:55 p.m.





Kay McIff, Chair