This document includes Senate 2nd and 3rd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 11:56 AM by lucydaynes.
Senator Don L. Ipson proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Steve Eliason

Senate Sponsor: Don L. Ipson


8     General Description:
9          This bill creates a Suicide Prevention Education Program to be administered by the
10     Bureau of Criminal Identification.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     creates a Suicide Prevention Education Program to be created by the state suicide
14     prevention coordinator and the Bureau of Criminal Identification;
15          ▸     allows the program to provide grants to federal firearms licensees to educate their
16     employees regarding suicide prevention; and
17          ▸     makes technical corrections.
18     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19          This bill appropriates:
20          ▸     to the Department of Public Safety - Bureau of Criminal Identification, as an
21     ongoing appropriation:
22               •     from the General Fund, $9,800, to the Firearm Safety Account Ŝ→ ; and
22a               •      from the Firearm Safety Account, $9,800, to the Bureau of Criminal
22b     Identification ←Ŝ .
23     Other Special Clauses:
24          None
25     Utah Code Sections Affected:
26     AMENDS:
27          53-10-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 144
28          53-10-202.1, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 226
29          62A-15-1101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapters 144, 164, and 168
30     ENACTS:
31          53-10-202.3, Utah Code Annotated 1953

33     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
34          Section 1. Section 53-10-202 is amended to read:
35          53-10-202. Criminal identification -- Duties of bureau.
36          The bureau shall:
37          (1) procure and file information relating to identification and activities of persons who:
38          (a) are fugitives from justice;
39          (b) are wanted or missing;
40          (c) have been arrested for or convicted of a crime under the laws of any state or nation;
41     and
42          (d) are believed to be involved in racketeering, organized crime, or a dangerous
43     offense;
44          (2) establish a statewide uniform crime reporting system that shall include:
45          (a) statistics concerning general categories of criminal activities;
46          (b) statistics concerning crimes that exhibit evidence of prejudice based on race,
47     religion, ancestry, national origin, ethnicity, or other categories that the division finds
48     appropriate; and
49          (c) other statistics as required by the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
50          (3) make a complete and systematic record and index of the information obtained
51     under this part;
52          (4) subject to the restrictions in this part, establish policy concerning the use and
53     dissemination of data obtained under this part;
54          (5) publish an annual report concerning the extent, fluctuation, distribution, and nature
55     of crime in Utah;
56          (6) establish a statewide central register for the identification and location of missing

57     persons, which may include:
58          (a) identifying data including fingerprints of each missing person;
59          (b) identifying data of any missing person who is reported as missing to a law
60     enforcement agency having jurisdiction;
61          (c) dates and circumstances of any persons requesting or receiving information from
62     the register; and
63          (d) any other information, including blood types and photographs found necessary in
64     furthering the purposes of this part;
65          (7) publish a quarterly directory of missing persons for distribution to persons or
66     entities likely to be instrumental in the identification and location of missing persons;
67          (8) list the name of every missing person with the appropriate nationally maintained
68     missing persons lists;
69          (9) establish and operate a 24-hour communication network for reports of missing
70     persons and reports of sightings of missing persons;
71          (10) coordinate with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and other
72     agencies to facilitate the identification and location of missing persons and the identification of
73     unidentified persons and bodies;
74          (11) receive information regarding missing persons, as provided in Sections 26-2-27
75     and 53A-11-502, and stolen vehicles, vessels, and outboard motors, as provided in Section
76     41-1a-1401;
77          (12) adopt systems of identification, including the fingerprint system, to be used by the
78     division to facilitate law enforcement;
79          (13) assign a distinguishing number or mark of identification to any pistol or revolver,
80     as provided in Section 76-10-520;
81          (14) check certain criminal records databases for information regarding motor vehicle
82     salesperson applicants, maintain a separate file of fingerprints for motor vehicle salespersons,
83     and inform the Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division when new entries are made for certain
84     criminal offenses for motor vehicle salespersons in accordance with the requirements of
85     Section 41-3-205.5;
86          (15) check certain criminal records databases for information regarding driving
87     privilege card applicants or cardholders and maintain a separate file of fingerprints for driving

88     privilege applicants and cardholders and inform the federal Immigration and Customs
89     Enforcement Agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security when new entries
90     are made in accordance with the requirements of Section 53-3-205.5.
91          (16) review and approve or disapprove applications for license renewal that meet the
92     requirements for renewal;
93          (17) forward to the board those applications for renewal under Subsection (16) that do
94     not meet the requirements for renewal; and
95          (18) within funds appropriated by the Legislature for the purpose, implement and
96     manage the operation of [a] firearm safety [program] and suicide prevention education
97     programs, in conjunction with the state suicide prevention coordinator, as described in this
98     section and Section 62A-15-1101, including:
99          (a) coordinating with the Department of Health, local mental health and substance
100     abuse authorities, [the public education suicide prevention coordinator] a nonprofit behavioral
101     health advocacy group, and a representative from a Utah-based nonprofit organization with
102     expertise in the field of firearm use and safety that represents firearm owners, to:
103          (i) produce a firearm safety brochure with information about the safe handling and use
104     of firearms that includes:
105          (A) rules for safe handling, storage, and use of firearms in a home environment;
106          (B) information about at-risk individuals and individuals who are legally prohibited
107     from possessing firearms;
108          (C) information about suicide prevention and awareness; and
109          (D) information about the availability of firearm safety packets;
110          (ii) procure cable-style gun locks for distribution pursuant to this section; [and]
111          (iii) produce a firearm safety packet that includes both the firearm safety brochure
112     described in Subsection (18)(a)(i) and the cable-style gun lock described in Subsection
113     (18)(a)(ii); and
114          (iv) create a suicide prevention education course that:
115          (A) provides information that includes posters for display and pamphlets or brochures
116     for distribution regarding firearm safety education;
117          (B) incorporates current information on how to recognize suicidal behaviors and
118     identify persons who may be suicidal;

119          (C) provides information regarding crisis intervention resources; and
120          (D) provides continuing education in the area of suicide prevention;
121          (b) distributing, free of charge, the firearm safety packet to the following persons, who
122     shall make the firearm safety packet available free of charge:
123          (i) health care providers, including emergency rooms;
124          (ii) mental health practitioners;
125          (iii) other public health suicide prevention organizations;
126          (iv) entities that teach firearm safety courses; and
127          (v) school districts for use in the seminar, described in Section 53A-15-1302, for
128     parents of students in the school district;
129          (c) creating and administering a redeemable coupon program described in this section
130     and Section 76-10-526, that may include:
131          (i) producing a redeemable coupon that offers between $10 and $200 off the purchase
132     of a gun safe from a participating federally licensed firearms dealer, as defined in Section
133     76-10-501, by a Utah resident who has filed an application for a concealed firearm permit;
134          (ii) advertising the redeemable coupon program to all federally licensed firearms
135     dealers and maintaining a list of dealers who wish to participate in the program;
136          (iii) printing or writing the name of a Utah resident who has filed an application for a
137     concealed firearm permit on the redeemable coupon;
138          (iv) mailing the redeemable coupon and the firearm safety brochure to Utah residents
139     who have filed an application for a concealed firearm permit; and
140          (v) collecting from the participating dealers receipts described in Section 76-10-526
141     and reimbursing the dealers;
142          (d) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
143     making rules that establish procedures for:
144          (i) producing and distributing the firearm safety brochures and packets;
145          (ii) procuring the cable-style gun locks for distribution; and
146          (iii) administering the redeemable coupon program; and
147          (e) reporting to the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Interim Committee
148     regarding implementation and success of the firearm safety program:
149          (i) during the 2016 interim, before November 1; and

150          (ii) during the 2018 interim, before June 1.
151          Section 2. Section 53-10-202.1 is amended to read:
152          53-10-202.1. Firearm Safety Account.
153          (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the
154     "Firearm Safety Account."
155          (2) The account shall be funded by appropriations from the Legislature.
156          (3) Funds in the account may only be used for the [Firearm Safety Program] programs
157     established in Subsection 53-10-202(18).
158          Section 3. Section 53-10-202.3 is enacted to read:
159          53-10-202.3. Suicide Prevention Education Program -- Definitions -- Grant
160     requirements.
161          (1) As used in this section:
162          (a) "Bureau" means the Bureau of Criminal Identification created in Section 53-10-201
163     within the Department of Public Safety.
164          (b) "Coordinator" means the state suicide prevention coordinator designated in Section
165     62A-15-1101.
166          (c) "Course" means the suicide prevention education course created in Subsection
167     53-10-202(18)(a)(iv).
168          (2) There is created a Suicide Prevention Education Program to fund suicide
169     prevention education opportunities for federally licensed firearms dealers who operate a retail
170     establishment open to the public and the dealers' employees.
171          (3) The bureau shall provide a grant to an employer in Subsection (2) following the
172     criteria provided in accordance with Subsection 62A-15-1101(8)(b).
173          (4) An employer may apply for a grant of up to $2,500 under the program.
174          Section 4. Section 62A-15-1101 is amended to read:
175          62A-15-1101. Suicide prevention -- Reporting requirements.
176          (1) As used in the section:
177          (a) "Bureau" means the Bureau of Criminal Identification created in Section 53-10-201
178     within the Department of Public Safety.
179          (b) "Division" means the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.
180          (c) "Intervention" means an effort to prevent a person from attempting suicide.

181          (d) "Postvention" means mental health intervention after a suicide attempt or death to
182     prevent or contain contagion.
183          (e) "State suicide prevention coordinator" means an individual designated by the
184     division as described in Subsections (2) and (3).
185          (2) The division shall appoint a state suicide prevention coordinator to administer a
186     state suicide prevention program composed of suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention
187     programs, services, and efforts.
188          (3) The state suicide prevention program may include the following components:
189          (a) delivery of resources, tools, and training to community-based coalitions;
190          (b) evidence-based suicide risk assessment tools and training;
191          (c) town hall meetings for building community-based suicide prevention strategies;
192          (d) suicide prevention gatekeeper training;
193          (e) training to identify warning signs and to manage an at-risk individual's crisis;
194          (f) evidence-based intervention training;
195          (g) intervention skills training; and
196          (h) postvention training.
197          (4) The state suicide prevention coordinator shall coordinate with the following to
198     gather statistics, among other duties:
199          (a) local mental health and substance abuse authorities;
200          (b) the State Board of Education, including the public education suicide prevention
201     coordinator described in Section 53A-15-1301;
202          (c) the Department of Health;
203          (d) health care providers, including emergency rooms;
204          (e) federal agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
205          (f) other unbiased sources; and
206          (g) other public health suicide prevention efforts.
207          (5) The state suicide prevention coordinator shall provide a written report to the Health
208     and Human Services Interim Committee, by the October meeting every year, on:
209          (a) implementation of the state suicide prevention program, as described in Subsections
210     (2) and (3);
211          (b) data measuring the effectiveness of each component of the state suicide prevention

212     program;
213          (c) funds appropriated for each component of the state suicide prevention program; and
214          (d) five-year trends of suicides in Utah, including subgroups of youths and adults and
215     other subgroups identified by the state suicide prevention coordinator.
216          (6) The state suicide prevention coordinator shall report to the Legislature's:
217          (a) Education Interim Committee, by the October 2015 meeting, jointly with the State
218     Board of Education, on the coordination of suicide prevention programs and efforts with the
219     State Board of Education and the public education suicide prevention coordinator as described
220     in Section 53A-15-1301; and
221          (b) Health and Human Services Interim Committee, by the October 2017 meeting,
222     statistics on the number of annual suicides in Utah, including how many suicides were
223     committed with a gun, and if so:
224          (i) where the victim procured the gun and if the gun was legally possessed by the
225     victim;
226          (ii) if the victim purchased the gun legally and whether a background check was
227     performed before the victim purchased the gun;
228          (iii) whether the victim had a history of mental illness or was under the treatment of a
229     mental health professional;
230          (iv) whether any medication or illegal drugs or alcohol were also involved in the
231     suicide; and
232          (v) if the suicide incident also involved the injury or death of another individual,
233     whether the shooter had a history of domestic violence.
234          (7) The state suicide prevention coordinator shall consult with the bureau to implement
235     and manage the operation of a firearm safety program, as described in Subsection
236     53-10-202(18) [and], Section 53-10-202.1, and the Suicide Prevention Education Program
237     described in Section 53-10-202.3.
238          (8) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
239     division shall make rules:
240          (a) governing the implementation of the state suicide prevention program, consistent
241     with this section[.]; and
242          (b) in conjunction with the bureau, defining the criteria for employers to apply for

243     grants under the Suicide Prevention Education Program in Section 53-10-202.3, which shall
244     include:
245          (i) attendance at a suicide prevention education course; and
246          (ii) display of posters and distribution of the firearm safety brochures or packets
247     created in Subsection 53-10-202(18)(a)(iii), but does not require the distribution of a
248     cable-style gun lock with a firearm if the firearm already has a trigger lock or comparable
249     safety mechanism.
250          Section 5. Appropriation.
250a     Ŝ→ (1) Restricted Fund and Account Transfers. The Legislature authorizes the State Division
250b     of Finance to transfer the following amounts among the following funds or accounts as
250c     indicated. Expenditures and outlays from the recipient funds must be authorized elsewhere in
250d     an appropriations act.
250e     ITEM 1      To General Fund Restricted - Firearm Safety Account
250f               From General Fund                                    9,800
250g               Schedule of Programs:
250h                    General Fund Restricted - Firearm Safety Account           9,800 ←Ŝ
251          Ŝ→ (2)     Operating and Capital Budgets. ←Ŝ The following sums of money are
251a     appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
252     2017, and ending June 30, 2018. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for
253     fiscal year 2018. Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures
254     Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts
255     indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
256          Ŝ→ ITEM 2 ←Ŝ To Bureau of Criminal Identification - Department of Public Safety
257               From General Fund Ŝ→ Restricted - Firearm Safety Account ←Ŝ

258               Schedule of Programs:
259                     Ŝ→ [
Firearm Safety Account] CITS Bureau of Criminal Identification ←Ŝ 259a                    $9,800