This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 4:19 PM by ryoung.



Chief Sponsor: Mark A. Wheatley

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill creates a women's health pilot study program for female inmates in state
10     correctional facilities.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     provides that the University of Utah Department of Sociology establish a pilot study
14     program to provide women's health education classes on site for women
15     incarcerated in state correctional facilities;
16          ▸     requires that the Department of Corrections provide necessary space and equipment
17     for the classes;
18          ▸     requires that the Department of Sociology seek funding for the program from the
19     private sector and governmental agencies; and
20          ▸     requires that the Department of Sociology establish a committee to determine the
21     resources and procedures needed to assess the outcomes regarding women who
22     participated in the classes.
23     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
24          None
25     Other Special Clauses:
26          None
27     Utah Code Sections Affected:

28     ENACTS:
29          64-13f-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
30          64-13f-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
31          64-13f-103, Utah Code Annotated 1953
32          64-13f-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
33          64-13f-105, Utah Code Annotated 1953
34          64-13f-106, Utah Code Annotated 1953

36     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
37          Section 1. Section 64-13f-101 is enacted to read:

39          64-13f-101. Title.
40          This chapter is known as "Health Education for Incarcerated Women."
41          Section 2. Section 64-13f-102 is enacted to read:
42          64-13f-102. Definitions.
43          As used in this chapter:
44          (1) "Class" means classroom instruction that women inmates attend and that provides
45     the information in the established program curriculum.
46          (2) "Department" means the University of Utah Department of Sociology.
47          (3) "Program" means the Incarcerated Women's Health Program created in this chapter
48     and includes providing classroom instruction and related written information as part of the
49     classroom instruction.
50          Section 3. Section 64-13f-103 is enacted to read:
51          64-13f-103. Incarcerated Women's Health Program -- Creation and operation by
52     the department.
53          (1) (a) There is created a pilot study program within the Department of Corrections
54     known as the Incarcerated Women's Health Program.
55          (b) The department shall establish and administer the program in accordance with the
56     provisions of this chapter.
57          (c) The program shall separate women inmates who are incarcerated for more than 30
58     days into two separate groups for study purposes.

59          (2) The program shall provide information regarding women's health, including
60     reproductive health care, to selected women inmates who are incarcerated for more than 30
61     consecutive days in certain correctional facilities operated by the Department of Corrections.
62          (3) The department shall:
63          (a) establish the purpose and goals of the program in accordance with Subsection (4);
64          (b) create a curriculum or contract with a private provider to create a curriculum, based
65     on the purpose and goals the department establishes, including the subjects under Subsection
66     (4);
67          (c) prepare for class presentations, including teaching materials, materials for the
68     participating women inmates, and informational documents;
69          (d) establish with the Department of Corrections the process and logistical
70     requirements for making the class available to women inmates by live presentation or by the
71     Internet; and
72          (e) provide instruction, or contract with a private provider to teach the class.
73          (4) The program curriculum shall include current information regarding women's
74     reproductive health, including:
75          (a) reproductive life planning;
76          (b) contraception;
77          (c) disease prevention and treatment; and
78          (d) information regarding available community services for women's health.
79          (5) The department shall make the program available on a schedule for selected women
80     inmates who are incarcerated for more than 30 consecutive days to attend the class within 30
81     days Ĥ→ [
of] prior to ←Ĥ their release from incarceration.
82          Section 4. Section 64-13f-104 is enacted to read:
83          64-13f-104. Requirements of the Department of Corrections.
84          The Department of Corrections shall make available to the department, as needed, the
85     room, seating, and other resources the department requires for the presentation of the class.
86          Section 5. Section 64-13f-105 is enacted to read:
87          64-13f-105. Private sector and governmental funding.
88          (1) The department shall submit applications for available funding from the private
89     sector and from governmental agencies to address as many of the expenses of the program as

90     reasonably possible.
91          (2) The department's obligation to implement the program is contingent upon securing
92     adequate funding to conduct the program.
93          Section 6. Section 64-13f-106 is enacted to read:
94          64-13f-106. Measurement of outcomes.
95          The department shall establish a committee to determine the funding, resources, and
96     procedures necessary to conduct the measurement and evaluation of the outcomes for the
97     women inmates who participated in the program after they are released from incarceration.

Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel