8 General Description:
9 This bill deals with the creation of the Hole in the Rock State Park.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ authorizes the Division of Parks and Recreation to enter into agreements with the
13 United States Bureau of Land Management and the United States National Park
14 Service to acquire the Hole in the Rock area as a state park; and
15 ▸ states that the Hole in the Rock area shall be included within the state park system
16 upon the division entering into the agreement described above.
17 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
18 None
19 Other Special Clauses:
20 None
21 Utah Code Sections Affected:
23 79-4-605, Utah Code Annotated 1953
25 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
26 Section 1. Section 79-4-605 is enacted to read:
27 79-4-605. Hole in the Rock included within state park system.
28 (1) As used in this section, "Hole in the Rock area" means the area of land in Garfield
29 County on the western rim of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, which includes a trail
30 used by Mormon pioneers to reach the southeastern area of Utah.
31 (2) The division may:
32 (a) enter into an agreement to acquire the Hole in the Rock area, or part of the area, as a
33 state park with the United States Bureau of Land Management and the United States National
34 Park Service; and
35 (b) receive donations of land or facilities at the Hole in the Rock area for inclusion
36 within the state park.
37 (3) In entering the agreement described in Subsection (2)(a), the division may:
38 (a) pursue a land transfer agreement with the United States Bureau of Land
39 Management and the United States National Park Service;
40 (b) if a land transfer agreement is not possible, seek to purchase or lease the land from
41 the United States Bureau of Land Management and the United States National Park Service
42 through the Recreation and Public Purposes Act, 43 U.S.C. Sec. 869 et seq.; and
43 (c) finalize an agreement to receive land by transfer, purchase, or lease, as described in
44 Subsections (3)(a) and (b), if:
45 (i) the resulting state park, including the cost of law enforcement, would be financially
46 self-sustaining;
47 (ii) all current grazing allotments shall be maintained; and
48 (iii) the Legislative Management Committee and the Natural Resources, Agriculture,
49 and Environment Interim Committee approve the plan to expand the state park system by
50 including the Hole in the Rock area.
51 (4) In pursuing state park status for the Hole in the Rock area, the division shall consult
52 with affected counties, the Hole in the Rock Foundation, and other parties as appropriate.
53 (5) If the division successfully enters into the agreement described in Subsection (2)(a),
54 the division shall negotiate in good faith with the School and Institutional Trust Lands
55 Administration to attempt to:
56 (a) purchase parcels of school and institutional trust land located within the boundaries
57 of the Hole in the Rock area; or
58 (b) exchange parcels of school and institutional trust land located within the boundaries
59 of the Hole in the Rock area for other parcels of state land or other lands administered by the
60 United States government.
61 (6) The Hole in the Rock area shall be included within the state park system upon the
62 division entering into the agreement described in Subsection (2)(a).
63 (7) Upon its inclusion in the state park system, the state shall be responsible for the
64 cost of law enforcement within the Hole in the Rock area.