6 Cosponsors:
7 Carl R. Albrecht
8 Bruce R. Cutler
9 Brad M. Daw
10 Steve Eliason
11 Gage Froerer
12 Adam Gardiner
13 Francis D. Gibson
Timothy D. Hawkes
Lynn N. Hemingway
Eric K. Hutchings
John Knotwell
A. Cory Maloy
Kelly B. Miles
Derrin R. Owens
Lee B. Perry
Jeremy A. Peterson
Dixon M. Pitcher
Tim Quinn
Paul Ray
Norman K Thurston
Logan Wilde
Brad R. Wilson
Mike Winder
16 General Description:
17 This bill creates the Employability to Careers Program within the Governor's Office of
18 Management and Budget.
19 Highlighted Provisions:
20 This bill:
21 ▸ defines terms;
22 ▸ creates a restricted account called the Employability to Careers Program Restricted
23 Account;
24 ▸ creates the Employability to Careers Program Board within the Governor's Office of
25 Management and Budget;
26 ▸ authorizes the board to enter into a results-based contract with a fiscal intermediary;
27 ▸ requires the Governor's Office of Management and Budget to staff the board;
28 ▸ describes the components of an education, employability training, and workforce
29 placement program that may be funded by money from the restricted account;
30 ▸ authorizes the board to obtain the services of a programmatic intermediary to assist
31 the board with validating the feasibility of entering into a results-based contract;
32 ▸ requires an independent evaluation of the performance outcomes of the
33 Employability to Careers Program; and
34 ▸ authorizes payments from the restricted account to the fiscal intermediary if certain
35 benchmarks are met by a service provider.
36 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
37 This bill appropriates:
38 ▸ to the General Fund Restricted -- Employability to Careers Program Restricted
39 Account, as a one-time appropriation:
40 • from the General Fund, $1,000,000; and
41 ▸ to the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, as a one-time appropriation:
42 • from the General Fund Restricted -- Employability to Careers Program
43 Restricted Account, $1,000,000.
44 Other Special Clauses:
45 None
46 Utah Code Sections Affected:
48 63J-1-602.4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapters 193 and 240
50 63J-4-701, Utah Code Annotated 1953
51 63J-4-702, Utah Code Annotated 1953
52 63J-4-703, Utah Code Annotated 1953
53 63J-4-704, Utah Code Annotated 1953
54 63J-4-705, Utah Code Annotated 1953
55 63J-4-706, Utah Code Annotated 1953
56 63J-4-707, Utah Code Annotated 1953
57 63J-4-708, Utah Code Annotated 1953
59 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
60 Section 1. Section 63J-1-602.4 is amended to read:
61 63J-1-602.4. List of nonlapsing funds and accounts -- Title 61 through Title 63N.
62 (1) Funds paid to the Division of Real Estate for the cost of a criminal background
63 check for a mortgage loan license, as provided in Section 61-2c-202.
64 (2) Funds paid to the Division of Real Estate for the cost of a criminal background
65 check for principal broker, associate broker, and sales agent licenses, as provided in Section
66 61-2f-204.
67 (3) Certain funds donated to the Department of Human Services, as provided in
68 Section 62A-1-111.
69 (4) Appropriations from the National Professional Men's Basketball Team Support of
70 Women and Children Issues Restricted Account created in Section 62A-1-202.
71 (5) Certain funds donated to the Division of Child and Family Services, as provided in
72 Section 62A-4a-110.
73 (6) Appropriations from the Choose Life Adoption Support Restricted Account created
74 in Section 62A-4a-608.
75 (7) Appropriations to the Division of Services for People with Disabilities, as provided
76 in Section 62A-5-102.
77 (8) Appropriations to the Division of Fleet Operations for the purpose of upgrading
78 underground storage tanks under Section 63A-9-401.
79 (9) A portion of the funds appropriated to the Utah Seismic Safety Commission, as
80 provided in Section 63C-6-104.
81 (10) Funds appropriated or collected for publishing the Office of Administrative Rules'
82 publications, as provided in Section 63G-3-402.
83 (11) The Immigration Act Restricted Account created in Section 63G-12-103.
84 (12) Money received by the military installation development authority, as provided in
85 Section 63H-1-504.
86 (13) The Employability to Careers Program Restricted Account created in Section
87 63J-4-703.
88 [
89 created in Section 63M-2-301.
90 [
91 Enterprise Zone Act, as provided in Title 63N, Chapter 2, Part 2, Enterprise Zone Act.
92 [
93 [
94 Athletic Commission, as provided under Section 63N-10-301.
95 Section 2. Section 63J-4-701 is enacted to read:
97 63J-4-701. Definitions.
98 As used in this part:
99 (1) "Board" means the Employability to Careers Program Board created in Section
100 63J-4-702.
101 (2) "Education, employability training, and workforce placement program" means a
102 pay-for-success program that helps adults earn a high school diploma and obtain a full-time job
103 with benefits in a career path through integrated employability skills development.
104 (3) "Eligible participant" means an individual who at the time of enrollment in an
105 education, employability training, and workforce placement program:
106 (a) is between 18 and 50 years of age;
107 (b) does not have a high school diploma or the equivalent;
108 (c) is enrolled in a public assistance program; and
109 (d) is unemployed or underemployed.
110 (4) "Eligible program provider" means an organization or group of organizations with
111 the demonstrated capability of operating an education, employability training, and workforce
112 placement program.
113 (5) "Employability programs and services" means programs that assist adults in
114 developing job skills, attaining education, obtaining employment, increasing income, and
115 realizing self-sufficiency.
116 (6) "Employability skills" means technical, professional, and life skills that are
117 necessary for success in the labor market, which may include verbal and written
118 communication, time management, problem solving, professionalism, and teamwork.
119 (7) "Fiscal intermediary" means a nonprofit community foundation located in the state
120 that establishes and manages charitable funds and that has the necessary experience to
121 coordinate the funding and management of a results-based contract and related program.
122 (8) "Multitiered system of supports" means a systemic, continuous improvement
123 framework in which data-based problem solving and decision making is practiced for
124 supporting participants.
125 (9) "Performance outcome measure" means an education or workforce placement
126 outcome for an eligible participant, including earning an accredited high school diploma,
127 employment placement, job retention, and wage advancement within a career path, which
128 results in a demonstrated benefit to the state through increased tax revenue or lower state
129 expenditures for public assistance programs.
130 (10) "Programmatic intermediary" means a nonprofit entity or academic institution that
131 has the necessary experience in results-based financing and evidence-based policy to:
132 (a) validate a feasibility analysis of an eligible program provider;
133 (b) structure the terms and conditions of results-based contracts by developing
134 cost-benefit financial models, performance outcome measures, payment schedules, and
135 performance thresholds; and
136 (c) raise the private investment capital necessary to fund program services related to a
137 results-based contract.
138 (11) "Restricted account" means the Employability to Careers Program Restricted
139 Account created in Section 63J-4-703.
140 (12) "Results-based contract" means a contract entered into between the board, a fiscal
141 intermediary, and an eligible program provider that will result in repayment to the fiscal
142 intermediary if certain performance outcome measures are achieved.
143 Section 3. Section 63J-4-702 is enacted to read:
144 63J-4-702. Employability to Careers Program Board.
145 (1) There is created within the office the Employability to Careers Program Board
146 composed of the following members:
147 (a) the executive director of the Department of Workforce Services or the executive
148 director's designee;
149 (b) the executive director of the Department of Human Services or the executive
150 director's designee; and
151 (c) three members appointed by the governor with the consent of the Senate as follows:
152 (i) one member from the private or nonprofit sector with expertise in finance;
153 (ii) one member from the private or nonprofit sector chosen from among two
154 individuals recommended by the president of the Senate; and
155 (iii) one member from the private or nonprofit sector chosen from among two
156 individuals recommended by the speaker of the House of Representatives.
157 (2) (a) An appointed member of the board shall serve for a term of three years, but may
158 be reappointed for one additional term.
159 (b) If a vacancy occurs in the board for any reason, the governor with the consent of the
160 Senate shall appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of the board member's term.
161 (3) The board shall elect a chair from among the board's membership.
162 (4) The board shall meet at least quarterly upon the call of the chair.
163 (5) Four members of the board constitute a quorum.
164 (6) Action by a majority present constitutes the action of the board.
165 (7) A board member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's
166 service, but a member may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
167 (a) Section 63A-3-106;
168 (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
169 (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
170 63A-3-107.
171 (8) The office shall provide staff support to the board.
172 Section 4. Section 63J-4-703 is enacted to read:
173 63J-4-703. Employability to Careers Program Restricted Account.
174 (1) There is created in the General Fund a restricted account known as the
175 "Employability to Careers Program Restricted Account."
176 (2) The restricted account consists of:
177 (a) money appropriated to the restricted account by the Legislature;
178 (b) income and interest derived from the deposit and investment of money in the
179 account; and
180 (c) private donations.
181 (3) Subject to legislative appropriations, money in the restricted account may be used
182 for the following purposes:
183 (a) to contract with a fiscal intermediary for the management of a results-based
184 contract;
185 (b) to contract with a programmatic intermediary to validate a feasibility analysis and
186 structure the terms and conditions of a results-based contract, including developing cost-benefit
187 financial models, performance outcome measures, payment schedules, and success thresholds;
188 (c) to contract with an independent evaluator as described in Section 63J-4-704;
189 (d) to pay for office expenses related to administering the Employability to Careers
190 Program and providing staff support to the board;
191 (e) to make payments to a fiscal intermediary that has entered into a results-based
192 contract with the board as described in Section 63J-4-704, if the independent evaluator selected
193 by the board determines that the performance-based results have been met; and
194 (f) to contract for other services as necessary to implement the Employability to
195 Careers Program.
196 Section 5. Section 63J-4-704 is enacted to read:
197 63J-4-704. Results-based contracts -- Board duties.
198 (1) (a) The board may negotiate and enter into a results-based contract with a fiscal
199 intermediary to provide payments to the fiscal intermediary upon the successful achievement of
200 specific outcome measures in accordance with Subsection 63J-4-706(2)(i) and the other
201 requirements of this part.
202 (b) The board may not issue a results-based contract that would cause the total
203 outstanding obligations under this part to exceed $15,000,000.
204 (2) A results-based contract shall include:
205 (a) a requirement that the repayment to the fiscal intermediary be conditioned on
206 specific performance outcome measures described in the results-based contract and in
207 accordance with this part;
208 (b) a requirement for an independent evaluator to determine whether the performance
209 outcome measures have been achieved; and
210 (c) a provision that payment to the program intermediary is:
211 (i) based upon available money in the restricted account at the time of payment; and
212 (ii) subject to legislative appropriation.
213 (3) The board shall select an independent program evaluator that:
214 (a) is a research organization;
215 (b) has experience conducting research in labor economics;
216 (c) has experience in conducting experimental or quasi-experimental design or other
217 research methodologies as described in Subsection 63J-4-706(2)(j) that allow for the strongest
218 possible causal inferences to determine whether the initiative has met the initiative's proposed
219 outcomes; and
220 (d) has access to state data required to implement the evaluation design.
221 (4) (a) In accordance with timelines established in a results-based contract, the
222 independent evaluator shall implement an experimental or quasi-experimental evaluation
223 design to determine whether the performance outcome measures set in the results-based
224 contract have been met.
225 (b) If the independent evaluator determines under Subsection (4)(a) that the
226 performance outcome measures have been met, the board shall pay the fiscal intermediary
227 according to the terms of a results-based contract.
228 (5) (a) The eligible program provider described in Section 63J-4-705 shall ensure that
229 each participant in a program funded in a results-based contract has given written permission
230 and signed an acknowledgment that the participant's data may be shared with a fiscal
231 intermediary, an independent evaluator, and the office for evaluation and reporting purposes.
232 (b) The board shall maintain a record of each written permission and signed
233 acknowledgment described in Subsection (5)(a).
234 (6) As further described in Section 63J-4-705, for an education, employability training,
235 and workforce placement program funded under this part, the board shall:
236 (a) select an eligible program provider;
237 (b) consider the recommendations of the programmatic intermediary in selecting an
238 eligible program provider; and
239 (c) engage the services of the programmatic intermediary to complete a feasibility
240 analysis in accordance with Section 63J-4-706 to assess the viability of the board entering into
241 a results-based contract with the selected eligible program provider.
242 (7) The board, with the assistance of the office and other state agencies that provide
243 services to eligible participants, may cooperate with an eligible program provider to identify
244 and refer eligible participants for the program.
245 Section 6. Section 63J-4-705 is enacted to read:
246 63J-4-705. Employability to Careers Program.
247 (1) There is created the Employability to Careers Program to provide funding for the
248 implementation of a results-based education, employability training, and workforce placement
249 program for eligible participants.
250 (2) With the assistance of the programmatic intermediary, the board shall establish
251 evaluation criteria for selecting an eligible program provider and shall consider
252 recommendations from the programmatic intermediary in evaluating and selecting an eligible
253 program provider.
254 (3) The board and the programmatic intermediary shall consider the following
255 requirements and criteria for selecting an eligible program provider:
256 (a) the potential eligible program provider's capacity to effectively implement the
257 components of an education, employability training, and workforce placement program as
258 described in Section 63J-4-707;
259 (b) the potential eligible program provider's experience in enrolling and serving the
260 eligible participants the program intends to serve, including participants who are economically
261 disadvantaged;
262 (c) the potential eligible program provider's ability to access state collaborative partner
263 networks and community resources;
264 (d) the potential eligible program provider's ability to address labor market needs and
265 workforce demands;
266 (e) the potential eligible program provider's ability to demonstrate that performance
267 outcome measures for the education, employability training, and workforce placement program
268 can be measured through an experimental or quasi-experimental design;
269 (f) the potential eligible program provider's ability to attract private or philanthropic
270 investors;
271 (g) the potential eligible program provider's strategy to implement the components of
272 an education, employability skills, and workforce placement program; and
273 (h) the potential eligible program provider's ability to provide the necessary data to a
274 programmatic intermediary for the feasibility analysis described in Section 63J-4-706.
275 (4) To be selected as an eligible program provider under this part, the eligible program
276 provider shall agree to:
277 (a) allow the evaluator, chosen in accordance with Section 63J-4-704, to review data
278 from the provider to ensure that the components described in Section 63J-4-707 are
279 implemented; and
280 (b) assign a unique identifier to each eligible participant enrolled in an education,
281 employability training, and workforce placement program with the eligible program provider
282 and maintain records of the performance outcome measures achieved by each eligible
283 participant.
284 Section 7. Section 63J-4-706 is enacted to read:
285 63J-4-706. Feasibility analysis.
286 (1) The board shall engage a programmatic intermediary to complete, within two
287 months of selecting an eligible program provider in accordance with Section 63J-4-705, a
288 feasibility analysis that assesses the ability of the potential eligible program provider to provide
289 a program that will successfully achieve performance outcome measures that are cost effective
290 and will result in cost savings or increased tax revenue to the state.
291 (2) The feasibility analysis shall include:
292 (a) assessing the size and characteristics of the eligible population in the state that
293 could benefit from the employment programs and services funded through the Employability to
294 Careers Program;
295 (b) assessing the eligible program provider's capacity to make effective use of funding
296 supplied through the Employability to Careers Program and with the likelihood to meet
297 predefined and measurable outcomes based on the following factors:
298 (i) the economic feasibility of the programs and services provided;
299 (ii) the capacity of the program to serve an increased customer base; and
300 (iii) the degree to which the program and services will help individuals attain
301 self-sufficiency;
302 (c) developing a viable expansion plan and determining how much the expansion plan
303 will cost;
304 (d) projecting the impact of the expansion plan on outcomes to the community;
305 (e) projecting the financial value of the improvements that may result from the
306 Employability to Careers Program investment, including projected public sector savings and
307 projected returns to investors;
308 (f) developing a cost-benefit analysis of the program;
309 (g) determining feasible results-based contract terms and financing structures;
310 (h) determining the potential pool of investors likely to invest both in and outside the
311 state;
312 (i) developing performance measures to project and measure financial and social
313 outcomes;
314 (j) ensuring an experimental or quasi-experimental research design can be used to
315 measure the attained performance measures attributable to the intervention;
316 (k) estimating how many eligible participants the potential eligible program provider
317 plans to serve;
318 (l) preparing a financial model, including the proposed payment terms, the
319 methodology used to calculate outcome payments, the payment schedule, and performance
320 thresholds; and
321 (m) reviewing the project budget and timeline.
322 Section 8. Section 63J-4-707 is enacted to read:
323 63J-4-707. Components of an education, employability training, and workforce
324 placement program.
325 (1) In addition to the other requirements of this part, an education, employability
326 training, and workforce placement program approved under this part may include the following
327 components:
328 (a) an employability skills certification program;
329 (b) resilience intervention for eligible participants;
330 (c) a multitiered system of supports for eligible participants; and
331 (d) a learning and employability plan for each eligible participant.
332 (2) Subject to legislative appropriations, and in accordance with the contract between
333 the board and the fiscal intermediary, a separate payment shall be made by the board from the
334 restricted account to the fiscal intermediary in a specific amount for each successful result in
335 accordance with the terms and conditions of the results-based contract.
336 Section 9. Section 63J-4-708 is enacted to read:
337 63J-4-708. Reporting.
338 (1) On or before October 1, the board shall provide an annual written report to the
339 Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee and the Economic Development and Workforce
340 Services Interim Committee.
341 (2) The written report shall include:
342 (a) information regarding the fiscal intermediary, the programmatic intermediary, the
343 eligible program provider, and the independent evaluator that have been selected;
344 (b) the results of the feasibility analysis conducted in accordance with Section
345 63J-4-706;
346 (c) information regarding how many eligible participants have been served by the
347 education, employability training, and workforce placement program;
348 (d) a description of program expenses, including what payments have been made to the
349 intermediary and the cost to the state for each successful eligible participant outcome; and
350 (e) recommendations to the Legislature on any potential improvements to the
351 Employability to Careers Program, including whether the program should continue to receive
352 funding from the state.
353 Section 10. Appropriation.
354 The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
355 2017, and ending June 30, 2018. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for
356 fiscal year 2018. Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures
357 Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts
358 indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
359 ITEM 1
360 To Restricted Fund and Account Transfers -- General Fund Restricted --
361 Employability to Careers Program Restricted Account
362 From General Fund, One-time
363 Schedule of Programs:
364 General Fund Restricted -- Employability to
365 Careers Program Restricted Account $1,000,000
366 ITEM 2
367 To Governor's Office of Management and Budget -- Operations and Policy
368 From General Fund Restricted -- Employability to Careers Program
369 Restricted Account, One-time
370 Schedule of Programs:
371 Employability to Careers Program $1,000,000
372 The Legislature intends that:
373 (1) under Subsection 63J-1-601(2), appropriations provided under this section not
374 lapse; and
375 (2) the use of any nonlapsing funds be limited to the purposes described in Section
376 63J-4-703.