


Chief Sponsor: Kim F. Coleman

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends provisions of the Statewide Online Education Program Act.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     amends provisions authorizing an eligible student to enroll in an online course;
13          ▸     removes a limitation on the number of online credits an eligible student may enroll
14     in;
15          ▸     requires a primary LEA of enrollment to provide physical space and technology for
16     an eligible student to access an online course under certain conditions; and
17          ▸     makes technical and conforming amendments.
18     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19          None
20     Other Special Clauses:
21          This bill provides a special effective date.
22     Utah Code Sections Affected:
23     AMENDS:
24          53A-15-1204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 238
25          53A-15-1208, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 238
26     REPEALS:
27          53A-15-1214, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 419


29     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
30          Section 1. Section 53A-15-1204 is amended to read:
31          53A-15-1204. Option to enroll in online courses offered through the Statewide
32     Online Education Program.
33          (1) Subject to the course limitations provided in Subsection (2), an eligible student may
34     enroll in an online course [offered through the Statewide Online Education Program] if:
35          (a) the eligible student meets the course prerequisites;
36          (b) the online course is open for enrollment; and
37          [(c) the online course is aligned with the student's student education/occupation plan
38     (SEOP);]
39          [(d) the online course is consistent with the student's individual education plan (IEP), if
40     the student has an IEP; and]
41          [(e) the online course is consistent with the student's international baccalaureate
42     program, if the student is participating in an international baccalaureate program.]
43          (c) (i) the eligible student's school:
44          (A) offers the course but the course is full at the same specific time that the eligible
45     student intends to enroll; or
46          (B) does not offer the course but the same or similar course is offered as an online
47     course; or
48          (ii) the student desires to take the course.
49          (2) An eligible student may enroll in online courses for no more than the following
50     number of credits:
51          (a) in the 2011-12 and 2012-13 school years, two credits;
52          (b) in the 2013-14 school year, three credits;
53          (c) in the 2014-15 school year, four credits;
54          (d) in the 2015-16 school year, five credits; [and]
55          (e) [beginning with] in the 2016-17 school year, six credits[.]; and
56          (f) beginning with the 2017-18 school year, an unlimited number of credits subject to
57     Section 53A-15-1209.
58          [(3) Notwithstanding Subsection (2):]

59          [(a) a student's primary LEA of enrollment may allow an eligible student to enroll in
60     online courses for more than the number of credits specified in Subsection (2); or]
61          [(b) upon the request of an eligible student, the State Board of Education may allow the
62     student to enroll in online courses for more than the number of credits specified in Subsection
63     (2), if the online courses better meet the academic goals of the student.]
64          [(4)] (3) An eligible student's primary LEA of enrollment:
65          (a) in conjunction with the student and the student's parent or legal guardian, is
66     responsible for preparing and implementing a student education/occupation plan (SEOP) for
67     the eligible student, as provided in Section 53A-1a-106; [and]
68          (b) shall assist an eligible student in scheduling courses in accordance with the
69     student's SEOP, graduation requirements, and the student's post-secondary plans[.]; and
70          (c) if the primary LEA of enrollment has a campus, shall provide physical space and
71     the technology necessary for the eligible student to access an online course if the eligible
72     student intends to access the online course on a campus of the primary LEA of enrollment.
73          (5) An eligible student's primary LEA of enrollment may not:
74          (a) impose restrictions on a student's selection of an online course [that fulfills
75     graduation requirements and is consistent with the student's SEOP or post-secondary plans]; or
76          (b) give preference to an online course or online course provider.
77          (6) The State Board of Education, including an employee of the State Board of
78     Education, may not give preference to an online course or online course provider.
79          (7) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (7)(b), a person may not provide an
80     inducement or incentive to a public school student to participate in the Statewide Online
81     Education Program.
82          (b) For purposes of Subsection (7)(a):
83          (i) "Inducement or incentive" does not mean:
84          (A) instructional materials or software necessary to take an online course; or
85          (B) access to a computer or digital learning device for the purpose of taking an online
86     course.
87          (ii) "Person" does not include a relative of the public school student.
88          Section 2. Section 53A-15-1208 is amended to read:
89          53A-15-1208. Course credit acknowledgement.

90          (1) A student's primary LEA of enrollment and the student's online course provider
91     shall enter into a course credit acknowledgement in which the primary LEA of enrollment and
92     the online course provider acknowledge that the online course provider is responsible for the
93     instruction of the student in a specified online course.
94          (2) The terms of the course credit acknowledgement shall provide that:
95          (a) the online course provider shall receive a payment in the amount provided under
96     Section 53A-15-1206; and
97          (b) the student's primary LEA of enrollment acknowledges that the State Board of
98     Education will deduct funds allocated to the LEA under Chapter 17a, Minimum School
99     Program Act, in the amount and at the time the online course provider qualifies to receive
100     payment for the online course as provided in Subsection 53A-15-1206(4).
101          (3) (a) A course credit acknowledgement may originate with either an online course
102     provider or primary LEA of enrollment.
103          (b) The originating entity shall submit the course credit acknowledgement to the State
104     Board of Education who shall forward it to the primary LEA of enrollment for course selection
105     verification or the online course provider for acceptance.
106          (c) [(i)] A primary LEA of enrollment may [only] not reject a course credit
107     acknowledgement [if:].
108          [(A) the online course is not aligned with the student's SEOP;]
109          [(B) the online course is not consistent with the student's IEP, if the student has an
110     IEP;]
111          [(C) the online course is not consistent with the student's international baccalaureate
112     program, if the student participates in an international baccalaureate program; or]
113          [(D) the number of online course credits exceeds the maximum allowed for the year as
114     provided in Section 53A-15-1204.]
115          [(ii) Verification of alignment of an online course with a student's SEOP does not
116     require a meeting with the student.]
117          (d) An online course provider may only reject a course credit acknowledgement if:
118          (i) the student does not meet course prerequisites; or
119          (ii) the course is not open for enrollment.
120          (e) A primary LEA of enrollment or online course provider shall submit an acceptance

121     or rejection of a course credit acknowledgement to the State Board of Education within 72
122     business hours of the receipt of a course credit acknowledgement from the State Board of
123     Education pursuant to Subsection (3)(b).
124          (f) If an online course provider accepts a course credit acknowledgement, the online
125     course provider shall forward to the primary LEA of enrollment the online course start date as
126     established under Section 53A-15-1206.5.
127          (g) If an online course provider rejects a course credit acknowledgement, the online
128     course provider shall include an explanation which the State Board of Education shall forward
129     to the primary LEA of enrollment for the purpose of assisting a student with future online
130     course selection.
131          (h) If a primary LEA of enrollment does not submit an acceptance or rejection of a
132     course credit acknowledgement to the State Board of Education within 72 business hours of the
133     receipt of a course credit acknowledgement from the State Board of Education pursuant to
134     Subsection (3)(b), the State Board of Education shall consider the course credit
135     acknowledgement accepted.
136          (i) [(i)] Upon acceptance of a course credit acknowledgement, the primary LEA of
137     enrollment shall notify the student of the acceptance and the start date for the online course as
138     established under Section 53A-15-1206.5.
139          [(ii) Upon rejection of a course credit acknowledgement, the primary LEA of
140     enrollment shall notify the student of the rejection and provide an explanation of the rejection.]
141          (j) If the online course student has an individual education plan (IEP) or 504
142     accommodations, the primary LEA of enrollment shall forward the IEP or description of 504
143     accommodations to the online course provider within 72 business hours after the primary LEA
144     of enrollment receives notice that the online course provider accepted the course credit
145     acknowledgement.
146          (4) (a) A primary LEA of enrollment may not reject a course credit acknowledgement,
147     because the LEA is negotiating, or intends to negotiate, an online course fee with the online
148     course provider pursuant to Subsection 53A-15-1206(6).
149          (b) If a primary LEA of enrollment negotiates an online course fee with an online
150     course provider before the start date of an online course, a course credit acknowledgement may
151     be amended to reflect the negotiated online course fee.

152          Section 3. Repealer.
153          This bill repeals:
154          Section 53A-15-1214, Review by legislative auditor general.
155          Section 4. Effective date.
156          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2017.

Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel