8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies provisions related to per diem and travel expenses.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ defines terms;
13 ▸ requires that local per diem and travel expenses for board members serving on a
14 board created by or within a political subdivision not exceed rates established by the
15 Division of Finance; and
16 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
17 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
18 None
19 Other Special Clauses:
20 None
21 Utah Code Sections Affected:
23 10-9a-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 107
24 17-16-16, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 297
25 17-27a-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 411
26 17-31-8, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 134
27 17-33-4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 145
28 17B-1-307, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 448
29 17B-1-312, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 273
30 17B-2a-807, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 205
31 17D-3-301, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 360
33 11-55-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
34 11-55-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
35 11-55-103, Utah Code Annotated 1953
37 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
38 Section 1. Section 10-9a-301 is amended to read:
39 10-9a-301. Ordinance establishing planning commission required -- Ordinance
40 requirements -- Compensation.
41 (1) (a) Each municipality shall enact an ordinance establishing a planning commission.
42 (b) The ordinance shall define:
43 (i) the number and terms of the members and, if the municipality chooses, alternate
44 members;
45 (ii) the mode of appointment;
46 (iii) the procedures for filling vacancies and removal from office;
47 (iv) the authority of the planning commission;
48 (v) subject to Subsection (1)(c), the rules of order and procedure for use by the
49 planning commission in a public meeting; and
50 (vi) other details relating to the organization and procedures of the planning
51 commission.
52 (c) Subsection (1)(b)(v) does not affect the planning commission's duty to comply with
53 Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act.
54 (2) The legislative body may [
57 attended, in accordance with Section 11-55-103.
58 Section 2. Section 11-55-101 is enacted to read:
60 11-55-101. Title.
61 This chapter is known as "Political Subdivision Board Compensation."
62 Section 3. Section 11-55-102 is enacted to read:
63 11-55-102. Definitions.
64 As used in this chapter:
65 (1) "Board" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63A-3-106.
66 (2) "Board member" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63A-3-106.
67 (3) "Municipality" means the same as that term is defined in Section 10-1-104.
68 (4) "Political subdivision" means a county, municipality, school district, limited
69 purpose local government entity described in Title 17B, Limited Purpose Local Government
70 Entities - Local Districts, Title 17C, Limited Purpose Local Government Entities - Community
71 Reinvestment Agency Act, or Title 17D, Limited Purpose Local Government Entities - Other
72 Entities, or an entity created by an interlocal agreement adopted under Title 11, Chapter 13,
73 Interlocal Cooperation Act, or any other governmental subdivision or public corporation.
74 Section 4. Section 11-55-103 is enacted to read:
75 11-55-103. General provisions.
76 (1) A political subdivision may authorize a board member who serves on a board
77 within or created by the political subdivision to receive per diem and travel expenses for
78 meetings actually attended at a rate that the political subdivision establishes, subject to
79 Subsection (2).
80 (2) A political subdivision may not establish rates for payment of per diem and travel
81 expenses described in Subsection (1) that exceed the rates established in accordance with:
82 (a) Section 63A-3-106;
83 (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
84 (c) a rule adopted by the Division of Finance in accordance with Sections 63A-3-106
85 and 63A-3-107.
86 (3) Nothing in this section limits or supercedes the authority of a political subdivision
87 to set compensation in accordance with Section 10-3-818, 11-13-403, 17-28-2, 17-33-4,
88 17B-1-307, or 17D-1-305.
89 Section 5. Section 17-16-16 is amended to read:
90 17-16-16. Commissioners' traveling expenses.
91 (1) The members of the board of county commissioners may not receive any
92 compensation in addition to that provided in Section 17-16-14 for any special or committee
93 work, but, subject to Subsection (2), each member shall [
95 and special sessions of the board and in the discharge of necessary duties, in accordance with
96 Section 11-55-103.
97 (2) Before receiving [
98 expenses described in Subsection (1), the member shall:
99 (a) submit an itemized statement showing in detail the expenses incurred; and
100 (b) subscribe and swear to the statement described in Subsection (2)(a).
101 Section 6. Section 17-27a-301 is amended to read:
102 17-27a-301. Ordinance establishing planning commission required -- Exception --
103 Ordinance requirements -- Planning advisory area planning commission --
104 Compensation.
105 (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), each county shall enact an ordinance
106 establishing a countywide planning commission for the unincorporated areas of the county not
107 within a planning advisory area.
108 (b) Subsection (1)(a) does not apply if all of the county is included within any
109 combination of:
110 (i) municipalities;
111 (ii) planning advisory areas with their own planning commissions; and
112 (iii) mountainous planning districts.
113 (c) (i) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(a), and except as provided in Subsection
114 (1)(c)(ii), a county that designates a mountainous planning district shall enact an ordinance,
115 subject to Subsection (1)(c)(ii), establishing a planning commission that has jurisdiction over
116 the entire mountainous planning district, including areas of the mountainous planning district
117 that are also located within a municipality or are unincorporated.
118 (ii) A planning commission described in Subsection (1)(c)(i):
119 (A) does not have jurisdiction over a municipality described in Subsection
120 10-9a-304(2)(b); and
121 (B) has jurisdiction subject to a local health department exercising its authority in
122 accordance with Title 26A, Chapter 1, Local Health Departments and a municipality exercising
123 the municipality's authority in accordance with Section 10-8-15.
124 (iii) The ordinance shall require that:
125 (A) members of the planning commission represent areas located in the unincorporated
126 and incorporated county;
127 (B) members of the planning commission be registered voters who reside either in the
128 unincorporated or incorporated county;
129 (C) at least one member of the planning commission resides within the mountainous
130 planning district; and
131 (D) the county designate up to four seats on the planning commission, and fill each
132 vacancy in the designated seats in accordance with the procedure described in Subsection (7).
133 (2) (a) The ordinance described in Subsection (1)(a) or (c) shall define:
134 (i) the number and terms of the members and, if the county chooses, alternate
135 members;
136 (ii) the mode of appointment;
137 (iii) the procedures for filling vacancies and removal from office;
138 (iv) the authority of the planning commission;
139 (v) subject to Subsection (2)(b), the rules of order and procedure for use by the
140 planning commission in a public meeting; and
141 (vi) other details relating to the organization and procedures of the planning
142 commission.
143 (b) Subsection (2)(a)(v) does not affect the planning commission's duty to comply with
144 Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act.
145 (3) (a) (i) If the county establishes a planning advisory area planning commission, the
146 county legislative body shall enact an ordinance that defines:
147 (A) appointment procedures;
148 (B) procedures for filling vacancies and removing members from office;
149 (C) subject to Subsection (3)(a)(ii), the rules of order and procedure for use by the
150 planning advisory area planning commission in a public meeting; and
151 (D) details relating to the organization and procedures of each planning advisory area
152 planning commission.
153 (ii) Subsection (3)(a)(i)(C) does not affect the planning advisory area planning
154 commission's duty to comply with Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act.
155 (b) The planning commission for each planning advisory area shall consist of seven
156 members who shall be appointed by:
157 (i) in a county operating under a form of government in which the executive and
158 legislative functions of the governing body are separated, the county executive with the advice
159 and consent of the county legislative body; or
160 (ii) in a county operating under a form of government in which the executive and
161 legislative functions of the governing body are not separated, the county legislative body.
162 (c) (i) Members shall serve four-year terms and until their successors are appointed and
163 qualified.
164 (ii) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (3)(c)(i), members of the first
165 planning commissions shall be appointed so that, for each commission, the terms of at least one
166 member and no more than two members expire each year.
167 (d) (i) Each member of a planning advisory area planning commission shall be a
168 registered voter residing within the planning advisory area.
169 (ii) Subsection (3)(d)(i) does not apply to a member described in Subsection (4)(a) if
170 that member was, prior to May 12, 2015, authorized to reside outside of the planning advisory
171 area.
172 (4) (a) A member of a planning commission who was elected to and served on a
173 planning commission on May 12, 2015, shall serve out the term to which the member was
174 elected.
175 (b) Upon the expiration of an elected term described in Subsection (4)(a), the vacant
176 seat shall be filled by appointment in accordance with this section.
177 (5) Upon the appointment of all members of a planning advisory area planning
178 commission, each planning advisory area planning commission under this section shall begin to
179 exercise the powers and perform the duties provided in Section 17-27a-302 with respect to all
180 matters then pending that previously had been under the jurisdiction of the countywide
181 planning commission or planning advisory area planning and zoning board.
182 (6) The legislative body may [
185 expenses for meetings actually attended, in accordance with Section 11-55-103.
186 (7) (a) Subject to Subsection (7)(f), a county shall fill a vacancy in a planning
187 commission seat described in Subsection (1)(c)(iii)(D) in accordance with this Subsection (7).
188 (b) If a county designates one or more planning commission seats under Subsection
189 (1)(c)(iii)(D), the county shall identify at least one and up to four cities that:
190 (i) (A) are adjacent to the mountainous planning district; and
191 (B) border the entrance to a canyon that is located within the boundaries of the
192 mountainous planning district and accessed by a paved road maintained by the county or the
193 state; or
194 (ii) exercise extraterritorial jurisdiction in accordance with Section 10-8-15.
195 (c) When there is a vacancy in a planning commission seat described in Subsection
196 (1)(c)(iii)(D), the county shall send a written request to one of the cities described in
197 Subsection (7)(b), on a rotating basis, if applicable, for a list of three individuals, who satisfy
198 the requirements described in Subsection (1)(c)(iii)(B), to fill the vacancy.
199 (d) The city shall respond to a written request described in Subsection (7)(c) within 60
200 days after the day on which the city receives the written request.
201 (e) After the county receives the city's list of three individuals, the county shall submit
202 one of the individuals on the list for appointment to the vacant planning commission seat in
203 accordance with county ordinance.
204 (f) The county shall fill the vacancy in accordance with the county's standard procedure
205 if the city fails to timely respond to the written request.
206 Section 7. Section 17-31-8 is amended to read:
207 17-31-8. Tourism tax advisory boards.
208 (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), any county that collects the following
209 taxes shall operate a tourism tax advisory board:
210 (i) the tax allowed under Section 59-12-301; or
211 (ii) the tax allowed under Section 59-12-603.
212 (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(a), a county is exempt from Subsection (1)(a) if the
213 county has an existing board, council, committee, convention visitor's bureau, or body that
214 substantially conforms with Subsections (2), (3), and (4).
215 (2) A tourism tax advisory board created under Subsection (1) shall consist of at least
216 five members.
217 (3) A tourism tax advisory board shall be composed of the following members that are
218 residents of the county:
219 (a) a majority of the members shall be current employees of entities in the county that
220 are subject to the taxes referred to in Section 59-12-301 or 59-12-603; and
221 (b) the balance of the board's membership shall be employees of recreational facilities,
222 convention facilities, museums, cultural attractions, or other tourism related industries located
223 within the county.
224 (4) (a) Each tourism tax advisory board shall advise the county legislative body on the
225 best use of revenues collected from the tax allowed under Section 59-12-301 by providing the
226 legislative body with a priority listing for proposed expenditures based on projected available
227 tax revenues supplied to the board by the county legislative body on an annual basis.
228 (b) Each tourism tax advisory board in a county operating under the county
229 commission form of government under Section 17-52-501 or the expanded county commission
230 form under Section 17-52-502 shall advise the county legislative body on the best use of
231 revenues collected from the tax allowed under Section 59-12-603 by providing the legislative
232 body with a priority listing for proposed expenditures based on projected available tax revenues
233 supplied to the board by the county legislative body on an annual basis.
234 (5) A member of any county tourism tax advisory board:
235 (a) may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's services; and
236 (b) may receive per diem and travel expenses incurred in the performance of the
237 member's official duties, in accordance with Section 11-55-103.
238 Section 8. Section 17-33-4 is amended to read:
239 17-33-4. Career service council -- Members and alternate members -- Powers and
240 duties -- Appeals -- Time limit -- Qualifications, appointment, terms, and compensation of
241 council members.
242 (1) (a) (i) There shall be in each county establishing a system a three-member
243 bipartisan career service council appointed by the county executive. The members of the
244 council shall be persons in sympathy with the application of merit principles to public
245 employment.
246 (ii) (A) The county executive may appoint alternate members of the career service
247 council to hear appeals that one or more regular career service council members are unable to
248 hear.
249 (B) The term of an alternate member of the career service council may not exceed one
250 year.
251 (b) The council shall hear appeals not resolved at lower levels in the cases of career
252 service employees suspended, transferred, demoted, or dismissed as well in the cases of other
253 grievances not resolved by the grievance procedure at the division or departmental level.
254 (c) The career service council:
255 (i) may make an initial determination in each appeal whether the appeal is one of the
256 types of matters under Subsection (1)(b) over which the council has jurisdiction;
257 (ii) shall, subject to Section 17-33-4.5, review written appeals in cases of applicants
258 rejected for examination and report final binding appeals decisions, in writing, to the county
259 legislative body;
260 (iii) may not hear any other personnel matter; and
261 (iv) may affirm, modify, vacate, or set aside an order for disciplinary action.
262 (d) (i) A person adversely affected by a decision of the career service council may
263 appeal the decision to the district court.
264 (ii) An appeal to the district court under this Subsection (1)(d) is barred unless it is
265 filed within 30 days after the career service council issues its decision.
266 (iii) If there is a record of the career service council proceedings, the district court
267 review shall be limited to the record provided by the career service council.
268 (iv) In reviewing a decision of the career service council, the district court shall
269 presume that the decision is valid and may determine only whether the decision is arbitrary or
270 capricious.
271 (2) Each council member shall serve a term of three years to expire on June 30, three
272 years after the date of his or her appointment, except that original appointees shall be chosen as
273 follows: one member for a term expiring June 30, 1982; one member for a term expiring June
274 30, 1983; and one member for a term expiring June 30, 1984. Successors of original council
275 members shall be chosen for three-year terms. An appointment to fill a vacancy on the council
276 shall be for only the unexpired term of the appointee's successor. Each member of the board
277 shall hold office until his successor is appointed and confirmed. A member of the council may
278 be removed by the county executive for cause, after having been given a copy of the charges
279 against him or her and an opportunity to be heard publicly on the charges before the county
280 legislative body. Adequate annual appropriations shall be made available to enable the council
281 effectively to carry out its duties under this law.
282 (3) Members and alternates of the council shall be United States citizens and be actual
283 and bona fide residents of the state of Utah and the county from which appointed for a period
284 of not less than one year preceding the date of appointment and a member may not hold another
285 government office or be employed by the county.
286 (4) The council shall elect one of its members as chairperson, and two or more
287 members of the council shall constitute a quorum necessary for carrying on the business and
288 activity of the council.
289 (5) The council shall have subpoena power to compel attendance of witnesses, and to
290 authorize witness fees where it deems appropriate, to be paid at the same rate as in justice
291 courts.
292 (6) (a) [
293 they are in session at a per diem rate [
294 accordance with Section 11-55-103.
295 [
296 that the alternate member is required to replace a regular council member, at a per diem rate
297 [
298 [
300 Section 9. Section 17B-1-307 is amended to read:
301 17B-1-307. Annual compensation -- Per diem compensation -- Participation in
302 group insurance plan -- Reimbursement of expenses.
303 (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection 17B-1-308(1)(e), a member of a board of
304 trustees may receive compensation for service on the board, as determined by the board of
305 trustees.
306 (b) The amount of compensation under this Subsection (1) may not exceed $5,000 per
307 year.
308 (c) (i) As determined by the board of trustees, a member of the board of trustees may
309 participate in a group insurance plan provided to employees of the local district on the same
310 basis as employees of the local district.
311 (ii) The amount that the local district pays to provide a member with coverage under a
312 group insurance plan shall be included as part of the member's compensation for purposes of
313 Subsection (1)(b).
314 (d) The amount that a local district pays employer-matching employment taxes, if a
315 member of the board of trustees is treated as an employee for federal tax purposes, does not
316 constitute compensation under Subsection (1).
317 (2) In addition to the compensation provided under Subsection (1), the board of
318 trustees may elect to allow a member to receive per diem and travel expenses for up to 12
319 meetings or activities per year in accordance with[
320 [
321 [
322 [
324 Section 10. Section 17B-1-312 is amended to read:
325 17B-1-312. Training for board members.
326 (1) (a) Each member of a board of trustees of a local district shall, within one year after
327 taking office, complete the training described in Subsection (2).
328 (b) For the purposes of Subsection (1)(a), a member of a board of trustees of a local
329 district takes office each time the member is elected or appointed to a new term, including an
330 appointment to fill a midterm vacancy in accordance with Subsection 17B-1-303(5) or (6).
331 (2) In conjunction with the Utah Association of Special Districts, the state auditor
332 shall:
333 (a) develop a training curriculum for the members of local district boards; and
334 (b) with the assistance of other state offices and departments the state auditor considers
335 appropriate and at times and locations established by the state auditor, carry out the training of
336 members of local district boards.
337 (3) (a) A local district board of trustees may compensate each member of the board [
339 completes, in accordance with Section 11-55-103.
340 (b) The [
341 addition to all other amounts of compensation and expense reimbursement authorized under
342 this chapter.
343 (c) A board of trustees may not pay compensation under Subsection (3)(a) to any board
344 member more than once per year.
345 (4) The state auditor shall issue a certificate of completion to each board member that
346 completes the training described in Subsection (2).
347 Section 11. Section 17B-2a-807 is amended to read:
348 17B-2a-807. Public transit district board of trustees -- Appointment --
349 Apportionment -- Qualifications -- Quorum -- Compensation -- Terms.
350 (1) (a) If 200,000 people or fewer reside within the boundaries of a public transit
351 district, the board of trustees shall consist of members appointed by the legislative bodies of
352 each municipality, county, or unincorporated area within any county on the basis of one
353 member for each full unit of regularly scheduled passenger routes proposed to be served by the
354 district in each municipality or unincorporated area within any county in the following calendar
355 year.
356 (b) For purposes of determining membership under Subsection (1)(a), the number of
357 service miles comprising a unit shall be determined jointly by the legislative bodies of the
358 municipalities or counties comprising the district.
359 (c) The board of trustees of a public transit district under this Subsection (1) may
360 include a member that is a commissioner on the Transportation Commission created in Section
361 72-1-301 and appointed as provided in Subsection (11), who shall serve as a nonvoting, ex
362 officio member.
363 (d) Members appointed under this Subsection (1) shall be appointed and added to the
364 board or omitted from the board at the time scheduled routes are changed, or as municipalities,
365 counties, or unincorporated areas of counties annex to or withdraw from the district using the
366 same appointment procedures.
367 (e) For purposes of appointing members under this Subsection (1), municipalities,
368 counties, and unincorporated areas of counties in which regularly scheduled passenger routes
369 proposed to be served by the district in the following calendar year is less than a full unit, as
370 defined in Subsection (1)(b), may combine with any other similarly situated municipality or
371 unincorporated area to form a whole unit and may appoint one member for each whole unit
372 formed.
373 (2) (a) Subject to Section 17B-2a-807.5, if more than 200,000 people reside within the
374 boundaries of a public transit district, the board of trustees shall consist of:
375 (i) 11 members:
376 (A) appointed as described under this Subsection (2); or
377 (B) retained in accordance with Section 17B-2a-807.5;
378 (ii) three members appointed as described in Subsection (4);
379 (iii) one voting member appointed as provided in Subsection (11); and
380 (iv) one nonvoting member appointed as provided in Subsection (12).
381 (b) Except as provided in Subsections (2)(c) and (d), the board shall apportion voting
382 members to each county within the district using an average of:
383 (i) the proportion of population included in the district and residing within each county,
384 rounded to the nearest 1/11 of the total transit district population; and
385 (ii) the cumulative proportion of transit sales and use tax collected from areas included
386 in the district and within each county, rounded to the nearest 1/11 of the total cumulative transit
387 sales and use tax collected for the transit district.
388 (c) The board shall join an entire or partial county not apportioned a voting member
389 under this Subsection (2) with an adjacent county for representation. The combined
390 apportionment basis included in the district of both counties shall be used for the
391 apportionment.
392 (d) (i) If rounding to the nearest 1/11 of the total public transit district apportionment
393 basis under Subsection (2)(b) results in an apportionment of more than 11 members, the county
394 or combination of counties with the smallest additional fraction of a whole member proportion
395 shall have one less member apportioned to it.
396 (ii) If rounding to the nearest 1/11 of the total public transit district apportionment
397 basis under Subsection (2)(b) results in an apportionment of less than 11 members, the county
398 or combination of counties with the largest additional fraction of a whole member proportion
399 shall have one more member apportioned to it.
400 (e) If the population of a county is at least 750,000, the county executive, with the
401 advice and consent of the county legislative body, shall appoint one voting member to
402 represent the population of the county.
403 (f) If a municipality's population is at least 160,000, the chief municipal executive,
404 with the advice and consent of the municipal legislative body, shall appoint one voting member
405 to represent the population within a municipality.
406 (g) (i) The number of voting members appointed from a county and municipalities
407 within a county under Subsections (2)(e) and (f) shall be subtracted from the county's total
408 voting member apportionment under this Subsection (2).
409 (ii) Notwithstanding Subsections (2)(l) and (10), no more than one voting member
410 appointed by an appointing entity may be a locally elected public official.
411 (h) If the entire county is within the district, the remaining voting members for the
412 county shall represent the county or combination of counties, if Subsection (2)(c) applies, or
413 the municipalities within the county.
414 (i) If the entire county is not within the district, and the county is not joined with
415 another county under Subsection (2)(c), the remaining voting members for the county shall
416 represent a municipality or combination of municipalities.
417 (j) (i) Except as provided under Subsections (2)(e) and (f), voting members
418 representing counties, combinations of counties if Subsection (2)(c) applies, or municipalities
419 within the county shall be designated and appointed by a simple majority of the chief
420 executives of the municipalities within the county or combinations of counties if Subsection
421 (2)(c) applies.
422 (ii) The appointments shall be made by joint written agreement of the appointing
423 municipalities, with the consent and approval of the county legislative body of the county that
424 has at least 1/11 of the district's apportionment basis.
425 (k) Voting members representing a municipality or combination of municipalities shall
426 be designated and appointed by the chief executive officer of the municipality or simple
427 majority of chief executive officers of municipalities with the consent of the legislative body of
428 the municipality or municipalities.
429 (l) The appointment of members shall be made without regard to partisan political
430 affiliation from among citizens in the community.
431 (m) Each member shall be a bona fide resident of the municipality, county, or
432 unincorporated area or areas which the member is to represent for at least six months before the
433 date of appointment, and shall continue in that residency to remain qualified to serve as a
434 member.
435 (n) (i) All population figures used under this section shall be derived from the most
436 recent official census or census estimate of the United States Bureau of the Census.
437 (ii) If population estimates are not available from the United States Bureau of Census,
438 population figures shall be derived from the estimate from the Utah Population Estimates
439 Committee.
440 (iii) All transit sales and use tax totals shall be obtained from the State Tax
441 Commission.
442 (o) (i) The board shall be apportioned as provided under this section in conjunction
443 with the decennial United States Census Bureau report every 10 years.
444 (ii) Within 120 days following the receipt of the population estimates under this
445 Subsection (2)(o), the district shall reapportion representation on the board of trustees in
446 accordance with this section.
447 (iii) The board shall adopt by resolution a schedule reflecting the current and proposed
448 apportionment.
449 (iv) Upon adoption of the resolution, the board shall forward a copy of the resolution to
450 each of its constituent entities as defined under Section 17B-1-701.
451 (v) The appointing entities gaining a new board member shall appoint a new member
452 within 30 days following receipt of the resolution.
453 (vi) The appointing entities losing a board member shall inform the board of which
454 member currently serving on the board will step down:
455 (A) upon appointment of a new member under Subsection (2)(o)(v); or
456 (B) in accordance with Section 17B-2a-807.5.
457 (3) Upon the completion of an annexation to a public transit district under Chapter 1,
458 Part 4, Annexation, the annexed area shall have a representative on the board of trustees on the
459 same basis as if the area had been included in the district as originally organized.
460 (4) In addition to the voting members appointed in accordance with Subsection (2), the
461 board shall consist of three voting members appointed as follows:
462 (a) one member appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives;
463 (b) one member appointed by the president of the Senate; and
464 (c) one member appointed by the governor.
465 (5) Except as provided in Section 17B-2a-807.5, the terms of office of the members of
466 the board shall be four years or until a successor is appointed, qualified, seated, and has taken
467 the oath of office.
468 (6) (a) Vacancies for members shall be filled by the official appointing the member
469 creating the vacancy for the unexpired term, unless the official fails to fill the vacancy within
470 90 days.
471 (b) If the appointing official under Subsection (1) does not fill the vacancy within 90
472 days, the board of trustees of the authority shall fill the vacancy.
473 (c) If the appointing official under Subsection (2) does not fill the vacancy within 90
474 days, the governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall fill the vacancy.
475 (7) (a) Each voting member may cast one vote on all questions, orders, resolutions, and
476 ordinances coming before the board of trustees.
477 (b) A majority of all voting members of the board of trustees are a quorum for the
478 transaction of business.
479 (c) The affirmative vote of a majority of all voting members present at any meeting at
480 which a quorum was initially present shall be necessary and, except as otherwise provided, is
481 sufficient to carry any order, resolution, ordinance, or proposition before the board of trustees.
482 (8) Each public transit district shall pay to each member[
483 expenses for meetings actually attended, in accordance with Section 11-55-103.
484 [
486 [
488 (9) (a) Members of the initial board of trustees shall convene at the time and place
489 fixed by the chief executive officer of the entity initiating the proceedings.
490 (b) The board of trustees shall elect from its voting membership a chair, vice chair, and
491 secretary.
492 (c) The members elected under Subsection (9)(b) shall serve for a period of two years
493 or until their successors shall be elected and qualified.
494 (d) On or after January 1, 2011, a locally elected public official is not eligible to serve
495 as the chair, vice chair, or secretary of the board of trustees.
496 (10) (a) Except as otherwise authorized under Subsections (2)(g) and (10)(b) and
497 Section 17B-2a-807.5, at the time of a member's appointment or during a member's tenure in
498 office, a member may not hold any employment, except as an independent contractor or locally
499 elected public official, with a county or municipality within the district.
500 (b) A member appointed by a county or municipality may hold employment with the
501 county or municipality if the employment is disclosed in writing and the public transit district
502 board of trustees ratifies the appointment.
503 (11) The Transportation Commission created in Section 72-1-301:
504 (a) for a public transit district serving a population of 200,000 people or fewer, may
505 appoint a commissioner of the Transportation Commission to serve on the board of trustees as
506 a nonvoting, ex officio member; and
507 (b) for a public transit district serving a population of more than 200,000 people, shall
508 appoint a commissioner of the Transportation Commission to serve on the board of trustees as
509 a voting member.
510 (12) (a) The board of trustees of a public transit district serving a population of more
511 than 200,000 people shall include a nonvoting member who represents all municipalities and
512 unincorporated areas within the district that are located within a county that is not annexed into
513 the public transit district.
514 (b) The nonvoting member representing the combination of municipalities and
515 unincorporated areas described in Subsection (12)(a) shall be designated and appointed by a
516 weighted vote of the majority of the chief executive officers of the municipalities described in
517 Subsection (12)(a).
518 (c) Each municipality's vote under Subsection (12)(b) shall be weighted using the
519 proportion of the public transit district population that resides within that municipality and the
520 adjacent unincorporated areas within the same county.
521 (13) (a) (i) Each member of the board of trustees of a public transit district is subject to
522 recall at any time by the legislative body of the county or municipality from which the member
523 is appointed.
524 (ii) Each recall of a board of trustees member shall be made in the same manner as the
525 original appointment.
526 (iii) The legislative body recalling a board of trustees member shall provide written
527 notice to the member being recalled.
528 (b) Upon providing written notice to the board of trustees, a member of the board may
529 resign from the board of trustees.
530 (c) Except as provided in Section 17B-2a-807.5, if a board member is recalled or
531 resigns under this Subsection (13), the vacancy shall be filled as provided in Subsection (6).
532 Section 12. Section 17D-3-301 is amended to read:
533 17D-3-301. Board of supervisors -- Number -- Term -- Chair and officers --
534 Quorum -- Compensation.
535 (1) Each conservation district shall be governed by a board of supervisors.
536 (2) (a) The board of supervisors of a conservation district consists of five members
537 elected as provided in this part, at least three of whom shall be private agricultural land
538 operators.
539 (b) If the board of supervisors divides the conservation district into watershed voting
540 areas under Section 17D-3-308, at least one member of the board of supervisors shall reside
541 within each watershed voting area.
542 (3) (a) The term of office of each member of a board of supervisors is four years.
543 (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), if multiple conservation districts are
544 consolidated or a single conservation district divided or dissolved under Part 2, Creation,
545 Consolidation, Division, and Dissolution of Conservation Districts:
546 (i) the term of each member of the board of supervisors of the consolidated
547 conservation districts or the divided or dissolved conservation district terminates immediately
548 upon consolidation, division, or dissolution; and
549 (ii) (A) the commission shall hold an election, as provided in this part, for all board of
550 supervisors members of the consolidated conservation district or divided conservation districts,
551 as the case may be; and
552 (B) the term of the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes at an election
553 under Subsection (3)(b)(ii)(A) shall be four years, and the term of the three candidates
554 receiving the next highest number of votes shall be two years.
555 (4) The board of supervisors shall elect a chair from among their number, and may
556 elect other officers from among their number that the board considers necessary.
557 (5) A majority of the board of supervisors constitutes a quorum for the transaction of
558 board business, and action by a majority of a quorum present at a meeting of the board
559 constitutes action of the board.
560 (6) For performing official duties, each member of the board of supervisors of a
561 conservation district shall receive:
562 [
563 (a) per diem and travel expenses in accordance with Section 11-55-103; and
564 (b) actual and necessary expenses.