


Chief Sponsor: Elizabeth Weight

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill modifies provisions related to the Homeless Coordinating Committee.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     modifies the reporting requirements of the Homeless Coordinating Committee and
13     the Housing and Community Development Division.
14     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
15          None
16     Other Special Clauses:
17          None
18     Utah Code Sections Affected:
19     AMENDS:
20          35A-8-604, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 278

22     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
23          Section 1. Section 35A-8-604 is amended to read:
24          35A-8-604. Uses of Homeless to Housing Reform Restricted Account.
25           (1) With the concurrence of the division and in accordance with this section, the
26     Homeless Coordinating Committee members designated in Subsection 35A-8-601(2) may
27     award ongoing or one-time grants or contracts funded from the Homeless to Housing Reform

28     Restricted Account created in Section 35A-8-605.
29          (2) Before final approval of a grant or contract awarded under this section, the
30     Homeless Coordinating Committee and the division shall provide information regarding the
31     grant or contract to, and shall consider the recommendations of, the Legislative Management
32     Committee [and the Executive Appropriations Committee].
33          (3) As a condition of receiving money, including any ongoing money, from the
34     Homeless to Housing Reform Restricted Account, an entity awarded a grant or contract under
35     this section shall provide detailed and accurate reporting on at least an annual basis to the
36     division and the Homeless Coordinating Committee that describes:
37          (a) how money provided from the Homeless to Housing Reform Restricted Account
38     has been spent by the entity; and
39          (b) the progress towards measurable outcome-based benchmarks agreed to between the
40     entity and the Homeless Coordinating Committee before the awarding of the grant or contract.
41          (4) In determining the awarding of a grant or contract under this section, the Homeless
42     Coordinating Committee, with the concurrence of the division, shall:
43          (a) ensure that the services to be provided through the grant or contract will be
44     provided in a cost-effective manner;
45          (b) consider the advice of committee members designated in Subsection 35A-8-601(3);
46          (c) give priority to a project or contract that will include significant additional or
47     matching funds from a private organization or local government entity;
48          (d) ensure that the project or contract will target the distinct housing needs of one or
49     more at-risk or homeless subpopulations, which may include:
50          (i) families with children;
51          (ii) transitional-aged youth;
52          (iii) single men or single women;
53          (iv) veterans;
54          (v) victims of domestic violence;
55          (vi) individuals with behavioral health disorders, including mental health or substance
56     use disorders;
57          (vii) individuals who are medically frail or terminally ill;
58          (viii) individuals exiting prison or jail; or

59          (ix) individuals who are homeless without shelter; and
60          (e) consider whether the project will address one or more of the following goals:
61          (i) diverting homeless or imminently homeless individuals and families from
62     emergency shelters by providing better housing-based solutions;
63          (ii) meeting the basic needs of homeless individuals and families in crisis;
64          (iii) providing homeless individuals and families with needed stabilization services;
65          (iv) decreasing the state's homeless rate;
66          (v) implementing a coordinated entry system with consistent assessment tools to
67     provide appropriate and timely access to services for homeless individuals and families;
68          (vi) providing access to caseworkers or other individualized support for homeless
69     individuals and families;
70          (vii) encouraging employment and increased financial stability for individuals and
71     families being diverted from or exiting homelessness;
72          (viii) creating additional affordable housing for state residents;
73          (ix) providing services and support to prevent homelessness among at-risk individuals
74     and adults;
75          (x) providing services and support to prevent homelessness among at-risk children,
76     adolescents, and young adults; and
77          (xi) preventing the reoccurrence of homelessness among individuals and families
78     exiting homelessness.
79          (5) In addition to the other provisions of this section, in determining the awarding of a
80     grant or contract under this section to design, build, create, or renovate a facility that will
81     provide shelter or other resources for the homeless, the Homeless Coordinating Committee,
82     with the concurrence of the division:
83          (a) may consider whether the facility will be:
84          (i) located near mass transit services;
85          (ii) located in an area that meets or will meet all zoning regulations before a final
86     dispersal of funds;
87          (iii) safe and welcoming both for individuals using the facility and for members of the
88     surrounding community; and
89          (iv) located in an area with access to employment, job training, and positive activities;

90     and
91          (b) may not award a grant or contract under this Subsection (5), unless the grant or
92     contract is endorsed by the county and, if applicable, the municipality where the facility will be
93     located.
94          (6) (a) As used in this Subsection (6), "homeless shelter" means a facility that:
95          (i) is located within a municipality;
96          (ii) provides temporary shelter to homeless individuals;
97          (iii) has capacity to provide temporary shelter to at least 200 individuals per night;
98          (iv) began operation on or before January 1, 2016;
99          (v) did not operate more than nine-months per year before January 1, 2016; and
100          (vi) currently operates year-round.
101          (b) In addition to the other provisions of this section, the Homeless Coordinating
102     Committee, with the concurrence of the division, may award a grant or contract:
103          (i) to a municipality to improve sidewalks, pathways, or roadways near a homeless
104     shelter to provide greater safety to homeless individuals; and
105          (ii) to a municipality to hire a peace officer to provide greater safety to homeless
106     individuals.
107          (7) The division may expend money from the Homeless to Housing Reform Restricted
108     Account to offset actual division and Homeless Coordinating Committee expenses related to
109     administering this section.

Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel