8 General Description:
9 This bill amends voter registration provisions in the Election Code.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ provides that an otherwise eligible voter may register to vote, and vote, by casting a
13 provisional ballot on election day or during the early voting period;
14 ▸ amends provisions relating to voter registration deadlines and the information
15 provided to applicants for voter registration;
16 ▸ changes the deadline for filing an absentee ballot application and for casting an
17 absentee ballot in person;
18 ▸ provides a sunset date for the provisions of this bill, other than technical and
19 conforming changes;
20 ▸ requires the lieutenant governor to report to the Government Operations Interim
21 Committee regarding implementation of the provisions of this bill; and
22 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
23 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
24 None
25 Other Special Clauses:
26 None
27 Utah Code Sections Affected:
29 20A-2-102.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapters 98 and 231
30 20A-2-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapters 130 and 394
31 20A-2-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 130
32 20A-2-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 130
33 20A-2-205, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 130
34 20A-2-206, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 130
35 20A-2-307, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 79
36 20A-3-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 394
37 20A-3-306, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 124
38 20A-3-601, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 79
39 20A-4-107, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapters 98, 231 and last amended
40 by Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 231
41 63I-1-220, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapters 176 and 348
43 20A-2-207, Utah Code Annotated 1953
45 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
46 Section 1. Section 20A-2-102.5 is amended to read:
47 20A-2-102.5. Voter registration deadline.
48 (1) Except as provided in Section 20A-2-201, 20A-2-206, 20A-2-207, or 20A-4-107[
49 or Chapter 16, Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act, a person who fails to submit a
50 correctly completed voter registration form on or before the voter registration deadline may not
51 vote in the election.
52 (2) The voter registration deadline is 30 calendar days before the date of the election.
53 Section 2. Section 20A-2-201 is amended to read:
54 20A-2-201. Registering to vote at office of county clerk.
55 (1) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the county clerk shall register to vote each
56 individual who registers in person at the county clerk's office during designated office hours if
57 the individual will, on the date of the election, be legally eligible to vote in a voting precinct in
58 the county in accordance with Section 20A-2-101.
59 (2) If an individual who is registering to vote submits a registration form in person at
60 the office of the county clerk during designated office hours, during the period beginning on
61 the date after the voter registration deadline and ending on the date that is 15 calendar days
62 before the date of the election, the county clerk shall:
63 (a) accept the form if the individual, on the date of the election, will be legally
64 qualified and entitled to vote in a voting precinct in the county; and
65 (b) inform the individual that the individual will be registered to vote in the pending
66 election.
67 (3) If an individual who is registering to vote and who will be legally qualified and
68 entitled to vote in a voting precinct in the county on the date of an election appears in person,
69 during designated office hours, and submits a registration form on the date of the election or
70 during the 14 calendar days before an election, the county clerk shall:
71 (a) accept the registration form; and
72 (b) (i) if [
73 before the date of an election, inform the individual that:
74 (A) [
75 election; and
76 (B) for the pending election, the individual must vote on the day of the election [
78 ballot, under Section 20A-2-207, during the early voting period described in Section
79 20A-3-601, because the individual registered [
80 (ii) [
81 the registration form on the date of an election or during the six calendar days before an
82 election, inform the individual [
83 (A) of each manner still available to the individual to timely register to vote in the
84 current election; and
85 (B) that, if the individual does not timely register in a manner described in Subsection
86 (3)(b)(ii)(A), the individual will be registered to vote but may not vote in the pending election
87 because the individual registered [
88 Section 3. Section 20A-2-202 is amended to read:
89 20A-2-202. Registration by mail.
90 (1) (a) A citizen who will be qualified to vote at the next election may register by mail.
91 (b) To register by mail, a citizen shall complete and sign the by-mail registration form
92 and mail or deliver it to the county clerk of the county in which the citizen resides.
93 (c) In order to register to vote in a particular election, the citizen shall:
94 (i) address the by-mail voter registration form to the county clerk; and
95 (ii) ensure that [
96 voter registration deadline or is otherwise marked by the post office as received by the post
97 office on or before the voter registration deadline.
98 (d) The citizen has effectively registered to vote under this section only when the
99 county clerk's office has received a correctly completed by-mail voter registration form.
100 (2) Upon receipt of a correctly completed by-mail voter registration form, the county
101 clerk shall, unless the individual named in the form is preregistering to vote:
102 (a) enter the applicant's name on the list of registered voters for the voting precinct in
103 which the applicant resides; and
104 (b) mail confirmation of registration to the newly registered voter after entering the
105 applicant's voting precinct number on that copy.
106 (3) [
107 form that is postmarked after the voter registration deadline, and is not otherwise marked by
108 the post office as received by the post office before the voter registration deadline, the county
109 clerk shall[
110 (a) if the individual named in the form is preregistering to vote[
111 Section 20A-2-101.1; or
112 (b) (i) unless the individual timely registers to vote in the current election in a
113 manner that permits registration after the voter registration deadline, register the [
114 individual after the next election; and
115 (ii) if possible, promptly [
116 [
117 (A) of each manner still available to the individual to timely register to vote in the
118 current election; and
119 (B) that, if the individual does not timely register in a manner described in Subsection
120 (3)(b)(ii)(A), the individual's registration will not be effective until after the election.
121 [
122 registration form at least seven days before an election that is postmarked on or before the date
123 of the voter registration deadline, or is otherwise marked by the post office as received by the
124 post office on or before the voter registration deadline, the county clerk shall:
125 [
126 [
127 [
128 otherwise is incorrect because of an error or because it is incomplete, the county clerk shall
129 mail notice to the person attempting to register or preregister, stating that the person has not
130 been registered or preregistered because of an error or because the form is incomplete.
131 Section 4. Section 20A-2-204 is amended to read:
132 20A-2-204. Registering to vote when applying for or renewing a driver license.
133 (1) As used in this section, "voter registration form" means the driver license
134 application/voter registration form and the driver license renewal/voter registration form
135 required by Section 20A-2-108.
136 (2) Any citizen who is qualified to vote may register to vote, and any citizen who is
137 qualified to preregister to vote may preregister to vote, by completing the voter registration
138 form.
139 (3) The Driver License Division shall:
140 (a) assist applicants in completing the voter registration form unless the applicant
141 refuses assistance;
142 (b) accept a completed voter registration form and transmit the form to the county clerk
143 of the county in which the applicant resides within five days after the day on which the division
144 receives the form;
145 (c) transmit each address change within five days after the day on which the division
146 receives the address change; and
147 (d) transmit electronically to the lieutenant governor's office the name, address, birth
148 date, and driver license number of each individual who answers "yes" to a question described
149 in Subsection 20A-2-108(1), and indicate whether the individual is registering or preregistering
150 to vote.
151 (4) (a) Upon receipt of a correctly completed voter registration form from an individual
152 who is registering to vote, the county clerk shall:
153 (i) enter the applicant's name on the list of registered voters for the voting precinct in
154 which the applicant resides; and
155 (ii) notify the applicant of registration.
156 (b) Upon receipt of a correctly completed voter registration form from an individual
157 who is preregistering to vote, the county clerk shall process the form in accordance with the
158 requirements of Section 20A-2-101.1.
159 (5) [
160 dated after the voter registration deadline, the county clerk shall[
161 (a) if the individual named in the form is preregistering to vote[
162 Section 20A-2-101.1; or
163 (b) (i) unless the individual timely registers to vote in the current election in a manner
164 that permits registration after the voter registration deadline, register the [
165 after the next election; and
166 (ii) if possible, promptly phone or mail a notice to the applicant before the election,
167 informing the [
168 (A) of each manner still available to the individual to timely register to vote in the
169 current election; and
170 (B) that, if the individual does not timely register in a manner described in Subsection
171 (5)(b)(ii)(A), the individual's registration will not be effective until after the election.
172 [
173 at least seven days before an election that is dated on or before the voter registration deadline,
174 the county clerk shall, unless the individual named in the form is preregistering to vote:
175 [
176 [
177 [
178 Driver License Division is incorrect because of an error or because it is incomplete, the county
179 clerk shall mail notice to the individual attempting to register or preregister to vote, stating that
180 the individual has not been registered or preregistered because of an error or because the form
181 is incomplete.
182 Section 5. Section 20A-2-205 is amended to read:
183 20A-2-205. Registration at voter registration agencies.
184 (1) As used in this section:
185 (a) "Discretionary voter registration agency" means the same as that term is defined in
186 Section 20A-2-300.5.
187 (b) "Public assistance agency" means each office in Utah that provides:
188 (i) public assistance; or
189 (ii) state funded programs primarily engaged in providing services to people with
190 disabilities.
191 (2) An individual may obtain and complete a by-mail registration form at a public
192 assistance agency or discretionary voter registration agency.
193 (3) Each public assistance agency and discretionary voter registration agency shall
194 provide, either as part of existing forms or on a separate form, the following information in
195 substantially the following form:
197 If you are not registered to vote where you live now, would you like to apply to register
198 or preregister to vote here today? (The decision of whether to register or preregister to vote will
199 not affect the amount of assistance that you will be provided by this agency.) Yes____ No____
202 would like help in filling out the voter registration form, we will help you. The decision about
203 whether to seek or accept help is yours. You may fill out the application form in private. If
204 you believe that someone has interfered with your right to register or preregister or to decline to
205 register or preregister to vote, your right to privacy in deciding whether to register or
206 preregister, or in applying to register or preregister to vote, or your right to choose your own
207 political party or other political preference, you may file a complaint with the Office of the
208 Lieutenant Governor, State Capitol Building, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114. (The phone number
209 of the Office of the Lieutenant Governor)."
210 (4) Unless a person applying for service or assistance from a public assistance agency
211 or discretionary voter registration agency declines, in writing, to register or preregister to vote,
212 each public assistance agency and discretionary voter registration agency shall:
213 (a) distribute a by-mail voter registration form with each application for service or
214 assistance provided by the agency or office;
215 (b) assist applicants in completing the voter registration form unless the applicant
216 refuses assistance;
217 (c) accept completed forms for transmittal to the appropriate election official; and
218 (d) transmit a copy of each voter registration form to the appropriate election official
219 within five days after it is received by the division.
220 (5) A person in a public assistance agency or a discretionary voter registration agency
221 that helps a person complete the voter registration form may not:
222 (a) seek to influence an applicant's political preference or party registration;
223 (b) display any political preference or party allegiance;
224 (c) make any statement to an applicant or take any action that has the purpose or effect
225 of discouraging the applicant from registering to vote; or
226 (d) make any statement to an applicant or take any action that has the purpose or effect
227 of leading the applicant to believe that a decision of whether to register or preregister has any
228 bearing upon the availability of services or benefits.
229 (6) Upon receipt of a correctly completed voter registration form, the county clerk
230 shall, unless the individual named in the form is preregistering to vote:
231 (a) enter the applicant's name on the list of registered voters for the voting precinct in
232 which the applicant resides; and
233 (b) notify the applicant of registration.
234 (7) [
235 dated after the voter registration deadline, the county clerk shall[
236 (a) if the individual named in the form is preregistering to vote[
237 Section 20A-2-101.1; or
238 (b) (i) unless the individual timely registers to vote in the current election in a manner
239 that permits registration after the voter registration deadline, register the [
240 after the next election; and
241 (ii) if possible, promptly phone or mail a notice to the [
242 election, informing the [
243 (A) of each manner still available to the individual to timely register to vote in the
244 current election; and
245 (B) that, if the individual does not timely register in a manner described in Subsection
246 (7)(b)(ii)(A), the individual's registration will not be effective until after the election.
247 [
248 at least seven days before an election that is dated on or before the voter registration deadline,
249 the county clerk shall:
250 [
251 [
252 [
253 public assistance agency or discretionary voter registration agency is incorrect because of an
254 error or because it is incomplete, the county clerk shall mail notice to the individual attempting
255 to register or preregister to vote, stating that the individual has not been registered or
256 preregistered to vote because of an error or because the form is incomplete.
257 Section 6. Section 20A-2-206 is amended to read:
258 20A-2-206. Electronic registration -- Requests for absentee ballot application.
259 (1) The lieutenant governor may create and maintain an electronic system that is
260 publicly available on the Internet for an individual to apply for voter registration or
261 preregistration and for an individual to request an absentee ballot.
262 (2) An electronic system for voter registration or preregistration shall require:
263 (a) that an applicant have a valid driver license or identification card, issued under Title
264 53, Chapter 3, Uniform Driver License Act, that reflects the applicant's current principal place
265 of residence;
266 (b) that the applicant provide the information required by Section 20A-2-104, except
267 that the applicant's signature may be obtained in the manner described in Subsections (2)(d)
268 and (4);
269 (c) that the applicant attest to the truth of the information provided; and
270 (d) that the applicant authorize the lieutenant governor's and county clerk's use of the
271 applicant's:
272 (i) driver license or identification card signature, obtained under Title 53, Chapter 3,
273 Uniform Driver License Act, for voter registration purposes; or
274 (ii) signature on file in the lieutenant governor's statewide voter registration database
275 developed under Section 20A-2-109.
276 (3) Notwithstanding Section 20A-2-104, an applicant using the electronic system for
277 voter registration or preregistration created under this section is not required to complete a
278 printed registration form.
279 (4) A system created and maintained under this section shall provide the notices
280 concerning a voter's presentation of identification contained in Subsection 20A-2-104(1).
281 (5) The lieutenant governor shall:
282 (a) obtain a digital copy of the applicant's driver license or identification card signature
283 from the Driver License Division; or
284 (b) ensure that the applicant's signature is already on file in the lieutenant governor's
285 statewide voter registration database developed under Section 20A-2-109.
286 (6) The lieutenant governor shall send the information to the county clerk for the
287 county in which the applicant's principal place of residence is found for further action as
288 required by Section 20A-2-304 after:
289 (a) receiving all information from an applicant; and
290 (b) (i) receiving all information from the Driver License Division; or
291 (ii) ensuring that the applicant's signature is already on file in the lieutenant governor's
292 statewide voter registration database developed under Section 20A-2-109.
293 (7) The lieutenant governor may use additional security measures to ensure the
294 accuracy and integrity of an electronically submitted voter registration.
295 (8) [
296 beginning on the date after the voter registration deadline and ending on the date that is 15
297 calendar days before the date of an election, the county clerk shall, unless the individual is
298 preregistering to vote:
299 [
300 election, will be legally qualified and entitled to vote in a voting precinct in the state; and
301 [
302 election.
303 [
304 beginning on the date that is 14 calendar days before the election and ending on the date that is
305 seven calendar days before the election, the county clerk shall, unless the individual is
306 preregistering to vote:
307 [
308 election, will be legally qualified and entitled to vote in a voting precinct in the state; and
309 [
310 [
311 [
312 and is not eligible to vote using early voting under Chapter 3, Part 6, Early Voting, because the
313 individual registered too late.
314 [
315 days before an election, the county clerk shall[
316 (a) if the individual is preregistering to vote[
317 or
318 (b) (i) unless the individual timely registers to vote in the current election in a manner
319 that permits registration after the voter registration deadline, accept the application for
320 registration if the individual, on the date of the election, will be legally qualified and entitled to
321 vote in a voting precinct in the state; and
322 (ii) inform the individual [
323 (A) of each manner still available to the individual to timely register to vote in the
324 current election; and
325 (B) that, if the individual does not timely register in a manner described in Subsection
326 (10)(b)(ii)(A), the individual is registered to vote but may not vote in the pending election
327 because the individual registered [
328 [
329 accordance with Section 20A-3-304 on the electronic system for voter registration established
330 under this section.
331 (b) The lieutenant governor shall provide a means by which a registered voter shall
332 sign the application form as provided in Section 20A-3-304.
333 Section 7. Section 20A-2-207 is enacted to read:
334 20A-2-207. Registration by provisional ballot.
335 (1) An individual who is not registered to vote may register to vote, and vote, on
336 election day or during the early voting period described in Section 20A-3-601, by voting a
337 provisional ballot, if:
338 (a) the individual is otherwise legally entitled to vote the ballot;
339 (b) the ballot is identical to the ballot for the precinct in which the individual resides;
340 (c) the information on the provisional ballot form is complete; and
341 (d) the individual provides valid voter identification and proof of residence to the poll
342 worker.
343 (2) If a provisional ballot and the individual who voted the ballot comply with the
344 requirements described in Subsection (1), the election officer shall:
345 (a) consider the provisional ballot a voter registration form;
346 (b) place the ballot with the absentee ballots, to be counted with those ballots at the
347 canvass; and
348 (c) as soon as reasonably possible, register the individual to vote.
349 (3) Except as provided in Subsection (4), the election officer shall retain a provisional
350 ballot form, uncounted, for the period specified in Section 20A-4-202, if the election officer
351 determines that the individual who voted the ballot:
352 (a) is not registered to vote and is not eligible for registration under this section; or
353 (b) is not legally entitled to vote the ballot that the individual voted.
354 (4) Subsection (3) does not apply if a court orders the election officer to produce or
355 count the provisional ballot.
356 (5) The lieutenant governor shall report to the Government Operations Interim
357 Committee on or before October 31, 2018, and on or before October 31, 2020, regarding:
358 (a) implementation of registration by provisional ballot, as described in this section, on
359 a statewide basis;
360 (b) any difficulties resulting from the implementation described in Subsection (5)(a);
361 (c) the effect of registration by provisional ballot on voter participation in Utah;
362 (d) the number of ballots cast by voters who registered by provisional ballot:
363 (i) during the early voting period described in Section 20A-3-601; and
364 (ii) on election day; and
365 (e) suggested changes in the law relating to registration by provisional ballot.
366 Section 8. Section 20A-2-307 is amended to read:
367 20A-2-307. County clerks' instructions to election judges.
368 (1) Each county clerk shall instruct election judges to allow a voter to vote a regular
369 ballot if:
370 (a) the voter has moved from one address within a voting precinct to another address
371 within the same voting precinct; and
372 (b) the voter affirms the change of address orally or in writing before the election
373 judges.
374 (2) Each county clerk shall instruct election judges to allow [
375 vote a provisional ballot if:
376 (a) the individual is not registered to vote, but is otherwise legally entitled to vote
377 under Section 20A-2-207;
378 [
379 [
380 Section 9. Section 20A-3-304 is amended to read:
381 20A-3-304. Application for absentee ballot -- Time for filing and voting.
382 (1) (a) Any registered voter who wishes to vote an absentee ballot may either:
383 (i) file an absentee ballot application:
384 (A) on the electronic system maintained by the lieutenant governor under Section
385 20A-2-206; or
386 (B) with the appropriate election officer for an official absentee ballot as provided in
387 this section; or
388 (ii) vote in person at the office of the appropriate election officer as provided in Section
389 20A-3-306.
390 (b) A person that collects a completed absentee ballot application from a registered
391 voter shall file the completed absentee ballot application with the appropriate election official
392 before the earlier of:
393 (i) 14 days after the day on which the registered voter signed the absentee ballot form;
394 or
395 (ii) the [
396 (2) As it relates to an absentee ballot application to be filled out entirely by the voter:
397 (a) except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), the lieutenant governor or election officer
398 shall approve an application form for absentee ballot applications:
399 (i) in substantially the following form:
400 "I, ____, a qualified elector, residing at ____ Street, ____ City, ____ County, Utah
401 apply for an official absentee ballot to be voted by me at the election.
402 Date ________ (month\day\year) Signed ___________________________
403 Voter"; and
404 (ii) that asks the voter to indicate whether the voter wishes to maintain absentee voter
405 status:
406 (A) until the voter requests otherwise at a future date; or
407 (B) until a date specified by the voter in the application form; and
408 (b) the lieutenant governor or election officer shall approve an application form for
409 regular primary elections and for the Western States Presidential Primary:
410 (i) in substantially the following form:
411 "I, ____, a qualified elector, residing at ____ Street, ____ City, ____ County, Utah
412 apply for an official absentee ballot for the _______________ political party to be voted by me
413 at the primary election.
414 I understand that I must be affiliated with or authorized to vote the political party's
415 ballot that I request.
416 Dated _________ (month\day\year) ____ Signed ___________________________
417 Voter"; and
418 (ii) that asks the voter to indicate whether the voter wishes to maintain absentee voter
419 status:
420 (A) until the voter requests otherwise at a future date; or
421 (B) until a date specified by the voter in the application form.
422 (3) If requested by the applicant, the election officer shall:
423 (a) mail or fax the application form to the absentee voter; or
424 (b) deliver the application form to any voter who personally applies for it at the office
425 of the election officer.
426 (4) As it relates to an absentee ballot application to be filled out for, and finished and
427 signed by, a voter:
428 (a) except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), the lieutenant governor or election officer
429 shall approve an application form for absentee ballot applications:
430 (i) in substantially the following form:
431 "I, ____, a qualified elector, residing at ____ Street, ____ City, ____ County, Utah
432 apply for an official absentee ballot to be voted by me at the election.
433 I understand that a person that collects this absentee ballot application is required to file
434 it with the appropriate election official before the earlier of fourteen days after the day on
435 which I sign the application or the [
436 This form is provided by (insert name of person or organization).
437 I have verified that the information on this application is correct.
438 I understand that I will receive a ballot at the following address: (insert address and an
439 adjacent check box);
440 OR
441 I request that the ballot be mailed to the following address: (insert blank space for an
442 address and an adjacent check box).
443 Date ________ (month\day\year) Signed ___________________________
444 Voter"; and
445 (ii) that asks the voter to indicate whether the voter wishes to maintain absentee voter
446 status:
447 (A) until the voter requests otherwise at a future date; or
448 (B) until a date specified by the voter in the application form; and
449 (b) the lieutenant governor or election officer shall approve an application form for
450 regular primary elections and for the Western States Presidential Primary:
451 (i) in substantially the following form:
452 "I, ____, a qualified elector, residing at ____ Street, ____ City, ____ County, Utah
453 apply for an official absentee ballot for the _______________ political party to be voted by me
454 at the primary election.
455 I understand that I must be affiliated with or authorized to vote the political party's
456 ballot that I request. I understand that a person that collects this absentee ballot application is
457 required to file it with the appropriate election official before the earlier of fourteen days after
458 the day on which I sign the application or the [
459 election.
460 This form is provided by (insert name of person or organization).
461 I have verified that the information on this application is correct.
462 I understand that I will receive a ballot at the following address: (insert address and an
463 adjacent check box);
464 OR
465 I request that the ballot be mailed to the following address: (insert blank space for an
466 address and an adjacent check box).
467 Dated _________ (month\day\year) ____ Signed ___________________________
468 Voter"; and
469 (ii) that asks the voter to indicate whether the voter wishes to maintain absentee voter
470 status:
471 (A) until the voter requests otherwise at a future date; or
472 (B) until a date specified by the voter in the application form.
473 (5) The forms described in Subsections (2) and (4) shall contain instructions on how a
474 voter may cancel an absentee ballot application.
475 (6) Except as provided in Subsection 20A-3-306(2)(a), a voter who wishes to vote by
476 absentee ballot shall file the application for an absentee ballot with the lieutenant governor or
477 appropriate election officer no later than the [
478 (7) (a) A county clerk shall establish an absentee voter list containing the name of each
479 voter who:
480 (i) requests absentee voter status; and
481 (ii) meets the requirements of this section.
482 (b) A county clerk may not remove a voter's name from the list described in Subsection
483 (7)(a) unless:
484 (i) the voter is no longer listed in the official register;
485 (ii) the voter cancels the voter's absentee status; or
486 (iii) the voter's name is removed on the date specified by the voter on the absentee
487 ballot application form.
488 (c) (i) Each year, the clerk shall mail a questionnaire to each voter whose name is on
489 the absentee voter list.
490 (ii) The questionnaire shall allow the voter to:
491 (A) verify the voter's residence; or
492 (B) cancel the voter's absentee status.
493 (d) The clerk shall provide a copy of the absentee voter list to election officers for use
494 in elections.
495 Section 10. Section 20A-3-306 is amended to read:
496 20A-3-306. Voting ballot -- Returning ballot.
497 (1) (a) Except as provided by Section 20A-1-308, to vote a mail-in absentee ballot, the
498 absentee voter shall:
499 (i) complete and sign the affidavit on the envelope;
500 (ii) mark the votes on the absentee ballot;
501 (iii) place the voted absentee ballot in the envelope;
502 (iv) securely seal the envelope; and
503 (v) attach postage, unless voting in accordance with Section 20A-3-302, and deposit
504 the envelope in the mail or deliver it in person to the election officer from whom the ballot was
505 obtained.
506 (b) Except as provided by Section 20A-1-308, to vote an absentee ballot in person at
507 the office of the election officer, the absent voter shall:
508 (i) complete and sign the affidavit on the envelope;
509 (ii) mark the votes on the absent-voter ballot;
510 (iii) place the voted absent-voter ballot in the envelope;
511 (iv) securely seal the envelope; and
512 (v) give the ballot and envelope to the election officer.
513 (2) Except as provided by Section 20A-1-308, an absentee ballot is not valid unless:
514 (a) in the case of an absentee ballot that is voted in person, the ballot is:
515 (i) applied for and cast in person at the office of the appropriate election officer no later
516 than the [
517 (ii) submitted on election day at a polling location in the political subdivision where
518 the absentee voter resides;
519 (b) in the case of an absentee ballot that is submitted by mail, the ballot is:
520 (i) clearly postmarked before election day, or otherwise clearly marked by the post
521 office as received by the post office before election day; and
522 (ii) received in the office of the election officer before noon on the day of the official
523 canvass following the election; or
524 (c) in the case of a military-overseas ballot, the ballot is submitted in accordance with
525 Section 20A-16-404.
526 (3) An absentee voter may submit a completed absentee ballot at a polling location in a
527 political subdivision holding the election, if the absentee voter resides in the political
528 subdivision.
529 (4) An absentee voter may submit an incomplete absentee ballot at a polling location
530 for the voting precinct where the voter resides, request that the ballot be declared spoiled, and
531 vote in person.
532 Section 11. Section 20A-3-601 is amended to read:
533 20A-3-601. Early voting.
534 (1) (a) An individual who is registered to vote may vote before the election date in
535 accordance with this section.
536 (b) An individual who is not registered to vote may register to vote and vote before the
537 election date in accordance with this section if the individual:
538 (i) is otherwise legally entitled to vote the ballot [
540 (ii) casts a provisional ballot in accordance with Section [
541 (2) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, the early voting period shall:
542 (a) begin on the date that is 14 days before the date of the election; and
543 (b) continue through the Friday before the election if the election date is a Tuesday.
544 (3) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, during the early voting period, the
545 election officer:
546 (a) for a local special election, a municipal primary election, and a municipal general
547 election:
548 (i) shall conduct early voting on a minimum of four days during each week of the early
549 voting period; and
550 (ii) shall conduct early voting on the last day of the early voting period; and
551 (b) for all other elections:
552 (i) shall conduct early voting on each weekday; and
553 (ii) may elect to conduct early voting on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday.
554 (4) Except as specifically provided in this Part 6, Early Voting, or Section 20A-1-308,
555 early voting shall be administered according to the requirements of this title.
556 Section 12. Section 20A-4-107 is amended to read:
557 20A-4-107. Review and disposition of provisional ballot form.
558 (1) As used in this section, a person is "legally entitled to vote" if:
559 (a) the person:
560 (i) is registered to vote in the state;
561 (ii) votes the ballot for the voting precinct in which the person resides; and
562 (iii) provides valid voter identification to the poll worker;
563 (b) the person:
564 (i) is registered to vote in the state;
565 (ii) (A) provided valid voter identification to the poll worker; or
566 (B) either failed to provide valid voter identification or the documents provided as
567 valid voter identification were inadequate and the poll worker recorded that fact in the official
568 register but the county clerk verifies the person's identity and residence through some other
569 means; and
570 (iii) did not vote in the person's precinct of residence, but the ballot that the person
571 voted was from the person's county of residence and includes one or more candidates or ballot
572 propositions on the ballot voted in the person's precinct of residence; or
573 (c) the person:
574 (i) is registered to vote in the state;
575 (ii) either failed to provide valid voter identification or the documents provided as
576 valid voter identification were inadequate and the poll worker recorded that fact in the official
577 register; and
578 (iii) (A) the county clerk verifies the person's identity and residence through some other
579 means as reliable as photo identification; or
580 (B) the person provides valid voter identification to the county clerk or an election
581 officer who is administering the election by the close of normal office hours on Monday after
582 the date of the election.
583 (2) (a) Upon receipt of a provisional ballot [
584 review the affirmation on the [
585 the person signing the affirmation is:
586 (i) registered to vote in this state; and
587 (ii) legally entitled to vote:
588 (A) the ballot that the person voted; or
589 (B) if the ballot is from the person's county of residence, for at least one ballot
590 proposition or candidate on the ballot that the person voted.
591 (b) [
592 the person is not registered to vote in this state or is not legally entitled to vote in the county or
593 for any of the ballot propositions or candidates on the ballot that the person voted, the election
594 officer shall retain the ballot [
595 Section 20A-4-202 unless ordered by a court to produce or count it.
596 (c) If the election officer determines that the person is registered to vote in this state
597 and is legally entitled to vote in the county and for at least one of the ballot propositions or
598 candidates on the ballot that the person voted, the election officer shall [
600 counted with those ballots at the canvass.
601 (d) The election officer may not count, or allow to be counted a provisional ballot
602 unless the person's identity and residence is established by a preponderance of the evidence.
603 (3) If the election officer determines that the person is registered to vote in this state, or
604 if the voter registers to vote in accordance with Section 20A-2-207, the election officer shall
605 ensure that the voter registration records are updated to reflect the information provided on the
606 provisional ballot [
607 (4) [
608 the person is not registered to vote in this state and the information on the provisional ballot
609 [
610 (a) consider the provisional ballot [
611 person's county of residence; and
612 (b) (i) register the person if the voter's county of residence is within the county; or
613 (ii) forward the voter registration form to the election officer of the person's county of
614 residence, which election officer shall register the person.
615 (5) Notwithstanding any provision of this section, the election officer shall [
617 to be counted with those ballots at the canvass, if:
618 (a) (i) the election officer determines, in accordance with the provisions of this section,
619 that the sole reason a provisional ballot may not otherwise be counted is because the voter
620 registration was filed less than [
621 (ii) [
622 provisional ballot:
623 (A) completed and signed the voter registration; and
624 (B) provided the voter registration to another person to file;
625 (iii) the late filing was made due to the person described in Subsection (5)(a)(ii)(B)
626 filing the voter registration less than [
627 (iv) the election officer receives the voter registration no later than one day before the
628 day of the election; or
629 (b) the provisional ballot is cast on or before election day [
632 Section 13. Section 63I-1-220 is amended to read:
633 63I-1-220. Repeal dates, Title 20A.
634 [
635 [
636 [
637 [
639 [
641 [
643 [
645 [
646 [
648 [
650 [
652 [
653 On January 1, 2022:
654 (1) In Subsection 20A-2-102.5, the language that states, "20A-2-207," is repealed.
655 (2) In Subsection 20A-2-201(3)(b)(i)(B), the language that states, "or by provisional
656 ballot, under Section 20A-2-207, during the early voting period described in Section
657 20A-3-601" is repealed and replaced with, "and is not eligible to vote using early voting under
658 Chapter 3, Part 6, Early Voting".
659 (3) Subsection 20A-2-201(3)(b)(ii) is amended to read, "(ii) if the individual submits
660 the registration form on the date of an election or during the six calendar days before an
661 election, inform the individual that the individual will be registered to vote, but may not vote in
662 the pending election because the individual registered late;".
663 (4) Subsection 20A-2-202(3) is amended to read, "(3) If the county clerk receives a
664 correctly completed by-mail voter registration form that is postmarked after the voter
665 registration deadline, the county clerk shall, unless the individual named in the form is
666 preregistering to vote:
667 (a) register the applicant after the next election; and
668 (b) if possible, promptly mail a notice to, or otherwise notify, the applicant before the
669 election, informing the applicant that the applicant's registration will not be effective until after
670 the election."
671 (5) Subsection 20A-2-204(5) is amended to read, "(5) If the county clerk receives a
672 correctly completed voter registration form that is dated after the voter registration deadline,
673 the county clerk shall, unless the individual named in the form is preregistering to vote:
674 (a) register the applicant after the next election; and
675 (b) if possible, promptly phone or mail a notice to the applicant before the election,
676 informing the applicant that the applicant's registration will not be effective until after the
677 election."
678 (6) Subsection 20A-2-205(7) is amended to read, "(7) If the county clerk receives a
679 correctly completed voter registration form that is dated after the voter registration deadline,
680 the county clerk shall, unless the individual named in the form is preregistering to vote:
681 (a) register the applicant after the next election; and
682 (b) if possible, promptly phone or mail a notice to the applicant before the election,
683 informing the applicant that the applicant's registration will not be effective until after the
684 election."
685 (7) Subsection 20A-2-206(10) is amended to read, "(10) If an individual applies to
686 register under this section during the six calendar days before an election, the county clerk
687 shall, unless the individual is preregistering to vote:
688 (a) accept the application for registration if the individual, on the date of the election,
689 will be legally qualified and entitled to vote in a voting precinct in the state; and
690 (b) inform the individual that the individual is registered to vote but may not vote in
691 the pending election because the individual registered late."
692 (8) Section 20A-2-207 is repealed.
693 (9) Subsection 20A-2-307(2)(a) is repealed and the remaining subsections in
694 Subsection 20A-2-307(2) are renumbered accordingly.
695 (10) Subsection 20A-3-601(1)(a) is renumbered as Subsection (1), and Subsection
696 20A-3-601(1)(b) is repealed.
697 (11) The word "Tuesday" is repealed and replaced with the word "Thursday" in
698 Subsections 20A-3-304(1)(b)(ii), (4)(a)(i), (4)(b)(i), and (6) and Subsection 20A-3-306(2)(a)(i).
699 (12) In Subsection 20A-4-107(2)(b), the language that states, "Except as provided in
700 Section 20A-2-207," is repealed.
701 (13) In Subsection 20A-4-107(3), the language that states, ", or if the voter registers to
702 vote in accordance with Section 20A-2-207," is repealed.
703 (14) In Subsection 20A-4-107(4), the language that states, "Except as provided in
704 Section 20A-2-207," is repealed.
705 (15) Subsection 20A-4-107(5)(b) is repealed, "; or" is repealed from the end of
706 Subsection 20A-4-107(5)(a)(iv) and is replaced with a period, and the remaining subsections in
707 Subsection 20A-4-107(5), and the references to those subsections, are renumbered accordingly.
Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel