9 General Description:
10 This concurrent resolution directs the Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program
11 to maintain the current benefit design notwithstanding actuarial equivalency
12 requirements, and to refund part of the excess dental reserves.
13 Highlighted Provisions:
14 This resolution:
15 ▸ directs the Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program to maintain current
16 benefit design for all plans notwithstanding requirements for actuarial equivalency;
17 ▸ uses some of the medical renewal to reduce employee premium contribution; and
18 ▸ refunds part of the excess dental reserves.
19 Special Clauses:
20 None
22 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
23 WHEREAS, in accordance with Utah Code Section 49-20-201, the state participates in
24 the Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program (program);
25 WHEREAS, Utah Code Subsection 49-20-401(1)(g) provides that the program must
26 "consult with the covered employers to evaluate employee benefit plans and develop
27 recommendations for benefit changes";
28 WHEREAS, Utah Code Subsection 49-20-401(1)(j) provides that the program "submit
29 in advance, its recommended benefit adjustments for state employees to . . . the Legislature;
30 and . . . the executive director of the state Department of Human Resource Management";
31 WHEREAS, Utah Code Subsection 49-20-401(1)(l) provides that the program must
32 "determine benefits and rates based on the total estimated costs and the employee premium
33 share established by the Legislature, upon approval of the board, for state employees";
34 WHEREAS, Utah Code Subsection 49-20-410(3)(b) provides that the state's annual
35 contribution to employee HSA accounts reflect "the difference in the actuarial value" between
36 HSA-qualified plans and the Traditional Plan, "after taking into account any difference in
37 employee premium contribution";
38 WHEREAS, Utah Code Subsection 49-20-402(2) provides that substantial excess
39 reserves are to be refunded upon the determination of the Utah State Retirement Board; and
40 WHEREAS, the Utah State Retirement Board has determined that there should be a
41 refund of excess reserves in the risk pool established to pay dental claims for state employees:
42 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
43 Governor concurring therein, directs the Public Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program to:
44 (1) use $3.75 million of the $20 million medical renewal for FY 2017-18 to reduce the
45 employee premium contribution by approximately 18%;
46 (2) maintain the current benefit design for all plans for FY 2017-18, notwithstanding
47 the actuarial equivalency requirement of Subsection 49-20-410(3)(b); and
48 (3) refund to the state $3.1 million for its share of excess dental reserves on or before
49 June 30, 2017, so that the remaining pool reserves equal approximately 60 days of premium.
50 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Public
51 Employees' Benefit and Insurance Program.