8 General Description:
9 This bill appropriates funds for the support and operation of public education for the
10 fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017, and ending June 30, 2018.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ provides appropriations for the use and support of state education agencies;
14 ▸ provides appropriations for the use and support of school districts and charter
15 schools;
16 ▸ sets the value of the weighted pupil unit (WPU) initially at $3,184 for fiscal year
17 2018;
18 ▸ sets the estimated minimum basic tax rate at .001596 for fiscal year 2018;
19 ▸ provides appropriations for other purposes as described; and
20 ▸ provides intent language.
21 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22 This bill appropriates for fiscal year 2018:
23 ▸ $4,309,500 from the General Fund;
24 ▸ $23,000,000 from the Uniform School Fund;
25 ▸ $3,048,635,500 from the Education Fund; and
26 ▸ $1,523,226,100 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
27 This bill appropriates $2,977,000 in expendable funds and accounts for fiscal year
28 2018.
29 This bill appropriates $78,000,000 in restricted fund and account transfers for fiscal
30 year 2018, including:
31 ▸ $3,000,000 from the General Fund; and
32 ▸ $75,000,000 from the Education Fund.
33 This bill appropriates $147,900 in fiduciary funds for fiscal year 2018.
34 Other Special Clauses:
35 This bill provides a special effective date.
36 Utah Code Sections Affected:
38 53A-17a-135, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 2
39 Uncodified Material Affected:
42 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
43 Section 1. Section 53A-17a-135 is amended to read:
44 53A-17a-135. Minimum basic tax rate -- Certified revenue levy.
45 (1) As used in this section, "basic levy increment rate" means a tax rate that will
46 generate an amount of revenue equal to $75,000,000.
47 (2) (a) In order to qualify for receipt of the state contribution toward the basic program
48 and as its contribution toward its costs of the basic program, each school district shall impose a
49 minimum basic tax rate per dollar of taxable value that generates [
50 in revenues statewide.
51 (b) The preliminary estimate for the [
52 [
53 (c) The State Tax Commission shall certify on or before June 22 the rate that generates
54 [
55 (d) If the minimum basic tax rate exceeds the certified revenue levy as defined in
56 Section 53A-17a-103, the state is subject to the notice requirements of Section 59-2-926.
57 (3) (a) The state shall contribute to each district toward the cost of the basic program in
58 the district that portion which exceeds the proceeds of the difference between:
59 (i) the minimum basic tax rate to be imposed under Subsection (2); and
60 (ii) the basic levy increment rate.
61 (b) In accordance with the state strategic plan for public education and to fulfill its
62 responsibility for the development and implementation of that plan, the Legislature instructs
63 the State Board of Education, the governor, and the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst in each
64 of the coming five years to develop budgets that will fully fund student enrollment growth.
65 (4) (a) If the difference described in Subsection (3)(a) equals or exceeds the cost of the
66 basic program in a school district, no state contribution shall be made to the basic program.
67 (b) The proceeds of the difference described in Subsection (3)(a) that exceed the cost
68 of the basic program shall be paid into the Uniform School Fund as provided by law.
69 (5) The State Board of Education shall:
70 (a) deduct from state funds that a school district is authorized to receive under this
71 chapter an amount equal to the proceeds generated within the school district by the basic levy
72 increment rate; and
73 (b) deposit the money described in Subsection (5)(a) into the Minimum Basic Growth
74 Account created in Section 53A-17a-135.1.
75 Section 2. Appropriations for state education agencies, school districts, and
76 charter schools -- Value of weighted pupil unit .
77 (1) The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
78 2017, and ending June 30, 2018. Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1,
79 Budgetary Procedures Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the
80 funds or accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
81 (2) The value of the weighted pupil unit for fiscal year 2018 is initially set at $3,184.
Item 1
83 To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Basic School Program
84 From Uniform School Fund
85 From Education Fund
86 From Local Revenue
87 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
88 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
89 Schedule of Programs:
90 Kindergarten (27,529 WPUs) 87,652,300
91 Grades 1 - 12 (576,394 WPUs) 1,842,013,000
92 Foreign Exchange (328 WPUs) 1,044,400
93 Necessarily Existent Small Schools
94 (9,514 WPUs) 30,292,700
95 Professional Staff (55,577 WPUs) 176,957,200
96 Administrative Costs (1,490 WPUs) 4,744,200
97 Special Education - Add-On
98 (77,514 WPUs) 246,804,500
99 Special Education - Preschool
100 (10,238 WPUs) 32,597,800
101 Special Education - Self-Contained
102 (13,940 WPUs) 44,385,000
103 Special Education - Extended School Year
104 (429 WPUs) 1,365,900
105 Special Education - Impact Aid
106 (2,016 WPUs) 6,418,900
107 Special Education - Intensive Services
108 (397 WPUs) 1,264,000
109 Special Education - Extended Year for
110 Special Educators (909 WPUs) 2,894,300
111 Career and Technical Education - Add-On
112 (28,040 WPUs) 89,279,400
113 Class Size Reduction (39,990 WPUs) 127,328,200
114 (1) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before
115 September 30, 2017, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following
116 performance measures for the Basic School Program:
117 (a) High School Graduation (Target = 90%);
118 (b) ACT Performance (Target = increase the number of students earning an 18
119 composite score);
120 (c) Career and Technical Education Career Pathway Completer (Target = 40%); and
121 (d) Career and Technical Education Career Pathway Concentrator (Target = 75%).
122 (2) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
123 report a mission for each line item, any recommended changes to these initial performance
124 measures that may better reflect that mission, as well as the broader goals for the public
125 education system established by the State Board of Education.
Item 2
127 To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Related to Basic
128 School Programs
129 From Education Fund
130 From Interest and Dividends Account
131 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
132 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
133 Schedule of Programs:
134 To and From School - Pupil Transportation 79,265,300
135 Pupil Transportation Grants for Unsafe
136 Routes 500,000
137 Guarantee Transportation Program 500,000
138 Flexible Allocation - WPU Distribution 7,788,000
139 Enhancement for At-Risk Students 26,539,500
140 Youth in Custody 21,505,000
141 Adult Education 10,563,900
142 Enhancement for Accelerated Students 4,764,000
143 Centennial Scholarship Program 250,000
144 Concurrent Enrollment 10,209,200
145 Title I Schools Paraeducators Program 300,000
146 School LAND Trust Program 45,000,000
147 Charter School Local Replacement 135,356,000
148 Charter School Administration 7,463,700
149 K-3 Reading Improvement 15,000,000
150 Educator Salary Adjustments 167,094,400
151 USFR Teacher Salary Supplement Restricted
152 Account 6,799,900
153 School Library Books and Electronic
154 Resources 850,000
155 Matching Fund for School Nurses 1,002,000
156 Critical Languages and Dual Immersion 2,956,000
157 USTAR Centers (Year-Round Math and
158 Science) 6,200,000
159 Beverley Taylor Sorenson Elementary Arts 8,880,000
160 Early Intervention 7,500,000
161 Digital Teaching and Learning Program 10,040,000
162 (1) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before
163 September 30, 2017, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following
164 performance measures for the Related to Basic School Program:
165 (a) Students Earning At Least One Advanced Credit (Target = 98%);
166 (b) Students Earning At Least One Advanced Credit Above Graduation Requirement
167 (Target = 89%); and
168 (c) Advanced Coursework Offered in High School (Target = increase from the current
169 average of 69 courses).
170 (2) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
171 report a mission for each line item, any recommended changes to these initial performance
172 measures that may better reflect that mission, as well as the broader goals for the public
173 education system established by the State Board of Education.
Item 3
175 To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Voted and Board Local
176 Levy Programs
177 From Education Fund
178 From Education Fund Restricted - Minimum Basic
179 Growth Account
180 From Local Revenue
181 Schedule of Programs:
182 Voted Local Levy Program 444,226,900
183 Board Local Levy Program 135,215,800
184 Board Local Levy Program - Reading
185 Improvement 15,000,000
186 (1) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before
187 September 30, 2017, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following
188 performance measures for Voted and Board Local Levy Programs:
189 (a) School Districts Maximizing State Guarantee Tax Increments (Target = 41 school
190 districts);
191 (b) Equalization Funding -- Voted Local Levy Program (Target = none); and
192 (c) Equalization Funding -- Board Local Levy Program (Target = none).
193 (2) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
194 report a mission for each line item, any recommended changes to these initial performance
195 measures that may better reflect that mission, as well as the broader goals for the public
196 education system established by the State Board of Education.
Item 4
198 To State Board of Education - School Building Programs
199 From Education Fund
200 From Education Fund Restricted - Minimum Basic Growth
201 Account
202 Schedule of Programs:
203 Foundation Program 27,610,900
204 Enrollment Growth Program 5,638,800
205 (1) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before
206 September 30, 2017, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following
207 performance measures for the School Building Program:
208 (a) Equalization Funding (Target = none);
209 (b) State Funding Reach to School Districts (Target = 41 school districts); and
210 (c) State Funding Impact (Target = none).
211 (2) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
212 report a mission for each line item, any recommended changes to these initial performance
213 measures that may better reflect that mission, as well as the broader goals for the public
214 education system established by the State Board of Education.
Item 5
216 To State Board of Education - State Administrative Office
217 From General Fund
218 From Education Fund
219 From Federal Funds
220 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
221 From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease
222 From General Fund Restricted - Land Exchange Distribution
223 Account
224 From General Fund Restricted - Substance Abuse Prevention
225 From Interest and Dividends Account
226 From Land Grant Management Fund
227 From Revenue Transfers
228 Schedule of Programs:
229 Assessment and Accountability 17,895,500
230 Educational Equity 128,300
231 Board and Administration 13,627,100
232 Business Services 972,200
233 Career and Technical Education 20,581,900
234 District Computer Services 6,307,100
235 Federal Elementary and Secondary Education
236 Act 112,889,400
237 Law and Legislation 230,400
238 Math Teacher Training 500,000
239 Public Relations 162,500
240 School Trust 592,700
241 Special Education 181,065,300
242 Teaching and Learning 30,877,500
243 Statewide Online Education Program 750,000
244 Pilot Teacher Retention Grant Program 250,000
245 (1) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before
246 September 30, 2017, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following
247 performance measures for the State Administrative Office line item:
248 (a) LEA IDEA noncompliance correction (Target = 100%);
249 (b) Special Education funding alignment with formula and State Board of Education
250 board rule (Target = 95%); and
251 (c) LEA professional development (Target = 100%).
252 (2) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
253 report a mission for each line item, any recommended changes to these initial performance
254 measures that may better reflect that mission, as well as the broader goals for the public
255 education system established by the State Board of Education.
Item 6
257 To State Board of Education - Minimum School Program Categorical Program
258 Administration
259 From Education Fund
260 From Revenue Transfers
261 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
262 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
263 Schedule of Programs:
264 CTE Comprehensive Guidance 150,300
265 Enhancement for At-Risk Students 257,100
266 Youth-In-Custody 404,800
267 Adult Education 206,100
268 Dual Immersion 181,000
269 Beverley Taylor Sorenson Elementary Arts 94,400
270 (1) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before
271 September 30, 2017, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following
272 performance measures for the Minimum School Program Categorical Program Administration
273 line item:
274 (a) Professional development for dual immersion teachers (Target = 500 teachers);
275 (b) Support for guest dual immersion teachers (Target = 100 teachers);
276 (c) Advanced coursework offered in high schools (Target = 15 schools/5,000 students);
277 (d) Beverley Taylor Sorenson (BTS) program application processing (Target = 34
278 districts/22 charter schools);
279 (e) Process applications for BTS professional development (Target = 7 colleges); and
280 (f) BTS fidelity of program implementation (Target = 50 site visits and 100% review of
281 annual reports).
282 (2) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
283 report a mission for each line item, any recommended changes to these initial performance
284 measures that may better reflect that mission, as well as the broader goals for the public
285 education system established by the State Board of Education.
Item 7
287 To State Board of Education - Initiative Programs
288 From General Fund
289 From Education Fund
290 From General Fund Restricted - Autism Awareness Account
291 From Revenue Transfers
292 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
293 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
294 Schedule of Programs:
295 Contracts and Grants 300,000
296 Electronic High School 2,600
297 Upstart Early Childhood Education 6,263,900
298 ProStart Culinary Arts Program 403,100
299 CTE Online Assessments 341,000
300 General Financial Literacy 178,000
301 Carson Smith Scholarships 3,981,100
302 Paraeducator to Teacher Scholarships 24,500
303 Electronic Elementary Reading Tool 2,100,000
304 ELL Software Licenses 3,000,000
305 Autism Awareness 10,000
306 Early Intervention 4,600,000
307 Peer Assistance 400,000
308 Intergenerational Poverty Interventions 1,000,000
309 School Turnaround and Leadership
310 Development Act 6,974,800
311 Partnerships for Student Success 1,980,400
312 (1) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before
313 September 30, 2017, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following
314 performance measures for the Initiative Programs line item:
315 (a) Carson Smith Scholarship (CSS) annual compliance reporting (Target = 100%);
316 (b) CSS on-site compliance verification (Target = 33%);
317 (c) CSS document review compliance verification (Target = 100%);
318 (d) Award Paraeducator to Teacher Scholarships (PETTS) (Target = 100%);
319 (e) Geographical distribution of PETTS recipients (Target = 100%);
320 (f) Report PETTS award winners annually to Utah State Board of Education (Target =
321 100%);
322 (g) Autism Awareness annual compliance reporting (Target = 100%);
323 (h) Autism Awareness compliance with statute (Target = 100%); and
324 (i) Distribution of Autism Awareness funding (Target = 100%).
325 (2) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
326 report a mission for each line item, any recommended changes to these initial performance
327 measures that may better reflect that mission, as well as the broader goals for the public
328 education system established by the State Board of Education.
Item 8
330 To State Board of Education - State Charter School Board
331 From Education Fund
332 From Revenue Transfers
333 Schedule of Programs:
334 State Charter School Board 3,672,800
335 (1) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before
336 September 30, 2017, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following
337 performance measures for the State Charter School Board line item:
338 (a) Communication survey average score from stakeholders (Target = 5);
339 (b) Increase charter schools in compliance with charter agreement (Target = 75%); and
340 (c) Develop plan for restructuring the Charter board staff (Target = complete plan).
341 (2) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
342 report a mission for each line item, any recommended changes to these initial performance
343 measures that may better reflect that mission, as well as the broader goals for the public
344 education system established by the State Board of Education.
Item 9
346 To State Board of Education - Utah Charter School Finance Authority
347 From Education Fund Restricted - Charter School Reserve Account
348 Schedule of Programs:
349 Utah Charter School Finance Authority 50,000
Item 10
351 To State Board of Education - Educator Licensing Professional Practices
352 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
353 From Professional Practices Restricted Subfund
354 From Revenue Transfers
355 Schedule of Programs:
356 Educator Licensing 2,140,000
357 (1) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before
358 September 30, 2017, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following
359 performance measures for the Educator Licensing line item:
360 (a) Background checks for educators (Target = 100%);
361 (b) Background check response and notification of LEA within 72 hours (Target =
362 100%);
363 (c) Licensing standards (Target = 95%);
364 (d) Teacher preparation in assigned subject area (Target = 95%); and
365 (e) Educator license support (Target = 90% of educators responded to within 72 hours
366 and 75% of all issues resolved within 5 business days).
367 (2) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
368 report a mission for each line item, any recommended changes to these initial performance
369 measures that may better reflect that mission, as well as the broader goals for the public
370 education system established by the State Board of Education.
Item 11
372 To State Board of Education - Child Nutrition
373 From Education Fund
374 From Federal Funds
375 From Dedicated Credit - Liquor Tax
376 From Revenue Transfers
377 Schedule of Programs:
378 Child Nutrition 198,704,200
379 (1) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before
380 September 30, 2017, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following
381 performance measures for the Child Nutrition line item:
382 (a) School districts served (Target = 41);
383 (b) Administrative reviews completed (Target = 100% over a three-year cycle); and
384 (c) Programming at new sites (Target = 70).
385 (2) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
386 report a mission for each line item, any recommended changes to these initial performance
387 measures that may better reflect that mission, as well as the broader goals for the public
388 education system established by the State Board of Education.
Item 12
390 To State Board of Education - Child Nutrition - Federal Commodities
391 From Federal Funds
392 Schedule of Programs:
393 Child Nutrition - Federal Commodities 19,159,300
Item 13
395 To State Board of Education - Fine Arts Outreach
396 From Education Fund
397 Schedule of Programs:
398 Professional Outreach Programs 3,871,000
399 Subsidy Program 54,000
400 (1) (a) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before
401 September 30, 2017, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following
402 performance measures for Fine Arts Outreach -- Professional Outreach in the Schools Program:
403 (i) Local Education Agencies Served in a Three-Year Period (Target = 95%);
404 (ii) Number of Students and Educators Receiving Services (Target = 450,000 students/
405 25,000 teachers); and
406 (iii) Efficacy of Education Programming as Determined by Peer Review (Target =
407 85%).
408 (b) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
409 report a mission for each line item, any recommended changes to these initial performance
410 measures that may better reflect that mission, as well as the broader goals for the public
411 education system established by the State Board of Education.
412 (2) (a) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before
413 September 30, 2017, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following
414 performance measures for Fine Arts Outreach -- Subsidy Program:
415 (i) Local Education Agencies Served in a Three-Year Period (Target = 85%);
416 (ii) Number of Students and Educators Receiving Services (Target = 140,000 students/
417 5,000 teachers); and
418 (iii) Efficacy of Education Programming as Determined by Peer Review (Target =
419 90%).
420 (b) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
421 report a mission for each line item, any recommended changes to these initial performance
422 measures that may better reflect that mission, as well as the broader goals for the public
423 education system established by the State Board of Education.
Item 14
425 To State Board of Education - Science Outreach
426 From Education Fund
427 Schedule of Programs:
428 Informal Science Education Enhancement 4,115,000
429 Provisional Program 225,000
430 Integrated Student and New Facility
431 Learning 50,000
432 (1) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before
433 September 30, 2017, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following
434 performance measures for Science Outreach:
435 (a) Student Science Experiences (Target = 250,000);
436 (b) Student Field Trips (Target = 200,000); and
437 (c) Teacher Professional Development (Target = 7,000).
438 (2) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
439 report a mission for each line item, any recommended changes to these initial performance
440 measures that may better reflect that mission, as well as the broader goals for the public
441 education system established by the State Board of Education.
Item 15
443 To State Board of Education - Educational Contracts
444 From Education Fund
445 Schedule of Programs:
446 Youth Center 1,153,200
447 Corrections Institutions 1,987,100
Item 16
449 To State Board of Education - Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind
450 From Education Fund
451 From Federal Funds
452 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
453 From Revenue Transfers
454 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
455 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
456 Schedule of Programs:
457 Educational Services 16,040,400
458 Support Services 19,232,400
459 (1) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before
460 September 30, 2017, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following
461 performance measures for the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind line item:
462 (a) Campus educational services (Target = increase K-12 literacy scores by 3%);
463 (b) Outreach educational services (Target = increase K-12 literacy scores by 5%); and
464 (c) Deaf-Blind Educational Services (Target = improve communication matrix scores
465 by 3%).
466 (2) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
467 report a mission for each line item, any recommended changes to these initial performance
468 measures that may better reflect that mission, as well as the broader goals for the public
469 education system established by the State Board of Education.
Item 17
471 To State Board of Education - Teaching and Learning
472 From Education Fund
473 From Revenue Transfers
474 Schedule of Programs:
475 Student Access to High Quality School
476 Readiness Programs 9,094,800
477 (1) (a) The Legislature intends that the State Board of Education report on or before
478 September 30, 2017, to the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee on the following
479 performance measures for the Teaching and Learning line item: Preschool proficiency (Target
480 = 10 percentage points greater than peers; and
481 (b) The Legislature further intends that the State Board of Education include in the
482 report a mission for each line item, any recommended changes to these initial performance
483 measures that may better reflect that mission, as well as the broader goals for the public
484 education system established by the State Board of Education.
485 (2) The Legislature intends that:
486 (a) for fiscal years 2018 and 2019, the Department of Workforce Services shall allocate
487 up to $11,000,000 of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families funding to fund programs
488 described in Title 53A, Chapter 1b, Part 2, Expanded Access to High Quality School Readiness
489 Programs Act;
490 (b) the State Board of Education shall use funds appropriated from Revenue Transfer -
491 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families consistent with federal requirements for those funds;
492 and
493 (c) the State Board of Education may:
494 (i) use up to $140,000 of the appropriation to the State Board of Education to contract
495 with an independent evaluator to conduct an evaluation, as required by Section 53A-1b-208;
496 (ii) use up to $2,000,000 of the appropriation to the State Board of Education to provide
497 grants for home-based technology school readiness programs, as described in Section
498 53A-1b-205; and
499 (iii) use the ongoing appropriation to the State Board of Education from the Education
500 Fund for administrative costs.
Item 18
502 To School and Institutional Trust Fund Office
503 From School and Institutional Trust Fund Management Account
504 Schedule of Programs:
505 School and Institutional Trust Fund Office 877,800
506 Section 3. Expendable funds and accounts.
507 The Legislature has reviewed the following expendable funds. Where applicable, the
508 Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer amounts among funds and
509 accounts as indicated. Outlays and expenditures from the recipient funds or accounts may be
510 made without further legislative action according to a fund or account's applicable authorizing
511 statute.
Item 19
513 To State Board of Education - Charter School Revolving Account
514 From Interest Income
515 From Repayments
516 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
517 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
518 Schedule of Programs:
519 Charter School Revolving Account 1,511,400
Item 20
521 To State Board of Education - School Building Revolving Account
522 From Interest Income
523 From Repayments
524 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
525 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
526 Schedule of Programs:
527 School Building Revolving Account 1,465,600
Item 21
529 To State Board of Education - Child Nutrition Program Commodities Fund
530 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
531 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
532 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
533 Section 4. Fund and account transfers.
534 The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer the following
535 amounts among the following funds or accounts as indicated. Expenditures and outlays from
536 the recipient funds must be authorized elsewhere in an appropriations act.
Item 22
538 To General Fund Restricted - School Readiness Account
539 From General Fund
540 Schedule of Programs:
541 General Fund Restricted - School Readiness
542 Account 3,000,000
Item 23
544 To Education Fund Restricted - Minimum Basic Growth Account
545 From Education Fund
546 Schedule of Programs:
547 Education Fund Restricted - Minimum
548 Basic Growth Account 75,000,000
549 Section 5. Fiduciary funds.
550 The Legislature has reviewed proposed revenues, expenditures, fund balances, and
551 changes in fund balances for the following fiduciary funds.
Item 24
553 To State Board of Education - Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Donation Fund
554 From Dedicated Credits Revenue
555 From Interest Income
556 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
557 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
558 Schedule of Programs:
559 Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Donation
560 Fund 120,400
Item 25
562 To State Board of Education - Education Tax Check-Off Lease Refunding
563 From Trust and Agency Funds
564 From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances
565 From Closing Nonlapsing Balances
566 Schedule of Programs:
567 Education Tax Check-Off Lease Refunding 27,500
568 Section 6. Effective date.
569 This bill takes effect on July 1, 2017.