8 General Description:
9 This bill enacts provisions related to data research.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ defines terms;
13 ▸ establishes the Utah Data Research Center as a program within the Workforce
14 Research and Analysis Division within the Department of Workforce Services;
15 ▸ requires the State Board of Education, the State Board of Regents, the Utah College
16 of Applied Technology, the Department of Workforce Services, and the Department
17 of Health to contribute data to a data research program used by the Utah Data
18 Research Center;
19 ▸ directs the director of the Workforce Research and Analysis Division to hire data
20 scientists, data technology experts, and data security experts; and
21 ▸ directs the Utah Data Research Center to:
22 • establish or contract with a private entity or with another state government entity
23 for the creation of a data research program that contains de-identified data from
24 participating state entities;
25 • accept requests from a state government official or a member of the public for a
26 data research request using the data from the data research program;
27 • create a prioritized list of data research requests for the state;
28 • create an online data visualization portal;
29 • use the fees the center collects for data research requests to cover the center's
30 costs; and
31 • report annually to the Education Interim Committee.
32 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
33 This bill appropriates:
34 ▸ to Utah Education and Telehealth Network - Statewide Data Alliance, as an ongoing
35 appropriation:
36 • from the Education Fund, ($645,000)
37 ▸ to University of Utah - Education in General, as an ongoing appropriation:
38 • from the Education Fund, ($310,000)
39 ▸ to Department of Workforce Services - Workforce Research and Analysis Division
40 - Utah Data Research Center, as an ongoing appropriation:
41 • from General Fund, $955,000.
42 Other Special Clauses:
43 This bill provides a special effective date.
44 Utah Code Sections Affected:
46 35A-14-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
47 35A-14-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
48 35A-14-201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
49 35A-14-202, Utah Code Annotated 1953
50 35A-14-203, Utah Code Annotated 1953
51 35A-14-204, Utah Code Annotated 1953
52 35A-14-301, Utah Code Annotated 1953
53 35A-14-302, Utah Code Annotated 1953
54 35A-14-303, Utah Code Annotated 1953
55 35A-14-304, Utah Code Annotated 1953
57 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
58 Section 1. Section 35A-14-101 is enacted to read:
61 35A-14-101. Title.
62 This chapter is known as "Utah Data Research Center."
63 Section 2. Section 35A-14-102 is enacted to read:
64 35A-14-102. Definitions.
65 As used in this chapter:
66 (1) "Advisory board" means the Utah Data Research Advisory Board created in Section
67 35A-14-203.
68 (2) "Center" means the Utah Data Research Center.
69 (3) "Data" means any information about a person stored in a physical or electronic
70 record.
71 (4) "Data research program" means the data maintained by the center in accordance
72 with Section 35A-14-301.
73 (5) "De-identified data" means data about a person that cannot, without additional
74 information, identify the person to another person or machine.
75 (6) "Director" means the director of the Workforce Research and Analysis Division.
76 (7) "Participating entity" means:
77 (a) the State Board of Education;
78 (b) the State Board of Regents;
79 (c) the Utah College of Applied Technology;
80 (d) the Department of Workforce Services; and
81 (e) the Department of Health.
82 Section 3. Section 35A-14-201 is enacted to read:
84 35A-14-201. Utah Data Research Center -- Creation.
85 The Utah Data Research Center is created within the Workforce Research and Analysis
86 Division within the department.
87 Section 4. Section 35A-14-202 is enacted to read:
88 35A-14-202. Utah Data Research Center -- Powers.
89 The center may:
90 (1) employ staff necessary to carry out the center's duties;
91 (2) purchase, own, create, or maintain equipment necessary to:
92 (a) collect data from the participating entities;
93 (b) connect and de-identify data collected by the center;
94 (c) store connected and de-identified data; or
95 (d) conduct research on data stored or obtained by the center; or
96 (3) contract with a private entity, another state or federal entity, or a political
97 subdivision of the state to carry out the center's duties as provided in this chapter.
98 Section 5. Section 35A-14-203 is enacted to read:
99 35A-14-203. Utah Data Research Advisory Board -- Composition -- Appointment.
100 (1) There is created the Utah Data Research Advisory Board in accordance with this
101 section.
102 (2) The Utah Data Research Advisory Board is composed of the following members:
103 (a) the state superintendent of the State Board of Education or the state superintendent's
104 designee;
105 (b) the commissioner of higher education or the commissioner of higher education's
106 designee;
107 (c) the commissioner of technical education or the commissioner's designee;
108 (d) the executive director of the Department of Workforce Services or the executive
109 director's designee; and
110 (e) the director of the Department of Health or the director's designee.
111 (3) The executive director shall serve as chair.
112 (4) A member of the board:
113 (a) except to the extent a member's service on the board is related to the member's
114 duties outside of the board, may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service;
115 and
116 (b) may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
117 (i) Section 63A-3-106;
118 (ii) Section 63A-3-107; and
119 (iii) rules made by the Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107.
120 Section 6. Section 35A-14-204 is enacted to read:
121 35A-14-204. Director -- Additional staff -- Administrative support.
122 (1) The director shall manage the day-to-day operations of the center.
123 (2) The director may, with the department's approval, hire staff, including:
124 (a) data scientists;
125 (b) data technology experts; and
126 (c) data security experts.
127 Section 7. Section 35A-14-301 is enacted to read:
129 35A-14-301. Data research center.
130 (1) The center shall establish a data research program for the purpose of analyzing data
131 that is:
132 (a) collected over time;
133 (b) aggregated from multiple sources; and
134 (c) connected and de-identified.
135 (2) The center may, in order to establish the data research program described in
136 Subsection (1):
137 (a) acquire property or equipment in order to store aggregated, connected, and
138 de-identified data derived from data contributed by the participating entities; or
139 (b) contract with a private entity in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah
140 Procurement Code, or with a state government entity to:
141 (i) store aggregated, connected, and de-identified data derived from data contributed by
142 the participating entities; or
143 (ii) utilize existing aggregated, connected, and de-identified data maintained by a state
144 government entity.
145 (3) A participating entity shall contribute data to the data research program described in
146 Subsection (1) within guidelines established by the center.
147 (4) The center may only release data maintained by the center in accordance with the
148 procedures described in this chapter.
149 (5) The data research program is not subject to Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government
150 Records Access and Management Act.
151 Section 8. Section 35A-14-302 is enacted to read:
152 35A-14-302. Center duties -- Data studies.
153 (1) The center shall use data that the center maintains or that a participating entity
154 contributes to the data research program under Section 35A-14-301 to conduct research for the
155 purpose of developing public policy for the state.
156 (2) The director, with consultation by the advisory board, shall create a prioritized list
157 of data research for the center to conduct using the data research program each year.
158 (3) (a) In developing the list described in Subsection (2), the center shall accept data
159 research requests from:
160 (i) a legislative committee or a legislative staff office;
161 (ii) the governor or an executive branch agency;
162 (iii) the State Board of Education;
163 (iv) the State Board of Regents; and
164 (v) the Utah College of Applied Technology.
165 (b) The department shall begin accepting the data research requests described in
166 Subsection (3)(a) on July 1, 2017.
167 (c) The center shall report the list described in Subsection (2) to the Education Interim
168 Committee before December 1 of each year.
169 (4) In addition to conducting data research in accordance with the prioritized list
170 described in Subsection (2), the center may use additional resources to prepare data research at
171 the request of:
172 (a) a state government entity;
173 (b) a political subdivision of the state;
174 (c) a private entity; or
175 (d) a member of the public.
176 (5) The director, with approval by the board, shall determine, for a data research
177 request described in Subsection (4):
178 (a) whether the center has the resources to complete the data research request;
179 (b) the order in which the center shall complete the data research request, if at all; and
180 (c) a reasonable estimated cost for the request.
181 (6) The center, after evaluating a request under Subsection (5), shall:
182 (a) provide the person that requested the data research with a cost estimate; and
183 (b) require, before accepting a data research request, that the person that submitted the
184 data research request agree to pay, once the data research is complete, the full cost of
185 completing the data research request as determined by the center under Subsection (5).
186 (7) The center shall make available to the public, on a website maintained by the
187 center, any data research request that the center completes under this section.
188 (8) The center shall ensure that any data contained in a completed data research request
189 is de-identified.
190 (9) The center shall:
191 (a) establish, by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
192 Administrative Rulemaking Act:
193 (i) procedures for submitting a data research request under this section;
194 (ii) criteria to determine how to prioritize data research requests; and
195 (iii) minimum standards for information a person is required to include in a data
196 research request; and
197 (b) create a fee schedule in accordance with Section 63J-1-504 for completing a data
198 research request.
199 (10) In addition to submitting a data research request under Subsection (4), a
200 participating entity, executive branch agency, or legislative staff office may request, and the
201 center may release, a data set from the data research program if the data set is:
202 (a) connected;
203 (b) aggregated; and
204 (c) de-identified.
205 (11) (a) The center shall use any fee the center collects under this section to cover the
206 center's costs to administer this chapter.
207 (b) The center shall deposit any fee the center collects under this section not used to
208 cover the center's costs into the General Fund.
209 Section 9. Section 35A-14-303 is enacted to read:
210 35A-14-303. Data visualization access.
211 (1) In addition to performing data research and responding to data research requests
212 under Section 35A-14-302, the center shall create an online data visualization portal that
213 provides access to the public to connected, aggregated, and de-identified data in the program.
214 (2) The data visualization portal described in Subsection (1) shall include role-based
215 dashboards that:
216 (a) allow a user to query data in the program;
217 (b) integrate real-time data; and
218 (c) allow a user to view queried data in a customizable environment.
219 Section 10. Section 35A-14-304 is enacted to read:
220 35A-14-304. Reporting.
221 (1) The center shall report to the Education Interim Committee:
222 (a) before July 1 of each year regarding the center's:
223 (i) research priorities for the year; and
224 (ii) completed research from the previous year; and
225 (b) before December 1 of each year, the center's ongoing data research priority list
226 described in Subsection 35A-14-302(2).
227 (2) The Education Interim Committee shall provide the center ongoing input regarding
228 the center's data research priorities.
229 Section 11. Appropriation.
230 The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
231 2017, and ending June 30, 2018. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for
232 fiscal year 2018. Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures
233 Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts
234 indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
235 ITEM 1
236 To Utah Education and Telehealth Network
237 From Education Fund
238 Schedule of Programs:
239 Statewide Data Alliance ($645,000)
240 ITEM 2
241 To University of Utah
242 From Education Fund
243 Schedule of Programs:
244 Education in General ($310,000)
245 ITEM 3
246 To Department of Workforce Services -- Workforce Research and
247 Analysis Division
248 From General Fund
249 Schedule of Programs:
250 Utah Data Research Center $955,000
251 Section 12. Effective date.
252 This bill takes effect on July 1, 2017.