8 General Description:
9 This bill addresses a study of the process for applications for an instream flow.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ encourages the Water Development Commission and the Executive Water Task
13 Force to study the application process for an instream flow and to present their
14 findings, conclusions, and conceptual outline for any suggested legislation to the
15 Legislature before the 2018 General Session.
16 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
17 None
18 Other Special Clauses:
19 None
20 Uncodified Material Affected:
23 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
24 Section 1. Study regarding entities that may file an application for instream flow.
25 (1) Utah Code Section 73-3-30 currently contains a restriction on which entities may
26 file an application for an instream flow -- namely, the Division of Wildlife Resources, the
27 Division of Parks and Recreation, and certain nonprofit fishing groups.
28 (2) Public water suppliers, which are defined in Section 73-1-4, are currently not able
29 to apply for an instream flow.
30 (3) Some public water suppliers have expressed an interest in exploring the possibility
31 of expanding the list of entities that can apply for an instream flow.
32 (4) This issue is very complex, and formulating a workable alternative to the current
33 system will require the thoughtful participation of a number of stakeholders.
34 (5) The Legislature encourages the Water Development Commission and the Executive
35 Water Task Force to study the possible options for expanding the potential groups that may file
36 an application for an instream flow.
37 (6) The commission and task force should present their findings and conclusions and
38 prepare a recommendation, with a conceptual outline of any suggested legislation, to the
39 Legislature before the 2018 General Session.