8 General Description:
9 This bill amends notification provisions in the Election Code.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ requires that a notice of bond election include the address of a website that lists the
13 location of each polling place;
14 ▸ permits an election officer to change or add polling locations after the time of the
15 initial notification of polling places;
16 ▸ provides for public notice of an additional polling place or a change in the location
17 of a polling place;
18 ▸ amends election notification and voter information pamphlet provisions to provide
19 for notice of polling places that are changed or added under the provisions of this
20 bill;
21 ▸ requires publication of a phone number that a voter may call to obtain information
22 regarding the location of a polling place; and
23 ▸ makes technical and conforming amendments.
24 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
25 None
26 Other Special Clauses:
27 This bill provides a coordination clause.
28 Utah Code Sections Affected:
30 11-14-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 325
31 20A-3-603, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 182
32 20A-3-604, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 182
33 20A-3-703, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 291
34 20A-5-101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 23
35 20A-7-702, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 348
36 Utah Code Sections Affected by Coordination Clause:
37 11-14-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 325
38 20A-3-603, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 182
39 20A-3-604, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 182
40 20A-3-703, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 291
41 20A-5-101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 23
42 20A-7-702, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 348
44 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
45 Section 1. Section 11-14-202 is amended to read:
46 11-14-202. Notice of election -- Contents -- Publication -- Mailing.
47 (1) The governing body shall ensure that notice of the election is provided:
48 (a) once per week during three consecutive weeks by publication in a newspaper
49 having general circulation in the local political subdivision in accordance with Section
50 11-14-316, the first publication occurring not less than 21 nor more than 35 days before the
51 election;
52 (b) on a website, if available, in accordance with Section 45-1-101 for the three weeks
53 that immediately precede the election; and
54 (c) in a local political subdivision where there is no newspaper of general circulation,
55 by posting notice of the bond election in at least five public places in the local political
56 subdivision at least 21 days before the election.
57 (2) When the debt service on the bonds to be issued will increase the property tax
58 imposed upon the average value of a residence by an amount that is greater than or equal to $15
59 per year, the governing body shall prepare and mail either a voter information pamphlet or a
60 notification described in Subsection (6):
61 (a) at least 15 days but not more than 45 days before the bond election;
62 (b) to each household containing a registered voter who is eligible to vote on the
63 bonds; and
64 (c) that includes the information required by Subsections (3) and (4).
65 (3) The notice and voter information pamphlet required by this section shall include:
66 (a) the date [
67 (b) the hours during which the polls will be open; and
68 (c) the title and text of the ballot proposition.
69 (4) The voter information pamphlet required by this section shall include:
70 (a) the information required by Subsection (3); [
71 (b) the address of a website that lists the location of each polling place for the bond
72 election, including the location of the polling place for each voting precinct, each early voting
73 location, and each election day voting center;
74 (c) a phone number that a voter may call to obtain information regarding the location of
75 a polling place; and
76 [
77 which may be based on information the governing body determines to be useful, including:
78 (i) expected debt service on the bonds to be issued;
79 (ii) a description of the purpose, remaining principal balance, and maturity date of any
80 outstanding general obligation bonds of the issuer;
81 (iii) funds other than property taxes available to pay debt service on general obligation
82 bonds;
83 (iv) timing of expenditures of bond proceeds;
84 (v) property values; and
85 (vi) any additional information that the governing body determines may be useful to
86 explain the property tax impact of issuance of the bonds.
87 (5) The election officer may change the location of, or designate additional polling
88 places for, a voting precinct, early voting, or an election day voting center at any time by, after
89 obtaining approval from the lieutenant governor for the change or addition, updating the
90 information on the website described in Subsection (4)(b).
91 [
92 this section.
93 [
94 preaddressed return form that a person may use to request delivery of a voter information
95 pamphlet by mail.
96 (b) The notice described in Subsection [
97 (i) the website upon which the voter information pamphlet is available; and
98 (ii) the phone number a voter may call to request delivery of a voter information
99 pamphlet by mail.
100 [
101 requirements described in Section 53A-18-102.
102 Section 2. Section 20A-3-603 is amended to read:
103 20A-3-603. Early voting polling places.
104 (1) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, the election officer shall designate one or
105 more polling places for early voting, provided that:
106 (a) at least one polling place is open on each day that polls are open during the early
107 voting period;
108 (b) each polling place meets the requirements for polling places under Chapter 5,
109 Election Administration;
110 (c) for all elections other than local special elections, municipal primary elections, and
111 municipal general elections, at least 10% of the voting devices at a polling place are accessible
112 for individuals with disabilities in accordance with Public Law 107-252, the Help America
113 Vote Act of 2002; and
114 (d) each polling place is located in a government building or office, unless the election
115 officer determines that, in the area designated by the election officer, there is no government
116 building or office available that:
117 (i) can be scheduled for use during early voting hours;
118 (ii) has the physical facilities necessary to accommodate early voting requirements;
119 (iii) has adequate space for voting equipment, poll workers, and voters; and
120 (iv) has adequate security, public accessibility, and parking.
121 (2) (a) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, in the event the election officer
122 determines that the number of early voting polling places is insufficient due to the number of
123 registered voters who are voting, the election officer may designate additional polling places
124 during the early voting period.
125 (b) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, if an additional early voting polling place
126 is designated, the election officer shall, as soon as is reasonably possible, give notice of the
127 dates, times, and location of the additional polling place by[
128 website described in Subsection 20A-3-604(2).
129 [
130 [
131 [
132 [
133 (3) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, for each regular general election and
134 regular primary election, counties of the first class shall ensure that the early voting polling
135 places are approximately proportionately distributed based on population within the county.
136 Section 3. Section 20A-3-604 is amended to read:
137 20A-3-604. Notice of time and place of early voting.
138 (1) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, the election officer shall give notice of
139 the dates, times, and locations of early voting by:
140 [
141 [
142 calendar days before the date that early voting begins; and
143 [
144 date that early voting begins[
145 [
147 (2) The election officer shall include in the notice described in Subsection (1)(a):
148 (a) the address of a website that lists the location of each early voting polling place;
149 and
150 (b) a phone number that a voter may call to obtain information regarding the location
151 of an early voting polling place .
152 (3) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(a), the election officer may change the location of,
153 or designate additional polling places for, an early voting polling place by, after obtaining
154 approval from the lieutenant governor for the change or addition, updating the information on
155 the website described in Subsection (2)(a).
156 Section 4. Section 20A-3-703 is amended to read:
157 20A-3-703. Election day voting centers as polling places -- Location --
158 Notification.
159 (1) The election officer may designate one or more polling places as an election day
160 voting center if:
161 [
162 location of an election day voting center at least 15 days before the election;
163 [
164 Election Administration; and
165 [
166 election officer determines that there is no government building or office available, in the area
167 designated by the election officer, that:
168 [
169 [
170 requirements;
171 [
172 [
173 (2) An election officer may change the location of an election day voting center, or
174 designate additional election day voting centers, after the deadline described in Subsection
175 (1)(a) by, after obtaining approval from the lieutenant governor for the change or addition,
176 updating the information on the website described in Subsection 20A-5-101(3)(d).
177 Section 5. Section 20A-5-101 is amended to read:
178 20A-5-101. Notice of election.
179 (1) On or before November 15 in the year before each regular general election year, the
180 lieutenant governor shall prepare and transmit a written notice to each county clerk that:
181 (a) designates the offices to be filled at the next year's regular general election;
182 (b) identifies the dates for filing a declaration of candidacy, and for submitting and
183 certifying nomination petition signatures, as applicable, under Sections 20A-9-403, 20A-9-407,
184 and 20A-9-408 for those offices;
185 (c) includes the master ballot position list for the next year and the year following as
186 established under Section 20A-6-305; and
187 (d) contains a description of any ballot propositions to be decided by the voters that
188 have qualified for the ballot as of that date.
189 (2) (a) No later than seven business days after the day on which the lieutenant governor
190 transmits the written notice described in Subsection (1), each county clerk shall:
191 (i) publish a notice:
192 (A) once in a newspaper published in that county; and
193 (B) as required in Section 45-1-101; or
194 (ii) (A) cause a copy of the notice to be posted in a conspicuous place most likely to
195 give notice of the election to the voters in each voting precinct within the county; and
196 (B) prepare an affidavit of that posting, showing a copy of the notice and the places
197 where the notice was posted.
198 (b) The notice required by Subsection (2)(a) shall:
199 (i) designate the offices to be voted on in that election; and
200 (ii) identify the dates for filing a declaration of candidacy for those offices.
201 (3) Before each election, the election officer shall give printed notice of the following
202 information, or printed notice of a website where the following information can be obtained:
203 (a) the date [
204 (b) the hours during which the polls will be open;
205 (c) the polling places for each voting precinct, early voting polling place, and election
206 day voting center;
207 (d) a statement indicating the address for a website where changes in the location of a
208 polling place and additional polling places will be listed;
209 (e) a phone number that a voter may call to obtain information regarding the location of
210 a polling place;
211 [
212 [
213 (4) To provide the printed notice described in Subsection (3), the election officer shall:
214 (a) publish the notice at least two days before election day:
215 (i) in a newspaper of general circulation common to the area to which the election
216 pertains; and
217 (ii) as required in Section 45-1-101; or
218 (b) mail the notice to each registered voter who resides in the area to which the election
219 pertains at least five days before election day.
220 (5) The election officer may change the location of a polling place or designate
221 additional polling places by, after obtaining approval from the lieutenant governor for the
222 change or addition, updating the information on the website described in Subsection (3)(d).
223 Section 6. Section 20A-7-702 is amended to read:
224 20A-7-702. Voter information pamphlet -- Form -- Contents -- Distribution.
225 (1) The lieutenant governor shall ensure that all information submitted for publication
226 in the voter information pamphlet is:
227 (a) printed and bound in a single pamphlet;
228 (b) printed in clear readable type, no less than 10 point, except that the text of any
229 measure may be set forth in eight-point type; and
230 (c) printed on a quality and weight of paper that best serves the voters.
231 (2) The voter information pamphlet shall contain the following items in this order:
232 (a) a cover title page;
233 (b) an introduction to the pamphlet by the lieutenant governor;
234 (c) a table of contents;
235 (d) a list of all candidates for constitutional offices;
236 (e) a list of candidates for each legislative district;
237 (f) a 100-word statement of qualifications for each candidate for the office of governor,
238 lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor, or state treasurer, if submitted by the
239 candidate to the lieutenant governor's office before 5 p.m. on the date that falls 105 days before
240 the date of the election;
241 (g) information pertaining to all measures to be submitted to the voters, beginning a
242 new page for each measure and containing, in the following order for each measure:
243 (i) a copy of the number and ballot title of the measure;
244 (ii) the final vote cast by the Legislature on the measure if it is a measure submitted by
245 the Legislature or by referendum;
246 (iii) the impartial analysis of the measure prepared by the Office of Legislative
247 Research and General Counsel;
248 (iv) the arguments in favor of the measure, the rebuttal to the arguments in favor of the
249 measure, the arguments against the measure, and the rebuttal to the arguments against the
250 measure, with the name and title of the authors at the end of each argument or rebuttal;
251 (v) for each constitutional amendment, a complete copy of the text of the constitutional
252 amendment, with all new language underlined, and all deleted language placed within brackets;
253 (vi) for each initiative qualified for the ballot, a copy of the measure as certified by the
254 lieutenant governor and a copy of the fiscal impact estimate prepared according to Section
255 20A-7-202.5; and
256 (vii) for each referendum qualified for the ballot, a complete copy of the text of the law
257 being submitted to the voters for their approval or rejection, with all new language underlined
258 and all deleted language placed within brackets, as applicable;
259 (h) a description provided by the Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission of the
260 selection and retention process for judges, including, in the following order:
261 (i) a description of the judicial selection process;
262 (ii) a description of the judicial performance evaluation process;
263 (iii) a description of the judicial retention election process;
264 (iv) a list of the criteria of the judicial performance evaluation and the minimum
265 performance standards;
266 (v) the names of the judges standing for retention election; and
267 (vi) for each judge:
268 (A) a list of the counties in which the judge is subject to retention election;
269 (B) a short biography of professional qualifications and a recent photograph;
270 (C) a narrative concerning the judge's performance;
271 (D) for each standard of performance, a statement identifying whether or not the judge
272 met the standard and, if not, the manner in which the judge failed to meet the standard;
273 (E) a statement identifying whether or not the Judicial Performance Evaluation
274 Commission recommends the judge be retained or declines to make a recommendation and the
275 number of votes for and against the commission's recommendation;
276 (F) any statement provided by a judge who is not recommended for retention by the
277 Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission under Section 78A-12-203;
278 (G) in a bar graph, the average of responses to each survey category, displayed with an
279 identification of the minimum acceptable score as set by Section 78A-12-205 and the average
280 score of all judges of the same court level; and
281 (H) a website address that contains the Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission's
282 report on the judge's performance evaluation;
283 (i) for each judge, a statement provided by the Utah Supreme Court identifying the
284 cumulative number of informal reprimands, when consented to by the judge in accordance with
285 Title 78A, Chapter 11, Judicial Conduct Commission, formal reprimands, and all orders of
286 censure and suspension issued by the Utah Supreme Court under Utah Constitution, Article
287 VIII, Section 13, during the judge's current term and the immediately preceding term, and a
288 detailed summary of the supporting reasons for each violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct
289 that the judge has received;
290 (j) an explanation of ballot marking procedures prepared by the lieutenant governor,
291 indicating the ballot marking procedure used by each county and explaining how to mark the
292 ballot for each procedure;
293 (k) voter registration information, including information on how to obtain an absentee
294 ballot;
295 (l) a list of all county clerks' offices and phone numbers; [
296 (m) a statement indicating the address of a website where a change in the location of a
297 polling place and the location of additional polling places will be listed;
298 (n) a phone number that a voter may call to obtain information regarding the location
299 of a polling place; and
300 [
301 the lieutenant governor:
302 "I, _______________ (print name), Lieutenant Governor of Utah, certify that the
303 measures contained in this pamphlet will be submitted to the voters of Utah at the election to
304 be held throughout the state on ____ (date of election), and that this pamphlet is complete and
305 correct according to law.
306 SEAL
307 Witness my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at Salt Lake City, Utah this ____ day
308 of ____ (month), ____ (year)
(signed) ____________________________________
Lieutenant Governor"
311 (3) No earlier than 75 days, and no later than 15 days, before the day on which voting
312 commences, the lieutenant governor shall:
313 (a) (i) distribute one copy of the voter information pamphlet to each household within
314 the state;
315 (ii) distribute to each household within the state a notice:
316 (A) printed on a postage prepaid, preaddressed return form that a person may use to
317 request delivery of a voter information pamphlet by mail;
318 (B) that states the address of the Statewide Electronic Voter Information Website
319 authorized by Section 20A-7-801; and
320 (C) that states the phone number a voter may call to request delivery of a voter
321 information pamphlet by mail; or
322 (iii) ensure that one copy of the voter information pamphlet is placed in one issue of
323 every newspaper of general circulation in the state;
324 (b) ensure that a sufficient number of printed voter information pamphlets are available
325 for distribution as required by this section;
326 (c) provide voter information pamphlets to each county clerk for free distribution upon
327 request and for placement at polling places; and
328 (d) ensure that the distribution of the voter information pamphlets is completed 15 days
329 before the election.
330 (4) The lieutenant governor may distribute a voter information pamphlet at a location
331 frequented by a person who cannot easily access the Statewide Electronic Voter Information
332 Website authorized by Section 20A-7-801.
333 Section 7. Coordinating S.B. 128 with H.B. 218 and S.B. 150 -- Substantive and
334 technical amendments.
335 If this S.B. 128, H.B. 218, Poll Location Amendments, and S.B. 150, Local
336 Government Bond Amendments, all pass and become law, it is the intent of the Legislature that
337 the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel prepare the Utah Code database for
338 publication as follows:
339 (1) by amending Section 11-14-202 to read:
340 "11-14-202. Notice of election -- Contents -- Publication -- Mailing.
341 (1) The governing body shall ensure that notice of the election is provided:
342 (a) once per week during three consecutive weeks by publication in a newspaper
343 having general circulation in the local political subdivision in accordance with Section
344 11-14-316, the first publication occurring not less than 21 nor more than 35 days before the
345 election;
346 (b) on a website, if available, in accordance with Section 45-1-101 for the three weeks
347 that immediately precede the election; and
348 (c) in a local political subdivision where there is no newspaper of general circulation,
349 by posting notice of the bond election in at least five public places in the local political
350 subdivision at least 21 days before the election.
351 (2) When the debt service on the bonds to be issued will increase the property tax
352 imposed upon the average value of a residence by an amount that is greater than or equal to $15
353 per year, the governing body shall prepare and mail either a voter information pamphlet or a
354 notification described in Subsection [
355 (a) at least 15 days but not more than 45 days before the bond election;
356 (b) to each household containing a registered voter who is eligible to vote on the
357 bonds; and
358 (c) that includes the information required by Subsections [
359 [
360 [
361 [
362 [
363 (3) The election officer may change the location of, or establish an additional:
364 (a) voting precinct polling place, in accordance with Subsection (6);
365 (b) early voting polling place, in accordance with Subsection 20A-3-603(2); or
366 (c) election day voting center, in accordance with Subsection 20A-3- 703(2).
367 (4) The notice described in Subsection (1) and the voter information pamphlet
368 described in Subsection (2):
369 (a) shall include, in the following order:
370 (i) the date of the election;
371 (ii) the hours during which the polls will be open;
372 (iii) the address of the Statewide Electronic Voter Information Website and, if
373 available, the address of the election officer's website, with a statement indicating that the
374 election officer will post on the website the location of each polling place for each voting
375 precinct, each early voting polling place, and each election day voting center, including any
376 changes to the location of a polling place and the location of an additional polling place;
377 (iv) a phone number that a voter may call to obtain information regarding the location
378 of a polling place; and
379 (v) the title and text of the ballot proposition, including the property tax cost of the
380 bond described in Subsection 11-14-206(2)(a); and
381 (b) may include the location of each polling place.
382 [
383 (a) the information required [
384 (b) an explanation of the property tax impact, if any, of the issuance of the bonds,
385 which may be based on information the governing body determines to be useful, including:
386 (i) expected debt service on the bonds to be issued;
387 (ii) a description of the purpose, remaining principal balance, and maturity date of any
388 outstanding general obligation bonds of the issuer;
389 (iii) funds other than property taxes available to pay debt service on general obligation
390 bonds;
391 (iv) timing of expenditures of bond proceeds;
392 (v) property values; and
393 (vi) any additional information that the governing body determines may be useful to
394 explain the property tax impact of issuance of the bonds.
395 (6) (a) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, the election officer may, after the
396 deadlines described in Subsections (1) and (2):
397 (i) if necessary, change the location of a voting precinct polling place; or
398 (ii) if the election officer determines that the number of voting precinct polling places
399 is insufficient due to the number of registered voters who are voting, designate additional
400 voting precinct polling places.
401 (b) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, if an election officer changes the
402 location of a voting precinct polling place or designates an additional voting precinct polling
403 place, the election officer shall, as soon as is reasonably possible, give notice of the dates,
404 times, and location of a changed voting precinct polling place or an additional voting precinct
405 polling place:
406 (i) to the lieutenant governor, for posting on the Statewide Electronic Voter
407 Information Website;
408 (ii) by posting the information on the website of the election officer, if available; and
409 (iii) by posting notice:
410 (A) of a change in the location of a voting precinct polling place, at the new location
411 and, if possible, the old location; and
412 (B) of an additional voting precinct polling place, at the additional voting precinct
413 polling place.
414 [
415 this section.
416 [
417 preaddressed return form that a person may use to request delivery of a voter information
418 pamphlet by mail.
419 (b) The notice described in Subsection [
420 (i) the website upon which the voter information pamphlet is available; and
421 (ii) the phone number a voter may call to request delivery of a voter information
422 pamphlet by mail.
423 [
424 requirements described in Section 53A-18-102.";
425 (2) Subsection 20A-3-603(2) is amended to read:
426 "(2) (a) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, [
427 may, after the deadline described in Section 20A-3-604:
428 (i) if necessary, change the location of an early voting place; or
429 (ii) if the election officer determines that the number of early voting polling places is
430 insufficient due to the number of registered voters who are voting, [
431 designate additional polling places during the early voting period.
432 (b) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, if an election officer changes the
433 location of an early voting polling place or designates an additional early voting polling place
434 [
435 dates, times, and location of the changed early voting polling place or the additional early
436 voting polling place [
437 [
438 [
439 [
440 (i) to the lieutenant governor, for posting on the Statewide Voter Information Website;
441 (ii) by posting the information on the website of the election officer, if available; and
442 [
443 (A) for a change in the location of an early voting polling place, at the new location
444 and, if possible, the old location; and
445 (B) for an additional early voting polling place, at the additional early voting polling
446 place.";
447 (3) Section 20A-3-604 is amended to read:
448 "20A-3-604. Notice of time and place of early voting.
449 (1) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308 or Subsection 20A-3-603(2), the election
450 officer shall, at least five days before the day on which early voting begins, give notice of the
451 dates, times, and locations of early voting by:
452 [
453 [
455 [
457 [
459 (2) The election officer shall include in the notice described in Subsection (1)(a):
460 (a) the address of the Statewide Electronic Voter Information Website and, if available,
461 the address of the election officer's website, with a statement indicating that the election officer
462 will post on the website the location of each early voting polling place, including any changes
463 to the location of an early voting polling place and the location of additional early voting
464 polling places; and
465 (b) a phone number that a voter may call to obtain information regarding the location
466 of an early voting polling place.";
467 (4) Section 20A-3-703 is amended to read:
468 "20A-3-703. Election day voting centers as polling places -- Location -- Notification.
469 (1) The election officer may designate one or more polling places as an election day
470 voting center if:
471 [
472 governor of the designation and location of [
473 before the election;
474 [
475 Election Administration; and
476 [
477 officer determines that there is no government building or office available, in the area
478 designated by the election officer, that:
479 [
480 [
481 requirements;
482 [
483 [
484 (2) (a) The election officer may, after the deadline described in Subsection (1)(a):
485 (i) if necessary, change the location of an election day voting center; or
486 (ii) if the election officer determines that the number of election day voting centers is
487 insufficient due to the number of registered voters who are voting, designate additional election
488 day voting centers.
489 (b) Except as provided in Section 20A-1-308, if an election officer changes the
490 location of an election day voting center or designates an additional election day voting center,
491 the election officer shall, as soon as is reasonably possible, give notice of the dates, times, and
492 location of the changed election day voting center or the additional election day voting center:
493 (i) to the lieutenant governor, for posting on the Statewide Electronic Voter
494 Information Website;
495 (ii) by posting the information on the website of the election officer, if available; and
496 (iii) by posting notice:
497 (A) of a change in the location of an election day voting center, at the new location
498 and, if possible, the old location; and
499 (B) of an additional election day voting center, at the additional election day voting
500 center.";
501 (5) Section 20A-5-101 is amended to read:
502 "20A-5-101. Notice of election.
503 (1) On or before November 15 in the year before each regular general election year, the
504 lieutenant governor shall prepare and transmit a written notice to each county clerk that:
505 (a) designates the offices to be filled at the next year's regular general election;
506 (b) identifies the dates for filing a declaration of candidacy, and for submitting and
507 certifying nomination petition signatures, as applicable, under Sections 20A-9-403, 20A-9-407,
508 and 20A-9-408 for those offices;
509 (c) includes the master ballot position list for the next year and the year following as
510 established under Section 20A-6-305; and
511 (d) contains a description of any ballot propositions to be decided by the voters that
512 have qualified for the ballot as of that date.
513 (2) (a) No later than seven business days after the day on which the lieutenant governor
514 transmits the written notice described in Subsection (1), each county clerk shall:
515 (i) publish a notice:
516 (A) once in a newspaper published in that county; and
517 (B) as required in Section 45-1-101; or
518 (ii) (A) cause a copy of the notice to be posted in a conspicuous place most likely to
519 give notice of the election to the voters in each voting precinct within the county; and
520 (B) prepare an affidavit of that posting, showing a copy of the notice and the places
521 where the notice was posted.
522 (b) The notice required by Subsection (2)(a) shall:
523 (i) designate the offices to be voted on in that election; and
524 (ii) identify the dates for filing a declaration of candidacy for those offices.
525 (3) Before each election, the election officer shall give printed notice of the following
526 information, or printed notice of a website where the following information can be obtained:
527 (a) the date [
528 (b) the hours during which the polls will be open;
529 (c) the polling places for each voting precinct, early voting polling place, and election
530 day voting center;
531 [
532 (d) the address of the Statewide Electronic Voter Information Website and, if available,
533 the address of the election officer's website, with a statement indicating that the election officer
534 will post on the website any changes to the location of a polling place and the location of any
535 additional polling place;
536 (e) a phone number that a voter may call to obtain information regarding the location of
537 a polling place; and
538 [
539 (4) To provide the printed notice described in Subsection (3), the election officer shall:
540 (a) publish the notice at least two days before election day:
541 (i) in a newspaper of general circulation common to the area to which the election
542 pertains; and
543 (ii) as required in Section 45-1-101; or
544 (b) mail the notice to each registered voter who resides in the area to which the election
545 pertains at least five days before election day."; and
546 (6) Subsections 20A-7-702 (l) through (o) is amended to read:
547 "(l) a list of all county clerks' offices and phone numbers; [
548 (m) the address of the Statewide Electronic Voter Information Website, with a
549 statement indicating that the election officer will post on the website any changes to the
550 location of a polling place and the location of any additional polling place;
551 (n) a phone number that a voter may call to obtain information regarding the location
552 of a polling place; and
553 [
554 the lieutenant governor:
555 "I, _______________ (print name), Lieutenant Governor of Utah, certify that the
556 measures contained in this pamphlet will be submitted to the voters of Utah at the election to
557 be held throughout the state on ____ (date of election), and that this pamphlet is complete and
558 correct according to law.
559 SEAL
560 Witness my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at Salt Lake City, Utah this ____ day
561 of ____ (month), ____ (year)
562 (signed) ____________________________________
563 Lieutenant Governor"".
564 Section 8. Coordinating S.B. 128 with H.B. 218 -- Substantive and technical
565 amendments.
566 If this S.B. 128 and H.B. 218, Poll Location Amendments, both pass and become law,
567 and S.B. 150, Local Government Bond Amendments, does not pass and become law, it is the
568 intent of the Legislature that the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel prepare
569 the Utah Code database for publication as described in Section 7 of this bill, Coordinating S.B.
570 128 with H.B. 218 and S.B. 150 -- Substantive and technical amendments, except that
571 Subsection 11-14-202(4)(a)(v) is amended to read:
572 "(v) the title and text of the ballot proposition; and".
573 Section 9. Coordinating S.B. 128 with S.B. 150 -- Technical amendments.
574 If this S.B. 128 and S.B. 150, Local Government Bond Amendments, both pass and
575 become law and H.B. 218, Poll Location Amendments, does not pass and become law, it is the
576 intent of the Legislature that the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel prepare
577 the Utah Code database for publication by amending Subsection 11-14-202(3) to read:
578 "(3) The notice and voter information pamphlet required by this section shall include, in
579 the following order:
580 (a) the date [
581 (b) the hours during which the polls will be open; and
582 (c) the title and text of the ballot, including the property tax cost of the bond described
583 in Subsection 11-14-206(2)(a).".