8 General Description:
9 This bill establishes and addresses substance use disorder programs.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ requires the Utah Substance Use and Mental Health Advisory Council to convene a
13 workgroup to study recovery residence issues; and
14 ▸ establishes a program to distribute new funds to reduce recidivism and the number
15 of incarcerated individuals with a substance use disorder or a mental health
16 disorder.
17 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
18 None
19 Other Special Clauses:
20 None
21 Utah Code Sections Affected:
23 62A-15-113, Utah Code Annotated 1953
24 Uncodified Material Affected:
27 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
28 Section 1. Section 62A-15-113 is enacted to read:
29 62A-15-113. Local plan program funding.
30 (1) To facilitate the distribution of newly appropriated funds beginning from fiscal year
31 2018 for prevention, treatment, and recovery support services that reduce recidivism or reduce
32 the per capita number of incarcerated offenders with a substance use disorder or a mental
33 health disorder, the division shall:
34 (a) form an application review and fund distribution committee that includes:
35 (i) one representative of the Utah Sheriffs' Association;
36 (ii) one representative of the Statewide Association of Prosecutors of Utah;
37 (iii) two representatives from the division; and
38 (iv) two representatives from the Utah Association of Counties; and
39 (b) require the application review and fund distribution committee to:
40 (i) establish a competitive application process for funding of a local plan, as described
41 in Sections 17-43-201(5)(b) and 17-43-301(5)(a)(ii);
42 (ii) establish criteria in accordance with Subsection (1) for the evaluation of an
43 application;
44 (iii) ensure that the committee members' affiliate groups approve of the application
45 process and criteria;
46 (iv) evaluate applications; and
47 (v) distribute funds to programs implemented by counties, local mental health
48 authorities, or local substance abuse authorities.
49 (2) Demonstration of matching county funds is not a requirement to receive funds, but
50 the application review committee may take into consideration the existence of matching funds
51 when determining which programs to fund.
52 Section 2. Recovery residence study.
53 (1) The Utah Substance Use and Mental Health Advisory Council shall convene a
54 workgroup to study the licensing and management of recovery residences, as defined in Section
55 62A-2-201.
56 (2) The workgroup shall consist of individuals representing:
57 (a) the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health;
58 (b) owners and managers of recovery residences;
59 (c) the Utah League of Cities and Towns; and
60 (d) other stakeholders, as determined by the council.
61 (3) (a) The workgroup shall identify the negative impacts of unlicensed or poorly
62 managed recovery residences on surrounding neighborhoods and clients recovering from
63 substance use disorder.
64 (b) The workgroup shall identify steps that may be taken by each stakeholder to
65 promote the licensure of and adoption of management best practices by recovery residences.
66 (4) The council shall report the workgroup's findings to the Health and Human
67 Services Interim Committee before October 12, 2017.