This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 11:59 AM by bbryner.
This document includes Senate Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 7:46 PM by lpoole.
This document includes Senate 2nd and 3rd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 3:45 PM by lpoole.
9 General Description:
10 This bill modifies provisions related to the budget of the Department of Alcoholic
11 Beverage Control.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This bill:
14 ▸ modifies how the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control handles money it
15 receives from the markup on alcoholic beverages;
16 ▸ repeals certain responsibilities of the State Tax Commission related to money
17 received from the markup on alcoholic beverages;
18 ▸ creates the State Store Land Acquisition Fund;
19 ▸ allows the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to use the money in the State
20 Store Land Acquisition Fund to purchase or lease property for state stores;
21 ▸ requires the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to use proceeds from any
22 related revenue bond to repay the money used from the State Store Land
23 Acquisition Fund;
24 ▸ addresses reporting requirements; Ŝ→ [
24a ▸ provides for establishing performance measures and goals to evaluate the operations
24b of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control; and
24c ▸ requires the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to obtain approval from the
24d Governor's Office of Management and Budget before Ŝ→ [
24d1 to the State Building
24e Board for a capital development project; and ←Ŝ
25 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
26 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
27 ▸ To the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control -- State Store Land
28 Acquisition Fund -- State Store Land Acquisition Fund -- as a one-time
29 appropriation:
30 • from the General Fund, One-time, Ŝ→ [
31 Other Special Clauses:
32 This bill provides a special effective date.
33 Utah Code Sections Affected:
35 32B-2-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 159
36 32B-2-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 455
37 32B-3-205, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 455
38 53F-9-304, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 2
39 59-1-401, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 430
40 59-1-402, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 430
41 59-1-1402, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 430
43 32B-2-307, Utah Code Annotated 1953
44 32B-2-505, Utah Code Annotated 1953
46 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
47 Section 1. Section 32B-2-301 is amended to read:
48 32B-2-301. State property -- Liquor Control Fund -- Money to be retained by
49 department -- Department building process.
50 (1) The following are property of the state:
51 (a) the money received in the administration of this title, except as otherwise provided;
52 and
53 (b) property acquired, administered, possessed, or received by the department.
54 (2) (a) There is created an enterprise fund known as the "Liquor Control Fund."
55 (b) Except as provided in [
56 shall deposit the following into the Liquor Control Fund:
57 (i) money received in the administration of this title [
59 [
60 [
63 [
64 [
65 [
67 (ii) money received from the markup described in Section 32B-2-304.
68 (c) The department may draw from the Liquor Control Fund only to the extent
69 appropriated by the Legislature or provided by statute.
70 (d) The net position of the Liquor Control Fund may not fall below zero.
71 [
72 warrant from the Liquor Control Fund [
74 appropriation [
75 department:
76 [
77 [
78 department; [
79 [
80 (b) If the balance of the Liquor Control Fund is not adequate to cover a warrant that the
81 department draws against the Liquor Control Fund, to the extent necessary to cover the
82 warrant, the cash resources of the General Fund may be used.
83 [
84 term is defined in legislative rule.
85 (b) The department's base budget shall include as an appropriation from the Liquor
86 Control Fund:
87 (i) credit card related fees paid by the department;
88 (ii) package agency compensation; and
89 (iii) the department's costs of shipping and warehousing alcoholic products.
90 [
92 [
93 [
94 [
95 [
97 [
98 Liquor Control Fund [
100 sale of liquor since the preceding transfer of money under this Subsection [
102 (b) After each fiscal year, the Division of Finance shall calculate the amount for the
103 transfer on or before September 1 and [
104 make the transfer on or before September 30 [
105 (c) The Division of Finance may make year-end closing entries in the Liquor Control
106 Fund [
107 [
108 (i) make a deposit to a qualified depository, as defined in Section 51-7-3; and
109 (ii) report the deposit to the state treasurer.
110 (b) A commissioner or department employee is not personally liable for a loss caused
111 by the default or failure of a qualified depository.
112 (c) Money deposited in a qualified depository is entitled to the same priority of
113 payment as other public funds of the state.
114 [
118 (7) Before the Division of Finance makes the transfer described in Subsection (5), the
119 department may retain each fiscal year from the Liquor Control Fund $1,000,000 that the
120 department may use for:
121 (a) capital equipment purchases;
122 (b) salary increases for department employees;
123 (c) performance awards for department employees; or
124 (d) information technology enhancements because of changes or trends in technology.
125 Section 2. Section 32B-2-304 is amended to read:
126 32B-2-304. Liquor price -- School lunch program -- Remittance of markup.
127 (1) For purposes of this section:
128 (a) (i) "Landed case cost" means:
129 (A) the cost of the product; and
130 (B) inbound shipping costs incurred by the department.
131 (ii) "Landed case cost" does not include the outbound shipping cost from a warehouse
132 of the department to a state store.
133 (b) "Proof gallon" means the same as that term is defined in 26 U.S.C. Sec. 5002.
134 (c) Notwithstanding Section 32B-1-102, "small brewer" means a brewer who
135 manufactures in a calendar year less than 40,000 barrels of beer, heavy beer, and flavored malt
136 beverage.
137 (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3):
138 (a) spirituous liquor sold by the department within the state shall be marked up in an
139 amount not less than 88% above the landed case cost to the department;
140 (b) wine sold by the department within the state shall be marked up in an amount not
141 less than 88% above the landed case cost to the department;
142 (c) heavy beer sold by the department within the state shall be marked up in an amount
143 not less than 66.5% above the landed case cost to the department; and
144 (d) a flavored malt beverage sold by the department within the state shall be marked up
145 in an amount not less than 88% above the landed case cost to the department.
146 (3) (a) Liquor sold by the department to a military installation in Utah shall be marked
147 up in an amount not less than 17% above the landed case cost to the department.
148 (b) Except for spirituous liquor sold by the department to a military installation in
149 Utah, spirituous liquor that is sold by the department within the state shall be marked up 49%
150 above the landed case cost to the department if:
151 (i) the spirituous liquor is manufactured by a manufacturer producing less than 30,000
152 proof gallons of spirituous liquor in a calendar year; and
153 (ii) the manufacturer applies to the department for a reduced markup.
154 (c) Except for wine sold by the department to a military installation in Utah, wine that
155 is sold by the department within the state shall be marked up 49% above the landed case cost to
156 the department if:
157 (i) the wine is manufactured by a manufacturer producing less than 20,000 gallons of
158 wine in a calendar year; and
159 (ii) the manufacturer applies to the department for a reduced markup.
160 (d) Except for heavy beer sold by the department to a military installation in Utah,
161 heavy beer that is sold by the department within the state shall be marked up 32% above the
162 landed case cost to the department if:
163 (i) a small brewer manufactures the heavy beer; and
164 (ii) the small brewer applies to the department for a reduced markup.
165 (e) The department shall verify an amount described in Subsection (3)(b), (c), or (d)
166 pursuant to a federal or other verifiable production report.
167 (4) The department shall deposit 10% of the total gross revenue from sales of liquor
168 with the state treasurer to be credited to the Uniform School Fund and used to support the
169 school lunch program administered by the State Board of Education under Section
170 53A-19-201.
171 (5) This section does not prohibit the department from selling discontinued items at a
172 discount.
173 [
175 [
177 [
178 [
182 [
184 [
186 [
188 [
190 Section 3. Section 32B-2-307 is enacted to read:
191 32B-2-307. State Store Land Acquisition Fund.
192 (1) There is created an enterprise fund known as the State Store Land Acquisition
193 Fund.
194 (2) The State Store Land Acquisition Fund is funded from the following sources:
195 (a) appropriations made to the State Store Land Acquisition Fund by the Legislature;
196 and
197 (b) in accordance with Subsection (5), proceeds from revenue bonds authorized by
198 Title 63B, Bonds.
199 (3) Subject to Subsection (4), the department may use the money deposited into the
200 State Store Land Acquisition Fund to purchase or lease property for new state stores.
201 (4) (a) Before the department spends or commits money from the State Store Land
202 Acquisition Fund, the department shall present to the Infrastructure and General Government
203 Appropriations Subcommittee a description of how the department will spend the money.
204 (b) Following a presentation described in Subsection (4)(a), the Infrastructure and
205 General Government Appropriations Subcommittee shall recommend whether the department
206 spend the money in accordance with the department's presentation.
207 (5) When the department uses money in the State Store Land Acquisition Fund to
208 purchase or lease property for a new state store and subsequently issues a revenue bond for the
209 state store for which the department purchased or leased the property, the department shall
210 repay the money used to purchase or lease the property with proceeds from the revenue bond.
211 Section 4. Section 32B-2-505 is enacted to read:
212 32B-2-505. Reporting requirements -- Building plan and market survey required.
213 (1) In 2018 and each year thereafter, the department shall present a five-year building
214 plan to the Infrastructure and General Government Appropriations Subcommittee that
215 describes the department's anticipated property acquisition, building, and remodeling for the
216 five years following the day on which the department presents the five-year building plan.
217 (2) (a) In 2018 and every other year thereafter, the department shall complete a market
218 survey to inform the department's five-year building plan described in Subsection (1).
219 (b) The department shall:
220 (i) provide a copy of each market survey to the Infrastructure and General Government
221 Appropriations Subcommittee Ĥ→ and the Business and Labor Interim Committee ←Ĥ ; and
222 (ii) upon request, appear before the Infrastructure and General Government
223 Appropriations Subcommittee to present the results of the market survey.
223a Ŝ→ (3) For fiscal year 2018-19 and each fiscal year thereafter, before the fiscal year begins,
223b the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, in consultation with the department and
223c the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst, shall establish performance measures and goals to
223d evaluate the department's operations during the fiscal year. ←Ŝ
223e Ŝ→ (4) (a) The department may not submit a request to the State Building Board for a
223f capital development project unless the department first obtains approval from the Governor's
223g Office of Management and Budget. ←Ŝ
223h Ŝ→ (b) In determining whether to grant approval for a request described in Subsection
223i (4)(a), the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall evaluate the extent to which the
223j department met the performance measures and goals described in Subsection (3) during the
223k previous fiscal year. ←Ŝ
224 Section 5. Section 32B-3-205 is amended to read:
225 32B-3-205. Penalties.
226 (1) If the commission is satisfied that a person subject to administrative action violates
227 this title or the commission's rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative
228 Procedures Act, the commission may:
229 (a) suspend or revoke the person's license, permit, or certificate of approval;
230 (b) subject to Subsection (2), impose a fine against the person, including individual
231 staff of a licensee, permittee, or certificate holder;
232 (c) assess the administrative costs of a disciplinary proceeding to the person if the
233 person is a licensee, permittee, or certificate holder; or
234 (d) take a combination of actions described in this Subsection (1).
235 (2) (a) A fine imposed may not exceed $25,000 in the aggregate for:
236 (i) a single notice of agency action; or
237 (ii) a single action against a package agency.
238 (b) The commission shall by rule establish a schedule setting forth a range of fines for
239 each violation.
240 (c) When a presiding officer imposes a fine, the presiding officer shall consider any
241 aggravating circumstances or mitigating circumstances in deciding where within the applicable
242 range to set the fine.
243 (3) The [
244 into the General Fund in accordance with Section 32B-2-301.
245 (4) (a) If a license or permit is suspended under this section, the licensee or permittee
246 shall prominently display a sign provided by the department:
247 (i) during the suspension; and
248 (ii) at the entrance of the premises of the licensee or permittee.
249 (b) The sign required by this Subsection (4) shall:
250 (i) read "The Utah Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission has suspended the
251 alcoholic product license or permit of this establishment. An alcoholic product may not be
252 sold, offered for sale, furnished, or consumed on these premises during the period of
253 suspension."; and
254 (ii) include the dates of the suspension period.
255 (c) A licensee or permittee may not remove, alter, obscure, or destroy a sign required to
256 be displayed under this Subsection (4) during the suspension period.
257 (5) (a) If a license or permit is revoked, the commission may order the revocation of a
258 bond posted by the licensee or permittee under this title.
259 (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(a), the department may make a claim against a
260 bond posted by a licensee or permittee for money owed the department under this title without
261 the commission first revoking the license or permit.
262 (6) A licensee or permittee whose license or permit is revoked may not reapply for a
263 license or permit under this title for three years from the date on which the license or permit is
264 revoked.
265 (7) If a staff member of a licensee, permittee, or certificate holder is found to have
266 violated this title, in addition to imposing another penalty authorized by this title, the
267 commission may prohibit the staff member from handling, selling, furnishing, distributing,
268 manufacturing, wholesaling, or warehousing an alcoholic product in the course of acting as
269 staff with a licensee, permittee, or certificate holder under this title for a period determined by
270 the commission.
271 (8) (a) If the commission makes the finding described in Subsection (8)(b), in addition
272 to other penalties prescribed by this title, the commission may order:
273 (i) the removal of an alcoholic product of the manufacturer's, supplier's, or importer's
274 from the department's sales list; and
275 (ii) a suspension of the department's purchase of an alcoholic product described in
276 Subsection (8)(a)(i) for a period determined by the commission.
277 (b) The commission may take the action described in Subsection (8)(a) if:
278 (i) a manufacturer, supplier, or importer of liquor or its staff or representative violates
279 this title; and
280 (ii) the manufacturer, supplier, or importer:
281 (A) directly commits the violation; or
282 (B) solicits, requests, commands, encourages, or intentionally aids another to engage in
283 the violation.
284 (9) If the commission makes a finding that the brewer holding a certificate of approval
285 violates this title or rules of the commission, the commission may take an action against the
286 brewer holding a certificate of approval that the commission could take against a licensee
287 including:
288 (a) suspension or revocation of the certificate of approval; and
289 (b) imposition of a fine.
290 (10) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this title, the commission may not order a
291 disciplinary action or fine in accordance with this section if the disciplinary action or fine is
292 ordered on the basis of a violation:
293 (a) of a provision in this title related to intoxication or becoming intoxicated; and
294 (b) if the violation is first investigated by a law enforcement officer, as defined in
295 Section 53-13-103, who has not received training regarding the requirements of this title
296 related to responsible alcoholic product sale or service.
297 Section 6. Section 53F-9-304 is amended to read:
298 53F-9-304. Underage Drinking Prevention Program Restricted Account.
299 (1) As used in this section, "account" means the Underage Drinking Prevention
300 Program Restricted Account created in this section.
301 (2) There is created within the Education Fund a restricted account known as the
302 "Underage Drinking Prevention Program Restricted Account."
303 (3) (a) Before the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control [
304 portion of the markup collected under Section 32B-2-304 [
306 Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control shall deposit into the account:
307 (i) for the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2017, $1,750,000; or
308 (ii) for each fiscal year that begins on or after July 1, 2018, an amount equal to the
309 amount that the [
310 account during the preceding fiscal year increased or decreased by a percentage equal to the
311 percentage difference between the Consumer Price Index for the second preceding calendar
312 year and the Consumer Price Index for the preceding calendar year [
313 (b) For purposes of this Subsection (3), the [
314 Beverage Control shall calculate the Consumer Price Index in accordance with 26 U.S.C. Secs.
315 1(f)(4) and 1(f)(5).
316 (4) The account shall be funded:
317 (a) in accordance with Subsection (3);
318 (b) by appropriations made to the account by the Legislature; and
319 (c) by interest earned on money in the account.
320 (5) The State Board of Education shall use money in the account for the Underage
321 Drinking Prevention Program described in Section 53G-10-406.
322 Section 7. Section 59-1-401 is amended to read:
323 59-1-401. Definitions -- Offenses and penalties -- Rulemaking authority -- Statute
324 of limitations -- Commission authority to waive, reduce, or compromise penalty or
325 interest.
326 (1) As used in this section:
327 (a) "Activated tax, fee, or charge" means a tax, fee, or charge with respect to which the
328 commission:
329 (i) has implemented the commission's GenTax system; and
330 (ii) at least 30 days before implementing the commission's GenTax system as described
331 in Subsection (1)(a)(i), has provided notice in a conspicuous place on the commission's website
332 stating:
333 (A) the date the commission will implement the GenTax system with respect to the tax,
334 fee, or charge; and
335 (B) that, at the time the commission implements the GenTax system with respect to the
336 tax, fee, or charge:
337 (I) a person that files a return after the due date as described in Subsection (2)(a) is
338 subject to the penalty described in Subsection (2)(c)(ii); and
339 (II) a person that fails to pay the tax, fee, or charge as described in Subsection (3)(a) is
340 subject to the penalty described in Subsection (3)(b)(ii).
341 (b) "Activation date for a tax, fee, or charge" means with respect to a tax, fee, or
342 charge, the later of:
343 (i) the date on which the commission implements the commission's GenTax system
344 with respect to the tax, fee, or charge; or
345 (ii) 30 days after the date the commission provides the notice described in Subsection
346 (1)(a)(ii) with respect to the tax, fee, or charge.
347 (c) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(c)(ii), "tax, fee, or charge" means:
348 (A) a tax, fee, or charge the commission administers under:
349 (I) this title;
350 (II) Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 3, Municipal Energy Sales and Use Tax Act;
351 (III) Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 4, Municipal Telecommunications License Tax Act;
352 (IV) Section 19-6-410.5;
353 (V) Section 19-6-714;
354 (VI) Section 19-6-805;
355 [
356 [
357 [
358 [
359 (B) another amount that by statute is subject to a penalty imposed under this section.
360 (ii) "Tax, fee, or charge" does not include a tax, fee, or charge imposed under:
361 (A) Title 41, Chapter 1a, Motor Vehicle Act, except for Section 41-1a-301;
362 (B) Title 41, Chapter 3, Motor Vehicle Business Regulation Act;
363 (C) Chapter 2, Property Tax Act, except for Section 59-2-1309;
364 (D) Chapter 3, Tax Equivalent Property Act; or
365 (E) Chapter 4, Privilege Tax.
366 (d) "Unactivated tax, fee, or charge" means a tax, fee, or charge except for an activated
367 tax, fee, or charge.
368 (2) (a) The due date for filing a return is:
369 (i) if the person filing the return is not allowed by law an extension of time for filing
370 the return, the day on which the return is due as provided by law; or
371 (ii) if the person filing the return is allowed by law an extension of time for filing the
372 return, the earlier of:
373 (A) the date the person files the return; or
374 (B) the last day of that extension of time as allowed by law.
375 (b) A penalty in the amount described in Subsection (2)(c) is imposed if a person files a
376 return after the due date described in Subsection (2)(a).
377 (c) For purposes of Subsection (2)(b), the penalty is an amount equal to the greater of:
378 (i) if the return described in Subsection (2)(b) is filed with respect to an unactivated
379 tax, fee, or charge:
380 (A) $20; or
381 (B) 10% of the unpaid unactivated tax, fee, or charge due on the return; or
382 (ii) if the return described in Subsection (2)(b) is filed with respect to an activated tax,
383 fee, or charge, beginning on the activation date for the tax, fee, or charge:
384 (A) $20; or
385 (B) (I) 2% of the unpaid activated tax, fee, or charge due on the return if the return is
386 filed no later than five days after the due date described in Subsection (2)(a);
387 (II) 5% of the unpaid activated tax, fee, or charge due on the return if the return is filed
388 more than five days after the due date but no later than 15 days after the due date described in
389 Subsection (2)(a); or
390 (III) 10% of the unpaid activated tax, fee, or charge due on the return if the return is
391 filed more than 15 days after the due date described in Subsection (2)(a).
392 (d) This Subsection (2) does not apply to:
393 (i) an amended return; or
394 (ii) a return with no tax due.
395 (3) (a) A person is subject to a penalty for failure to pay a tax, fee, or charge if:
396 (i) the person files a return on or before the due date for filing a return described in
397 Subsection (2)(a), but fails to pay the tax, fee, or charge due on the return on or before that due
398 date;
399 (ii) the person:
400 (A) is subject to a penalty under Subsection (2)(b); and
401 (B) fails to pay the tax, fee, or charge due on a return within a 90-day period after the
402 due date for filing a return described in Subsection (2)(a);
403 (iii) (A) the person is subject to a penalty under Subsection (2)(b); and
404 (B) the commission estimates an amount of tax due for that person in accordance with
405 Subsection 59-1-1406(2);
406 (iv) the person:
407 (A) is mailed a notice of deficiency; and
408 (B) within a 30-day period after the day on which the notice of deficiency described in
409 Subsection (3)(a)(iv)(A) is mailed:
410 (I) does not file a petition for redetermination or a request for agency action; and
411 (II) fails to pay the tax, fee, or charge due on a return;
412 (v) (A) the commission:
413 (I) issues an order constituting final agency action resulting from a timely filed petition
414 for redetermination or a timely filed request for agency action; or
415 (II) is considered to have denied a request for reconsideration under Subsection
416 63G-4-302(3)(b) resulting from a timely filed petition for redetermination or a timely filed
417 request for agency action; and
418 (B) the person fails to pay the tax, fee, or charge due on a return within a 30-day period
419 after the date the commission:
420 (I) issues the order constituting final agency action described in Subsection
421 (3)(a)(v)(A)(I); or
422 (II) is considered to have denied the request for reconsideration described in
423 Subsection (3)(a)(v)(A)(II); or
424 (vi) the person fails to pay the tax, fee, or charge within a 30-day period after the date
425 of a final judicial decision resulting from a timely filed petition for judicial review.
426 (b) For purposes of Subsection (3)(a), the penalty is an amount equal to the greater of:
427 (i) if the failure to pay a tax, fee, or charge as described in Subsection (3)(a) is with
428 respect to an unactivated tax, fee, or charge:
429 (A) $20; or
430 (B) 10% of the unpaid unactivated tax, fee, or charge due on the return; or
431 (ii) if the failure to pay a tax, fee, or charge as described in Subsection (3)(a) is with
432 respect to an activated tax, fee, or charge, beginning on the activation date:
433 (A) $20; or
434 (B) (I) 2% of the unpaid activated tax, fee, or charge due on the return if the activated
435 tax, fee, or charge due on the return is paid no later than five days after the due date for filing a
436 return described in Subsection (2)(a);
437 (II) 5% of the unpaid activated tax, fee, or charge due on the return if the activated tax,
438 fee, or charge due on the return is paid more than five days after the due date for filing a return
439 described in Subsection (2)(a) but no later than 15 days after that due date; or
440 (III) 10% of the unpaid activated tax, fee, or charge due on the return if the activated
441 tax, fee, or charge due on the return is paid more than 15 days after the due date for filing a
442 return described in Subsection (2)(a).
443 (4) (a) Beginning January 1, 1995, in the case of any underpayment of estimated tax or
444 quarterly installments required by Sections 59-5-107, 59-5-207, 59-7-504, and 59-9-104, there
445 shall be added a penalty in an amount determined by applying the interest rate provided under
446 Section 59-1-402 plus four percentage points to the amount of the underpayment for the period
447 of the underpayment.
448 (b) (i) For purposes of Subsection (4)(a), the amount of the underpayment shall be the
449 excess of the required installment over the amount, if any, of the installment paid on or before
450 the due date for the installment.
451 (ii) The period of the underpayment shall run from the due date for the installment to
452 whichever of the following dates is the earlier:
453 (A) the original due date of the tax return, without extensions, for the taxable year; or
454 (B) with respect to any portion of the underpayment, the date on which that portion is
455 paid.
456 (iii) For purposes of this Subsection (4), a payment of estimated tax shall be credited
457 against unpaid required installments in the order in which the installments are required to be
458 paid.
459 (5) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (2) and except as provided in Subsection (6), a
460 person allowed by law an extension of time for filing a corporate franchise or income tax return
461 under Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, or an individual income tax return
462 under Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act, is subject to a penalty in the amount described in
463 Subsection (5)(b) if, on or before the day on which the return is due as provided by law, not
464 including the extension of time, the person fails to pay:
465 (i) for a person filing a corporate franchise or income tax return under Chapter 7,
466 Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, the payment required by Subsection 59-7-507(1)(b); or
467 (ii) for a person filing an individual income tax return under Chapter 10, Individual
468 Income Tax Act, the payment required by Subsection 59-10-516(2).
469 (b) For purposes of Subsection (5)(a), the penalty per month during the period of the
470 extension of time for filing the return is an amount equal to 2% of the tax due on the return,
471 unpaid as of the day on which the return is due as provided by law.
472 (6) If a person does not file a return within an extension of time allowed by Section
473 59-7-505 or 59-10-516, the person:
474 (a) is not subject to a penalty in the amount described in Subsection (5)(b); and
475 (b) is subject to a penalty in an amount equal to the sum of:
476 (i) a late file penalty in an amount equal to the greater of:
477 (A) $20; or
478 (B) 10% of the tax due on the return, unpaid as of the day on which the return is due as
479 provided by law, not including the extension of time; and
480 (ii) a late pay penalty in an amount equal to the greater of:
481 (A) $20; or
482 (B) 10% of the unpaid tax due on the return, unpaid as of the day on which the return is
483 due as provided by law, not including the extension of time.
484 (7) (a) Additional penalties for an underpayment of a tax, fee, or charge are as provided
485 in this Subsection (7)(a).
486 (i) Except as provided in Subsection (7)(c), if any portion of an underpayment of a tax,
487 fee, or charge is due to negligence, the penalty is 10% of the portion of the underpayment that
488 is due to negligence.
489 (ii) Except as provided in Subsection (7)(d), if any portion of an underpayment of a
490 tax, fee, or charge is due to intentional disregard of law or rule, the penalty is 15% of the entire
491 underpayment.
492 (iii) If any portion of an underpayment is due to an intent to evade a tax, fee, or charge,
493 the penalty is the greater of $500 per period or 50% of the entire underpayment.
494 (iv) If any portion of an underpayment is due to fraud with intent to evade a tax, fee, or
495 charge, the penalty is the greater of $500 per period or 100% of the entire underpayment.
496 (b) If the commission determines that a person is liable for a penalty imposed under
497 Subsection (7)(a)(ii), (iii), or (iv), the commission shall notify the person of the proposed
498 penalty.
499 (i) The notice of proposed penalty shall:
500 (A) set forth the basis of the assessment; and
501 (B) be mailed by certified mail, postage prepaid, to the person's last-known address.
502 (ii) Upon receipt of the notice of proposed penalty, the person against whom the
503 penalty is proposed may:
504 (A) pay the amount of the proposed penalty at the place and time stated in the notice;
505 or
506 (B) proceed in accordance with the review procedures of Subsection (7)(b)(iii).
507 (iii) A person against whom a penalty is proposed in accordance with this Subsection
508 (7) may contest the proposed penalty by filing a petition for an adjudicative proceeding with
509 the commission.
510 (iv) (A) If the commission determines that a person is liable for a penalty under this
511 Subsection (7), the commission shall assess the penalty and give notice and demand for
512 payment.
513 (B) The commission shall mail the notice and demand for payment described in
514 Subsection (7)(b)(iv)(A):
515 (I) to the person's last-known address; and
516 (II) in accordance with Section 59-1-1404.
517 (c) A seller that voluntarily collects a tax under Subsection 59-12-107(2)(d) is not
518 subject to the penalty under Subsection (7)(a)(i) if on or after July 1, 2001:
519 (i) a court of competent jurisdiction issues a final unappealable judgment or order
520 determining that:
521 (A) the seller meets one or more of the criteria described in Subsection 59-12-107(2)(a)
522 or is a seller required to pay or collect and remit sales and use taxes under Subsection
523 59-12-107(2)(b); and
524 (B) the commission or a county, city, or town may require the seller to collect a tax
525 under Subsections 59-12-103(2)(a) through (d); or
526 (ii) the commission issues a final unappealable administrative order determining that:
527 (A) the seller meets one or more of the criteria described in Subsection 59-12-107(2)(a)
528 or is a seller required to pay or collect and remit sales and use taxes under Subsection
529 59-12-107(2)(b); and
530 (B) the commission or a county, city, or town may require the seller to collect a tax
531 under Subsections 59-12-103(2)(a) through (d).
532 (d) A seller that voluntarily collects a tax under Subsection 59-12-107(2)(d) is not
533 subject to the penalty under Subsection (7)(a)(ii) if:
534 (i) (A) a court of competent jurisdiction issues a final unappealable judgment or order
535 determining that:
536 (I) the seller meets one or more of the criteria described in Subsection 59-12-107(2)(a)
537 or is a seller required to pay or collect and remit sales and use taxes under Subsection
538 59-12-107(2)(b); and
539 (II) the commission or a county, city, or town may require the seller to collect a tax
540 under Subsections 59-12-103(2)(a) through (d); or
541 (B) the commission issues a final unappealable administrative order determining that:
542 (I) the seller meets one or more of the criteria described in Subsection 59-12-107(2)(a)
543 or is a seller required to pay or collect and remit sales and use taxes under Subsection
544 59-12-107(2)(b); and
545 (II) the commission or a county, city, or town may require the seller to collect a tax
546 under Subsections 59-12-103(2)(a) through (d); and
547 (ii) the seller's intentional disregard of law or rule is warranted by existing law or by a
548 nonfrivolous argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law or the
549 establishment of new law.
550 (8) (a) Subject to Subsections (8)(b) and (c), the penalty for failure to file an
551 information return, information report, or a complete supporting schedule is $50 for each
552 information return, information report, or supporting schedule up to a maximum of $1,000.
553 (b) If an employer is subject to a penalty under Subsection (13), the employer may not
554 be subject to a penalty under Subsection (8)(a).
555 (c) If an employer is subject to a penalty under this Subsection (8) for failure to file a
556 return in accordance with Subsection 59-10-406(3) on or before the due date described in
557 Subsection 59-10-406(3)(b)(ii), the commission may not impose a penalty under this
558 Subsection (8) unless the return is filed more than 14 days after the due date described in
559 Subsection 59-10-406(3)(b)(ii).
560 (9) If a person, in furtherance of a frivolous position, has a prima facie intent to delay
561 or impede administration of a law relating to a tax, fee, or charge and files a purported return
562 that fails to contain information from which the correctness of reported tax, fee, or charge
563 liability can be determined or that clearly indicates that the tax, fee, or charge liability shown is
564 substantially incorrect, the penalty is $500.
565 (10) (a) A seller that fails to remit a tax, fee, or charge monthly as required by
566 Subsection 59-12-108(1)(a):
567 (i) is subject to a penalty described in Subsection (2); and
568 (ii) may not retain the percentage of sales and use taxes that would otherwise be
569 allowable under Subsection 59-12-108(2).
570 (b) A seller that fails to remit a tax, fee, or charge by electronic funds transfer as
571 required by Subsection 59-12-108(1)(a)(ii)(B):
572 (i) is subject to a penalty described in Subsection (2); and
573 (ii) may not retain the percentage of sales and use taxes that would otherwise be
574 allowable under Subsection 59-12-108(2).
575 (11) (a) A person is subject to the penalty provided in Subsection (11)(c) if that person:
576 (i) commits an act described in Subsection (11)(b) with respect to one or more of the
577 following documents:
578 (A) a return;
579 (B) an affidavit;
580 (C) a claim; or
581 (D) a document similar to Subsections (11)(a)(i)(A) through (C);
582 (ii) knows or has reason to believe that the document described in Subsection (11)(a)(i)
583 will be used in connection with any material matter administered by the commission; and
584 (iii) knows that the document described in Subsection (11)(a)(i), if used in connection
585 with any material matter administered by the commission, would result in an understatement of
586 another person's liability for a tax, fee, or charge.
587 (b) The following acts apply to Subsection (11)(a)(i):
588 (i) preparing any portion of a document described in Subsection (11)(a)(i);
589 (ii) presenting any portion of a document described in Subsection (11)(a)(i);
590 (iii) procuring any portion of a document described in Subsection (11)(a)(i);
591 (iv) advising in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document described
592 in Subsection (11)(a)(i);
593 (v) aiding in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document described in
594 Subsection (11)(a)(i);
595 (vi) assisting in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document described
596 in Subsection (11)(a)(i); or
597 (vii) counseling in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document
598 described in Subsection (11)(a)(i).
599 (c) For purposes of Subsection (11)(a), the penalty:
600 (i) shall be imposed by the commission;
601 (ii) is $500 for each document described in Subsection (11)(a)(i) with respect to which
602 the person described in Subsection (11)(a) meets the requirements of Subsection (11)(a); and
603 (iii) is in addition to any other penalty provided by law.
604 (d) The commission may seek a court order to enjoin a person from engaging in
605 conduct that is subject to a penalty under this Subsection (11).
606 (e) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
607 commission may make rules prescribing the documents that are similar to Subsections
608 (11)(a)(i)(A) through (C).
609 (12) (a) As provided in Section 76-8-1101, criminal offenses and penalties are as
610 provided in Subsections (12)(b) through (e).
611 (b) (i) A person who is required by this title or any laws the commission administers or
612 regulates to register with or obtain a license or permit from the commission, who operates
613 without having registered or secured a license or permit, or who operates when the registration,
614 license, or permit is expired or not current, is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
615 (ii) Notwithstanding Section 76-3-301, for purposes of Subsection (12)(b)(i), the
616 penalty may not:
617 (A) be less than $500; or
618 (B) exceed $1,000.
619 (c) (i) With respect to a tax, fee, or charge, a person who knowingly and intentionally,
620 and without a reasonable good faith basis, fails to make, render, sign, or verify a return within
621 the time required by law or to supply information within the time required by law, or who
622 makes, renders, signs, or verifies a false or fraudulent return or statement, or who supplies false
623 or fraudulent information, is guilty of a third degree felony.
624 (ii) Notwithstanding Section 76-3-301, for purposes of Subsection (12)(c)(i), the
625 penalty may not:
626 (A) be less than $1,000; or
627 (B) exceed $5,000.
628 (d) (i) A person who intentionally or willfully attempts to evade or defeat a tax, fee, or
629 charge or the payment of a tax, fee, or charge is, in addition to other penalties provided by law,
630 guilty of a second degree felony.
631 (ii) Notwithstanding Section 76-3-301, for purposes of Subsection (12)(d)(i), the
632 penalty may not:
633 (A) be less than $1,500; or
634 (B) exceed $25,000.
635 (e) (i) A person is guilty of a second degree felony if that person commits an act:
636 (A) described in Subsection (12)(e)(ii) with respect to one or more of the following
637 documents:
638 (I) a return;
639 (II) an affidavit;
640 (III) a claim; or
641 (IV) a document similar to Subsections (12)(e)(i)(A)(I) through (III); and
642 (B) subject to Subsection (12)(e)(iii), with knowledge that the document described in
643 Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A):
644 (I) is false or fraudulent as to any material matter; and
645 (II) could be used in connection with any material matter administered by the
646 commission.
647 (ii) The following acts apply to Subsection (12)(e)(i):
648 (A) preparing any portion of a document described in Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A);
649 (B) presenting any portion of a document described in Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A);
650 (C) procuring any portion of a document described in Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A);
651 (D) advising in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document described
652 in Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A);
653 (E) aiding in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document described in
654 Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A);
655 (F) assisting in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document described
656 in Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A); or
657 (G) counseling in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document
658 described in Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A).
659 (iii) This Subsection (12)(e) applies:
660 (A) regardless of whether the person for which the document described in Subsection
661 (12)(e)(i)(A) is prepared or presented:
662 (I) knew of the falsity of the document described in Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A); or
663 (II) consented to the falsity of the document described in Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A); and
664 (B) in addition to any other penalty provided by law.
665 (iv) Notwithstanding Section 76-3-301, for purposes of this Subsection (12)(e), the
666 penalty may not:
667 (A) be less than $1,500; or
668 (B) exceed $25,000.
669 (v) The commission may seek a court order to enjoin a person from engaging in
670 conduct that is subject to a penalty under this Subsection (12)(e).
671 (vi) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
672 the commission may make rules prescribing the documents that are similar to Subsections
673 (12)(e)(i)(A)(I) through (III).
674 (f) The statute of limitations for prosecution for a violation of this Subsection (12) is
675 the later of six years:
676 (i) from the date the tax should have been remitted; or
677 (ii) after the day on which the person commits the criminal offense.
678 (13) (a) Subject to Subsection (13)(b), an employer that is required to file a form with
679 the commission in accordance with Subsection 59-10-406(8) is subject to a penalty described
680 in Subsection (13)(b) if the employer:
681 (i) fails to file the form with the commission in an electronic format approved by the
682 commission as required by Subsection 59-10-406(8);
683 (ii) fails to file the form on or before the due date provided in Subsection 59-10-406(8);
684 (iii) fails to provide accurate information on the form; or
685 (iv) fails to provide all of the information required by the Internal Revenue Service to
686 be contained on the form.
687 (b) For purposes of Subsection (13)(a), the penalty is:
688 (i) $30 per form, not to exceed $75,000 in a calendar year, if the employer files the
689 form in accordance with Subsection 59-10-406(8), more than 14 days after the due date
690 provided in Subsection 59-10-406(8) but no later than 30 days after the due date provided in
691 Subsection 59-10-406(8);
692 (ii) $60 per form, not to exceed $200,000 in a calendar year, if the employer files the
693 form in accordance with Subsection 59-10-406(8), more than 30 days after the due date
694 provided in Subsection 59-10-406(8) but on or before June 1; or
695 (iii) $100 per form, not to exceed $500,000 in a calendar year, if the employer:
696 (A) files the form in accordance with Subsection 59-10-406(8) after June 1; or
697 (B) fails to file the form.
698 (14) Upon making a record of its actions, and upon reasonable cause shown, the
699 commission may waive, reduce, or compromise any of the penalties or interest imposed under
700 this part.
701 Section 8. Section 59-1-402 is amended to read:
702 59-1-402. Definitions -- Interest.
703 (1) As used in this section:
704 (a) "Final judicial decision" means a final ruling by a court of this state or the United
705 States for which the time for any further review or proceeding has expired.
706 (b) "Retroactive application of a judicial decision" means the application of a final
707 judicial decision that:
708 (i) invalidates a state or federal taxation statute; and
709 (ii) requires the state to provide a refund for an overpayment that was made:
710 (A) prior to the final judicial decision; or
711 (B) during the 180-day period after the final judicial decision.
712 (c) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(c)(ii), "tax, fee, or charge" means:
713 (A) a tax, fee, or charge the commission administers under:
714 (I) this title;
715 (II) Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 3, Municipal Energy Sales and Use Tax Act;
716 (III) Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 4, Municipal Telecommunications License Tax Act;
717 (IV) Section 19-6-410.5;
718 (V) Section 19-6-714;
719 (VI) Section 19-6-805;
720 [
721 [
722 [
723 [
724 (B) another amount that by statute is subject to interest imposed under this section.
725 (ii) "Tax, fee, or charge" does not include a tax, fee, or charge imposed under:
726 (A) Title 41, Chapter 1a, Motor Vehicle Act, except for Section 41-1a-301;
727 (B) Title 41, Chapter 3, Motor Vehicle Business Regulation Act;
728 (C) Chapter 2, Property Tax Act, except for Section 59-2-1309;
729 (D) Chapter 3, Tax Equivalent Property Act;
730 (E) Chapter 4, Privilege Tax; or
731 (F) Chapter 13, Part 5, Interstate Agreements.
732 (2) Except as otherwise provided for by law, the interest rate for a calendar year for a
733 tax, fee, or charge administered by the commission shall be calculated based on the federal
734 short-term rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury under Section 6621, Internal
735 Revenue Code, in effect for the preceding fourth calendar quarter.
736 (3) The interest rate calculation shall be as follows:
737 (a) except as provided in Subsection (7), in the case of an overpayment or refund,
738 simple interest shall be calculated at the rate of two percentage points above the federal
739 short-term rate; or
740 (b) in the case of an underpayment, deficiency, or delinquency, simple interest shall be
741 calculated at the rate of two percentage points above the federal short-term rate.
742 (4) Notwithstanding Subsection (2) or (3), the interest rate applicable to certain
743 installment sales for purposes of a tax under Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes,
744 shall be determined in accordance with Section 453A, Internal Revenue Code, as provided in
745 Section 59-7-112.
746 (5) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(c), interest may not be allowed on an
747 overpayment of a tax, fee, or charge if the overpayment of the tax, fee, or charge is refunded
748 within:
749 (i) 45 days after the last date prescribed for filing the return with respect to a tax under
750 Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, or Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act,
751 if the return is filed electronically; or
752 (ii) 90 days after the last date prescribed for filing the return:
753 (A) with respect to a tax, fee, or charge, except for a tax under Chapter 7, Corporate
754 Franchise and Income Taxes, or Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act; or
755 (B) if the return is not filed electronically.
756 (b) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(c), if the return is filed after the last date
757 prescribed for filing the return, interest may not be allowed on the overpayment if the
758 overpayment is refunded within:
759 (i) 45 days after the date the return is filed:
760 (A) with respect to a tax under Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, or
761 Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act; and
762 (B) if the return is filed electronically; or
763 (ii) 90 days after the date the return is filed:
764 (A) with respect to a tax, fee, or charge, except for a tax under Chapter 7, Corporate
765 Franchise and Income Taxes, or Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act; or
766 (B) if the return is not filed electronically.
767 (c) (i) In the case of an amended return, interest on an overpayment shall be allowed:
768 (A) for a time period:
769 (I) that begins on the later of:
770 (Aa) the date the original return was filed; or
771 (Bb) the due date for filing the original return not including any extensions for filing
772 the original return; and
773 (II) that ends on the date the commission receives the amended return; and
774 (B) if the commission does not make a refund of an overpayment under this Subsection
775 (5)(c):
776 (I) if the amended return is with respect to a tax under Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise
777 and Income Taxes, or Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act, and is filed electronically,
778 within a 45-day period after the date the commission receives the amended return, for a time
779 period:
780 (Aa) that begins 46 days after the commission receives the amended return; and
781 (Bb) subject to Subsection (5)(c)(ii), that ends on the date that the commission
782 completes processing the refund of the overpayment; or
783 (II) if the amended return is with respect to a tax, fee, or charge except for a tax under
784 Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, or Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act,
785 or is not filed electronically, within a 90-day period after the date the commission receives the
786 amended return, for a time period:
787 (Aa) that begins 91 days after the commission receives the amended return; and
788 (Bb) subject to Subsection (5)(c)(ii), that ends on the date that the commission
789 completes processing the refund of the overpayment.
790 (ii) For purposes of Subsection (5)(c)(i)(B)(I)(Bb) or (5)(c)(i)(B)(II)(Bb), interest shall
791 be calculated forward from the preparation date of the refund document to allow for
792 processing.
793 (6) Interest on any underpayment, deficiency, or delinquency of a tax, fee, or charge
794 shall be computed from the time the original return is due, excluding any filing or payment
795 extensions, to the date the payment is received.
796 (7) Interest on a refund relating to a tax, fee, or charge may not be paid on any
797 overpayment that arises from a statute that is determined to be invalid under state or federal
798 law or declared unconstitutional under the constitution of the United States or Utah if the basis
799 for the refund is the retroactive application of a judicial decision upholding the claim of
800 unconstitutionality or the invalidation of a statute.
801 Section 9. Section 59-1-1402 is amended to read:
802 59-1-1402. Definitions.
803 As used in this part:
804 (1) "Administrative cost" means a fee imposed to cover:
805 (a) the cost of filing;
806 (b) the cost of administering a garnishment;
807 (c) the amount the commission pays to a depository institution in accordance with Part
808 17, Depository Institution Data Match System and Levy Act; or
809 (d) a cost similar to Subsections (1)(a) through (c) as determined by the commission by
810 rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
811 (2) "Books and records" means the following made available in printed or electronic
812 format:
813 (a) an account;
814 (b) a book;
815 (c) an invoice;
816 (d) a memorandum;
817 (e) a paper;
818 (f) a record; or
819 (g) an item similar to Subsections (2)(a) through (f) as determined by the commission
820 by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
821 (3) "Deficiency" means:
822 (a) the amount by which a tax, fee, or charge exceeds the difference between:
823 (i) the sum of:
824 (A) the amount shown as the tax, fee, or charge by a person on the person's return; and
825 (B) any amount previously assessed, or collected without assessment, as a deficiency;
826 and
827 (ii) any amount previously abated, credited, refunded, or otherwise repaid with respect
828 to that tax, fee, or charge; or
829 (b) if a person does not show an amount as a tax, fee, or charge on the person's return,
830 or if a person does not make a return, the amount by which the tax, fee, or charge exceeds:
831 (i) the amount previously assessed, or collected without assessment, as a deficiency;
832 and
833 (ii) any amount previously abated, credited, refunded, or otherwise repaid with respect
834 to that tax, fee, or charge.
835 (4) "Garnishment" means any legal or equitable procedure through which one or more
836 of the following are required to be withheld for payment of an amount a person owes:
837 (a) an asset of the person held by another person; or
838 (b) the earnings of the person.
839 (5) "Liability" means the following that a person is required to remit to the
840 commission:
841 (a) a tax, fee, or charge;
842 (b) an addition to a tax, fee, or charge;
843 (c) an administrative cost;
844 (d) interest that accrues in accordance with Section 59-1-402; or
845 (e) a penalty that accrues in accordance with Section 59-1-401.
846 (6) (a) Subject to Subsection (6)(b), "mathematical error" is as defined in Section
847 6213(g)(2), Internal Revenue Code.
848 (b) The reference to Section 6213(g)(2), Internal Revenue Code, in Subsection (6)(a)
849 means:
850 (i) the reference to Section 6213(g)(2), Internal Revenue Code, in effect for the taxable
851 year; or
852 (ii) a corresponding or comparable provision of the Internal Revenue Code as
853 amended, redesignated, or reenacted.
854 (7) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (7)(b), "tax, fee, or charge" means:
855 (i) a tax, fee, or charge the commission administers under:
856 (A) this title;
857 (B) Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 3, Municipal Energy Sales and Use Tax Act;
858 (C) Title 10, Chapter 1, Part 4, Municipal Telecommunications License Tax Act;
859 (D) Section 19-6-410.5;
860 (E) Section 19-6-714;
861 (F) Section 19-6-805;
862 [
863 [
864 [
865 [
866 (ii) another amount that by statute is administered by the commission.
867 (b) "Tax, fee, or charge" does not include a tax, fee, or charge imposed under:
868 (i) Title 41, Chapter 1a, Motor Vehicle Act, except for Section 41-1a-301;
869 (ii) Title 41, Chapter 3, Motor Vehicle Business Regulation Act;
870 (iii) Chapter 2, Property Tax Act;
871 (iv) Chapter 3, Tax Equivalent Property Act;
872 (v) Chapter 4, Privilege Tax; or
873 (vi) Chapter 13, Part 5, Interstate Agreements.
874 (8) "Transferee" means:
875 (a) a devisee;
876 (b) a distributee;
877 (c) a donee;
878 (d) an heir;
879 (e) a legatee; or
880 (f) a person similar to Subsections (8)(a) through (e) as determined by the commission
881 by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
882 Section 10. Appropriation.
883 The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
884 2018, and ending June 30, 2019. These are additions to amount previously appropriated for
885 fiscal year 2019. Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures
886 Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts
887 indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
888 ITEM 1
889 To the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control -- State Store Land Acquisition Fund
890 From General Fund, One-time Ŝ→ [
$7,500,000] $5,000,000 ←Ŝ
891 Schedule of Programs:
892 State Store Land Acquisition Fund Ŝ→ [
893 The Legislature intends that the appropriations provided under this section be used to
894 purchase or lease property for new state stores in accordance with Section 32B-2-307.
895 Section 11. Effective date.
896 This bill takes effect on July 1, 2018.