6 <cospons>
9 General Description:
10 This bill amends and enacts provisions related to instruction in health and sex
11 education.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This bill:
14 ▸ defines terms;
15 ▸ modifies instruction in health to include instruction in refusal skills and the harmful
16 effects of pornography;
17 ▸ clarifies ambiguous language, updates outdated terminology, and repeals repetitive
18 language;
19 ▸ amends definitions for required parental consent; and
20 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
21 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22 None
23 Other Special Clauses:
24 None
25 Utah Code Sections Affected:
27 53G-10-402, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 3
28 53G-10-403, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2018, Chapter 3
30 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
31 Section 1. Section 53G-10-402 is amended to read:
32 53G-10-402. Instruction in health -- Parental consent requirements -- Conduct
33 and speech of school employees and volunteers -- Political and religious doctrine
34 prohibited.
35 (1) As used in this section:
36 (a) "Board" means the State Board of Education.
37 (b) "Local school board" means:
38 (i) a local board of education elected in accordance with Section 53G-4-201; or
39 (ii) a charter school governing board, as defined in Section 53G-5-102.
40 (c) "Parent" means a parent or legal guardian.
41 (d) "Refusal skills" means instruction:
42 (i) in a student's ability to clearly and expressly refuse sexual advances by a minor or
43 adult;
44 (ii) in a student's obligation to stop the student's sexual advances if refused by another
45 individual;
46 (iii) informing a student of the student's right to report and seek counseling for
47 unwanted sexual advances;
48 (iv) in sexual harassment; and
49 (v) informing a student that a student may not consent to criminally prohibited
50 activities or activities for which the student is legally prohibited from giving consent, including
51 the electronic transmission of sexually explicit images by an individual of the individual or
52 another.
53 [
54 requirements under Section 53E-3-501 that include instruction in:
55 (i) community and personal health;
56 (ii) physiology;
57 (iii) personal hygiene; [
58 (iv) prevention of communicable disease[
59 (v) refusal skills; and
60 (vi) the harmful effects of pornography.
61 (b) (i) That instruction shall stress:
62 (A) the importance of abstinence from all sexual activity before marriage and fidelity
63 after marriage as methods for preventing certain communicable diseases; and
64 (B) personal skills that encourage individual choice of abstinence and fidelity.
65 (ii) (A) At no time may instruction be provided, including responses to spontaneous
66 questions raised by students, regarding any means or methods that facilitate or encourage the
67 violation of any state or federal criminal law by a minor or an adult.
68 (B) Subsection [
69 spontaneous question as long as the response is consistent with the provisions of this section.
70 (c) (i) The board shall recommend instructional materials for use in the curricula
71 required under Subsection [
72 by the State Instructional Materials Commission.
73 (ii) A local school board may choose to adopt:
74 (A) the instructional materials recommended under Subsection [
75 (B) other instructional materials as provided in [
76 (iii) The [
77 minimum:
78 (A) that the materials adopted by a local school board under Subsection [
79 (2)(c)(ii)(B) shall be based upon recommendations of the school district's or charter school's
80 Curriculum Materials Review Committee that comply with state law and [
81 emphasizing abstinence before marriage and fidelity after marriage, and prohibiting instruction
82 in:
83 (I) the intricacies of intercourse, sexual stimulation, or erotic behavior;
84 (II) the advocacy of premarital or extramarital sexual activity; or
85 (III) the advocacy or encouragement of the use of contraceptive methods or devices;
86 [
87 (B) that the adoption of instructional materials shall take place in an open and regular
88 meeting of the local school board for which prior notice is given to parents [
89 students attending the respective schools [
90 to express their views and opinions on the materials at the meeting;
91 (C) provision for an appeal and review process of the local school board's decision; and
92 (D) provision for a report by the local school board to the [
93 board of the action taken and the materials adopted by the local school board under Subsections
94 [
95 [
96 Subsection [
97 occasions during the period that begins with the beginning of grade 8 and the end of grade 12.
98 (b) At the request of the board, the Department of Health shall cooperate with the
99 board in developing programs to provide instruction in those areas.
100 [
101 (i) provide that the parental consent requirements of Sections 76-7-322 and 76-7-323
102 are complied with; and
103 (ii) require a student's parent [
104 opportunity to review the information for which parental consent is required under Sections
105 76-7-322 and 76-7-323.
106 (b) The board shall also provide procedures for disciplinary action for violation of
107 Section 76-7-322 or 76-7-323.
108 [
109 school employees and volunteers serve as examples to their students, school employees or
110 volunteers acting in their official capacities may not support or encourage criminal conduct by
111 students, teachers, or volunteers.
112 (b) To ensure the effective performance of school personnel, the limitations described
113 in Subsection [
115 capacities if:
116 (i) [
117 employee's or volunteer's action could result in a material and substantial interference or
118 disruption in the normal activities of the school; and
119 (ii) that action does result in a material and substantial interference or disruption in the
120 normal activities of the school.
121 (c) [
122 local school board may not allow training of school employees or volunteers that supports or
123 encourages criminal conduct.
124 (d) The [
125 (e) Nothing in this section limits the ability or authority of the [
127 that are otherwise lawful, regarding educators', employees', or volunteers' qualifications or
128 behavior evidencing unfitness for duty.
129 [
130 religious, or denominational doctrine may not be taught in the public schools.
131 [
132 board's employees shall cooperate and share responsibility in carrying out the purposes of this
133 chapter.
134 (b) [
136 school administrators to enable them to understand, protect, and properly instruct students in
137 the values and character traits referred to in this section and Sections 53E-9-202, 53E-9-203,
138 53G-10-202, 53G-10-203, 53G-10-204, and 53G-10-205, and distribute appropriate written
139 materials on the values, character traits, and conduct to each individual receiving the [
141 (c) [
142 written materials described in Subsection (7)(b) available to classified employees, students, and
143 parents [
144 (d) In order to assist [
147 expertise in the areas referred to in Subsection [
148 teacher [
149 school board may use to train the individuals referred to in Subsection [
150 teach the values and qualities of character referenced in [
151 (e) In accordance with the provisions of Subsection [
152 professional development may not support or encourage criminal conduct.
153 (8) A local school board shall review every two years:
154 (a) local school board policies on instruction described in this section;
155 (b) for a local board of education of a school district, data for each county that the
156 school district is located in, or, for a charter school governing board, data for the county in
157 which the charter school is located, on the following:
158 (i) teen pregnancy;
159 (ii) child sexual abuse; and
160 (iii) sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections; and
161 (c) the number of pornography complaints or other instances reported within the
162 jurisdiction of the local school board.
163 [
164 this section, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is found to be
165 unconstitutional, the balance of this section shall be given effect without the invalid provision,
166 subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word.
167 Section 2. Section 53G-10-403 is amended to read:
168 53G-10-403. Required parental consent for sex education instruction.
169 (1) As used in this section:
170 (a) "Parent" means the same as that term is defined in Section 53G-10-205.
171 [
172 unit, class, lesson, activity, or presentation that, as the focus of the discussion, provides
173 instruction or information to a student about:
174 (A) sexual abstinence;
175 (B) human sexuality;
176 (C) human reproduction;
177 (D) reproductive anatomy;
178 (E) physiology;
179 (F) pregnancy;
180 (G) marriage;
181 (H) childbirth;
182 (I) parenthood;
183 (J) contraception;
184 (K) HIV/AIDS; [
185 (L) sexually transmitted diseases[
186 (M) refusal skills, as defined in Section 53G-10-402.
187 (ii) "[
188 prevention instruction described in Section 53G-9-207.
189 [
190 (c) "School" means the same as that term is defined in Section 53G-10-205.
191 (2) A school shall obtain prior written consent from a student's parent before the school
192 may provide [
193 (3) If a student's parent chooses not to have the student participate in [
194 sex education instruction, a school shall:
195 (a) waive the requirement for the student to participate in the [
196 education instruction; or
197 (b) provide the student with a reasonable alternative to the [
198 education instruction requirement.
199 (4) In cooperation with the student's teacher or school, a parent shall take responsibility
200 for the parent's student's [
201 (a) waives the student's [
202 Subsection (3)(a); or
203 (b) provides the student with a reasonable alternative to the [
204 education instruction requirement described in Subsection (3)(b).
205 (5) A student's academic or citizenship performance may not be penalized if the
206 student's parent chooses not to have the student participate in [
207 instruction as described in Subsection (3).