8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies the duties of the Division of State History.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ provides that the Division of State History may provide matching grants to help
13 maintain, repair, and landscape cemeteries, grave sites, and tombstones.
14 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
15 None
16 Other Special Clauses:
17 None
18 Utah Code Sections Affected:
20 9-8-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 48
22 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
23 Section 1. Section 9-8-203 is amended to read:
24 9-8-203. Division duties.
25 (1) The division shall:
26 (a) stimulate research, study, and activity in the field of Utah history and related
27 history;
28 (b) maintain a specialized history library;
29 (c) mark and preserve historic sites, areas, and remains;
30 (d) collect, preserve, and administer historical records relating to the history of Utah;
31 (e) administer, collect, preserve, document, interpret, develop, and exhibit historical
32 artifacts, documentary materials, and other objects relating to the history of Utah for
33 educational and cultural purposes;
34 (f) edit and publish historical records;
35 (g) cooperate with local, state, and federal agencies and schools and museums to
36 provide coordinated and organized activities for the collection, documentation, preservation,
37 interpretation, and exhibition of historical artifacts related to the state;
38 (h) promote, coordinate, and administer:
39 (i) Utah History Day at the Capitol designated under Section 63G-1-401; and
40 (ii) the Utah History Day program affiliated with National History Day, which includes
41 a series of regional, state, and national activities and competitions for students from grades 4
42 through 12;
43 (i) provide grants and technical assistance as necessary and appropriate; and
44 (j) comply with the procedures and requirements of Title 63G, Chapter 4,
45 Administrative Procedures Act, in adjudicative proceedings.
46 (2) The division may acquire or produce reproductions of historical artifacts and
47 documentary materials for educational and cultural use.
48 (3) To promote an appreciation of Utah history and to increase heritage tourism in the
49 state, the division shall:
50 (a) (i) create and maintain an inventory of all historic markers and monuments that are
51 accessible to the public throughout the state;
52 (ii) enter into cooperative agreements with other groups and organizations to collect
53 and maintain the information needed for the inventory;
54 (iii) encourage the use of volunteers to help collect the information and to maintain the
55 inventory;
56 (iv) publicize the information in the inventory in a variety of forms and media,
57 especially to encourage Utah citizens and tourists to visit the markers and monuments;
58 (v) work with public and private landowners, heritage organizations, and volunteer
59 groups to help maintain, repair, and landscape around the markers and monuments; and
60 (vi) make the inventory available upon request to all other public and private history
61 and heritage organizations, tourism organizations and businesses, and others;
62 (b) (i) create and maintain an inventory of all active and inactive cemeteries throughout
63 the state;
64 (ii) enter into cooperative agreements with local governments and other groups and
65 organizations to collect and maintain the information needed for the inventory;
66 (iii) encourage the use of volunteers to help collect the information and to maintain the
67 inventory;
68 (iv) encourage cemetery owners to create and maintain geographic information systems
69 to record burial sites and encourage volunteers to do so for inactive and small historic
70 cemeteries;
71 (v) publicize the information in the inventory in a variety of forms and media,
72 especially to encourage Utah citizens to participate in the care and upkeep of historic
73 cemeteries;
74 (vi) work with public and private cemeteries, heritage organizations, genealogical
75 groups, and volunteer groups to help maintain, repair, and landscape cemeteries, grave sites,
76 and tombstones; and
77 (vii) make the inventory available upon request to all other public and private history
78 and heritage organizations, tourism organizations and businesses, and others; and
79 (c) (i) create and maintain a computerized record of cemeteries and burial locations in a
80 state-coordinated and publicly accessible information system;
81 (ii) gather information for the information system created and maintained under
82 Subsection (3)(c)(i) and help maintain, repair, and landscape cemeteries, grave sites, and
83 tombstones as described in Subsection (3)(b)(vi) by providing matching grants, upon approval
84 by the board, to:
85 (A) municipal cemeteries;
86 (B) cemetery maintenance districts;
87 (C) endowment care cemeteries;
88 (D) private nonprofit cemeteries;
89 (E) genealogical associations; and
90 (F) other nonprofit groups with an interest in cemeteries; and
91 (iii) adopt rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
92 Rulemaking Act, for granting matching funds under Subsection (3)(c)(ii) to ensure that:
93 (A) professional standards are met; and
94 (B) projects are cost effective.
95 (4) This chapter may not be construed to authorize the division to acquire by purchase
96 any historical artifacts, documentary materials, or specimens that are restricted from sale by
97 federal law or the laws of any state, territory, or foreign nation.
Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel