


Chief Sponsor: Steve Eliason

Senate Sponsor: Howard A. Stephenson


8     General Description:
9          This bill enacts language authorizing grants for school-based counselors and social
10     workers.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     defines terms;
14          ▸     authorizes the State Board of Education (board) to award grants to local education
15     agencies to provide targeted school-based mental health supports in elementary
16     schools;
17          ▸     authorizes the board to make rules for grant applications and awards; and
18          ▸     requires a local education agency that receives a grant to submit an annual report to
19     the board.
20     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
21          None
22     Other Special Clauses:
23          None
24     Utah Code Sections Affected:
25     ENACTS:
26          53F-5-209, Utah Code Annotated 1953

28     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
29          Section 1. Section 53F-5-209 is enacted to read:
30          53F-5-209. Grants for school-based mental health supports.
31          (1) As used in this section:
32          (a) "Board" means the State Board of Education.
33          (b) "Elementary school" means a school that includes any one or all of grades
34     kindergarten through grade 6.
35          (c) "Intergenerational poverty" means the same as that term is defined in Section
36     35A-9-102.
37          (d) "Local education agency" or "LEA" means a school district, charter school, or Utah
38     Schools for the Deaf and the Blind.
39          (e) "Qualifying personnel" means a school counselor or school social worker who:
40          (i) is licensed by the board; and
41          (ii) collaborates with educators and a student's family or guardian on:
42          (A) early identification and intervention of a student's academic and mental health
43     needs; and
44          (B) removing barriers to learning and developing skills and behaviors critical for a
45     student's academic achievement.
46          (2) Subject to legislative appropriations and Subsection (3), the board shall award a
47     grant to an LEA to provide targeted school-based mental health support in an elementary
48     school, including trauma-informed care, through employment of qualifying personnel.
49          (3) In awarding a grant under this section, the board shall give:
50          (a) first priority to an LEA that proposes to target funds to one or more elementary
51     schools with a high percentage of students exhibiting risk factors for childhood trauma; and
52          (b) second priority to an LEA that proposes to target funds to one or more elementary
53     schools with a high percentage of students experiencing intergenerational poverty.
54          (4) To qualify for a grant, an LEA shall:
55          (a) submit an application to the board that includes:
56          (i) measurable goals on improving student safety, student engagement, school culture,
57     and academic achievement; and
58          (ii) how the LEA intends to meet goals submitted under Subsection (4)(a)(i) through

59     the use of the grant funds; and
60          (b) provide local funds to match grant funds received under this section in an amount
61     equal to one-half of the amount of the grant funds.
62          (5) An LEA may not replace federal, state, or local funds previously allocated to
63     employ qualified personnel with funds distributed under this section.
64          (6) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
65     board shall make rules specifying:
66          (a) procedures for applying for and awarding grants under this section, including:
67          (i) a definition of risk factors for childhood trauma;
68          (ii) the duration of a grant; and
69          (iii) a schedule for submission of matching grant funds; and
70          (b) annual reporting requirements for grantees in accordance with Subsection (7).
71          (7) An LEA that receives a grant under this section shall submit an annual report to the
72     board, including:
73          (a) progress toward achieving the goals submitted under Subsection (4)(a)(i); and
74          (b) if the LEA decides to discontinue the qualifying personnel position, the LEA's
75     reason for discontinuing the position.
76          (8) Beginning on or before July 1, 2019, the board shall provide training that instructs
77     educators on the impact of trauma on student learning.

Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel