Representative Derrin R. Owens proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Derrin R. Owens

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9           This bill modifies provisions relating to the High Cost Infrastructure Development Tax
10     Credit.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸      provides that if an infrastructure cost-burdened entity qualifies for a high cost
14     infrastructure tax credit and one or more refundable state tax credits, the
15     infrastructure cost-burdened entity may claim either the high cost infrastructure tax
16     credit or one or more refundable tax credits;
17          ▸     provides that if an infrastructure cost-burdened entity has a high cost infrastructure
18     project located in certain counties and qualifies for a high cost infrastructure tax
19     credit and one or more refundable state tax credits, the infrastructure cost-burdened
20     entity may claim both the high cost infrastructure tax credit or one or more
21     refundable state tax credits;
22          ▸     requires the office to certify certain information on a high cost infrastructure tax
23     credit certificate; and
24          ▸     makes technical changes .
25     Money Appropriated in this Bill:

26          None
27     Other Special Clauses:
28          This bill provides a special effective date.
29     Utah Code Sections Affected:
30     AMENDS:
31          59-7-619, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Third Special Session, Chapter 1
32          59-10-1034, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Third Special Session, Chapter 1
33          63M-4-604, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 356

35     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
36          Section 1. Section 59-7-619 is amended to read:
37          59-7-619. Nonrefundable high cost infrastructure development tax credit.
38          (1) As used in this section:
39          (a) "High cost infrastructure project" means the same as that term is defined in Section
40     63M-4-602.
41          (b) "Infrastructure cost-burdened entity" means the same as that term is defined in
42     Section 63M-4-602.
43          (c) "Infrastructure-related revenue" means the same as that term is defined in Section
44     63M-4-602.
45          (d) "Office" means the Office of Energy Development created in Section 63M-4-401.
46          (2) Subject to the other provisions of this section, a corporation that is an infrastructure
47     cost-burdened entity may claim a nonrefundable tax credit for development of a high cost
48     infrastructure project as provided in this section.
49          (3) The tax credit under this section is the amount listed as the tax credit amount on a
50     tax credit certificate that the office issues under Title 63M, Chapter 4, Part 6, High Cost
51     Infrastructure Development Tax Credit Act, to the infrastructure cost-burdened entity for the
52     taxable year.
53          (4) An infrastructure cost-burdened entity may carry forward a tax credit under this
54     section for a period that does not exceed the next seven taxable years if:
55          (a) the infrastructure cost-burdened entity is allowed to claim a tax credit under this
56     section for a taxable year; and

57          (b) the amount of the tax credit exceeds the infrastructure cost-burdened entity's tax
58     liability under this chapter for that taxable year.
59          (5) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(b), if an infrastructure cost-burdened
60     entity qualifies for a tax credit under this section and one or more refundable tax credits under
61     Part 6, Credits, the infrastructure cost-burdened entity may claim either:
62          (i) the tax credit under this section; or
63          (ii) one or more refundable tax credits under Part 6, Credits.
64          (b) If an infrastructure cost-burdened entity has a high cost infrastructure project
65     located in a county of the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth class, as described in Section 17-50-501,
66     of the state, and qualifies for a tax credit under this section and one or more refundable tax
67     credits under Part 6, Credits, the infrastructure cost-burdened entity may claim:
68          (i) the tax credit under this section; and
69          (ii) one or more refundable tax credits under Part 6, Credits.
70          [(5)] (6) (a) In accordance with Section 59-7-159, the Revenue and Taxation Interim
71     Committee shall study the tax credit allowed by this section and make recommendations
72     concerning whether the tax credit should be continued, modified, or repealed.
73          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection [(5)] (6)(b)(ii), for purposes of the study
74     required by this Subsection [(5)] (6), the office shall provide the following information, if
75     available to the office, to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst:
76          (A) the amount of tax credit that the office grants to each infrastructure cost-burdened
77     entity for each taxable year;
78          (B) the infrastructure-related revenue generated by each high cost infrastructure
79     project;
80          (C) the information contained in the office's latest report under Section 63M-4-505;
81     and
82          (D) any other information that the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst requests.
83          (ii) (A) In providing the information described in Subsection [(5)] (6)(b)(i), the office
84     shall redact information that identifies a recipient of a tax credit under this section.
85          (B) If, notwithstanding the redactions made under Subsection [(5)] (6)(b)(ii)(A),
86     reporting the information described in Subsection [(5)] (6)(b)(i) might disclose the identity of a
87     recipient of a tax credit, the office may file a request with the Revenue and Taxation Interim

88     Committee to provide the information described in Subsection [(5)] (6)(b)(i) in the aggregate
89     for all infrastructure cost-burdened entities that receive the tax credit under this section.
90          (c) As part of the study required by this Subsection [(5)] (6), the Office of the
91     Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall report to the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee a
92     summary and analysis of the information provided to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
93     Analyst by the office under Subsection [(5)] (6)(b).
94          (d) The Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall ensure that the
95     recommendations described in Subsection [(5)] (6)(a) include an evaluation of:
96          (i) the cost of the tax credit to the state;
97          (ii) the purpose and effectiveness of the tax credit; and
98          (iii) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credit.
99          Section 2. Section 59-10-1034 is amended to read:
100          59-10-1034. Nonrefundable high cost infrastructure development tax credit.
101          (1) As used in this section:
102          (a) "High cost infrastructure project" means the same as that term is defined in Section
103     63M-4-602.
104          (b) "Infrastructure cost-burdened entity" means the same as that term is defined in
105     Section 63M-4-602.
106          (c) "Infrastructure-related revenue" means the same as that term is defined in Section
107     63M-4-602.
108          (d) "Office" means the Office of Energy Development created in Section 63M-4-401.
109          (2) Subject to the other provisions of this section, a claimant, estate, or trust that is an
110     infrastructure cost-burdened entity may claim a nonrefundable tax credit for development of a
111     high cost infrastructure project as provided in this section.
112          (3) The tax credit under this section is the amount listed as the tax credit amount on a
113     tax credit certificate that the office issues under Title 63M, Chapter 4, Part 6, High Cost
114     Infrastructure Development Tax Credit Act, to the infrastructure cost-burdened entity for the
115     taxable year.
116          (4) An infrastructure cost-burdened entity may carry forward a tax credit under this
117     section for a period that does not exceed the next seven taxable years if:
118          (a) the infrastructure cost-burdened entity is allowed to claim a tax credit under this

119     section for a taxable year; and
120          (b) the amount of the tax credit exceeds the infrastructure cost-burdened entity's tax
121     liability under this chapter for that taxable year.
122          (5) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(b), if an infrastructure cost-burdened
123     entity qualifies for a tax credit under this section and one or more refundable tax credits under
124     Part 11, Refundable Tax Credit Act, the infrastructure cost-burdened entity may claim either:
125          (i) the tax credit under this section; or
126          (ii) one or more refundable tax credits under Part 11, Refundable Tax Credit Act.
127          (b) If an infrastructure cost-burdened entity has a high cost infrastructure project
128     located in a county of the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth class, as described in Section 17-50-501,
129     of the state, and qualifies for a tax credit under this section and one or more refundable tax
130     credits under Part 11, Refundable Tax Credit Act, the infrastructure cost-burdened entity may
131     claim:
132          (i) the tax credit under this section; and
133          (ii) one or more refundable tax credits under Part 11, Refundable Tax Credit Act.
134          [(5)] (6) (a) In accordance with Section 59-10-137, the Revenue and Taxation Interim
135     Committee shall study the tax credit allowed by this section and make recommendations
136     concerning whether the tax credit should be continued, modified, or repealed.
137          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection [(5)] (6)(b)(ii), for purposes of the study
138     required by this Subsection [(5)] (6), the office shall provide the following information, if
139     available to the office, to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst:
140          (A) the amount of tax credit that the office grants to each infrastructure cost-burdened
141     entity for each taxable year;
142          (B) the infrastructure-related revenue generated by each high cost infrastructure
143     project;
144          (C) the information contained in the office's latest report under Section 63M-4-505;
145     and
146          (D) any other information that the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst requests.
147          (ii) (A) In providing the information described in Subsection [(5)] (6)(b)(i), the office
148     shall redact information that identifies a recipient of a tax credit under this section.
149          (B) If, notwithstanding the redactions made under Subsection [(5)] (6)(b)(ii)(A),

150     reporting the information described in Subsection [(5)] (6)(b)(i) might disclose the identity of a
151     recipient of a tax credit, the office may file a request with the Revenue and Taxation Interim
152     Committee to provide the information described in Subsection [(5)] (6)(b)(i) in the aggregate
153     for all infrastructure cost-burdened entities that receive the tax credit under this section.
154          (c) As part of the study required by this Subsection [(5)] (6), the Office of the
155     Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall report to the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee a
156     summary and analysis of the information provided to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal
157     Analyst by the office under Subsection [(5)] (6)(b).
158          (d) The Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall ensure that the
159     recommendations described in Subsection [(5)] (6)(a) include an evaluation of:
160          (i) the cost of the tax credit to the state;
161          (ii) the purpose and effectiveness of the tax credit; and
162          (iii) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credit.
163          Section 3. Section 63M-4-604 is amended to read:
164          63M-4-604. Tax credit -- Application procedure.
165          (1) An applicant shall provide the office with:
166          (a) an application for a tax credit certificate;
167          (b) documentation that the applicant meets the requirements described in Subsection
168     63M-4-603(1), to the satisfaction of the office, for the taxable year for which the applicant
169     seeks to claim a tax credit; and
170          (c) documentation that expressly directs and authorizes the State Tax Commission to
171     disclose to the office the applicant's returns and other information concerning the applicant that
172     would otherwise be subject to confidentiality under Section 59-1-403 or Section 6103, Internal
173     Revenue Code.
174          (2) (a) The office shall, for an applicant, submit the documentation described in
175     Subsection (1)(c) to the State Tax Commission.
176          (b) Upon receipt of the documentation described in Subsection (1)(c), the State Tax
177     Commission shall provide the office with the documentation described in Subsection (1)(c).
178          (3) If, after the office reviews the documentation from the State Tax Commission
179     under Subsection (2)(b) and the information the applicant submits to the office under Section
180     63M-4-603, the office, in consultation with the Utah Energy Infrastructure Authority Board

181     created in Section 63H-2-202, determines that the applicant is not eligible for the tax credit
182     under Section 63M-4-603, or that the applicant's documentation is inadequate, the office shall:
183          (a) deny the tax credit; or
184          (b) inform the applicant that the documentation supporting the applicant's claim for a
185     tax credit was inadequate and request that the applicant supplement the applicant's
186     documentation.
187          (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5), if, after the office reviews the
188     documentation described in Subsection (2)(b) and the information described in Subsection
189     63M-4-603(6), the office, in consultation with the Utah Energy Infrastructure Authority Board
190     created in Section 63H-2-202, determines that the documentation supporting an applicant's
191     claim for a tax credit adequately demonstrates that the applicant is eligible for the tax credit
192     under Section 63M-4-603, the office shall, on the basis of the documentation:
193          [(a)] (i) enter, with the applicant, into the agreement described in Subsection
194     63M-4-603(3);
195          [(b)] (ii) subject to the requirement in Subsection (4)(b), issue a tax credit certificate to
196     the applicant; and
197          [(c)] (iii) provide a duplicate copy of the tax credit certificate described in Subsection
198     (4)[(b)](a)(ii) to the State Tax Commission.
199          (b) The office shall certify on the tax credit certificate issued under Subsection
200     (4)(a)(ii) whether the tax credit is subject to the restriction in Subsection 59-7-619(5)(a) or
201     59-10-1034(5)(a).
202          (5) The office may deny an applicant a tax credit based on the recommendation of the
203     Utah Energy Infrastructure Authority Board, as provided in Subsection 63M-4-603(2).
204          (6) An infrastructure cost-burdened entity may not claim a tax credit under Section
205     59-7-619 or 59-10-1034 unless the infrastructure cost-burdened entity receives a tax credit
206     certificate from the office.
207          (7) An infrastructure cost-burdened entity that claims a tax credit shall retain the tax
208     credit certificate in accordance with Subsection 63M-4-603(7).
209          (8) Except for the information that is necessary for the office to disclose in order to
210     make the report described in Section 63M-4-605, the office shall treat a document an applicant
211     or infrastructure cost-burdened entity provides to the office as a protected record under Section

212     63G-2-305.
213          Section 4. Effective date.
214          This bill takes effect for a taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2019.