8 General Description:
9 This bill establishes a pilot program to help individuals living in rural areas take
10 advantage of freelance, job, and business opportunities available online.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ defines terms;
14 ▸ requires Utah State University to:
15 • administer a pilot program, through a county extension office, to help
16 individuals living in rural areas take advantage of freelance, job, and business
17 opportunities available online;
18 • include certain components in the pilot program;
19 • initially administer the pilot program in a geographic area based on certain
20 criteria and expand the pilot program to other geographic areas if resources
21 allow; and
22 • report to the Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim
23 Committee; and
24 ▸ provides a sunset date.
25 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
26 This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2019:
27 ▸ to Utah State University - Cooperative Extension - Rural Workforce Online
28 Development, as a one-time appropriation:
29 • from the Education Fund, one-time, $2,152,000.
30 • from the General Fund, one-time, $120,000.
31 Other Special Clauses:
32 None
33 Utah Code Sections Affected:
35 63I-1-253, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapters 166 and 181
37 53B-18-1501, Utah Code Annotated 1953
39 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
40 Section 1. Section 53B-18-1501 is enacted to read:
42 53B-18-1501. Remote online opportunities -- Pilot program -- Report to
43 Legislature .
44 (1) As used in this section:
45 (a) "Association of governments" means an association of political subdivisions
46 established pursuant to an interlocal agreement under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal
47 Cooperation Act.
48 (b) "Pilot program" means the pilot program administered by Utah State University in
49 accordance with this section.
50 (c) "Remote online opportunity" means employment, including freelance employment,
51 or the operation of an online business for which an individual:
52 (i) can complete duties primarily online; and
53 (ii) is not required to work from a specific geographic location.
54 (2) (a) Subject to legislative appropriations, Utah State University, through a county
55 extension office, shall administer a pilot program that helps individuals who live in rural areas
56 access remote online opportunities.
57 (b) In administering the pilot program, Utah State University shall consider input from
58 a county located in a geographic area selected for the pilot program under Subsection (4).
59 (3) Utah State University shall, as part of the pilot program:
60 (a) provide training modules to adults and high school students;
61 (b) coordinate with rural high schools and postsecondary institutions;
62 (c) develop marketing materials;
63 (d) develop relationships with information technology companies that offer remote
64 online opportunities;
65 (e) partner with websites that list freelance remote online opportunities;
66 (f) provide scholarships for individuals who live in rural areas to access online
67 skill-based training for remote online opportunities;
68 (g) provide one on one coaching for an individual who pursues a remote online
69 opportunity; and
70 (h) conduct other activities related to remote online opportunities as determined by
71 Utah State University.
72 (4) (a) Utah State University shall administer the pilot program:
73 (i) in at least one geographic area in the state initially; and
74 (ii) in additional geographic areas if resources allow.
75 (b) In determining where to initially administer the pilot program, Utah State
76 University shall consider whether counties in a geographic area:
77 (i) are primarily rural or have remote rural areas;
78 (ii) face high unemployment rates;
79 (iii) have access to high speed Internet;
80 (iv) have a large percentage of high school graduates leave the geographic area after
81 graduating from high school; and
82 (v) are members of an association of governments that supports helping individuals
83 who live in rural areas access remote online opportunities.
84 (5) On or before November 1, 2020, Utah State University shall report to the Economic
85 Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee on:
86 (a) the number of individuals who receive training through the pilot program;
87 (b) the number and percentage of individuals who participate in the pilot program and
88 access a remote online opportunity; and
89 (c) whether there is a reduction in the unemployment rate in a geographic area included
90 in the pilot program.
91 Section 2. Section 63I-1-253 is amended to read:
92 63I-1-253. Repeal dates, Titles 53, 53A, and 53B.
93 The following provisions are repealed on the following dates:
94 (1) Subsection 53-10-202(18) is repealed July 1, 2018.
95 (2) Section 53-10-202.1 is repealed July 1, 2018.
96 [
98 [
99 [
100 [
101 [
103 (3) Section 53B-18-1501 is repealed July 1, 2021.
104 [
105 2020.
106 [
107 from the Land Exchange Distribution Account to the Geological Survey for test wells, other
108 hydrologic studies, and air quality monitoring in the West Desert, is repealed July 1, 2020.
109 (6) Section 53E-3-515 is repealed January 1, 2023.
110 (7) Section 53F-2-514 is repealed July 1, 2020.
111 (8) Section 53F-5-203 is repealed July 1, 2019.
112 (9) Title 53F, Chapter 5, Part 6, American Indian and Alaskan Native Education State
113 Plan Pilot Program, is repealed July 1, 2022.
114 (10) Section 53F-6-201 is repealed July 1, 2019.
115 (11) Section 53F-9-501 is repealed January 1, 2023.
116 Section 3. Appropriation.
117 The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
118 2018, and ending June 30, 2019. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for
119 fiscal year 2019. Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures
120 Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts
121 indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
122 ITEM 1
123 To Utah State University -- Cooperative Extension
124 From Education Fund, One-time
125 From General Fund, One-time
126 Schedule of Programs:
127 Rural Online Initiative $2,272,000
128 The Legislature intends that:
129 (1) Utah State University expend:
130 (a) the appropriation from the General Fund provided under this item for scholarships
131 described in Subsection 53B-18-1501(3)(f); and
132 (b) the appropriation from the Education Fund provided under this item for the pilot
133 program described in Section 53B-18-1501, except for the purposes described in Subsection
134 (1)(a);
135 (2) Utah State University expend the appropriations provided in this item in fiscal
136 years 2019, 2020, and 2021; and
137 (3) under Section 63J-1-603, appropriations provided under this item not lapse at the
138 close of fiscal year 2019 or 2020.