9 General Description:
10 This bill modifies provisions of the Cosmetology and Associated Professions Licensing
11 Act (the act).
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This bill:
14 ▸ modifies the requirements for an approved apprentice program under the act;
15 ▸ modifies the number of apprentices that a supervisor may supervise under the act;
16 and
17 ▸ makes technical changes.
18 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19 None
20 Other Special Clauses:
21 None
22 Utah Code Sections Affected:
24 58-11a-306, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 274
26 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
27 Section 1. Section 58-11a-306 is amended to read:
28 58-11a-306. Apprenticeship.
29 (1) An approved barber apprenticeship shall:
30 (a) consist of not less than [
31 months; and
32 (b) be conducted by a supervisor who:
33 (i) is licensed under this chapter as a barber instructor or a cosmetology/barber
34 instructor; [
35 (ii) provides [
36 apprenticeship program[
37 (iii) provides direct supervision to no more than four barber apprentices during the
38 apprentice program.
39 (2) An approved cosmetologist/barber apprenticeship shall:
40 (a) consist of not less than [
41 months; and
42 (b) be conducted by a supervisor who:
43 (i) is licensed under this chapter as a cosmetologist/barber instructor; [
44 (ii) provides [
45 during the apprenticeship program[
46 (iii) provides direct supervision to no more than four cosmetologist/barber apprentices
47 during the apprentice program.
48 (3) An approved esthetician apprenticeship shall:
49 (a) consist of not less than [
50 months; and
51 (b) be conducted by a supervisor who:
52 (i) is licensed under this chapter as an esthetician instructor; [
53 (ii) provides [
54 apprenticeship program[
55 (iii) provides direct supervision to no more than four esthetician apprentices during the
56 apprentice program.
57 (4) An approved master esthetician apprenticeship shall:
58 (a) consist of not less than [
59 months; and
60 (b) be conducted by a supervisor who:
61 (i) is licensed under this chapter as a master-level esthetician instructor; [
62 (ii) provides [
63 during the apprenticeship program[
64 (iii) provides direct supervision to no more than four master esthetician apprentices
65 during the apprenticeship program.
66 (5) An approved nail technician apprenticeship shall:
67 (a) consist of not less than [
68 months; and
69 (b) be conducted by a supervisor who:
70 (i) is licensed under this chapter as a nail technician instructor or a cosmetology/barber
71 instructor; [
72 (ii) provides one-on-one direct supervision of the nail technician apprentice during the
73 apprenticeship program[
74 (iii) provides direct supervision to no more than four nail technician apprentices during
75 the apprentice program.
76 (6) A person seeking to qualify for licensure by apprenticing in an approved
77 apprenticeship under this chapter shall:
78 (a) register with the division before beginning the training requirements by:
79 (i) submitting a form prescribed by the division, which includes the name of the
80 licensed supervisor; and
81 (ii) paying a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
82 (b) complete the apprenticeship within five years of the date on which the division
83 approves the registration; and
84 (c) notify the division within 30 days if the licensed supervisor changes after the
85 registration is approved by the division.
86 (7) Notwithstanding Subsection (6), if a person seeking to qualify for licensure by
87 apprenticing in an approved apprenticeship under this chapter [
88 division before January 1, 2017, any training requirements completed by the person as an
89 apprentice in an approved apprenticeship before registration may be applied to successful
90 completion of the approved apprenticeship.
91 (8) The division may make rules regarding the requirements of an approved
92 apprenticeship under this section if the rules:
93 (a) are made in accordance with Title 63G, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act; and
94 (b) ensure that the requirements to get a license through an approved apprenticeship are
95 substantially equivalent to the requirements to get a license by graduating from a recognized
96 school.
Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel