



Chief Sponsor: Walt Brooks

Senate Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper


9     General Description:
10          This bill modifies and enacts provisions relating to real property owned by the Division
11     of Facilities Construction and Management.
12     Highlighted Provisions:
13          This bill:
14          ▸     provides a process for the Division of Facilities Construction and Management to
15     change the occupancy or use of, transfer the ownership of, or lease vacant
16     division-owned real property;
17          ▸     modifies a provision relating to the application of division rules on determining the
18     value of real property under certain circumstances;
19          ▸     provides a process for a person to submit to the division a written proposal for the
20     use of vacant division-owned property;
21          ▸     requires the division to provide notice relating to vacant division-owned property if
22     the division receives a qualified proposal;
23          ▸     provides for priority among competing applicants for vacant division-owned
24     property;
25          ▸     provides for the approval of the State Building Board or the director of the
26     Department of Administrative Services, with the recommendation of the Executive
27     Appropriations Committee, under certain circumstances, relating to vacant

28     division-owned property;
29          ▸     authorizes the Division of Facilities and Construction Management to refer vacant
30     division-owned property to the Department of Transportation for public auction,
31     under certain circumstances; and
32          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
33     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
34          None
35     Other Special Clauses:
36          None
37     Utah Code Sections Affected:
38     AMENDS:
39          63A-5-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 355
40          63A-5-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 56
41          63A-5-401, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 289
42          65A-4-1, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1988, Chapter 121
43     ENACTS:
44          63A-5a-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
45          63A-5a-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
46          63A-5a-103, Utah Code Annotated 1953
47          63A-5a-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
48          63A-5a-201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
49          63A-5a-202, Utah Code Annotated 1953
50          63A-5a-203, Utah Code Annotated 1953
51          63A-5a-204, Utah Code Annotated 1953
52          63A-5a-205, Utah Code Annotated 1953
53          63A-5a-206, Utah Code Annotated 1953

55     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
56          Section 1. Section 63A-5-103 is amended to read:
57          63A-5-103. Board -- Powers.
58          (1) The State Building Board shall:

59          (a) in cooperation with agencies, prepare a master plan of structures built or
60     contemplated;
61          (b) submit to the governor and the Legislature a comprehensive five-year building plan
62     for the state containing the information required by Subsection (6);
63          (c) amend and keep current the five-year building program that complies with the
64     requirements described in Subsection (6), for submission to the governor and subsequent
65     legislatures; [and]
66          (d) as a part of the long-range plan, recommend to the governor and Legislature any
67     changes in the law that are necessary to ensure an effective, well-coordinated building program
68     for all agencies[.]; and
69          (e) fulfill the duties given to the board under Chapter 5a, Division-Owned Real
70     Property Act.
71          (2) The board shall, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
72     Rulemaking Act, make rules:
73          (a) that are necessary to discharge its duties and the duties of the Division of Facilities
74     Construction and Management;
75          (b) that establish standards and requirements for life cycle cost-effectiveness of state
76     facility projects;
77          (c) that govern the disposition of real property by the division and establish factors,
78     including appraised value and historical significance, in evaluating the disposition;
79          (d) that establish standards and requirements for a capital development project request
80     and feasibility study described in Subsection 63A-5-104(2)(b), including:
81          (i) a deadline by which a state agency is required to submit a capital development
82     project request; and
83          (ii) conditions and requirements by which a state agency may modify the state agency's
84     capital development project request after the agency submits the request;
85          (e) for the monitoring of a state agency's operations and maintenance expenditures for a
86     state-owned facility, that:
87          (i) establish standards and requirements for utility metering;
88          (ii) create an operations and maintenance program for a state agency's facilities;
89          (iii) establish a methodology for determining reasonably anticipated inflationary costs

90     for each operation and maintenance program described in Subsection (2)(e)(ii); and
91          (iv) require an agency to report the amount the agency receives and expends on
92     operations and maintenance; and
93          (f) determining the actual cost for operations and management requests for a new
94     facility.
95          (3) The board shall:
96          (a) with support from the Division of Facilities Construction and Management,
97     establish design criteria, standards, and procedures for planning, design, and construction of
98     new state facilities and for improvements to existing state facilities, including life-cycle
99     costing, cost-effectiveness studies, and other methods and procedures that address:
100          (i) the need for the building or facility;
101          (ii) the effectiveness of its design;
102          (iii) the efficiency of energy use; and
103          (iv) the usefulness of the building or facility over its lifetime;
104          (b) prepare and submit a yearly request to the governor and the Legislature for a
105     designated amount of square footage by type of space to be leased by the Division of Facilities
106     Construction and Management in that fiscal year;
107          (c) assure the efficient use of all building space; and
108          (d) conduct ongoing facilities maintenance audits for state-owned facilities.
109          (4) (a) An agency shall comply with the rules made under Subsection (2)(f) for new
110     facility requests submitted to the Legislature for the 2017 General Session or any session of the
111     Legislature after the 2017 General Session.
112          [(b) On or before September 1, 2016, each agency shall revise the agency's budget to
113     comply with the rules made under Subsection (2)(e)(ii).]
114          [(c)] (b) Beginning on December 1, 2016, the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
115     and the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall, for each agency with operating
116     and maintenance expenses, ensure that each required budget for that agency is adjusted in
117     accordance with the rules described in Subsection (2)(e)(iii).
118          (5) In order to provide adequate information upon which the State Building Board may
119     make a recommendation described in Subsection (1), any state agency requesting new full-time
120     employees for the next fiscal year shall report those anticipated requests to the building board

121     at least 90 days before the annual general session in which the request is made.
122          (6) (a) The State Building Board shall ensure that the five-year building plan required
123     by Subsection (1)(c) includes:
124          (i) a list that prioritizes construction of new buildings for all structures built or
125     contemplated based upon each agency's present and future needs;
126          (ii) information, and space use data for all state-owned and leased facilities;
127          (iii) substantiating data to support the adequacy of any projected plans;
128          (iv) a summary of all statewide contingency reserve and project reserve balances as of
129     the end of the most recent fiscal year;
130          (v) a list of buildings that have completed a comprehensive facility evaluation by an
131     architect/engineer or are scheduled to have an evaluation;
132          (vi) for those buildings that have completed the evaluation, the estimated costs of
133     needed improvements; and
134          (vii) for projects recommended in the first two years of the five-year building plan:
135          (A) detailed estimates of the cost of each project;
136          (B) the estimated cost to operate and maintain the building or facility on an annual
137     basis;
138          (C) the cost of capital improvements to the building or facility, estimated at 1.1% of
139     the replacement cost of the building or facility, on an annual basis;
140          (D) the estimated number of new agency full-time employees expected to be housed in
141     the building or facility;
142          (E) the estimated cost of new or expanded programs and personnel expected to be
143     housed in the building or facility;
144          (F) the estimated lifespan of the building with associated costs for major component
145     replacement over the life of the building; and
146          (G) the estimated cost of any required support facilities.
147          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
148     State Building Board may make rules prescribing the format for submitting the information
149     required by this Subsection (6).
150          (7) (a) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
151     the State Building Board may make rules establishing circumstances under which bids may be

152     modified when all bids for a construction project exceed available funds as certified by the
153     director.
154          (b) In making the rules described in Subsection (7)(a), the State Building Board shall
155     provide for the fair and equitable treatment of bidders.
156          (8) (a) A person who violates a rule that the board makes under Subsection (2) is
157     subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $2,500 for each violation plus the amount of any actual
158     damages, expenses, and costs related to the violation of the rule that are incurred by the state.
159          (b) The board may take any other action allowed by law.
160          (c) If any violation of a rule that the board makes is also an offense under Title 76,
161     Utah Criminal Code, the violation is subject to the civil penalty, damages, expenses, and costs
162     allowed under Subsection (2) in addition to any criminal prosecution.
163          Section 2. Section 63A-5-204 is amended to read:
164          63A-5-204. Specific powers and duties of director.
165          (1) As used in this section[, "capitol hill facilities" and "capitol hill grounds" have the
166     same meaning as provided in Section 63C-9-102.]:
167          (a) "Capitol hill facilities" means the same as that term is defined in Section
168     63C-9-102.
169          (b) "Capitol hill grounds" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63C-9-102.
170          (2) (a) The director shall:
171          (i) recommend rules to the executive director for the use and management of facilities
172     and grounds owned or occupied by the state for the use of its departments and agencies;
173          (ii) subject to Chapter 5a, Division-Owned Real Property Act, supervise and control
174     the allocation of space, in accordance with legislative directive through annual appropriations
175     acts or other specific legislation, to the various departments, commissions, institutions, and
176     agencies in all buildings or space owned, leased, or rented by or to the state, except capitol hill
177     facilities and capitol hill grounds and except as otherwise provided by law;
178          (iii) comply with the procedures and requirements of Title 63A, Chapter 5, Part 3,
179     Division of Facilities Construction and Management Leasing;
180          (iv) except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), acquire, as authorized by the Legislature
181     through the appropriations act or other specific legislation, and hold title to, in the name of the
182     division, all real property, buildings, fixtures, or appurtenances owned by the state or any of its

183     agencies;
184          (v) collect and maintain all deeds, abstracts of title, and all other documents evidencing
185     title to or interest in property belonging to the state or any of its departments, except
186     institutions of higher education and the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration;
187          (vi) report all properties acquired by the state, except those acquired by institutions of
188     higher education, to the director of the Division of Finance for inclusion in the state's financial
189     records;
190          (vii) before charging a rate, fee, or other amount for services provided by the division's
191     internal service fund to an executive branch agency, or to a subscriber of services other than an
192     executive branch agency:
193          (A) submit the proposed rates, fees, and cost analysis to the Rate Committee
194     established in Section 63A-1-114; and
195          (B) obtain the approval of the Legislature as required by Section 63J-1-410;
196          (viii) conduct a market analysis by July 1, 2005, and periodically thereafter, of
197     proposed rates and fees, which analysis shall include a comparison of the division's rates and
198     fees with the fees of other public or private sector providers where comparable services and
199     rates are reasonably available;
200          (ix) implement the State Building Energy Efficiency Program under Section
201     63A-5-701;
202          (x) convey, lease, or dispose of the real property or water rights associated with the
203     Utah State Developmental Center according to the Utah State Developmental Center Board's
204     determination, as described in Subsection 62A-5-206.6(5); and
205          (xi) take all other action necessary for carrying out the purposes of this chapter.
206          (b) Legislative approval is not required for acquisitions by the division that cost less
207     than $250,000.
208          (3) (a) The director shall direct or delegate maintenance and operations, preventive
209     maintenance, and facilities inspection programs and activities for any agency, except:
210          (i) the State Capitol Preservation Board; and
211          (ii) state institutions of higher education.
212          (b) The director may choose to delegate responsibility for these functions only when
213     the director determines that:

214          (i) the agency has requested the responsibility;
215          (ii) the agency has the necessary resources and skills to comply with facility
216     maintenance standards approved by the State Building Board; and
217          (iii) the delegation would result in net cost savings to the state as a whole.
218          (c) The State Capitol Preservation Board and state institutions of higher education are
219     exempt from Division of Facilities Construction and Management oversight.
220          (d) Each state institution of higher education shall comply with the facility
221     maintenance standards approved by the State Building Board.
222          (e) Except for the State Capitol Preservation Board, agencies and institutions that are
223     exempt from division oversight shall annually report their compliance with the facility
224     maintenance standards to the division in the format required by the division.
225          (f) The division shall:
226          (i) prescribe a standard format for reporting compliance with the facility maintenance
227     standards;
228          (ii) report agency compliance or noncompliance with the standards to the Legislature;
229     and
230          (iii) conduct periodic audits of exempt agencies and institutions to ensure that they are
231     complying with the standards.
232          (4) (a) In making any allocations of space under Subsection (2), the director shall:
233          (i) conduct studies to determine the actual needs of each agency; and
234          (ii) comply with the restrictions contained in this Subsection (4).
235          (b) The supervision and control of the legislative area is reserved to the Legislature.
236          (c) The supervision and control of the judicial area is reserved to the judiciary for trial
237     courts only.
238          (d) The director may not supervise or control the allocation of space for entities in the
239     public and higher education systems.
240          (e) The supervision and control of capitol hill facilities and capitol hill grounds is
241     reserved to the State Capitol Preservation Board.
242          (5) The director may:
243          (a) hire or otherwise procure assistance and services, professional, skilled, or
244     otherwise, that are necessary to carry out the director's responsibilities, and may expend funds

245     provided for that purpose either through annual operating budget appropriations or from
246     nonlapsing project funds;
247          (b) sue and be sued in the name of the division; [and]
248          (c) hold, buy, lease, and acquire by exchange or otherwise, as authorized by the
249     Legislature, whatever real or personal property that is necessary for the discharge of the
250     director's duties[.]; and
251          (d) as provided in Chapter 5a, Division-Owned Real Property Act, fulfill duties and
252     exercise authority with respect to division-owned property, as defined in Section 63A-5a-102,
253     on behalf of the division.
254          (6) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (2)(a)(iv), the following entities may
255     hold title to any real property, buildings, fixtures, and appurtenances held by them for purposes
256     other than administration that are under their control and management:
257          (a) the Office of Trust Administrator;
258          (b) the Department of Transportation;
259          (c) the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands;
260          (d) the Department of Natural Resources;
261          (e) the Utah National Guard;
262          (f) any area vocational center or other institution administered by the State Board of
263     Education;
264          (g) any institution of higher education; and
265          (h) the Utah Science Technology and Research Governing Authority.
266          (7) The director shall ensure that any firm performing testing and inspection work
267     governed by the American Society for Testing Materials Standard E-329 on public buildings
268     under the director's supervision shall:
269          (a) fully comply with the American Society for Testing Materials standard
270     specifications for agencies engaged in the testing and inspection of materials known as ASTM
271     E-329; and
272          (b) carry a minimum of $1,000,000 of errors and omissions insurance.
273          (8) Notwithstanding Subsections (2)(a)(iii) and (iv), the School and Institutional Trust
274     Lands Administration may hold title to any real property, buildings, fixtures, and appurtenances
275     held by it that are under its control.

276          Section 3. Section 63A-5-401 is amended to read:
277          63A-5-401. Rulemaking for sale of real property -- Licensed or certified
278     appraisers -- Exceptions.
279          (1) [In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, if]
280     If the division buys, sells, or exchanges real property, the division shall, in accordance with
281     Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, make rules to ensure that the value
282     of the real property is congruent with the proposed price and other terms of the purchase, sale,
283     or exchange.
284          (2) The rules:
285          (a) shall establish procedures for determining the value of the real property;
286          (b) may provide that an appraisal, as defined under Section 61-2g-102, demonstrates
287     the real property's value; and
288          (c) may require that the appraisal be completed by a state-certified general appraiser, as
289     defined under Section 61-2g-102.
290          (3) Subsection (1) does not apply to:
291          (a) the purchase, sale, or exchange of real property, or to an interest in real property[:
292     (a) that is under a contract or other written agreement before May 5, 2008; or (b)] with a value
293     of less than $100,000, as estimated by the [state agency.] division; or
294          (b) a transfer of ownership or lease of vacant division-owned property, as defined in
295     Section 63A-5a-102, at below fair market value under Chapter 5a, Division-Owned Real
296     Property Act.
297          Section 4. Section 63A-5a-101 is enacted to read:

Part 1. General Provisions

300          63A-5a-101. Title.
301          This chapter is known as the "Division-Owned Real Property Act."
302          Section 5. Section 63A-5a-102 is enacted to read:
303          63A-5a-102. Definitions.
304          As used in this chapter:
305          (1) "Applicant" means a person who submits a timely, qualified proposal to the
306     division.

307          (2) "Board" means the State Building Board, created in Section 63A-5-101.
308          (3) "Condemnee" means the same as that term is defined in Section 78B-6-520.3.
309          (4) "Convey" means:
310          (a) to provide for a primary state agency's occupancy or use of vacant division-owned
311     property; or
312          (b) to effect a transfer of ownership or lease of vacant division-owned property to a
313     secondary state agency, local government entity, public purpose nonprofit entity, or private
314     party.
315          (5) "Director" means the division director, appointed under Section 63A-5-203.
316          (6) "Division" means the Division of Facilities Construction and Management, created
317     in Section 63A-5-201.
318          (7) "Division-owned property" means real property, including an interest in real
319     property, to which the division holds title, regardless of who occupies or uses the real property.
320          (8) "Local government entity" means a county, city, town, metro township, local
321     district, special service district, community development and renewal agency, conservation
322     district, school district, or other political subdivision of the state.
323          (9) "Primary state agency" means a state agency for which the division holds title to
324     real property that the state agency occupies or uses, as provided in Subsection
325     63A-5-204(2)(a)(iv).
326          (10) "Private party" means a person who is not a state agency, local government entity,
327     or public purpose nonprofit entity.
328          (11) "Public purpose nonprofit entity" means a corporation, association, organization,
329     or entity that:
330          (a) is located within the state;
331          (b) is not a state agency or local government entity;
332          (c) is exempt from federal income taxation under Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue
333     Code; and
334          (d) operates to fulfill a public purpose.
335          (12) "Qualified proposal" means a written proposal that:
336          (a) meets the criteria established by the division by rule;
337          (b) if submitted by a local government entity or public purpose nonprofit entity,

338     explains the public purpose for which the local government entity or public purpose nonprofit
339     entity seeks a transfer of ownership or lease of the vacant division-owned property; and
340          (c) the director determines will, if accepted and implemented, provide a material
341     benefit to the state.
342          (13) "Secondary state agency" means a state agency:
343          (a) that is authorized to hold title to real property that the state agency occupies or uses,
344     as provided in Subsection 63A-5-204(6); and
345          (b) for which the division does not hold title to real property that the state agency
346     occupies or uses.
347          (14) "State agency" means a department, division, office, entity, agency, or other unit
348     of state government.
349          (15) "Transfer of ownership" includes a transfer of the ownership of vacant
350     division-owned property that occurs as part of an exchange of the vacant division-owned
351     property for another property.
352          (16) "Vacant division-owned property" means division-owned property that:
353          (a) a primary state agency has discontinued to occupy or use; and
354          (b) the director has determined should be made available for:
355          (i) use or occupancy by a primary state agency; or
356          (ii) a transfer of ownership or lease to a secondary state agency, local government
357     entity, public purpose nonprofit entity, or private party.
358          (17) "Written proposal" means a brief statement in writing that explains:
359          (a) the proposed use or occupancy, transfer of ownership, or lease of vacant
360     division-owned property; and
361          (b) how the state will benefit from the proposed use or occupancy, transfer of
362     ownership, or lease.
363          Section 6. Section 63A-5a-103 is enacted to read:
364          63A-5a-103. Application of chapter.
365          (1) The provisions of this chapter, other than this section, do not apply to:
366          (a) a conveyance, lease, or disposal under Subsection 63A-5-204(2)(a)(x); or
367          (b) the division's disposal or lease of division-owned property with a value under
368     $100,000, as estimated by the division.

369          (2) Nothing in Subsection (1)(b) may be construed to diminish or eliminate the
370     division's responsibility to manage division-owned property in the best interests of the state.
371          Section 7. Section 63A-5a-104 is enacted to read:
372          63A-5a-104. Rules adopted by the division.
373          The division may, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
374     Rulemaking Act, make rules to:
375          (1) establish criteria that a written proposal is required to satisfy in order to be a
376     qualified proposal, including, if applicable, a minimum acceptable purchase price; and
377          (2) define criteria that the director will consider in making a determination whether a
378     proposed use or occupancy, transfer of ownership, or lease of vacant division-owned property
379     provides a material benefit to the state.
380          Section 8. Section 63A-5a-201 is enacted to read:
Part 2. Disposition of Vacant Division-Owned Property

382          63A-5a-201. Division authority with respect to vacant division-owned property --
383     Limitations.
384          (1) Subject to Section 63A-5a-206, the division may, as provided in this chapter:
385          (a) provide for a primary state agency's occupancy or use of vacant division-owned
386     property;
387          (b) effect a transfer of ownership or lease of vacant division-owned property to a
388     secondary state agency, local government entity, public purpose nonprofit entity, or private
389     party; or
390          (c) refer vacant division-owned property to the Department of Transportation for sale
391     by auction, as provided in Section 63A-5a-205.
392          (2) The division may not effect a transfer of ownership or lease of vacant
393     division-owned property without receiving fair market value in return unless:
394          (a) the director determines that the transfer of ownership or lease is in the best interests
395     of the state;
396          (b) for a proposed transfer of ownership or lease to a local government entity, public
397     purpose nonprofit entity, or private party, the director determines that the local government
398     entity, public purpose nonprofit entity, or private party intends to use the property to fulfill a
399     public purpose;

400          (c) the director requests and receives a recommendation on the proposed transfer of
401     ownership or lease from the Executive Appropriations Committee of the Legislature;
402          (d) the director communicates the Executive Appropriations Committee's
403     recommendation to the executive director; and
404          (e) the executive director approves the transfer of ownership or lease.
405          (3) (a) If the division effects a transfer of ownership of vacant division-owned property
406     without receiving fair market value in return, as provided in this chapter, the division shall
407     require the documents memorializing the transfer of ownership to preserve to the division:
408          (i) in the case of a transfer of ownership of vacant division-owned property to a
409     secondary state agency, local government entity, or public purpose nonprofit entity for no or
410     nominal consideration, a right of reversion, providing for the ownership of the property to
411     revert to the division if the property ceases to be used for the public benefit; or
412          (ii) in the case of any other transfer of ownership of vacant division-owned property, a
413     right of first refusal allowing the division to purchase the property from the transferee for the
414     same price that the transferee paid to the division if the transferee wishes to transfer ownership
415     of the former vacant division-owned property.
416          (b) Subsection (3)(a) does not apply to the sale of vacant division-owned property at an
417     auction under Section 63A-5a-205.
418          Section 9. Section 63A-5a-202 is enacted to read:
419          63A-5a-202. Notice required before division may convey division-owned property.
420          (1) Before the division may convey vacant division-owned property, the division shall
421     give notice as provided in Subsection (2).
422          (2) A notice required under Subsection (1) shall:
423          (a) identify and describe the vacant division-owned property;
424          (b) indicate the availability of the vacant division-owned property;
425          (c) invite persons interested in the vacant division-owned property to submit a written
426     proposal to the division;
427          (d) indicate the deadline for submitting a written proposal;
428          (e) be posted on the division's website for at least 60 consecutive days before the
429     deadline for submitting a written proposal, in a location specifically designated for notices
430     dealing with vacant division-owned property;

431          (f) be posted on the Utah Public Notice Website created in Section 63F-1-701 for at
432     least 60 consecutive days before the deadline for submitting a written proposal; and
433          (g) be sent by email to each person who has previously submitted to the division a
434     written request to receive notices under this section.
435          Section 10. Section 63A-5a-203 is enacted to read:
436          63A-5a-203. Submitting a written proposal for vacant division-owned property.
437          (1) A person may submit to the division a written proposal:
438          (a) in response to the division's notice under Section 63A-5a-202; or
439          (b) with respect to vacant division-owned property as to which the division has not
440     given notice under Section 63A-5a-202.
441          (2) The division is not required to consider a written proposal or provide notice under
442     Section 63A-5a-202 if the director determines that the written proposal is not a qualified
443     proposal.
444          (3) If a person submits a qualified proposal to the division under Subsection (1)(b):
445          (a) the division shall:
446          (i) give notice as provided in Section 63A-5a-202; and
447          (ii) treat the qualified proposal as though it were submitted in response to the notice;
448     and
449          (b) the person may, within the time provided for the submission of written proposals,
450     modify the qualified proposal to the extent necessary to address matters raised in the notice that
451     were not addressed in the initial qualified proposal.
452          (4) A person who fails to submit a qualified proposal to the division within 60 days
453     after the date of the notice under Section 63A-5a-202 may not be considered for the vacant
454     division-owned property.
455          Section 11. Section 63A-5a-204 is enacted to read:
456          63A-5a-204. Priorities for vacant division-owned property -- Division to convey
457     vacant division-owned property.
458          (1) (a) A state agency has priority for vacant division-owned property over a local
459     government entity, a public purpose nonprofit entity, and a private party.
460          (b) A local government entity and a public purpose nonprofit entity have:
461          (i) priority for vacant division-owned property over a private party; and

462          (ii) between them the same priority for vacant division-owned property.
463          (2) If the division receives multiple timely qualified proposals from applicants with the
464     highest and same priority, the division shall:
465          (a) notify the board of:
466          (i) the availability of the vacant division-owned property; and
467          (ii) the applicants with the highest and same priority that have submitted qualified
468     proposals; and
469          (b) provide the board with a copy of the timely qualified proposals submitted by the
470     applicants with the highest and same priority.
471          (3) Within 30 days after being notified under Subsection (2), the board shall:
472          (a) determine which applicant's qualified proposal is most likely to result in the highest
473     and best public benefit; and
474          (b) notify the division of the board's decision under Subsection (3)(a).
475          (4) The division shall convey the vacant division-owned property to:
476          (a) the applicant with the highest priority under Subsection (1), if the division receives
477     a timely qualified proposal from a single applicant with the highest priority; or
478          (b) the applicant whose qualified proposal was determined by the board under
479     Subsection (3) to be most likely to result in the highest and best public benefit, if the division
480     receives multiple timely qualified proposals from applicants with the highest and same priority.
481          Section 12. Section 63A-5a-205 is enacted to read:
482          63A-5a-205. Referring vacant division-owned property to the Department of
483     Transportation for auction.
484          (1) The division may refer vacant division-owned property to the Department of
485     Transportation for a public auction if:
486          (a) (i) the division has provided notice under Section 63A-5a-202 with respect to the
487     vacant division-owned property; and
488          (ii) the division receives no qualified proposals in response to the notice under Section
489     63A-5a-202;
490          (b) the director determines that:
491          (i) there is no reasonable likelihood that within the foreseeable future:
492          (A) a primary state agency will use or occupy the vacant division-owned property; or

493          (B) a secondary state agency, local government entity, or public purpose nonprofit
494     entity will seek a transfer of ownership or lease of the vacant division-owned property; and
495          (ii) disposing of the vacant division-owned property through a public auction is in the
496     best interests of the state;
497          (c) the director requests and receives a recommendation on the proposed public auction
498     from the Executive Appropriations Committee of the Legislature;
499          (d) the director communicates the Executive Appropriations Committee's
500     recommendation to the executive director; and
501          (e) the executive director approves the public auction.
502          (2) If the division refers a vacant division-owned property to the Department of
503     Transportation for public auction, the Department of Transportation shall publicly auction the
504     vacant division-owned property under the same law and in the same manner as apply to a
505     public auction of Department of Transportation property.
506          (3) At a public auction conducted under Subsection (2), the Department of
507     Transportation may, on behalf of the division, accept an offer to purchase the vacant
508     division-owned property.
509          (4) The division and the Department of Transportation shall coordinate together to:
510          (a) manage the details of finalizing any sale of the vacant division-owned property at
511     public auction; and
512          (b) ensure that the buyer acquires proper title and that the division receives the
513     proceeds of the sale.
514          (5) If a public auction under this section does not result in a sale of the vacant
515     division-owned property, the Department of Transportation shall notify the division and refer
516     the vacant division-owned property back to the division.
517          Section 13. Section 63A-5a-206 is enacted to read:
518          63A-5a-206. State real property subject to right of first refusal.
519          (1) (a) If Section 78B-6-520.3 applies to vacant division-owned property, the division
520     shall comply with Subsection 78B-6-520.3(3).
521          (b) If a condemnee accepts the division's offer to sell the vacant division-owned
522     property as provided in Section 78B-6-520.3, the division shall:
523          (i) comply with the requirements of Section 78B-6-520.3; and

524          (ii) terminate any process under this chapter to convey the vacant division-owned
525     property.
526          (c) A condemnee may waive rights and benefits afforded under Section 78B-6-520.3
527     and instead seek a transfer of ownership or lease of vacant division-owned property under the
528     provisions of this chapter in the same manner as any other person not entitled to the rights and
529     benefits of Section 78B-6-520.3.
530          (2) (a) If Section 78B-6-521 applies to the anticipated disposal of the vacant
531     division-owned property, the division shall comply with the limitations and requirements of
532     Subsection 78B-6-521(2).
533          (b) If the original grantor or the original grantor's assignee accepts an offer for sale as
534     provided in Subsection 78B-6-521(2)(a)(i), the division shall:
535          (i) sell the vacant division-owned property to the original grantor or the original
536     grantor's assignee, as provided in Section 78B-6-521; and
537          (ii) terminate any process under this chapter to convey the vacant division-owned
538     property.
539          (c) An original grantor or the original grantor's assignee may waive rights afforded
540     under Section 78B-6-521 and instead seek a transfer of ownership or lease of vacant
541     division-owned property under the provisions of this chapter in the same manner as any other
542     person seeking a transfer of ownership or lease of vacant division-owned property to which
543     Section 78B-6-521 does not apply.
544          Section 14. Section 65A-4-1 is amended to read:
545          65A-4-1. Acquisition and disposition of land by state agencies.
546          (1) All state agencies may acquire land by gift, devise, bequest, exchange,
547     compensation for public resource value loss, or in satisfaction of a debt and are authorized to
548     sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of land no longer needed for public purposes, unless otherwise
549     provided by law.
550          (2) The proceeds from the sale, lease, or other disposition of land shall go to the state
551     agency using or holding the land unless:
552          (a) the governor or the Legislature order its deposit in the fund from which the state
553     agency receives its appropriations; or
554          (b) the use or disposition of the proceeds is specified elsewhere in law.

555          (3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to division-owned property, as defined in
556     Section 63A-5a-102.

Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel