9 General Description:
10 This bill amends provisions related to performance funding metrics for higher
11 education institutions.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This bill:
14 ▸ defines a term;
15 ▸ adds a metric for measuring the performance of higher education institutions for
16 performance funding; and
17 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
18 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19 None
20 Other Special Clauses:
21 None
22 Utah Code Sections Affected:
24 53B-7-702, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 365 and last amended by
25 Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 382
26 53B-7-706, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 365
28 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
29 Section 1. Section 53B-7-702 is amended to read:
30 53B-7-702. Definitions.
31 As used in this part:
32 (1) "Account" means the Performance Funding Restricted Account created in Section
33 53B-7-703.
34 (2) "Competency-based" means a system where a student advances to higher levels of
35 learning when the student demonstrates competency of concepts and skills regardless of time,
36 place, or pace.
37 [
38 in individual income tax revenue generated by individuals employed in targeted jobs,
39 determined by the Department of Workforce Services in accordance with Section 53B-7-704.
40 [
41 performance funding that a higher education institution or technical college may qualify for in
42 a fiscal year, determined by the Legislature in accordance with Section 53B-7-705.
43 [
44 enrollment for a student.
45 [
46 Section 63N-1-201.
47 [
48 Section 53B-7-101.
49 [
50 Services.
51 [
52 technical college to a student enrolled in the technical college.
53 [
54 of money in the account and the amount of money appropriated from the account for
55 performance funding in the current fiscal year.
56 [
57 (a) Section 53B-7-706 for a higher education institution; or
58 (b) Section 53B-7-707 for a technical college.
59 [
60 University.
61 [
62 Services or GOED in accordance with Section 53B-7-704.
63 [
64 (a) has earned a certificate from an accredited program at a technical college; and
65 (b) is no longer enrolled in the technical college.
66 [
67 Colleges described in Chapter 2a, Utah System of Technical Colleges.
68 Section 2. Section 53B-7-706 is amended to read:
69 53B-7-706. Performance metrics for higher education institutions --
70 Determination of performance.
71 (1) (a) The board shall establish a model for determining a higher education
72 institution's performance.
73 (b) The board shall submit a draft of the model described in this section to the Higher
74 Education Appropriations Subcommittee and the governor for comments and
75 recommendations.
76 (2) (a) The model described in Subsection (1) shall include metrics, including:
77 (i) completion, measured by degrees and certificates awarded;
78 (ii) completion by underserved students, measured by degrees and certificates awarded
79 to underserved students;
80 (iii) responsiveness to workforce needs, measured by degrees and certificates awarded
81 in high market demand fields;
82 (iv) institutional efficiency, measured by degrees and certificates awarded per full-time
83 equivalent student; [
84 (v) increased access to competency-based coursework and evidence-based online
85 coursework; and
86 [
87 (b) Subject to Subsection (2)(c), the board shall determine the relative weights of the
88 metrics described in Subsection (2)(a).
89 (c) The board shall assign the responsiveness to workforce needs metric described in
90 Subsection (2)(a)(iii) a weight of at least 25% when determining an institution of higher
91 education's performance.
92 (3) For each higher education institution, the board shall annually determine the higher
93 education institution's:
94 (a) performance; and
95 (b) change in performance compared to the higher education institution's average
96 performance over the previous five years.
97 [
99 [
100 described in Section 53B-7-705 for determining a higher education institution's performance
101 funding for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2018.
Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel