9 General Description:
10 This bill creates the Martha Hughes Cannon Statue Oversight Committee.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ creates the Martha Hughes Cannon Statue Oversight Committee;
14 ▸ provides that the committee is responsible for overseeing the creation and
15 placement of a statue of Martha Hughes Cannon in the National Statuary Hall in the
16 United States Capitol;
17 ▸ describes the committee's powers and duties; and
18 ▸ establishes a sunset date.
19 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20 None
21 Other Special Clauses:
22 None
23 Utah Code Sections Affected:
25 63I-1-236, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 192
27 36-31-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
28 36-31-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
29 36-31-103, Utah Code Annotated 1953
30 36-31-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
32 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
33 Section 1. Section 36-31-101 is enacted to read:
36 36-31-101. Title.
37 This chapter is known as "Martha Hughes Cannon Capitol Statue Oversight
38 Committee."
39 Section 2. Section 36-31-102 is enacted to read:
40 36-31-102. Definitions.
41 As used in this chapter, "committee" means the Martha Hughes Cannon Capitol Statue
42 Oversight Committee created under Section 36-31-103.
43 Section 3. Section 36-31-103 is enacted to read:
44 36-31-103. Martha Hughes Cannon Capitol Statue Oversight Committee --
45 Creation -- Purpose -- Membership.
46 (1) There is created the Martha Hughes Cannon Capitol Statue Oversight Committee
47 consisting of the following nine members:
48 (a) four members appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, one of
49 whom the speaker shall appoint as cochair of the committee;
50 (b) four members appointed by the president of the Senate, one of whom the president
51 shall appoint as cochair of the committee; and
52 (c) the state treasurer.
53 (2) A majority of committee members constitutes a quorum for the conduct of
54 committee business.
55 (3) A committee member may not receive from public funds compensation, benefits,
56 per diem, or expense reimbursement for the member's service on the committee.
57 (4) The committee shall select appropriate local and civic leaders and interested
58 nonprofit organizations with which to partner to provide the committee:
59 (a) assistance in raising funds for use in fulfilling a committee duty described in
60 Section 36-31-104; and
61 (b) any necessary staff or logistical support.
62 Section 4. Section 36-31-104 is enacted to read:
63 36-31-104. Committee duties.
64 (1) The committee shall:
65 (a) coordinate efforts to place a statue of Martha Hughes Cannon in the National
66 Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol to replace the statue of Philo Farnsworth;
67 (b) ensure that efforts to place the statue of Martha Hughes Cannon conform with the
68 requirements of 2 U.S.C. Chapter 30, Subchapter V, Part D, Miscellaneous;
69 (c) represent the state in interactions with the following in relation to the placement of
70 the statue of Martha Hughes Cannon:
71 (i) the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress described in 2 U.S.C. Sec. 2132;
72 (ii) the architect of the capitol described in 2 U.S.C. Sec. 2132; and
73 (iii) any other federal entity;
74 (d) select a sculptor for the statue of Martha Hughes Cannon;
75 (e) ensure that the statue of Martha Hughes Cannon is created in marble or bronze, as
76 required under 2 U.S.C. 92 Sec. 2131;
77 (f) approve the final design of the statue of Martha Hughes Cannon;
78 (g) ensure that the statue of Martha Hughes Cannon is unveiled in the National
79 Statuary Hall in August of 2020, in commemoration of the month of the 100th anniversary of
80 the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution; and
81 (h) determine, in coordination with appropriate community leaders and local elected
82 officials, an appropriate location for placement of the statue of Philo Farnsworth that is
83 currently on display in the National Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol.
84 (2) The committee shall facilitate the creation of a nonprofit entity that is exempt from
85 federal income tax under Section 501(c), Internal Revenue Code, to:
86 (a) collect charitable contributions to cover all costs associated with:
87 (i) the creation and placement of the statue of Martha Hughes Cannon in the National
88 Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol;
89 (ii) the removal of the statue of Philo Farnsworth that is currently on display in the
90 National Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol; and
91 (iii) the placement of the statue described in Subsection (2)(a)(ii) for display in a
92 location designated by the committee under Subsection (1)(h);
93 (b) comply with the requirements of 2 U.S.C. Sec. 2132 regarding the cost of replacing
94 a state's statue in the National Statuary Hall; and
95 (c) ensure that no state funds are used for any cost related to an item described in
96 Subsection (2)(a).
97 Section 5. Section 63I-1-236 is amended to read:
98 63I-1-236. Repeal dates, Title 36.
99 (1) Section 36-12-20 is repealed June 30, 2018.
100 (2) Sections 36-26-101 through 36-26-104 are repealed December 31, 2027.
101 (3) Title 36, Chapter 31, Martha Hughes Cannon Capitol Statue Oversight Committee,
102 is repealed January 1, 2021.
Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel