Senator Jerry W. Stevenson proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Bradley G. Last

Senate Sponsor: Jerry W. Stevenson


9     General Description:
10          This bill modifies provisions in the Budgetary Procedures Act and other provisions
11     relating to dedicated credits and nonlapsing authority.
12     Highlighted Provisions:
13          This bill:
14          ▸     defines terms;
15          ▸     clarifies use of the terms "item of appropriation" and "line item";
16          ▸     modifies provisions related to the treatment and expenditure of dedicated credits;
17          ▸     provides procedures for submitting and revising budget execution plans;
18          ▸     modifies provisions relating to nonlapsing appropriations;
19          ▸     reorganizes existing classifications of:
20               •     nonlapsing appropriations from accounts and funds; and
21               •     appropriations to programs; and
22          ▸     adds a public safety answering point emergency telecommunications service fund to
23     the list of non-lapsing programs.
24     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
25          None

26     Other Special Clauses:
27          This bill provides a special effective date.
28          This bill provides coordination clauses.
29     Utah Code Sections Affected:
30     AMENDS:
31          26-1-6, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 183
32          41-1a-121, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 189
33          41-1a-1221, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 397
34          41-3-601, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 93
35          41-3-604, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 189
36          41-22-36, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 189
37          53C-1-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 193
38          54-5-1.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 396
39          62A-1-111.5, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 330 and further amended by
40     Revisor Instructions, Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 330
41          62A-1-202, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 37
42          63I-1-263, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapters 23, 47, 95, 166, 205, 469,
43     and 470
44          63I-2-263, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, First Special Session, Chapter 1
45          63J-1-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapter 175
46          63J-1-104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 310
47          63J-1-206, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, First Special Session, Chapter 1
48          63J-1-209, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapters 183 and 368
49          63J-1-217, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 310
50          63J-1-601, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 271
51          63J-1-602, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 9, 10, 218, 265, 277, 278,
52     287, 324, 379, 391, 399 and last amended by Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah
53     2010, Chapter 265
54          63J-2-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 363
55          63J-2-201, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
56          63J-2-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 102

57          63J-4-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 310
58          63N-8-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 51
59          73-18-25, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 189
60     ENACTS:
61          63J-1-105, Utah Code Annotated 1953
63          63J-1-602.1 (Superseded 09/30/18), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapters
64     88, 194, and 383
65          63J-1-602.1 (Effective 09/30/18), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapters 88,
66     107, 194, and 383
67          63J-1-602.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapters 86, 93, and 189
68     REPEALS:
69          63J-1-602.3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapters 396 and 423
70          63J-1-602.4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapters 253, 430, and 470
71          63J-1-602.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 177
72     Utah Code Sections Affected by Coordination Clause:
73          63J-1-602.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapters 86, 93, and 189
74          63J-1-602.3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapters 396 and 423
75          63J-1-602.4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapters 253, 430, and 470
76          63J-1-602.1 (Superseded 09/30/18), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapters
77     88, 194, and 383
78          63J-1-602.1 (Effective 09/30/18), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapters 88,
79     107, 194, and 383

81     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
82          Section 1. Section 26-1-6 is amended to read:
83          26-1-6. Fee schedule adopted by department.
84          (1) The department may adopt a schedule of fees that may be assessed for services
85     rendered by the department, provided that the fees are:
86          (a) reasonable and fair; and
87          (b) submitted to the Legislature as part of the department's annual appropriations

88     request.
89          (2) When the department submits a fee schedule to the Legislature, the Legislature, in
90     accordance with Section 63J-1-504, may:
91          (a) approve the fee;
92          (b) increase or decrease and approve the fee; or
93          (c) reject any fee submitted to it.
94          (3) Fees approved by the Legislature pursuant to this section shall be paid into the state
95     treasury [in accordance with Section 63J-1-104].
96          Section 2. Section 41-1a-121 is amended to read:
97          41-1a-121. Electronic Payment Fee Restricted Account.
98          (1) As used in this section, "account" means the Electronic Payment Fee Restricted
99     Account created by this section.
100          (2) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the
101     Electronic Payment Fee Restricted Account.
102          (3) (a) The account shall be funded from the fees imposed and collected under Sections
103     41-1a-1221, 41-3-604, 41-22-36, and 73-18-25.
104          (b) The fees described in Subsection (3)(a) shall be paid to the division, which shall
105     deposit them in the account.
106          (4) The Legislature shall appropriate the funds in the account to the commission to
107     cover the costs of electronic payments.
108          (5) In accordance with Section [63J-1-602.2] 63J-1-602.1, appropriations made to the
109     division from the account are nonlapsing.
110          Section 3. Section 41-1a-1221 is amended to read:
111          41-1a-1221. Fees to cover the cost of electronic payments.
112          (1) As used in this section:
113          (a) "Electronic payment" means use of any form of payment processed through
114     electronic means, including credit cards, debit cards, and automatic clearinghouse transactions.
115          (b) "Electronic payment fee" means the fee assessed to defray:
116          (i) the charge, discount fee, or processing fee charged by credit card companies or
117     processing agents to process an electronic payment; or
118          (ii) costs associated with the purchase of equipment necessary for processing electronic

119     payments.
120          (2) (a) The Motor Vehicle Division may collect an electronic payment fee on all
121     registrations and renewals of registration under Subsections 41-1a-1206(1)(a), (1)(b), (2)(a),
122     (2)(b), and (3).
123          (b) The fee described in Subsection (2)(a):
124          (i) shall be imposed regardless of the method of payment for a particular transaction;
125     and
126          (ii) need not be separately identified from the fees imposed for registration and
127     renewals of registration under Subsections 41-1a-1206(1)(a), (1)(b), (2)(a), (2)(b), and (3).
128          (3) The division shall establish the fee according to the procedures and requirements of
129     Section 63J-1-504.
130          (4) A fee imposed under this section:
131          (a) shall be deposited in the Electronic Payment Fee Restricted Account created by
132     Section 41-1a-121; and
133          (b) is not subject to Subsection [63J-2-202(2)] 63J-1-105(3) or (4).
134          Section 4. Section 41-3-601 is amended to read:
135          41-3-601. Fees.
136          (1) The administrator shall collect fees determined by the commission under Section
137     63J-1-504 for each of the following:
138          (a) new motor vehicle dealer's license;
139          (b) used motor vehicle dealer's license;
140          (c) new motorcycle, off-highway vehicle, and small trailer dealer;
141          (d) used motorcycle, off-highway vehicle, and small trailer dealer;
142          (e) motor vehicle salesperson's license;
143          (f) motor vehicle salesperson's transfer or reissue fee;
144          (g) motor vehicle manufacturer's license;
145          (h) motor vehicle transporter's license;
146          (i) motor vehicle dismantler's license;
147          (j) motor vehicle crusher's license;
148          (k) motor vehicle remanufacturer's license;
149          (l) body shop's license;

150          (m) distributor or factory branch and distributor branch's license;
151          (n) representative's license;
152          (o) dealer plates;
153          (p) dismantler plates;
154          (q) manufacturer plates;
155          (r) transporter plates;
156          (s) damaged plate replacement;
157          (t) in-transit permits;
158          (u) loaded demonstration permits;
159          (v) additional place of business;
160          (w) special equipment dealer's license;
161          (x) temporary permits; and
162          (y) temporary sports event registration certificates.
163          (2) (a) To pay for training certified vehicle inspectors and enforcement under Sections
164     41-1a-1001 through 41-1a-1008, the State Tax Commission shall establish and the
165     administrator shall collect inspection fees determined by the commission under Section
166     63J-1-504.
167          (b) The division shall use fees collected under Subsection (2)(a) as dedicated credits to
168     be used toward the costs of the division.
169          (3) (a) At the time of application, the administrator shall collect a fee of $200 for each
170     salvage vehicle buyer license.
171          (b) The administrator may retain a portion of the fee under Subsection (3)(a) to offset
172     the administrator's actual costs of administering and enforcing salvage vehicle buyer licenses.
173          (4) A fee imposed under Subsection (1)(x) or (y):
174          (a) shall be deposited into the Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division Temporary Permit
175     Restricted Account created by Section 41-3-110; and
176          (b) is not subject to Subsection [63J-2-202(2)] 63J-1-105(3) or (4).
177          Section 5. Section 41-3-604 is amended to read:
178          41-3-604. Fee to cover the cost of electronic payments.
179          (1) As used in this section:
180          (a) "Electronic payment" has the same meaning as defined in Section 41-1a-1221.

181          (b) "Electronic payment fee" has the same meaning as defined in Section 41-1a-1221.
182          (2) (a) The division may collect a fee to cover the cost of electronic payments on the
183     following transactions:
184          (i) each purchase or renewal of a license under Section 41-3-202;
185          (ii) each purchase of a book of temporary permits under Section 41-3-302;
186          (iii) each penalty issued for a delinquent temporary permit under Section 41-3-302;
187          (iv) each purchase of an in-transit permit under Section 41-3-305;
188          (v) each purchase of a loaded demonstration permit under Section 41-3-502;
189          (vi) each purchase of a license plate under Section 41-3-503; and
190          (vii) each purchase of a salvage vehicle buyer license under Section 41-3-202.
191          (b) The fee described in Subsection (2)(a):
192          (i) shall be imposed regardless of the method of payment for a particular transaction;
193     and
194          (ii) need not be separately identified from the fees and penalty described in Subsections
195     (2)(a)(i) through (vii).
196          (3) The division shall establish the fee under Subsection (2)(a) according to the
197     procedures and requirements of Section 63J-1-504.
198          (4) A fee imposed under this section:
199          (a) shall be deposited in the Electronic Payment Fee Restricted Account created by
200     Section 41-1a-121; and
201          (b) is not subject to Subsection [63J-2-202(2)] 63J-1-105(3) or (4).
202          Section 6. Section 41-22-36 is amended to read:
203          41-22-36. Fees to cover the costs of electronic payments.
204          (1) As used in this section:
205          (a) "Electronic payment" has the same meaning as defined in Section 41-1a-1221.
206          (b) "Electronic payment fee" has the same meaning as defined in Section 41-1a-1221.
207          (2) (a) The Motor Vehicle Division may collect an electronic payment fee on all
208     registrations and renewals of registration under Section 41-22-8.
209          (b) The fee described in Subsection (2)(a) shall be imposed regardless of the method of
210     payment for a particular transaction.
211          (3) The division shall establish the fee according to the procedures and requirements of

212     Section 63J-1-504.
213          (4) A fee imposed under this section:
214          (a) shall be deposited in the Electronic Payment Fee Restricted Account created by
215     Section 41-1a-121;
216          (b) is not subject to Subsection [63J-2-202(2)] 63J-1-105(3) or (4); and
217          (c) need not be separately identified from the fees imposed on registrations and
218     renewals of registration under Section 41-22-8.
219          Section 7. Section 53C-1-201 is amended to read:
220          53C-1-201. Creation of administration -- Purpose -- Director -- Participation in
221     Risk Management Fund.
222          (1) (a) There is established within state government the School and Institutional Trust
223     Lands Administration.
224          (b) The administration shall manage all school and institutional trust lands and assets
225     within the state, except as otherwise provided in Title 53C, Chapter 3, Deposit and Allocation
226     of Revenue from Trust Lands, and Title 53D, Chapter 1, School and Institutional Trust Fund
227     Management Act.
228          (2) The administration is an independent state agency and not a division of any other
229     department.
230          (3) (a) It is subject to the usual legislative and executive department controls except as
231     provided in this Subsection (3).
232          (b) (i) The director may make rules as approved by the board that allow the
233     administration to classify a business proposal submitted to the administration as protected
234     under Section 63G-2-305, for as long as is necessary to evaluate the proposal.
235          (ii) The administration shall return the proposal to the party who submitted the
236     proposal, and incur no further duties under Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access
237     and Management Act, if the administration determines not to proceed with the proposal.
238          (iii) The administration shall classify the proposal pursuant to law if it decides to
239     proceed with the proposal.
240          (iv) Section 63G-2-403 does not apply during the review period.
241          (c) The director shall make rules in compliance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
242     Administrative Rulemaking Act, except that the administration is not subject to Subsections

243     63G-3-301(6) and (7) and Section 63G-3-601, and the director, with the board's approval, may
244     establish a procedure for the expedited approval of rules, based on written findings by the
245     director showing:
246          (i) the changes in business opportunities affecting the assets of the trust;
247          (ii) the specific business opportunity arising out of those changes which may be lost
248     without the rule or changes to the rule;
249          (iii) the reasons the normal procedures under Section 63G-3-301 cannot be met without
250     causing the loss of the specific opportunity;
251          (iv) approval by at least five board members; and
252          (v) that the director has filed a copy of the rule and a rule analysis, stating the specific
253     reasons and justifications for its findings, with the Office of Administrative Rules and notified
254     interested parties as provided in Subsection 63G-3-301(10).
255          (d) (i) The administration shall comply with Title 67, Chapter 19, Utah State Personnel
256     Management Act, except as provided in this Subsection (3)(d).
257          (ii) The board may approve, upon recommendation of the director, that exemption for
258     specific positions under Subsections 67-19-12(2) and 67-19-15(1) is required in order to enable
259     the administration to efficiently fulfill its responsibilities under the law. The director shall
260     consult with the executive director of the Department of Human Resource Management prior
261     to making such a recommendation.
262          (iii) The positions of director, deputy director, associate director, assistant director,
263     legal counsel appointed under Section 53C-1-305, administrative assistant, and public affairs
264     officer are exempt under Subsections 67-19-12(2) and 67-19-15(1).
265          (iv) Salaries for exempted positions, except for the director, shall be set by the director,
266     after consultation with the executive director of the Department of Human Resource
267     Management, within ranges approved by the board. The board and director shall consider
268     salaries for similar positions in private enterprise and other public employment when setting
269     salary ranges.
270          (v) The board may create an annual incentive and bonus plan for the director and other
271     administration employees designated by the board, based upon the attainment of financial
272     performance goals and other measurable criteria defined and budgeted in advance by the board.
273          (e) The administration shall comply with Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement

274     Code, except where the board approves, upon recommendation of the director, exemption from
275     the Utah Procurement Code, and simultaneous adoption of rules under Title 63G, Chapter 3,
276     Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, for procurement, which enable the administration to
277     efficiently fulfill its responsibilities under the law.
278          (f) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(f)(ii), the administration is not subject to
279     the fee agency requirements of Section 63J-1-504.
280          (ii) The following fees of the administration are subject to the requirements of Section
281     63J-1-504: application, assignment, amendment, affidavit for lost documents, name change,
282     reinstatement, grazing nonuse, extension of time, partial conveyance, patent reissue, collateral
283     assignment, electronic payment, and processing.
284          [(g) (i) The administration is not subject to Subsection 63J-1-206(3)(f).]
285          (g) (i) Notwithstanding Subsection 63J-1-206(2)(c), the administration may transfer
286     funds between its line items.
287          (ii) Before transferring appropriated funds between line items, the administration shall
288     submit a proposal to the board for its approval.
289          (iii) If the board gives approval to a proposal to transfer appropriated funds between
290     line items, the administration shall submit the proposal to the Legislative Executive
291     Appropriations Committee for its review and recommendations.
292          (iv) The Legislative Executive Appropriations Committee may recommend:
293          (A) that the administration transfer the appropriated funds between line items;
294          (B) that the administration not transfer the appropriated funds between line items; or
295          (C) to the governor that the governor call a special session of the Legislature to
296     supplement the appropriated budget for the administration.
297          (4) The administration is managed by a director of school and institutional trust lands
298     appointed by a majority vote of the board of trustees with the consent of the governor.
299          (5) (a) The board of trustees shall provide policies for the management of the
300     administration and for the management of trust lands and assets.
301          (b) The board shall provide policies for the ownership and control of Native American
302     remains that are discovered or excavated on school and institutional trust lands in consultation
303     with the Division of Indian Affairs and giving due consideration to Title 9, Chapter 9, Part 4,
304     Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act. The director may make rules in

305     accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, to implement
306     policies provided by the board regarding Native American remains.
307          (6) In connection with joint ventures and other transactions involving trust lands and
308     minerals approved under Sections 53C-1-303 and 53C-2-401, the administration, with board
309     approval, may become a member of a limited liability company under Title 48, Chapter 3a,
310     Utah Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, as appropriate pursuant to Section
311     48-3a-1405 and is considered a person under Section 48-3a-102.
312          (7) Subject to the requirements of Subsection 63E-1-304(2), the administration may
313     participate in coverage under the Risk Management Fund created by Section 63A-4-201.
314          Section 8. Section 54-5-1.5 is amended to read:
315          54-5-1.5. Special regulation fee -- Supplemental Levy Committee -- Supplemental
316     fee -- Fee for electrical cooperatives.
317          (1) (a) A special fee to defray the cost of regulation is imposed upon all public utilities
318     subject to the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission.
319          (b) The special fee is in addition to any charge now assessed, levied, or required by
320     law.
321          (2) (a) The executive director of the Department of Commerce shall determine the
322     special fee for the Department of Commerce.
323          (b) The chair of the Public Service Commission shall determine the special fee for the
324     Public Service Commission.
325          (c) The fee shall be assessed as a uniform percentage of the gross operating revenue for
326     the preceding calendar year derived from each public utility's business and operations during
327     that period within this state, excluding income derived from interstate business. Gross
328     operating revenue shall not include income to a wholesale electric cooperative derived from the
329     sale of power to a rural electric cooperative which resells that power within the state.
330          (3) (a) The executive director of the Department of Commerce shall notify each public
331     utility subject to the provisions of this chapter of the amount of the fee.
332          (b) The fee is due and payable on or before July 1 of each year.
333          (4) (a) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the
334     Public Utility Regulatory Restricted Account.
335          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection 13-1-2(3)(c), the Department of Commerce shall

336     deposit a fee assessed under this section into the Public Utility Regulatory Restricted Account.
337          (c) Within appropriations by the Legislature:
338          (i) the Department of Commerce may use the funds in the Public Utility Regulatory
339     Restricted Account to administer:
340          (A) the Division of Public Utilities; and
341          (B) the Office of Consumer Services; and
342          (ii) the Public Service Commission may use the funds in the Public Utility Regulatory
343     Restricted Account to administer the Public Service Commission.
344          (d) At the end of each fiscal year, the director of the Division of Finance shall transfer
345     into the General Fund any balance in the Public Utility Regulatory Restricted Account in
346     excess of $3,000,000.
347          (5) (a) The Legislature intends that the public utilities provide all of the funds for the
348     administration, support, and maintenance of:
349          (i) the Public Service Commission;
350          (ii) state agencies within the Department of Commerce involved in the regulation of
351     public utilities; and
352          (iii) expenditures by the attorney general for utility regulation.
353          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(a), the fee imposed by Subsection (1) shall not
354     exceed the greater of:
355          (i) (A) for a public utility other than an electrical cooperative, .3% of the public utility's
356     gross operating revenues for the preceding calendar year; or
357          (B) for an electrical cooperative, .15% of the electrical cooperative's gross operating
358     revenues for the preceding calendar year; or
359          (ii) $50.
360          (6) (a) There is created a Supplemental Levy Committee to levy additional assessments
361     on public utilities when unanticipated costs of regulation occur in any fiscal year.
362          (b) The Supplemental Levy Committee shall consist of:
363          (i) one member selected by the executive director of the Department of Commerce;
364          (ii) one member selected by the chairman of the Public Service Commission;
365          (iii) two members selected by the three public utilities that paid the largest percent of
366     the current regulatory fee; and

367          (iv) one member selected by the four appointed members.
368          (c) (i) The members of the Supplemental Levy Committee shall be selected within 10
369     working days after the executive director of the Department of Commerce gives written notice
370     to the Public Service Commission and the public utilities that a supplemental levy committee is
371     needed.
372          (ii) If the members of the Supplemental Levy Committee have not been appointed
373     within the time prescribed, the governor shall appoint the members of the Supplemental Levy
374     Committee.
375          (d) (i) During any state fiscal year, the Supplemental Levy Committee, by a majority
376     vote and subject to audit by the state auditor, may impose a supplemental fee on the regulated
377     utilities for the purpose of defraying any increased cost of regulation.
378          (ii) The supplemental fee imposed upon the utilities shall equal a percentage of their
379     gross operating revenue for the preceding calendar year.
380          (iii) The aggregate of all fees, including any supplemental fees assessed, shall not
381     exceed .3% of the gross operating revenue of the utilities assessed for the preceding calendar
382     year.
383          (iv) Payment of the supplemental fee is due within 30 days after receipt of the
384     assessment.
385          (v) The utility may, within 10 days after receipt of assessment, request a hearing before
386     the Public Service Commission if it questions the need for, or the reasonableness of, the
387     supplemental fee.
388          (e) (i) Any supplemental fee collected to defray the cost of regulation shall be
389     transferred to the state treasurer as a departmental collection [according to the provisions of
390     Section 63J-1-104].
391          (ii) Supplemental fees are excess collections, credited according to the procedures of
392     Section [63J-1-104] 63J-1-105.
393          (iii) Charges billed to the Department of Commerce by any other state department,
394     institution, or agency for services rendered in connection with regulation of a utility shall be
395     credited by the state treasurer from the special or supplemental fees collected to the
396     appropriations account of the entity providing that service according to the procedures provided
397     in Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act.

398          (7) (a) For purposes of this section, "electrical cooperative" means:
399          (i) a distribution electrical cooperative; or
400          (ii) a wholesale electrical cooperative.
401          (b) Subject to Subsection (7)(c), if the regulation of one or more electrical cooperatives
402     causes unanticipated costs of regulation in a fiscal year, the commission may impose a
403     supplemental fee on the one or more electrical cooperatives in this state responsible for the
404     increased cost of regulation.
405          (c) The aggregate of all fees imposed under this section on an electrical cooperative in
406     a calendar year shall not exceed the greater of:
407          (i) .3% of the electrical cooperative's gross operating revenues for the preceding
408     calendar year; or
409          (ii) $50.
410          Section 9. Section 62A-1-111.5 is amended to read:
411          62A-1-111.5. Duties of the department for fiscal year 2018.
412          Notwithstanding [Section] Subsection 63J-1-206(2)(c), for fiscal year 2018 only, the
413     department may transfer money from savings related to implementation of Laws of Utah 2017,
414     Chapter 330, and nonlapsing balances from fiscal year 2017 between appropriation line items
415     to allocate resources between the Division of Juvenile Justice Services, the Division of Child
416     and Family Services, and the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health to facilitate the
417     department's implementation of Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 330.
418          Section 10. Section 62A-1-202 is amended to read:
419          62A-1-202. National Professional Men's Basketball Team Support of Women and
420     Children Issues Restricted Account.
421          (1) There is created in the General Fund a restricted account known as the "National
422     Professional Men's Basketball Team Support of Women and Children Issues Restricted
423     Account."
424          (2) The account shall be funded by:
425          (a) contributions deposited into the account in accordance with Section 41-1a-422;
426          (b) private contributions; and
427          (c) donations or grants from public or private entities.
428          (3) Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the department shall distribute funds in the

429     account to one or more charitable organizations that:
430          (a) qualify as being tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
431          (b) have a board that is appointed by the owners that, either on an individual or joint
432     basis, own a controlling interest in a legal entity that is a franchised member of the
433     internationally recognized national governing body for professional men's basketball in the
434     United States;
435          (c) are headquartered within the state;
436          (d) create or support programs that focus on issues affecting women and children
437     within the state, with an emphasis on health and education; and
438          (e) have a board of directors that disperses all funds of the organization.
439          (4) (a) An organization described in Subsection (3) may apply to the department to
440     receive a distribution in accordance with Subsection (3).
441          (b) An organization that receives a distribution from the department in accordance with
442     Subsection (3) shall expend the distribution only to:
443          (i) create or support programs that focus on issues affecting women and children, with
444     an emphasis on health and education;
445          (ii) create or sponsor programs that will benefit residents within the state; and
446          (iii) pay the costs of issuing or reordering National Professional Men's Basketball
447     Team Support of Women and Children Issues support special group license plate decals.
448          (c) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
449     department may make rules providing procedures for an organization to apply to the
450     department to receive a distribution under this Subsection (4).
451          (5) In accordance with Section [63J-1-602.4] 63J-1-602.1, appropriations from the
452     account are nonlapsing.
453          Section 11. Section 63I-1-263 is amended to read:
454          63I-1-263. Repeal dates, Titles 63A to 63N.
455          (1) Subsection 63A-5-104(4)(h) is repealed on July 1, 2024.
456          (2) Section 63A-5-603, State Facility Energy Efficiency Fund, is repealed July 1, 2023.
457          (3) Title 63C, Chapter 4a, Constitutional and Federalism Defense Act, is repealed July
458     1, 2018.
459          (4) Title 63C, Chapter 4b, Commission for the Stewardship of Public Lands, is

460     repealed November 30, 2019.
461          (5) Title 63C, Chapter 16, Prison Development Commission Act, is repealed July 1,
462     2020.
463          (6) Title 63C, Chapter 17, Point of the Mountain Development Commission Act, is
464     repealed July 1, 2021.
465          (7) Title 63C, Chapter 18, Mental Health Crisis Line Commission, is repealed July 1,
466     2018.
467          (8) Title 63G, Chapter 21, Agreements to Provide State Services, is repealed July 1,
468     2023.
469          (9) Title 63H, Chapter 4, Heber Valley Historic Railroad Authority, is repealed July 1,
470     2020.
471          (10) Title 63H, Chapter 8, Utah Housing Corporation Act, is repealed July 1, 2026.
472          (11) On July 1, 2025:
473          (a) in Subsection 17-27a-404(3)(c)(ii), the language that states "the Resource
474     Development Coordinating Committee," is repealed;
475          (b) Subsection 23-14-21(2)(c) is amended to read "(c) provide notification of proposed
476     sites for the transplant of species to local government officials having jurisdiction over areas
477     that may be affected by a transplant.";
478          (c) in Subsection 23-14-21(3), the language that states "and the Resource Development
479     Coordinating Committee" is repealed;
480          (d) in Subsection 23-21-2.3(1), the language that states "the Resource Development
481     Coordinating Committee created in Section 63J-4-501 and" is repealed;
482          (e) in Subsection 23-21-2.3(2), the language that states "the Resource Development
483     Coordinating Committee and" is repealed;
484          (f) Subsection 63J-4-102(1) is repealed and the remaining subsections are renumbered
485     accordingly;
486          (g) Subsections 63J-4-401(5)(a) and (c) are repealed;
487          (h) Subsection 63J-4-401(5)(b) is renumbered to Subsection 63J-4-401(5)(a) and the
488     word "and" is inserted immediately after the semicolon;
489          (i) Subsection 63J-4-401(5)(d) is renumbered to Subsection 63J-4-401(5)(b);
490          (j) Sections 63J-4-501, 63J-4-502, 63J-4-503, 63J-4-504, and 63J-4-505 are repealed;

491     and
492          (k) Subsection 63J-4-603(1)(e)(iv) is repealed and the remaining subsections are
493     renumbered accordingly.
494          (12) (a) Subsection [63J-1-602.4(15)] 63J-1-602.1(50), relating to the Utah Statewide
495     Radio System Restricted Account, is repealed July 1, 2022.
496          (b) When repealing Subsection [63J-1-602.4(15)] 63J-1-602.1(50), the Office of
497     Legislative Research and General Counsel shall, in addition to the office's authority under
498     Subsection 36-12-12(3), make necessary changes to subsection numbering and cross
499     references.
500          (13) The Crime Victim Reparations and Assistance Board, created in Section
501     63M-7-504, is repealed July 1, 2027.
502          (14) Title 63M, Chapter 11, Utah Commission on Aging, is repealed July 1, 2027.
503          (15) Title 63N, Chapter 2, Part 2, Enterprise Zone Act, is repealed July 1, 2018.
504          (16) (a) Title 63N, Chapter 2, Part 4, Recycling Market Development Zone Act, is
505     repealed January 1, 2021.
506          (b) Subject to Subsection (16)(c), Sections 59-7-610 and 59-10-1007 regarding tax
507     credits for certain persons in recycling market development zones, are repealed for taxable
508     years beginning on or after January 1, 2021.
509          (c) A person may not claim a tax credit under Section 59-7-610 or 59-10-1007:
510          (i) for the purchase price of machinery or equipment described in Section 59-7-610 or
511     59-10-1007, if the machinery or equipment is purchased on or after January 1, 2021; or
512          (ii) for an expenditure described in Subsection 59-7-610(1)(b) or 59-10-1007(1)(b), if
513     the expenditure is made on or after January 1, 2021.
514          (d) Notwithstanding Subsections (16)(b) and (c), a person may carry forward a tax
515     credit in accordance with Section 59-7-610 or 59-10-1007 if:
516          (i) the person is entitled to a tax credit under Section 59-7-610 or 59-10-1007; and
517          (ii) (A) for the purchase price of machinery or equipment described in Section
518     59-7-610 or 59-10-1007, the machinery or equipment is purchased on or before December 31,
519     2020; or
520          (B) for an expenditure described in Subsection 59-7-610(1)(b) or 59-10-1007(1)(b), the
521     expenditure is made on or before December 31, 2020.

522          (17) Section 63N-2-512 is repealed on July 1, 2021.
523          (18) (a) Title 63N, Chapter 2, Part 6, Utah Small Business Jobs Act, is repealed
524     January 1, 2021.
525          (b) Section 59-9-107 regarding tax credits against premium taxes is repealed for
526     calendar years beginning on or after January 1, 2021.
527          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (18)(b), an entity may carry forward a tax credit in
528     accordance with Section 59-9-107 if:
529          (i) the person is entitled to a tax credit under Section 59-9-107 on or before December
530     31, 2020; and
531          (ii) the qualified equity investment that is the basis of the tax credit is certified under
532     Section 63N-2-603 on or before December 31, 2023.
533          (19) Title 63N, Chapter 9, Part 2, Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Grant Program,
534     is repealed January 1, 2023.
535          (20) Title 63N, Chapter 12, Part 3, Utah Broadband Outreach Center, is repealed July
536     1, 2018.
537          (21) Title 63N, Chapter 12, Part 4, Career and Technical Education Board, is repealed
538     July 1, 2018.
539          Section 12. Section 63I-2-263 is amended to read:
540          63I-2-263. Repeal dates, Title 63A to Title 63N.
541          (1) Section 63A-5-227 is repealed on January 1, 2018.
542          (2) Section 63H-7a-303 is repealed on July 1, 2022.
543          (3) On July 1, 2019:
544          (a) in Subsection 63J-1-206[(3)](2)(c)(i), the language that states "[(i) Except as
545     provided in] Subsection [(3)](2)(c)(ii) and" is repealed; and
546          (b) Subsection 63J-1-206[(3)](2)(c)(ii) is repealed.
547          (4) Subsection 63N-3-109(2)(f)(i)(B) is repealed July 1, 2020.
548          (5) Section 63N-3-110 is repealed July 1, 2020.
549          Section 13. Section 63J-1-102 is amended to read:
550          63J-1-102. Definitions.
551          As used in this chapter:
552          (1) "Agency" means a unit of accounting, typically associated with a department,

553     division, board, council, committee, institution, office, bureau, or other similar administrative
554     unit of state government, that includes line items and programs.
555          (2) "Budget execution plan" means a proposal submitted by an administrative unit of
556     state government to the Division of Finance enumerating expected revenues and authorized
557     expenditures within line items and among programs.
558          [(1)] (3) "Debt service" means the money that is required annually to cover the
559     repayment of interest and principal on state debt.
560          [(2)] (4) (a) "Dedicated credits" means collections by an agency that are deposited
561     directly into an account for expenditure [on a separate line item and program] by the agency.
562          (b) "Dedicated credits" includes collections from assessments, contributions,
563     donations, fees, fines, licenses, penalties, rental, sales, non-federal grants, or other collections
564     not:
565          (i) otherwise designated by law for deposit into another fund or account; or
566          (ii) specifically excluded from the definition.
567          (c) "Dedicated credits" does not mean:
568          (i) federal revenues and the related pass through or the related state match paid by one
569     agency to another;
570          (ii) revenues that are not deposited in governmental funds; or
571          (iii) revenues from any contracts.
572          [(3)] (5) "Federal revenues" means collections by an agency from a federal source that
573     are deposited into an account for expenditure [on a separate line item and program] by the
574     agency.
575          [(4) "Fixed collections" means collections that are:]
576          [(a) fixed at a specific amount by law or by an appropriation act; and]
577          [(b) required to be deposited into a separate line item and program.]
578          [(5)] (6) "Free revenue" includes:
579          (a) collections that are required by law to be deposited in:
580          (i) the General Fund;
581          (ii) the Education Fund;
582          (iii) the Uniform School Fund; or
583          (iv) the Transportation Fund;

584          (b) collections that are not otherwise designated by law;
585          (c) collections that are not externally restricted; and
586          (d) collections that are not included in an approved work program.
587          (7) (a) "Item of appropriation" means an authorization of expenditure contained in
588     legislation that appropriates funds and includes the following:
589          (i) the name of the agency and line item to which authorization is granted; and
590          (ii) sources of finance from which authorization is granted and associated amounts
591     authorized.
592          (b) "Item of appropriation" also includes:
593          (i) a schedule of programs;
594          (ii) intent language;
595          (iii) approved full-time equivalent employment;
596          (iv) authorized capital outlay; and
597          (v) other conditions of appropriation.
598          (8) "Line item" means a unit of accounting, typically representing an administrative
599     unit of state government within an agency, that contains one or more programs.
600          [(6)] (9) "Major revenue types" means:
601          (a) free revenue;
602          (b) restricted revenue; and
603          (c) dedicated credits[; and].
604          [(d) fixed collections.]
605          (10) "Program" means a unit of accounting included on a schedule of programs within
606     a line item used to track budget authorizations, collections, and expenditures on specific
607     purposes or functions.
608          [(7)] (11) "Restricted revenue" means collections that are:
609          (a) deposited, by law, into a separate fund, subfund, or account; and
610          (b) designated for a specific program or purpose.
611          (12) "Schedule of programs" means a list of programs and associated authorization
612     amounts within an item of appropriation.
613          Section 14. Section 63J-1-104 is amended to read:
614          63J-1-104. Revenue types -- Disposition of free revenue and restricted revenue.

615          (1) (a) The Division of Finance shall:
616          (i) account for revenues in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
617     and
618          (ii) use the major revenue types in internal accounting.
619          (b) Each agency shall:
620          (i) use the major revenue types to account for revenues;
621          (ii) deposit revenues and other public funds received by them by following the
622     procedures and requirements of Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act; and
623          (iii) expend revenues and public funds as required by this chapter.
624          (2) (a) Each agency shall deposit its free revenues into the appropriate fund.
625          (b) An agency may expend free revenues up to the amount specifically appropriated by
626     the Legislature.
627          (c) Any free revenue funds appropriated by the Legislature to an agency that remain
628     unexpended at the end of the fiscal year lapse to the source fund unless the Legislature provides
629     by law that those funds are nonlapsing.
630          (3) (a) Each agency shall deposit its restricted revenues into the applicable restricted
631     account or fund.
632          (b) Revenues in a restricted account or fund do not lapse to another account or fund
633     unless otherwise specifically provided for by law or legislative appropriation.
634          (c) The Legislature may appropriate restricted revenues from a restricted account or
635     fund for the specific purpose or program designated by law.
636          (d) If the fund equity of a restricted account or fund is insufficient to provide the
637     accounts appropriated from it by the Legislature, the Division of Finance may reduce the
638     appropriation to a level that ensures that the fund equity is not less than zero.
639          (e) Any restricted revenues appropriated by the Legislature to an agency that remain
640     unexpended at the end of the fiscal year lapse to the applicable restricted account or fund unless
641     the Legislature provides by law that those appropriations, or the program or line item financed
642     by those appropriations, are nonlapsing.
643          [(4) (a) An agency may expend dedicated credits for any purpose within the program or
644     line item.]
645          [(b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b)(ii), an agency may not expend

646     dedicated credits in excess of the amount appropriated as dedicated credits by the Legislature.]
647          [(ii) In order to expend dedicated credits in excess of the amount appropriated as
648     dedicated credits by the Legislature, the following procedure shall be followed:]
649          [(A) The agency seeking to make the excess expenditure shall:]
650          [(I) develop a new work program that:]
651          [(Aa) consists of the currently approved work program and the excess expenditure
652     sought to be made; and]
653          [(Bb) complies with the requirements of Section 63J-2-202;]
654          [(II) prepare a written justification for the new work program that sets forth the purpose
655     and necessity of the excess expenditure; and]
656          [(III) submit the new work program and the written justification for the new work
657     program to the Division of Finance.]
658          [(B) The Division of Finance shall process the new work program with written
659     justification and make this information available to the Governor's Office of Management and
660     Budget and the legislative fiscal analyst.]
661          [(iii) An expenditure of dedicated credits in excess of amounts appropriated as
662     dedicated credits by the Legislature may not be used to permanently increase personnel within
663     the agency unless:]
664          [(A) the increase is approved by the Legislature; or]
665          [(B) the money is deposited as a dedicated credit in a line item covering tuition or
666     federal vocational funds at an institution of higher education.]
667          [(c) (i) All excess dedicated credits lapse to the appropriate fund at the end of the fiscal
668     year unless the Legislature has designated the entire program or line item that is partially or
669     fully funded from dedicated credits as nonlapsing.]
670          [(ii) The Division of Finance shall determine the appropriate fund into which the
671     dedicated credits lapse.]
672          [(5) (a) The Legislature may establish by law the maximum amount of fixed collections
673     that an agency may expend.]
674          [(b) If an agency receives less than the maximum amount of expendable fixed
675     collections established by law, the agency's authority to expend is limited to the amount of
676     fixed collections that it receives.]

677          [(c) If an agency receives fixed collections greater than the maximum amount of
678     expendable fixed collections established by law, those excess amounts lapse to the General
679     Fund, the Education Fund, the Transportation Fund, or the Transportation Investment Fund of
680     2005 as designated by the director of the Division of Finance at the end of the fiscal year.]
681          [(6)] (4) Unless otherwise specifically provided by law, when an agency has a program
682     or line item that is funded by [more than one major revenue type: (a) the agency shall expend
683     its dedicated credits and fixed collections first; and (b) if the program or line item includes]
684     both free revenue and restricted revenue, an agency shall expend those revenues based upon a
685     proration of the amounts appropriated from each of those major revenue types.
686          Section 15. Section 63J-1-105 is enacted to read:
687          63J-1-105. Revenue types -- Disposition of dedicated credits.
688          (1) An agency may expend dedicated credits for any purpose within the program or line
689     item.
690          (2) Except as provided in Subsections (3) and (4), an agency may not expend dedicated
691     credits in excess of the amount appropriated to a line item as dedicated credits by the
692     Legislature.
693          (3) Each agency that receives dedicated credits revenue greater than the amount
694     appropriated to a line item by the Legislature in the annual appropriations acts may expend the
695     excess up to 25% of the amount appropriated if the expenditure is included in a revised budget
696     execution plan approved as provided in Section 63J-1-209.
697          (4) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3), when an agency's dedicated
698     credits revenue represents over 90% of the budget of the line item for which the dedicated
699     credits are collected, the agency may expend 100% of the excess of the amount appropriated if
700     the expenditure is authorized by an amended budget execution plan approved as provided in
701     Subsection (3) and Section 63J-1-209.
702          (5) An expenditure of dedicated credits in excess of amounts appropriated to a line
703     item as dedicated credits by the Legislature may not be used to permanently increase personnel
704     within the agency unless:
705          (a) the increase is approved by the Legislature; or
706          (b) the money is deposited as a dedicated credit in a line item covering tuition or
707     federal vocational funds at an institution of higher education.

708          (6) (a) All excess dedicated credits not received or expended in compliance with
709     Subsection (3), (4), or (7) lapse to the General Fund or other appropriate fund as free or
710     restricted revenue at the end of the fiscal year.
711          (b) The Division of Finance shall determine the appropriate fund into which the
712     dedicated credits lapse.
713          (7) (a) When an agency has a line item that is funded by more than one major revenue
714     type, one of which is dedicated credits, the agency shall completely expend authorized
715     dedicated credits within the current fiscal year and allocate unused spending authorization
716     among other funding sources based upon a proration of the amounts appropriated from each of
717     those major revenue types not attributable to dedicated credits, unless the Legislature has
718     designated a portion of the dedicated credits as nonlapsing, in which case the agency shall
719     completely expend within the current fiscal year authorized dedicated credits minus the portion
720     of dedicated credits designated as nonlapsing, and allocate unused spending authorization
721     among the other funding sources based upon a proration of the amounts appropriated from each
722     of those major revenue types not attributable to dedicated credits.
723          (b) Nothing in Subsection (7)(a) shall be construed to allow an agency to receive and
724     expend dedicated credits in excess of legislative appropriations to a line item without
725     complying with Subsection (3) or (4).
726          (c) Each agency that receives dedicated credits shall report, to the Division of Finance,
727     any balances remaining in those funds at the conclusion of each fiscal year.
728          (8) Each agency shall include in its annual budget request estimates of dedicated
729     credits revenue that is identified by, collected for, or set by the agency.
730          Section 16. Section 63J-1-206 is amended to read:
731          63J-1-206. Appropriations governed by chapter -- Restrictions on expenditures --
732     Transfer of funds -- Exclusion.
733          [(1) As used in this section, "work program" means a budget that contains revenues
734     and expenditures for specific purposes or functions within an item of appropriation.]
735          [(2)] (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), (3)(e), or where expressly
736     exempted in the appropriating act:
737          (i) all money appropriated by the Legislature is appropriated upon the terms and
738     conditions set forth in this chapter; and

739          (ii) any department, agency, or institution that accepts money appropriated by the
740     Legislature does so subject to the requirements of this chapter.
741          (b) This section does not apply to:
742          (i) the Legislature and its committees; and
743          (ii) the Investigation Account of the Water Resources Construction Fund, which is
744     governed by Section 73-10-8.
745          [(3)] (2) (a) Each item of appropriation [item] is to be expended subject to any
746     schedule of programs and any restriction attached to the item of appropriation [item], as
747     designated by the Legislature.
748          (b) Each schedule of programs or restriction attached to an appropriation item:
749          (i) is a restriction or limitation upon the expenditure of the respective appropriation
750     made;
751          (ii) does not itself appropriate any money; and
752          (iii) is not itself an item of appropriation.
753          (c) (i) Except as provided in Subsection [(3)] (2)(c)(ii) and Subsection (2)(c)(iii), an
754     appropriation or any surplus of any appropriation may not be diverted from any department,
755     agency, institution, [or] division, or line item to any other department, agency, institution, [or]
756     division, or line item.
757          (ii) Until July 1, 2019, the Department of Workforce Services may transfer or divert
758     money to another department, agency, institution, [or] division, or line item only for the
759     purposes of law enforcement, adjudication, corrections, and providing and addressing services
760     for homeless individuals and families.
761          (iii) The state superintendent may transfer money appropriated for the Minimum
762     School Program between line items in accordance with Section 53F-2-205.
763          (d) The money appropriated subject to a schedule [or] of programs or restriction may
764     be used only for the purposes authorized.
765          (e) In order for a department, agency, or institution to transfer money appropriated to it
766     from one program to another program within [an item of appropriation, the following
767     procedure shall be followed:] a line item, the department, agency, or institution shall revise its
768     budget execution plan as provided in Section 63J-1-209.
769          [(i) The department, agency, or institution seeking to make the transfer shall prepare:]

770          [(A) a new work program for the fiscal year involved that consists of the currently
771     approved work program and the transfer sought to be made; and]
772          [(B) a written justification for the new work program that sets forth the purpose and
773     necessity for the transfer.]
774          [(ii) The Division of Finance shall process the new work program with written
775     justification and make this information available to the Governor's Office of Management and
776     Budget and the legislative fiscal analyst.]
777          [(f) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(f)(ii), money may not be transferred from
778     one item of appropriation to any other item of appropriation.]
779          [(ii) The state superintendent may transfer money appropriated for the Minimum
780     School Program between line items of appropriation in accordance with Section 53A-17a-105.]
781          [(g)] (f) (i) The procedures for transferring money between programs within [an item of
782     appropriation] a line item as provided by Subsection [(3)] (2)(e) do not apply to money
783     appropriated to the State Board of Education for the Minimum School Program or capital
784     outlay programs created in Title 53A, Chapter 21, Public Education Capital Outlay Act.
785          (ii) The state superintendent may transfer money appropriated for the programs
786     specified in Subsection [(3)(g)(i)] (2)(f)(i) only as provided by Section 53A-17a-105.
787          Section 17. Section 63J-1-209 is amended to read:
788          63J-1-209. Director of finance to exercise accounting control -- Budget execution
789     plans -- Allotments and expenditures.
790          (1) The director of finance shall exercise accounting control over all state departments,
791     institutions, and agencies other than the Legislature and legislative committees.
792          (2) (a) The director shall require the head of each department to submit, by May 15 of
793     each year, a [work program] budget execution plan for the next fiscal year.
794          (b) The director may require any department to submit a [work program] budget
795     execution plan for any other period.
796          (3) The [work program] budget execution plan shall include appropriations and all
797     other funds from any source made available to the department for its operation and
798     maintenance for the period and program authorized by [the appropriation act] legislation that
799     appropriates funds.
800          [(4) Subject to the requirements of Subsection 63J-1-206(3)(e), the Division of Finance

801     shall, upon request from the governor, revise, alter, decrease, or change work programs.]
802          (4) (a) In order to revise a budget execution plan, the department, agency, or institution
803     seeking to revise the budget execution plan shall:
804          (i) develop a new budget execution plan that consists of the currently approved budget
805     execution plan and the revision sought to be made;
806          (ii) prepare a written justification for the new budget execution plan that sets forth the
807     purpose and necessity of the revision; and
808          (iii) submit the new budget execution plan and the written justification for the new
809     budget execution plan to the Division of Finance.
810          (b) The Division of Finance shall process the new budget execution plan with written
811     justification and make this information available to the Governor's Office of Management and
812     Budget and the legislative fiscal analyst.
813          (5) Upon request from the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, the Division
814     of Finance shall revise budget execution plans.
815          [(5)] (6) Notwithstanding the requirements of Title 63J, Chapter 2, Revenue
816     Procedures and Control Act, the aggregate of the [work program changes] budget execution
817     plan revisions may not exceed the total appropriations or other funds from any source that are
818     available to the [department] agency line item for the fiscal year in question.
819          [(6) The Division of Finance shall transmit a copy of the changes, when approved by
820     the governor, to:]
821          [(a) the head of the department concerned; and]
822          [(b) the legislative analyst.]
823          (7) Upon [request, review, and approval by the governor] transmittal of the new budget
824     execution plan to the entities in Subsection (4), the Division of Finance shall permit all
825     expenditures to be made from the appropriations or other funds from any source on the basis of
826     those [work programs] budget execution plans.
827          (8) The Division of Finance shall, through statistical sampling methods or other means,
828     audit all claims against the state for which an appropriation has been made.
829          Section 18. Section 63J-1-217 is amended to read:
830          63J-1-217. Overexpenditure of budget by agency -- Prorating budget income
831     shortfall.

832          (1) Expenditures of departments, agencies, and institutions of state government shall be
833     kept within revenues available for such expenditures.
834          (2) (a) Line items of appropriation shall not be overexpended.
835          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(a), if an agency's line item is overexpended at the
836     close of a fiscal year:
837          (i) the director of the Division of Finance may make payments from the line item to
838     vendors for goods or services that were received on or before June 30; and
839          (ii) the director of the Division of Finance shall immediately reduce the agency's line
840     item budget in the current year by the amount of the overexpenditure.
841          (c) Each agency with an overexpended line item shall:
842          (i) prepare a written report explaining the reasons for the overexpenditure; and
843          (ii) present the report to:
844          (A) the Board of Examiners as required by Section 63G-9-301; and
845          (B) the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
846          (3) (a) As used in this Subsection (3):
847          (i) "Education Fund budget deficit" has the same meaning as in Section 63J-1-312; and
848          (ii) "General Fund budget deficit" has the same meaning as in Section 63J-1-312.
849          (b) If an Education Fund budget deficit or a General Fund budget deficit exists and the
850     adopted estimated revenues were prepared in consensus with the Governor's Office of
851     Management and Budget, the governor shall:
852          (i) direct state agencies to reduce commitments and expenditures by an amount
853     proportionate to the amount of the deficiency; and
854          (ii) direct the Division of Finance to reduce allotments to institutions of higher
855     education by an amount proportionate to the amount of the deficiency.
856          (c) The governor's directions under Subsection (3)(b) are rescinded when the
857     Legislature rectifies the Education Fund budget deficit and the General Fund budget deficit.
858          (4) (a) A department may not receive an advance of funds that cannot be covered by
859     anticipated revenue within the [work program] budget execution plan of the fiscal year, unless
860     the governor allocates money from the governor's emergency appropriations.
861          (b) All allocations made from the governor's emergency appropriations shall be
862     reported to the budget subcommittee of the Legislative Management Committee by notifying

863     the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst at least 15 days before the effective date of the
864     allocation.
865          (c) Emergency appropriations shall be allocated only to support activities having
866     existing legislative approval and appropriation, and may not be allocated to any activity or
867     function rejected directly or indirectly by the Legislature.
868          Section 19. Section 63J-1-601 is amended to read:
869          63J-1-601. End of fiscal year -- Unexpended balances -- Funds not to be closed
870     out -- Pending claims -- Transfer of amounts from item of appropriation -- Nonlapsing
871     accounts and funds -- Institutions of higher education to report unexpended balances.
872          (1) As used in this section, "transaction control number" means the unique numerical
873     identifier established by the Department of Health to track each medical claim and indicates the
874     date on which the claim is entered.
875          (2) On or before August 31 of each fiscal year, the director of the Division of Finance
876     shall close out to the proper fund or account all remaining unexpended and unencumbered
877     balances of appropriations made by the Legislature, except:
878          (a) those funds classified under Title 51, Chapter 5, Funds Consolidation Act, as:
879          (i) enterprise funds;
880          (ii) internal service funds;
881          (iii) trust and agency funds;
882          (iv) capital projects funds;
883          (v) discrete component unit funds;
884          (vi) debt service funds; and
885          (vii) permanent funds;
886          (b) those [revenue collections,] appropriations from a fund or account[,] or
887     appropriations to a program that are designated as nonlapsing under [Sections] Section
888     63J-1-602.1 [through 63J-1-602.5] or 63J-1-602.2;
889          (c) expendable special revenue funds, unless specifically directed to close out the fund
890     in the fund's enabling legislation;
891          (d) acquisition and development funds appropriated to the Division of Parks and
892     Recreation;
893          (e) funds encumbered to pay purchase orders issued prior to May 1 for capital

894     equipment if delivery is expected before June 30; and
895          (f) unexpended and unencumbered balances of appropriations that meet the
896     requirements of Section 63J-1-603.
897          (3) (a) Liabilities and related expenses for goods and services received on or before
898     June 30 shall be recognized as expenses due and payable from appropriations made prior to
899     June 30.
900          (b) The liability and related expense shall be recognized within time periods
901     established by the Division of Finance but shall be recognized not later than August 31.
902          (c) Liabilities and expenses not so recognized may be paid from regular departmental
903     appropriations for the subsequent fiscal year, if these claims do not exceed unexpended and
904     unencumbered balances of appropriations for the years in which the obligation was incurred.
905          (d) No amounts may be transferred from an item of appropriation of any department,
906     institution, or agency into the Capital Projects Fund or any other fund without the prior express
907     approval of the Legislature.
908          (4) (a) For purposes of this chapter, a claim processed under the authority of Title 26,
909     Chapter 18, Medical Assistance Act:
910          (i) is not a liability or an expense to the state for budgetary purposes, unless the
911     Division of Health Care Financing receives the claim within the time periods established by the
912     Division of Finance under Subsection (3)(b); and
913          (ii) is not subject to Subsection (3)(c).
914          (b) The transaction control number that the Division of Health Care Financing records
915     on each claim invoice is the date of receipt.
916          (5) (a) For purposes of this chapter, a claim processed in accordance with Title 35A,
917     Chapter 13, Utah State Office of Rehabilitation Act:
918          (i) is not a liability or an expense to the state for budgetary purposes, unless the Utah
919     State Office of Rehabilitation receives the claim within the time periods established by the
920     Division of Finance under Subsection (3)(b); and
921          (ii) is not subject to Subsection (3)(c).
922          (b) (i) The Utah State Office of Rehabilitation shall mark each claim invoice with the
923     date on which the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation receives the claim invoice.
924          (ii) The date described in Subsection (5)(b)(i) is the date of receipt for purposes of this

925     section.
926          (6) Any balance from an appropriation to a state institution of higher education that
927     remains unexpended at the end of the fiscal year shall be reported to the Division of Finance by
928     the September 1 following the close of the fiscal year.
929          Section 20. Section 63J-1-602 is amended to read:
930          63J-1-602. Nonlapsing appropriations.
931          (1) The [revenue collections,] appropriations from a fund or account[,] and
932     appropriations to a program that are listed in [Sections] Section 63J-1-602.1 [through
933     63J-1-602.5] or 63J-1-602.2 are nonlapsing.
934          (2) No [revenue collection,] appropriation from a fund or account[,] or appropriation to
935     a program may be treated as nonlapsing unless:
936          (a) it is listed in [Sections] Section 63J-1-602.1 [through 63J-1-602.5] or 63J-1-602.2;
937          (b) it is designated in a condition of appropriation in the appropriations bill; or
938          (c) nonlapsing authority is granted under Section 63J-1-603.
939          (3) Each legislative appropriations subcommittee shall review the accounts and funds
940     that have been granted nonlapsing authority under the provisions of this section or Section
941     63J-1-603.
942          Section 21. Section 63J-1-602.1 (Superseded 09/30/18) is repealed and reenacted to
943     read:
944          63J-1-602.1 (Superseded 09/30/18). List of nonlapsing appropriations from
945     accounts and funds.
946          Appropriations made from the following accounts or funds are nonlapsing:
947          (1) The Utah Intracurricular Student Organization Support for Agricultural Education
948     and Leadership Restricted Account created in Section 4-42-102.
949          (2) The Native American Repatriation Restricted Account created in Section 9-9-407.
950          (3) The Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil Rights Support Restricted Account created in
951     Section 9-18-102.
952          (4) The National Professional Men's Soccer Team Support of Building Communities
953     Restricted Account created in Section 9-19-102.
954          (5) Funds collected for directing and administering the C-PACE district created in
955     Section 11-42a-302.

956          (6) Award money under the State Asset Forfeiture Grant Program, as provided under
957     Section 24-4-117.
958          (7) Funds collected from the program fund for local health department expenses
959     incurred in responding to a local health emergency under Section 26-1-38.
960          (8) Funds collected from the emergency medical services grant program, as provided in
961     Section 26-8a-207.
962          (9) The Prostate Cancer Support Restricted Account created in Section 26-21a-303.
963          (10) The Children with Cancer Support Restricted Account created in Section
964     26-21a-304.
965          (11) State funds for matching federal funds in the Children's Health Insurance Program
966     as provided in Section 26-40-108.
967          (12) The Children with Heart Disease Support Restricted Account created in Section
968     26-58-102.
969          (13) The Technology Development Restricted Account created in Section 31A-3-104.
970          (14) The Criminal Background Check Restricted Account created in Section
971     31A-3-105.
972          (15) The Captive Insurance Restricted Account created in Section 31A-3-304, except
973     to the extent that Section 31A-3-304 makes the money received under that section free revenue.
974          (16) The Title Licensee Enforcement Restricted Account created in Section
975     31A-23a-415.
976          (17) The Health Insurance Actuarial Review Restricted Account created in Section
977     31A-30-115.
978          (18) The Insurance Fraud Investigation Restricted Account created in Section
979     31A-31-108.
980          (19) The Underage Drinking Prevention Media and Education Campaign Restricted
981     Account created in Section 32B-2-306.
982          (20) The Youth Development Organization Restricted Account created in Section
983     35A-8-1903.
984          (21) The Youth Character Organization Restricted Account created in Section
985     35A-8-2003.
986          (22) Money received by the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation for the sale of certain

987     products or services, as provided in Section 35A-13-202.
988          (23) The Oil and Gas Conservation Account created in Section 40-6-14.5.
989          (24) The Electronic Payment Fee Restricted Account created by Section 41-1a-121 to
990     the Motor Vehicle Division.
991          (25) The Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division Temporary Permit Restricted Account
992     created by Section 41-3-110 to the State Tax Commission.
993          (26) The Utah Law Enforcement Memorial Support Restricted Account created in
994     Section 53-1-120.
995          (27) The State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account to the Division of Emergency
996     Management, as provided in Section 53-2a-603.
997          (28) The Department of Public Safety Restricted Account to the Department of Public
998     Safety, as provided in Section 53-3-106.
999          (29) The Utah Highway Patrol Aero Bureau Restricted Account created in Section
1000     53-8-303.
1001          (30) The DNA Specimen Restricted Account created in Section 53-10-407.
1002          (31) The Canine Body Armor Restricted Account created in Section 53-16-201.
1003          (32) A certain portion of money collected for administrative costs under the School
1004     Institutional Trust Lands Management Act, as provided under Section 53C-3-202.
1005          (33) The School Readiness Restricted Account created in Section 53F-9-402.
1006          (34) The Public Utility Regulatory Restricted Account created in Section 54-5-1.5,
1007     subject to Subsection 54-5-1.5(4)(d).
1008          (35) Certain fines collected by the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
1009     for violation of unlawful or unprofessional conduct that are used for education and enforcement
1010     purposes, as provided in Section 58-17b-505.
1011          (36) Certain fines collected by the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
1012     for use in education and enforcement of the Security Personnel Licensing Act, as provided in
1013     Section 58-63-103.
1014          (37) The Relative Value Study Restricted Account created in Section 59-9-105.
1015          (38) The Cigarette Tax Restricted Account created in Section 59-14-204.
1016          (39) Funds paid to the Division of Real Estate for the cost of a criminal background
1017     check for a mortgage loan license, as provided in Section 61-2c-202.

1018          (40) Funds paid to the Division of Real Estate for the cost of a criminal background
1019     check for principal broker, associate broker, and sales agent licenses, as provided in Section
1020     61-2f-204.
1021          (41) Certain funds donated to the Department of Human Services, as provided in
1022     Section 62A-1-111.
1023          (42) The National Professional Men's Basketball Team Support of Women and
1024     Children Issues Restricted Account created in Section 62A-1-202.
1025          (43) Certain funds donated to the Division of Child and Family Services, as provided
1026     in Section 62A-4a-110.
1027          (44) The Choose Life Adoption Support Restricted Account created in Section
1028     62A-4a-608.
1029          (45) Funds collected by the Office of Administrative Rules for publishing, as provided
1030     in Section 63G-3-402.
1031          (46) The Immigration Act Restricted Account created in Section 63G-12-103.
1032          (47) Money received by the military installation development authority, as provided in
1033     Section 63H-1-504.
1034          (48) The Computer Aided Dispatch Restricted Account created in Section 63H-7a-303.
1035          (49) The Unified Statewide 911 Emergency Service Account created in Section
1036     63H-7a-304.
1037          (50) The Utah Statewide Radio System Restricted Account created in Section
1038     63H-7a-403.
1039          (51) The Employability to Careers Program Restricted Account created in Section
1040     63J-4-703.
1041          (52) The Motion Picture Incentive Account created in Section 63N-8-103.
1042          (53) Certain money payable for expenses of the Pete Suazo Utah Athletic Commission,
1043     as provided under Section 63N-10-301.
1044          (54) Funds collected by the housing of state probationary inmates or state parole
1045     inmates, as provided in Subsection 64-13e-104(2).
1046          (55) Certain forestry and fire control funds utilized by the Division of Forestry, Fire,
1047     and State Lands, as provided in Section 65A-8-103.
1048          (56) Certain funds received by the Office of the State Engineer for well drilling fines or

1049     bonds, as provided in Section 73-3-25.
1050          (57) The Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund, as provided in
1051     Section 73-23-2.
1052          (58) Funds donated or paid to a juvenile court by private sources, as provided in
1053     Subsection 78A-6-203(1)(c).
1054          (59) Fees for certificate of admission created under Section 78A-9-102.
1055          (60) Funds collected for adoption document access as provided in Sections 78B-6-141,
1056     78B-6-144, and 78B-6-144.5.
1057          (61) Revenue for golf user fees at the Wasatch Mountain State Park, Palisades State
1058     Park, Jordan River State Park, and Green River State Park, as provided under Section
1059     79-4-403.
1060          (62) Certain funds received by the Division of Parks and Recreation from the sale or
1061     disposal of buffalo, as provided under Section 79-4-1001.
1062          (63) Funds collected for indigent defense as provided in Title 77, Chapter 32, Part 8,
1063     Utah Indigent Defense Commission.
1064          Section 22. Section 63J-1-602.1 (Effective 09/30/18) is repealed and reenacted to read:
1065          63J-1-602.1 (Effective 09/30/18). List of nonlapsing appropriations from accounts
1066     and funds.
1067          Appropriations made from the following accounts or funds are nonlapsing:
1068          (1) The Utah Intracurricular Student Organization Support for Agricultural Education
1069     and Leadership Restricted Account created in Section 4-42-102.
1070          (2) The Native American Repatriation Restricted Account created in Section 9-9-407.
1071          (3) The Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil Rights Support Restricted Account created in
1072     Section 9-18-102.
1073          (4) The National Professional Men's Soccer Team Support of Building Communities
1074     Restricted Account created in Section 9-19-102.
1075          (5) Funds collected for directing and administering the C-PACE district created in
1076     Section 11-42a-302.
1077          (6) Award money under the State Asset Forfeiture Grant Program, as provided under
1078     Section 24-4-117.
1079          (7) Funds collected from the program fund for local health department expenses

1080     incurred in responding to a local health emergency under Section 26-1-38.
1081          (8) Funds collected from the emergency medical services grant program, as provided in
1082     Section 26-8a-207.
1083          (9) The Prostate Cancer Support Restricted Account created in Section 26-21a-303.
1084          (10) The Children with Cancer Support Restricted Account created in Section
1085     26-21a-304.
1086          (11) State funds for matching federal funds in the Children's Health Insurance Program
1087     as provided in Section 26-40-108.
1088          (12) The Children with Heart Disease Support Restricted Account created in Section
1089     26-58-102.
1090          (13) The Technology Development Restricted Account created in Section 31A-3-104.
1091          (14) The Criminal Background Check Restricted Account created in Section
1092     31A-3-105.
1093          (15) The Captive Insurance Restricted Account created in Section 31A-3-304, except
1094     to the extent that Section 31A-3-304 makes the money received under that section free revenue.
1095          (16) The Title Licensee Enforcement Restricted Account created in Section
1096     31A-23a-415.
1097          (17) The Health Insurance Actuarial Review Restricted Account created in Section
1098     31A-30-115.
1099          (18) The Insurance Fraud Investigation Restricted Account created in Section
1100     31A-31-108.
1101          (19) The Underage Drinking Prevention Media and Education Campaign Restricted
1102     Account created in Section 32B-2-306.
1103          (20) The Youth Development Organization Restricted Account created in Section
1104     35A-8-1903.
1105          (21) The Youth Character Organization Restricted Account created in Section
1106     35A-8-2003.
1107          (22) Money received by the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation for the sale of certain
1108     products or services, as provided in Section 35A-13-202.
1109          (23) The Oil and Gas Conservation Account created in Section 40-6-14.5.
1110          (24) The Electronic Payment Fee Restricted Account created by Section 41-1a-121 to

1111     the Motor Vehicle Division.
1112          (25) The Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division Temporary Permit Restricted Account
1113     created by Section 41-3-110 to the State Tax Commission.
1114          (26) The Utah Law Enforcement Memorial Support Restricted Account created in
1115     Section 53-1-120.
1116          (27) The State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account to the Division of Emergency
1117     Management, as provided in Section 53-2a-603.
1118          (28) The Department of Public Safety Restricted Account to the Department of Public
1119     Safety, as provided in Section 53-3-106.
1120          (29) The Utah Highway Patrol Aero Bureau Restricted Account created in Section
1121     53-8-303.
1122          (30) The DNA Specimen Restricted Account created in Section 53-10-407.
1123          (31) The Canine Body Armor Restricted Account created in Section 53-16-201.
1124          (32) A certain portion of money collected for administrative costs under the School
1125     Institutional Trust Lands Management Act, as provided under Section 53C-3-202.
1126          (33) The School Readiness Restricted Account created in Section 53F-9-402.
1127          (34) The Public Utility Regulatory Restricted Account created in Section 54-5-1.5,
1128     subject to Subsection 54-5-1.5(4)(d).
1129          (35) Certain fines collected by the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
1130     for violation of unlawful or unprofessional conduct that are used for education and enforcement
1131     purposes, as provided in Section 58-17b-505.
1132          (36) Certain fines collected by the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
1133     for use in education and enforcement of the Security Personnel Licensing Act, as provided in
1134     Section 58-63-103.
1135          (37) The Relative Value Study Restricted Account created in Section 59-9-105.
1136          (38) The Cigarette Tax Restricted Account created in Section 59-14-204.
1137          (39) Funds paid to the Division of Real Estate for the cost of a criminal background
1138     check for a mortgage loan license, as provided in Section 61-2c-202.
1139          (40) Funds paid to the Division of Real Estate for the cost of a criminal background
1140     check for principal broker, associate broker, and sales agent licenses, as provided in Section
1141     61-2f-204.

1142          (41) Certain funds donated to the Department of Human Services, as provided in
1143     Section 62A-1-111.
1144          (42) The National Professional Men's Basketball Team Support of Women and
1145     Children Issues Restricted Account created in Section 62A-1-202.
1146          (43) Certain funds donated to the Division of Child and Family Services, as provided
1147     in Section 62A-4a-110.
1148          (44) The Choose Life Adoption Support Restricted Account created in Section
1149     62A-4a-608.
1150          (45) Funds collected by the Office of Administrative Rules for publishing, as provided
1151     in Section 63G-3-402.
1152          (46) The Immigration Act Restricted Account created in Section 63G-12-103.
1153          (47) Money received by the military installation development authority, as provided in
1154     Section 63H-1-504.
1155          (48) The Computer Aided Dispatch Restricted Account created in Section 63H-7a-303.
1156          (49) The Unified Statewide 911 Emergency Service Account created in Section
1157     63H-7a-304.
1158          (50) The Utah Statewide Radio System Restricted Account created in Section
1159     63H-7a-403.
1160          (51) The Employability to Careers Program Restricted Account created in Section
1161     63J-4-703.
1162          (52) The Motion Picture Incentive Account created in Section 63N-8-103.
1163          (53) Certain money payable for expenses of the Pete Suazo Utah Athletic Commission,
1164     as provided under Section 63N-10-301.
1165          (54) Funds collected by the housing of state probationary inmates or state parole
1166     inmates, as provided in Subsection 64-13e-104(2).
1167          (55) Certain forestry and fire control funds utilized by the Division of Forestry, Fire,
1168     and State Lands, as provided in Section 65A-8-103.
1169          (56) Certain funds received by the Office of the State Engineer for well drilling fines or
1170     bonds, as provided in Section 73-3-25.
1171          (57) The Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund, as provided in
1172     Section 73-23-2.

1173          (58) Funds donated or paid to a juvenile court by private sources, as provided in
1174     Subsection 78A-6-203(1)(c).
1175          (59) Fees for certificate of admission created under Section 78A-9-102.
1176          (60) Funds collected for adoption document access as provided in Sections 78B-6-141,
1177     78B-6-144, and 78B-6-144.5.
1178          (61) Revenue for golf user fees at the Wasatch Mountain State Park, Palisades State
1179     Park, Jordan River State Park, and Green River State Park, as provided under Section
1180     79-4-403.
1181          (62) Certain funds received by the Division of Parks and Recreation from the sale or
1182     disposal of buffalo, as provided under Section 79-4-1001.
1183          (63) Funds collected for indigent defense as provided in Title 77, Chapter 32, Part 8,
1184     Utah Indigent Defense Commission.
1185          Section 23. Section 63J-1-602.2 is repealed and reenacted to read:
1186          63J-1-602.2. List of nonlapsing appropriations to programs.
1187          Appropriations made to the following programs are nonlapsing:
1188          (1) The Legislature and its committees.
1189          (2) The Percent-for-Art Program created in Section 9-6-404.
1190          (3) The LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Program created in Section
1191     11-38-301.
1192          (4) The Division of Wildlife Resources for the appraisal and purchase of lands under
1193     the Pelican Management Act, as provided in Section 23-21a-6.
1194          (5) The primary care grant program created in Section 26-10b-102.
1195          (6) The Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program created in Section
1196     26-46-102.
1197          (7) The Rural Physician Loan Repayment Program created in Section 26-46a-103.
1198          (8) The Opiate Overdose Outreach Pilot Program created in Section 26-55-107.
1199          (9) The General Assistance program administered by the Department of Workforce
1200     Services, as provided in Section 35A-3-401.
1201          (10) A new program or agency that is designated as nonlapsing under Section
1202     36-24-101.
1203          (11) The Utah National Guard, created in Title 39, Militia and Armories.

1204          (12) The State Tax Commission under Section 41-1a-1201 for the:
1205          (a) purchase and distribution of license plates and decals; and
1206          (b) administration and enforcement of motor vehicle registration requirements.
1207          (13) The Search and Rescue Financial Assistance Program, as provided in Section
1208     53-2a-1102.
1209          (14) The Motorcycle Rider Education Program, as provided in Section 53-3-905.
1210          (15) The State Board of Education, as provided in Section 53F-2-205.
1211          (16) The State Board of Regents for teacher preparation programs, as provided in
1212     Section 53B-6-104.
1213          (17) The Medical Education Program administered by the Medical Education Council,
1214     as provided in Section 53B-24-202.
1215          (18) The Division of Services for People with Disabilities, as provided in Section
1216     62A-5-102.
1217          (19) The Division of Fleet Operations for the purpose of upgrading underground
1218     storage tanks under Section 63A-9-401.
1219          (20) The Utah Seismic Safety Commission, as provided in Section 63C-6-104.
1220          (21) The Office of Administrative Rules for publishing, as provided in Section
1221     63G-3-402.
1222          (22) The Utah Science Technology and Research Initiative created in Section
1223     63M-2-301.
1224          (23) The Governor's Office of Economic Development to fund the Enterprise Zone
1225     Act, as provided in Title 63N, Chapter 2, Part 2, Enterprise Zone Act.
1226          (24) The Department of Human Resource Management user training program, as
1227     provided in Section 67-19-6.
1228          (25) The University of Utah Poison Control Center program, as provided in Section
1229     69-2-5.5.
1230          (26) A public safety answering point's emergency telecommunications service fund, as
1231     provided in Section 69-2-301.
1232          (27) The Traffic Noise Abatement Program created in Section 72-6-112.
1233          (28) The Judicial Council for compensation for special prosecutors, as provided in
1234     Section 77-10a-19.

1235          (29) A state rehabilitative employment program, as provided in Section 78A-6-210.
1236          (30) The Utah Geological Survey, as provided in Section 79-3-401.
1237          (31) The Bonneville Shoreline Trail Program created under Section 79-5-503.
1238          (32) Adoption document access as provided in Sections 78B-6-141, 78B-6-144, and
1239     78B-6-144.5.
1240          (33) Indigent defense as provided in Title 77, Chapter 32, Part 8, Utah Indigent
1241     Defense Commission.
1242          Section 24. Section 63J-2-102 is amended to read:
1243          63J-2-102. Definitions.
1244          As used in this chapter:
1245          (1) (a) "Agency" means each department, commission, board, council, agency,
1246     institution, officer, corporation, fund, division, office, committee, authority, laboratory, library,
1247     unit, bureau, panel, or other administrative unit of the state.
1248          (b) "Agency" does not include the legislative branch, the board of regents, the Utah
1249     Higher Education Assistance Authority, the board of trustees of each higher education
1250     institution, each higher education institution and its associated branches, centers, divisions,
1251     institutes, foundations, hospitals, colleges, schools, or departments, a public education entity,
1252     or an independent agency.
1253          (2) [(a)] "Dedicated credits [revenues]" means [revenues from collections by an agency
1254     that are deposited directly into an account for expenditure on a separate line item and program]
1255     the same as that term is defined in Section 63J-1-102.
1256          [(b) "Dedicated credits revenues" does not mean:]
1257          [(i) federal revenues and the related pass through or the related state match paid by one
1258     agency to another;]
1259          [(ii) revenues that are not deposited in governmental funds; or]
1260          [(iii) revenues from any contracts.]
1261          (3) "Fees" means revenue collected by an agency for performing a service or providing
1262     a function that the agency deposits or accounts for as dedicated credits [or fixed collections].
1263          [(4) (a) "Fixed collections revenues" means revenue from collections:]
1264          [(i) fixed by law or by the appropriation act at a specific amount; and]
1265          [(ii) required by law to be deposited into a separate line item and program.]

1266          [(b) "Fixed collections revenues" does not mean:]
1267          [(i) federal revenues and the related pass through or the related state match paid by one
1268     agency to another;]
1269          [(ii) revenues that are not deposited in governmental funds;]
1270          [(iii) revenues from any contracts; and]
1271          [(iv) revenues received by the Attorney General's Office from billings for professional
1272     services.]
1273          [(5)] (4) (a) "Governmental fund" means funds used to account for the acquisition, use,
1274     and balances of expendable financial resources and related liabilities using a measurement
1275     focus that emphasizes the flow of financial resources.
1276          (b) "Governmental fund" does not include internal service funds, enterprise funds,
1277     capital projects funds, debt service funds, or trust and agency funds as established in Section
1278     51-5-4.
1279          [(6)] (5) "Independent agency" means the Utah State Retirement Office and the Utah
1280     Housing Corporation.
1281          [(7)] (6) "Program" means the [function or service provided by an agency for which the
1282     agency collects fees] same as that term is defined in Section 63J-1-102.
1283          [(8)] (7) "Revenue types" means the categories established by the Division of Finance
1284     under the authority of this chapter that classify revenue according to the purpose for which it is
1285     collected.
1286          Section 25. Section 63J-2-201 is amended to read:
1287          63J-2-201. Accounting for fee revenues.
1288          (1) The Division of Finance shall:
1289          (a) establish revenue types;
1290          (b) develop a computerized master file of revenue types containing, for each revenue
1291     type:
1292          (i) the definition of each revenue type;
1293          (ii) if available, a historical record of the amount collected for the revenue type for
1294     each of the five years;
1295          (iii) the agency that collected the revenue;
1296          (iv) the program, organization, and fund into which the revenue was originally

1297     recorded each year;
1298          (v) a general description of the function where the largest portion of the revenue was
1299     spent each year;
1300          (vi) the specific legal authority that authorizes the agency to collect the revenue;
1301          (vii) the rates charged to the individuals or entities that pay the revenue;
1302          (viii) the general methodology used to determine the rate charged to individuals or
1303     entities that pay the revenue;
1304          (ix) for dedicated credits [revenues and fixed collections revenues], the revenue
1305     estimate used by the agency to prepare their budget;
1306          (x) the amount appropriated as dedicated credits [revenues and fixed collections
1307     revenues] in the annual appropriation act; and
1308          (xi) for revenues other than dedicated credits [revenues and fixed collections
1309     revenues], an estimate of the amount of revenue, if available or reasonably calculable; and
1310          (c) make the computerized file available to the Budget Office and the Office of
1311     Legislative Fiscal Analyst upon request.
1312          (2) Each agency shall provide the Division of Finance with the information required by
1313     this section.
1314          Section 26. Section 63J-2-202 is amended to read:
1315          63J-2-202. Disposition of revenues.
1316          [(1) (a) Each agency shall include in its annual budget request estimates of dedicated
1317     credits revenues and fixed collections revenues that are identified by, collected for, or set by the
1318     agency.]
1319          [(b)] (1) If the Legislature or the Division of Finance establishes a new revenue type by
1320     law, the agency shall include that new revenue type in its budget request for the next fiscal
1321     year.
1322          [(c) (i)] (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection [(1)(c)(ii)] (2)(b), if any agency fails
1323     to include the estimates of a revenue type in its annual budget request, the Division of Finance
1324     shall deposit the money collected in that revenue type into the General Fund or other
1325     appropriate fund as free or restricted revenue.
1326          [(ii)] (b) The Division of Finance may not deposit the money collected from a revenue
1327     type not included in an agency's annual budget request into the General Fund or other

1328     appropriate fund if the agency did not include the estimates of the revenue type in its annual
1329     budget request because the Legislature had not yet established or authorized the new revenue
1330     type by law.
1331          [(2) (a) (i) (A) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(a)(i)(B) or (2)(b), each agency that
1332     receives dedicated credits and fixed collections revenues greater than the amount appropriated
1333     to them by the Legislature in the annual appropriations act may expend the excess up to 25% of
1334     the amount appropriated if the expenditure is authorized by an amended work program
1335     approved as provided in Section 63J-1-209.]
1336          [(B) Except for line items covering tuition and federal vocational funds at institutions
1337     of higher learning, any expenditure of dedicated credits in excess of amounts appropriated by
1338     the Legislature may not be used to permanently increase personnel within the agency unless
1339     approved by the Legislature.]
1340          [(ii) The Division of Finance shall deposit the balance of that excess into the General
1341     Fund or other appropriate fund as free or restricted revenue.]
1342          [(b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (2)(a), when an agency's
1343     dedicated credits and fixed collections revenues represent over 90% of the budget of the
1344     program for which they are collected, the agency may expend 100% of the excess of the
1345     amount appropriated if the expenditure is authorized by an amended work program approved as
1346     provided in Section 63J-1-209.]
1347          [(3) Each agency that receives dedicated credits or fixed collections shall report, to the
1348     Division of Finance, any balances remaining in those funds at the conclusion of each fiscal
1349     year.]
1350          Section 27. Section 63J-4-301 is amended to read:
1351          63J-4-301. Duties of the executive director and office.
1352          (1) The executive director and the office shall:
1353          (a) comply with the procedures and requirements of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary
1354     Procedures Act;
1355          (b) under the direct supervision of the governor, assist the governor in the preparation
1356     of the governor's budget recommendations;
1357          (c) [advise the governor with regard to approval or revision of agency work programs]
1358     review agency budget execution plans as specified in Section 63J-1-209;

1359          (d) establish benchmarking practices for measuring operational costs, quality of
1360     service, and effectiveness across all state agencies and programs;
1361          (e) assist agencies with the development of an operational plan that uses continuous
1362     improvement tools and operational metrics to increase statewide capacity and improve
1363     interagency integration;
1364          (f) review and assess agency budget requests and expenditures using a clear set of goals
1365     and measures;
1366          (g) develop and maintain enterprise portfolio and electronic information systems to
1367     select and oversee the execution of projects, ensure a return on investment, and trace and report
1368     performance metrics; and
1369          (h) perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the governor.
1370          (2) (a) The executive director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget or
1371     the executive director's designee is the Federal Assistance Management Officer.
1372          (b) In acting as the Federal Assistance Management Officer, the executive director or
1373     designee shall:
1374          (i) study the administration and effect of federal assistance programs in the state and
1375     advise the governor and the Legislature, through the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst and
1376     the Executive Appropriations Committee, of alternative recommended methods and procedures
1377     for the administration of these programs;
1378          (ii) assist in the coordination of federal assistance programs that involve or are
1379     administered by more than one state agency; and
1380          (iii) analyze and advise on applications for new federal assistance programs submitted
1381     to the governor for approval as required by Chapter 5, Federal Funds Procedures Act.
1382          Section 28. Section 63N-8-103 is amended to read:
1383          63N-8-103. Motion Picture Incentive Account created -- Cash rebate incentives --
1384     Refundable tax credit incentives.
1385          (1) (a) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the
1386     Motion Picture Incentive Account, which the office shall use to provide cash rebate incentives
1387     for state-approved productions by a motion picture company.
1388          (b) All interest generated from investment of money in the restricted account shall be
1389     deposited in the restricted account.

1390          (c) The restricted account shall consist of an annual appropriation by the Legislature.
1391          (d) The office shall:
1392          (i) with the advice of the board, administer the restricted account; and
1393          (ii) make payments from the restricted account as required under this section.
1394          (e) The cost of administering the restricted account shall be paid from money in the
1395     restricted account.
1396          (2) (a) A motion picture company or digital media company seeking disbursement of
1397     an incentive allowed under an agreement with the office shall follow the procedures and
1398     requirements of this Subsection (2).
1399          (b) The motion picture company or digital media company shall provide the office with
1400     a report identifying and documenting the dollars left in the state and new state revenues
1401     generated by the motion picture company or digital media company for its state-approved
1402     production, including any related tax returns by the motion picture company, payroll company,
1403     digital media company, or loan-out corporation under Subsection (2)(d).
1404          (c) For a motion picture company, an independent certified public accountant shall:
1405          (i) review the report submitted by the motion picture company; and
1406          (ii) attest to the accuracy and validity of the report, including the amount of dollars left
1407     in the state.
1408          (d) The motion picture company, digital media company, payroll company, or loan-out
1409     corporation shall provide the office with a document that expressly directs and authorizes the
1410     State Tax Commission to disclose the entity's tax returns and other information concerning the
1411     entity that would otherwise be subject to confidentiality under Section 59-1-403 or Section
1412     6103, Internal Revenue Code, to the office.
1413          (e) The office shall submit the document described in Subsection (2)(d) to the State
1414     Tax Commission.
1415          (f) Upon receipt of the document described in Subsection (2)(d), the State Tax
1416     Commission shall provide the office with the information requested by the office that the
1417     motion picture company, digital media company, payroll company, or loan-out corporation
1418     directed or authorized the State Tax Commission to provide to the office in the document
1419     described in Subsection (2)(d).
1420          (g) Subject to Subsection (3), for a motion picture company the office shall:

1421          (i) review the report from the motion picture company described in Subsection (2)(b)
1422     and verify that it was reviewed by an independent certified public accountant as described in
1423     Subsection (2)(c); and
1424          (ii) based upon the certified public accountant's attestation under Subsection (2)(c),
1425     determine the amount of the incentive that the motion picture company is entitled to under its
1426     agreement with the office.
1427          (h) Subject to Subsection (3), for a digital media company, the office shall:
1428          (i) ensure the digital media project results in new state revenue; and
1429          (ii) based upon review of new state revenue, determine the amount of the incentive that
1430     a digital media company is entitled to under its agreement with the office.
1431          (i) Subject to Subsection (3), if the incentive is in the form of a cash rebate, the office
1432     shall pay the incentive from the restricted account to the motion picture company,
1433     notwithstanding Subsections 51-5-3(23)(b) and [63J-1-104(4)(c)] 63J-1-105(6).
1434          (j) If the incentive is in the form of a refundable tax credit under Section 59-7-614.5 or
1435     59-10-1108, the office shall:
1436          (i) issue a tax credit certificate to the motion picture company or digital media
1437     company; and
1438          (ii) provide a duplicate copy of the tax credit certificate to the State Tax Commission.
1439          (k) A motion picture company or digital media company may not claim a motion
1440     picture tax credit under Section 59-7-614.5 or 59-10-1108 unless the motion picture company
1441     or digital media company has received a tax credit certificate for the claim issued by the office
1442     under Subsection (2)(j)(i).
1443          (l) A motion picture company or digital media company may claim a motion picture
1444     tax credit on its tax return for the amount listed on the tax credit certificate issued by the office.
1445          (m) A motion picture company or digital media company that claims a tax credit under
1446     Subsection (2)(l) shall retain the tax credit certificate and all supporting documentation in
1447     accordance with Subsection 63N-8-104(6).
1448          (3) (a) Subject to Subsection (3)(b), the office may issue $6,793,700 in tax credit
1449     certificates under this part in a fiscal year.
1450          (b) If the office does not issue tax credit certificates in a fiscal year totaling the amount
1451     authorized under Subsection (3)(a), it may carry over that amount for issuance in subsequent

1452     fiscal years.
1453          Section 29. Section 73-18-25 is amended to read:
1454          73-18-25. Fees to cover the costs of electronic payments.
1455          (1) As used in this section:
1456          (a) "Electronic payment" has the same meaning as defined in Section 41-1a-1221.
1457          (b) "Electronic payment fee" has the same meaning as defined in Section 41-1a-1221.
1458          (2) (a) The Motor Vehicle Division may collect an electronic payment fee on all
1459     registrations and renewals of registration under Section 73-18-7.
1460          (b) The fee described under Subsection (2)(a) shall be imposed regardless of the
1461     method of payment for a particular transaction.
1462          (3) The Motor Vehicle Division shall establish the fee according to the procedures and
1463     requirements of Section 63J-1-504.
1464          (4) A fee imposed under this section:
1465          (a) shall be deposited in the Electronic Payment Fee Restricted Account created by
1466     Section 41-1a-121;
1467          (b) is not subject to Subsection [63J-2-202(2)] 63J-1-105(3) or (4); and
1468          (c) need not be separately identified from the fees imposed on registrations and
1469     renewals of registration under Section 73-18-7.
1470          Section 30. Repealer.
1471          This bill repeals:
1472          Section 63J-1-602.3, List of nonlapsing funds and accounts -- Title 46 through Title
1473     60.
1474          Section 63J-1-602.4, List of nonlapsing funds and accounts -- Title 61 through Title
1475     63N.
1476          Section 63J-1-602.5, List of nonlapsing funds and accounts -- Title 64 and
1477     thereafter.
1478          Section 31. Effective date.
1479          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2018, except that the amendments to Section
1480     63J-1-602.1 (Effective 09/30/18) take effect on September 30, 2018.
1481          Section 32. Coordinating H.B. 475 with H.B. 105 -- Technical amendment.
1482          If this H.B. 475 and H.B. 105, Medicaid Sanctions Amendments, both pass and become

1483     law, the Legislature intends that:
1484          (1) the amendments to Section 63J-1-602.1 (Superseded 09/30/18) and Section
1485     63J-1-602.1 (Effective 9/30/18) in this bill supersede the amendments to Section 63J-1-602.1
1486     (Superseded 09/30/18) and Section 63J-1-602.1 (Effective 9/30/18) in H.B. 105;
1487          (2) that the language "Sanctions collected as dedicated credits from Medicaid providers
1488     under Subsection 26-18-3(7)." be added as a subsection to Section 63J-1-602.2, numerically
1489     according to title placement; and
1490          (3) the reference to "Section 63J-1-602.1" in Section 26-18-3 in H.B. 105 be changed
1491     to "Section 63J-1-602.2" when the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel
1492     prepares the Utah Code database for publication.
1493          Section 33. Coordinating H.B. 475 with H.B. 149 -- Technical amendment.
1494          If this H.B. 475 and H.B. 149, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Funding
1495     Amendments, both pass and become law, the Legislature intends that the amendments to
1496     Section 63J-1-602.2 in this bill supersede the amendments to Section 63J-1-602.2 in H.B. 149,
1497     and that the language "Funds that the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control retains in
1498     accordance with Subsection 32B-2-301(7)(a)(ii) or (b)." be added as a subsection to Section
1499     63J-1-602.2 in this bill, numerically according to title placement, when the Office of
1500     Legislative Research and General Counsel prepares the Utah Code database for publication.
1501          Section 34. Coordinating H.B. 475 with H.B. 211 -- Technical amendment.
1502          If this H.B. 475 and H.B. 211, Freight Switcher Emissions Migration, both pass and
1503     become law, the Legislature intends that the amendments to Section 63J-1-602.1 (Superseded
1504     09/20/18) and Section 63J-1-602.1 (Effective 09/30/18) in this bill supersede the amendments
1505     to Section 63J-1-602.1 (Superseded 09/30/18) and Section 63J-1-602.1 (Effective 09/30/18) in
1506     H.B. 211, and that the language "An appropriation made to the Division of Air Quality for
1507     grants for the reduction of freight switcher locomotive emissions under the Clean Air Retrofit,
1508     Replacement, and Off-road Technology Program, as provided in Section 19-2-203." be added
1509     as a subsection to Section 63J-1-602.2, numerically according to title placement, when the
1510     Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel prepares the Utah Code database for
1511     publication.
1512          Section 35. Coordinating H.B. 475 with H.B. 247 -- Technical amendment.
1513          If this H.B. 475 and H.B. 247, Amusement Ride Safety Inspections, both pass and

1514     become law, the Legislature intends that the amendments to Section 63J-1-602.2 in this bill
1515     supersede the amendments to Section 63J-1-602.2 in H.B. 247, and that the language "The
1516     Amusement Ride Safety Account created in Section 34A-12-203." be added as a subsection to
1517     Section 63J-1-602.1 (Superseded 09/30/18) and Section 63J-1-602.1 (Effective 09/30/18),
1518     numerically according to title placement, when the Office of Legislative Research and General
1519     Counsel prepares the Utah Code database for publication.
1520          Section 36. Coordinating H.B. 475 with H.B. 380 -- Technical amendment.
1521          If this H.B. 475 and H.B. 380, Utah School Readiness Initiative Amendments, both
1522     pass and become law, the Legislature intends that the amendments to Section 63J-1-602.2 in
1523     this bill supersede the amendments to Section 63J-1-602.2 in H.B. 380, and that the cross
1524     reference to the School Readiness Restricted Account be changed from "53F-9-402" to
1525     "35A-3-210", when the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel prepares the Utah
1526     Code database for publication.
1527          Section 37. Coordinating H.B. 475 with H.B. 390 -- Technical amendment.
1528          If this H.B. 475 and H.B. 390, Rural Economic Development Incentives, both pass and
1529     become law, the Legislature intends that the repeal of Section 63J-1-602.4 in this bill
1530     supersedes the amendments to Section 63J-1-602.4 in H.B. 390, and that the language
1531     "Appropriations to fund the Governor's Office of Economic Development's Rural Employment
1532     Expansion Program, as described in Title 63N, Chapter 4, Part 4, Rural Employment
1533     Expansion Program." be added as a subsection to Section 63J-1-602.2, numerically according
1534     to title placement, when the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel prepares the
1535     Utah Code database for publication.
1536          Section 38. Coordinating H.B. 475 with H.B. 395 -- Technical amendment.
1537          If this H.B. 475 and H.B. 395, Technology Innovation Amendments, both pass and
1538     become law, the Legislature intends that the repeal of Section 63J-1-602.4 in this bill
1539     supersedes the amendments to Section 63J-1-602.4 in H.B. 395, and that the language
1540     "Appropriations to the Department of Technology Services for technology innovation as
1541     provided under Section 63F-4-202." be added as a subsection to Section 63J-1-602.2,
1542     numerically according to title placement, when the Office of Legislative Research and General
1543     Counsel prepares the Utah Code database for publication.
1544          Section 39. Coordinating H.B. 475 with S.B. 54 -- Technical amendment.

1545          If this H.B. 475 and S.B. 54, Marriage and Premarital Counseling and Education
1546     Amendments, both pass and become law, the Legislature intends that:
1547          (1) the amendments to Section 63J-1-602.1 (Effective 09/30/18) in this bill supersede
1548     the amendments to Section 63J-1-602.1 (Effective 09/30/18) in S.B. 54;
1549          (2) the language "Dedicated credits accrued to the Utah Marriage Commission as
1550     provided under Subsection 17-16-21(2)(d)(ii)." be added as a subsection to Section
1551     63J-1-602.2, numerically according to title placement; and
1552          (3) the reference to "Subsection 63J-1-602.1(8)" in Section 63I-1-263 in S.B.54 be
1553     updated to the correct citation to the language added to Section 63J-1-602.2 in Subsection (2)
1554     above, and that the language ", referring to dedicated credits accrued to the Utah Marriage
1555     Commission," be added after the corrected citation, when the Office of Legislative Research
1556     and General Counsel prepares the Utah Code database for publication.
1557          Section 40. Coordinating H.B. 475 with S.B. 161 -- Technical amendment.
1558          If this H.B. 475 and S.B. 161, Nurse Home Visiting Pay-for-success Program, both pass
1559     and become law, the Legislature intends that the amendments to Section 63J-1-602.1
1560     (Superseded 09/20/18) and Section 63J-1-602.1 (Effective 09/30/18) in this bill supersede the
1561     amendments to Section 63J-1-602.1 (Superseded 09/30/18) and Section 63J-1-602.1 (Effective
1562     09/30/18) in S.B. 161, and that:
1563          (1) the language "The Nurse Home Visiting Restricted Account created in Section
1564     26-62-601." be added as a subsection to Section 63J-1-602.1 (Superseded 09/30/18) and
1565     Section 63J-1-602.1 (Effective 09/30/18), numerically according to title placement; and
1566          (2) the subsection reference to the fund in Subsection 63I-1-263(12) in S.B. 161 be
1567     updated to reflect the fund's placement in Section 63J-1-602.1 (Superseded 09/30/18) and
1568     Section 63J-1-602.1 (Effective 09/30/18), and that the language ", Nurse Home Visiting
1569     Restricted Account" be added after each updated subsection reference, when the Office of
1570     Legislative Research and General Counsel prepares the Utah Code database for publication.
1571          Section 41. Coordinating H.B. 475 with S.B. 174 -- Technical amendment.
1572          If this H.B. 475 and S.B. 174, Higher Education Capital Facilities, both pass and
1573     become law, the Legislature intends that the repeal of Section 63J-1-602.3 in this bill
1574     supersedes the amendments to Section 63J-1-602.3 in S.B. 174, and that:
1575          (1) the language "The Technical Colleges Capital Projects Fund created in Section

1576     53B-2a-117." be added as a subsection to Section 63J-1-602.1 (Superseded 09/30/18) and
1577     Section 63J-1-602.1 (Effective 09/30/18), numerically according to title placement, when the
1578     Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel prepares the Utah Code database for
1579     publication; and
1580          (2) the language "The Higher Education Capital Projects Fund created in Section
1581     53B-22-202." be added as a subsection to Section 63J-1-602.1 (Superseded 09/30/18) and
1582     Section 63J-1-602.1 (Effective 09/30/18), numerically according to title placement, when the
1583     Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel prepares the Utah Code database for
1584     publication.