This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 12:19 PM by bbryner.
Representative Mike Schultz proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Wayne L. Niederhauser

House Sponsor: Mike Schultz


8     General Description:
9          This bill modifies provisions related to the imposition and collection of tolls on certain
10     roads.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     allows the Department of Transportation to:
14               •     mail correspondence to inform the owner of a motor vehicle of an unpaid toll or
15     penalty for failing to pay a toll;
16               •     impose a penalty for failure to pay a toll;
17               •     use camera and video technology to monitor a tollway; and
18               •     request a hold on the registration of a motor vehicle if the owner has failed to
19     pay a toll or penalty associated with the motor vehicle;
20          ▸     removes certain restrictions on the Department of Transportation's ability to
21     establish a tollway on an existing highway;
22          ▸     allows the Department of Transportation to establish a tollway on an existing
23     highway if approved by the Transportation Commission;
24          ▸     requires the Department of Transportation and the Division of Motor Vehicles to
25     share information pertinent to registration and toll enforcement;

26          ▸     requires the Department of Transportation to make rules related to tollways and the
27     amount of a penalty for failure to pay a toll;
28          ▸     allows the retention of license plate data for toll and penalty collection purposes;
29     Ĥ→ [
29a     ▸ requires a study to develop strategies to collect a toll or penalty from the owner of a motor
29b     vehicle from outside this state or from the driver of a short term rental vehicle operated on a
29c     tollway; and ←Ĥ
30          ▸     makes technical changes.
31     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
32          None
33     Other Special Clauses:
34          None
35     Utah Code Sections Affected:
36     AMENDS:
37          41-1a-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 406
38          41-6a-2004, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 276
39          72-2-120, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 303
40          72-6-118, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 278

42     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
43          Section 1. Section 41-1a-203 is amended to read:
44          41-1a-203. Prerequisites for registration, transfer of ownership, or registration
45     renewal.
46          (1) Except as otherwise provided, before registration of a vehicle, an owner shall:
47          (a) obtain an identification number inspection under Section 41-1a-204;
48          (b) obtain a certificate of emissions inspection, if required in the current year, as
49     provided under Section 41-6a-1642;
50          (c) pay property taxes, the in lieu fee, or receive a property tax clearance under Section
51     41-1a-206 or 41-1a-207;
52          (d) pay the automobile driver education tax required by Section 41-1a-208;
53          (e) pay the applicable registration fee under Part 12, Fee and Tax Requirements;
54          (f) pay the uninsured motorist identification fee under Section 41-1a-1218, if
55     applicable;
56          (g) pay the motor carrier fee under Section 41-1a-1219, if applicable;

57          (h) pay any applicable local emissions compliance fee under Section 41-1a-1223; and
58          (i) pay the taxes applicable under Title 59, Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax Act.
59          (2) In addition to the requirements in Subsection (1), an owner of a vehicle that has not
60     been previously registered or that is currently registered under a previous owner's name shall
61     apply for a valid certificate of title in the owner's name before registration.
62          (3) The division may not issue a new registration, transfer of ownership, or registration
63     renewal under Section 73-18-7 for a vessel or outboard motor that is subject to this chapter
64     unless a certificate of title has been or is in the process of being issued in the same owner's
65     name.
66          (4) The division may not issue a new registration, transfer of ownership, or registration
67     renewal under Section 41-22-3 for an off-highway vehicle that is subject to this chapter unless
68     a certificate of title has been or is in the process of being issued in the same owner's name.
69          (5) The division may not issue a registration renewal for a motor vehicle if the division
70     has received a hold request as described in Section 72-6-118 involving the motor vehicle for
71     which a registration renewal has been requested.
72          Section 2. Section 41-6a-2004 is amended to read:
73          41-6a-2004. Captured plate data -- Preservation and disclosure.
74          (1) Captured plate data obtained for the purposes described in Section 41-6a-2003:
75          (a) in accordance with Section 63G-2-305, is a protected record under Title 63G,
76     Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act, if the captured plate data is
77     maintained by a governmental entity;
78          (b) may not be used or shared for any purpose other than the purposes described in
79     Section 41-6a-2003;
80          (c) except as provided in Subsection (3), may not be preserved for more than nine
81     months by a governmental entity except pursuant to:
82          (i) a preservation request under Section 41-6a-2005;
83          (ii) a disclosure order under Subsection 41-6a-2005(2); or
84          (iii) a warrant issued under the Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure or an equivalent
85     federal warrant; and
86          (d) may only be disclosed:
87          (i) in accordance with the disclosure requirements for a protected record under Section

88     63G-2-202;
89          (ii) pursuant to a disclosure order under Subsection 41-6a-2005(2); or
90          (iii) pursuant to a warrant issued under the Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure or an
91     equivalent federal warrant.
92          (2) (a) A governmental entity that is authorized to use an automatic license plate reader
93     system under this part may not sell captured plate data for any purpose.
94          (b) A governmental entity that is authorized to use an automatic license plate reader
95     system under this part may not share captured plate date for a purpose not authorized under
96     Subsection 41-6a-2003(2).
97          (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, a governmental entity may preserve
98     and disclose aggregate captured plate data for planning and statistical purposes if the
99     information identifying a specific license plate is not preserved or disclosed.
100          (3) Plate data collected in accordance with Section 72-6-118 may be preserved so long
101     as necessary to collect the payment of a toll or penalty imposed in accordance with Section
102     72-6-118 and the nine-month preservation limitation described in Subsection (1)(c) shall not
103     apply.
104          Section 3. Section 72-2-120 is amended to read:
105          72-2-120. Tollway Special Revenue Fund -- Revenue.
106          (1) There is created a special revenue fund within the Transportation Fund known as
107     the "Tollway Special Revenue Fund."
108          (2) The fund shall be funded from the following sources:
109          (a) tolls collected by the department under Section 72-6-118;
110          (b) funds received by the department through a tollway development agreement under
111     Section 72-6-203;
112          (c) appropriations made to the fund by the Legislature;
113          (d) contributions from other public and private sources for deposit into the fund;
114          (e) interest earnings on cash balances; and
115          (f) money collected for repayments and interest on fund money.
116          (3) The Division of Finance [shall] may create a subaccount for each tollway as defined
117     in Section 72-6-118.
118          (4) The commission may authorize the money deposited into the fund to be spent by

119     the department to establish and operate tollways and related facilities and state transportation
120     systems, including design, construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, enforcement,
121     impacts from tollways, and the acquisition of right-of-way.
122          Section 4. Section 72-6-118 is amended to read:
123          72-6-118. Definitions -- Establishment and operation of tollways -- Imposition
124     and collection of tolls -- Amount of tolls -- Rulemaking.
125          (1) As used in this section:
126          (a) "High occupancy toll lane" means a high occupancy vehicle lane designated under
127     Section 41-6a-702 that may be used by an operator of a vehicle carrying less than the number
128     of persons specified for the high occupancy vehicle lane if the operator of the vehicle pays a
129     toll or fee.
130          (b) "Toll" means any tax, fee, or charge assessed for the specific use of a tollway.
131          (c) "Toll lane" means a designated new highway or additional lane capacity that is
132     constructed, operated, or maintained for which a toll is charged for its use.
133          (d) (i) "Tollway" means a highway, highway lane, bridge, path, tunnel, or right-of-way
134     designed and used as a transportation route that is constructed, operated, or maintained through
135     the use of toll revenues.
136          (ii) "Tollway" includes a high occupancy toll lane and a toll lane.
137          (e) "Tollway development agreement" has the same meaning as defined in Section
138     72-6-202.
139          (2) Subject to the provisions of Subsection (3), the department may:
140          (a) establish, expand, and operate tollways and related facilities for the purpose of
141     funding in whole or in part the acquisition of right-of-way and the design, construction,
142     reconstruction, operation, enforcement, and maintenance of or impacts from a transportation
143     route for use by the public;
144          (b) enter into contracts, agreements, licenses, franchises, tollway development
145     agreements, or other arrangements to implement this section;
146          (c) impose and collect tolls on any tollway established under this section, including
147     collection of past due payment of a toll or penalty; [and]
148          (d) grant exclusive or nonexclusive rights to a private entity to impose and collect tolls
149     pursuant to the terms and conditions of a tollway development agreement[.];

150          (e) use technology to automatically monitor a tollway and collect payment of a toll,
151     including:
152          (i) license plate reading technology; and
153          (ii) photographic or video recording technology; and
154          (f) in accordance with Subsection (5), request that the Division of Motor Vehicles deny
155     a request for registration of a motor vehicle if the motor vehicle owner has failed to pay a toll
156     or penalty imposed for usage of a tollway involving the motor vehicle for which registration
157     renewal has been requested.
158          [(3) (a) Except as provided under Subsection (3)(d), the department or other entity may
159     not establish or operate a tollway on an existing state highway, except as approved by the
160     commission and the Legislature.]
161          [(b) Between sessions of the Legislature, a state tollway may be designated or deleted
162     if:]
163          [(i) approved by the commission in accordance with the standards made under this
164     section; and]
165          [(ii) the tollways are submitted to the Legislature in the next year for legislative
166     approval or disapproval.]
167          [(c) In conjunction with a proposal submitted under Subsection (3)(b)(ii), the
168     department shall provide a description of the tollway project, projected traffic, the anticipated
169     amount of tolls to be charged, and projected toll revenue.]
170          [(d) If approved by the commission, the department may:]
171          [(i) establish high occupancy toll lanes on existing state highways; and]
172          [(ii) establish tollways on new state highways or additional capacity lanes.]
173          (3) (a) The department may establish or operate a tollway on an existing highway if
174     approved by the commission in accordance with the terms of this section.
175          (b) To establish a tollway on an existing highway, the department shall submit a
176     proposal to the commission including:
177          (i) a description of the tollway project;
178          (ii) projected traffic on the tollway;
179          (iii) the anticipated amount of the toll to be charged; and
180          (iv) projected toll revenue.

181          (4) (a) For a tollway established under this section, the department may:
182          (i) according to the terms of each tollway, impose the toll upon the owner of a motor
183     vehicle using the tollway according to the terms of the tollway;
184          (ii) send correspondence to the owner of the motor vehicle to inform the owner of:
185          (A) an unpaid toll and the amount of the toll to be paid to the department;
186          (B) the penalty for failure to pay the toll timely; and
187          (C) a hold being placed on the owner's registration for the motor vehicle if the toll and
188     penalty are not paid timely, which would prevent the renewal of the motor vehicle's
189     registration;
190          (iii) require that the owner of the motor vehicle pay the toll to the department within 30
191     days of the date when the department sends written notice of the toll to the owner; and
192          (iv) impose a penalty for failure to pay a toll timely.
193          (b) The department shall mail the correspondence and notice described in Subsection
194     (4)(a) to the owner of the motor vehicle according to the terms of a tollway.
195          (5) (a) The Division of Motor Vehicles and the department shall share and provide
196     access to information pertaining to a motor vehicle and tollway enforcement including:
197          (i) registration and ownership information pertaining to a motor vehicle;
198          (ii) information regarding the failure of a motor vehicle owner to timely pay a toll or
199     penalty imposed under this section; and
200          (iii) the status of a request for a hold on the registration of a motor vehicle.
201          (b) If the department requests a hold on the registration in accordance with this section,
202     the Division of Motor Vehicles may not renew the registration of a motor vehicle under Title
203     41, Chapter 1a, Part 2, Registration, if the owner of the motor vehicle has failed to pay a toll or
204     penalty imposed under this section for usage of a tollway involving the motor vehicle for which
205     registration renewal has been requested until the department withdraws the hold request.
206          [(4)] (6) (a) Except as provided in Subsection [(4)] (6)(b), in accordance with Title
207     63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the commission shall:
208          (i) set the amount of any toll imposed or collected on a tollway on a state highway; and
209          (ii) for tolls established under Subsection [(4)] (6)(b), set:
210          (A) an increase in a toll rate or user fee above an increase specified in a tollway
211     development agreement; or

212          (B) an increase in a toll rate or user fee above a maximum toll rate specified in a
213     tollway development agreement.
214          (b) A toll or user fee and an increase to a toll or user fee imposed or collected on a
215     tollway on a state highway that is the subject of a tollway development agreement shall be set
216     in the tollway development agreement.
217          [(5)] (7) (a) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking
218     Act, the department shall make rules:
219          (i) necessary to establish and operate tollways on state highways; [and]
220          (ii) that establish standards and specifications for automatic tolling systems and
221     automatic tollway monitoring technology; and
222          (iii) to set the amount of a penalty for failure to pay a toll under this section.
223          (b) The rules shall:
224          (i) include minimum criteria for having a tollway; and
225          (ii) conform to regional and national standards for automatic tolling.
226          [(6)] (8) (a) The commission may provide funds for public or private tollway pilot
227     projects or high occupancy toll lanes from General Fund money appropriated by the Legislature
228     to the commission for that purpose.
229          (b) The commission may determine priorities and funding levels for tollways
230     designated under this section.
231          [(7)] (9) (a) Except as provided in Subsection [(7)] (9)(b), all revenue generated from a
232     tollway on a state highway shall be deposited into the Tollway Special Revenue Fund created
233     in Section 72-2-120 and used for acquisition of right-of-way and the design, construction,
234     reconstruction, operation, maintenance, enforcement of state transportation systems and
235     facilities, including operating improvements to the tollway, and other facilities used exclusively
236     for the operation of a tollway facility within the corridor served by the tollway.
237          (b) Revenue generated from a tollway that is the subject of a tollway development
238     agreement shall be deposited into the Tollway Special Revenue Fund and used in accordance
239     with Subsection [(7)] (9)(a) unless:
240          (i) the revenue is to a private entity through the tollway development agreement; or
241          (ii) the revenue is identified for a different purpose under the tollway development
242     agreement.

243          (10) Data described in Subsection (2)(e) obtained for the purposes of this section:
244          (a) in accordance with Section 63G-2-305, is a protected record under Title 63G,
245     Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act, if the photographic or video
246     data is maintained by a governmental entity;
247          (b) may not be used or shared for any purpose other than the purposes described in this
248     section;
249          (c) may only be preserved:
250          (i) so long as necessary to collect the payment of a toll or penalty imposed in
251     accordance with this section; or
252          (ii) pursuant to a warrant issued under the Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure or an
253     equivalent federal warrant; and
254          (d) may only be disclosed:
255          (i) in accordance with the disclosure requirements for a protected record under Section
256     63G-2-202; or
257          (ii) pursuant to a warrant issued under the Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure or an
258     equivalent federal warrant.
259          (11) (a) The department may not sell for any purpose photographic or video data
260     captured under Subsection (2)(e)(ii).
261          (b) The department may not share captured photographic or video data for a purpose
262     not authorized under this section.
262a     Ĥ→ (12) Before November 1, 2018, the Driver License Division, the Division of Motor Vehicles,
262b     and the department shall jointly study and report findings and recommendations to the
262c     Transportation Interim Committee regarding the use of Title 53, Chapter 3, Part 6, Drivers'
262d     License Compact, and other methods to collect a toll or penalty under this section from:
262e          (a) an owner of a motor vehicle registered outside this state; or
262f          (b) a driver or lessee of a motor vehicle leased or rented for 30 days or less. ←Ĥ