8 General Description:
9 This bill amends provisions relating to abortion law.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ defines terms;
13 ▸ prohibits certain abortions outside of an abortion clinic or a hospital;
14 ▸ amends provisions relating to informed consent;
15 ▸ removes the requirement for the Department of Health to create a brochure and an
16 informational video;
17 ▸ requires the Department of Health to maintain a website with specified information;
18 ▸ requires the Department of Health to develop an information module with specified
19 information;
20 ▸ requires the Department of Health to present the information module, or an update
21 to the information module, to the Health and Human Services Interim Committee;
22 ▸ establishes additional penalties for a violation of an abortion law provision;
23 ▸ requires the Department of Health to make rules and pursue administrative and legal
24 remedies to ensure compliance with provisions of abortion law; and
25 ▸ makes technical changes.
26 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
27 None
28 Other Special Clauses:
29 This bill provides a special effective date.
30 Utah Code Sections Affected:
32 26-21-6.5, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 161
33 58-67-304 (Superseded 07/01/18), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapters
34 161 and 214
35 58-67-304 (Effective 07/01/18), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 299
36 76-7-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 13
37 76-7-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 13
38 76-7-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 299
39 76-7-304.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 314
40 76-7-305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 399
41 76-7-305.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 399
42 76-7-305.7, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 61
43 76-7-313, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 314
44 76-7-314, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 13
46 76-7-305.6, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 314
48 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
49 Section 1. Section 26-21-6.5 is amended to read:
50 26-21-6.5. Licensing of an abortion clinic -- Rulemaking authority -- Fee.
51 (1) [
52 without a license issued by the department to operate a type I abortion clinic.
53 (2) A type II abortion clinic may not operate in the state without a license issued by the
54 department to operate a type II abortion clinic.
55 (3) [
56 sanitary, and recordkeeping requirements for:
57 [
58 [
59 [
60 (4) [
61 described in this section, an abortion clinic shall:
62 (a) apply for a license on a form prescribed by the department;
63 (b) satisfy and maintain the minimum health, safety, sanitary, and recordkeeping
64 requirements established under Subsection (3)[
65 licensed;
66 (c) comply with the recordkeeping and reporting requirements of [
68 (d) comply with the requirements of Title 76, Chapter 7, Part 3, Abortion;
69 (e) pay the annual licensing fee; and
70 (f) cooperate with inspections conducted by the department.
71 (5) [
72 inspect each abortion clinic in the state to ensure that the abortion clinic is complying with all
73 statutory and licensing requirements relating to the abortion clinic. At least one of the
74 inspections shall be made without providing notice to the abortion clinic.
75 (6) [
76 fee, set by the department in accordance with the procedures described in Section 63J-1-504, to
77 an abortion clinic in an amount that will pay for the cost of the licensing requirements
78 described in this section and the cost of inspecting abortion clinics.
79 (7) The department shall deposit the licensing fees described in this section in the
80 General Fund as a dedicated credit to be used solely to pay for the cost of the licensing
81 requirements described in this section and the cost of inspecting abortion clinics.
82 Section 2. Section 58-67-304 (Superseded 07/01/18) is amended to read:
83 58-67-304 (Superseded 07/01/18). License renewal requirements.
84 (1) As a condition precedent for license renewal, each licensee shall, during each
85 two-year licensure cycle or other cycle defined by division rule:
86 (a) complete qualified continuing professional education requirements in accordance
87 with the number of hours and standards defined by division rule made in collaboration with the
88 board;
89 (b) appoint a contact person for access to medical records and an alternate contact
90 person for access to medical records in accordance with Subsection 58-67-302(1)(i); and
91 (c) if the licensee practices medicine in a location with no other persons licensed under
92 this chapter, provide some method of notice to the licensee's patients of the identity and
93 location of the contact person and alternate contact person for the licensee.
94 (2) If a renewal period is extended or shortened under Section 58-67-303, the
95 continuing education hours required for license renewal under this section are increased or
96 decreased proportionally.
97 (3) An application to renew a license under this chapter shall:
98 (a) require a physician to answer the following question: "Do you perform elective
99 abortions in Utah in a location other than a hospital?"; and
100 (b) immediately following the question, contain the following statement: "For purposes
101 of the immediately preceding question, elective abortion means an abortion other than one of
102 the following: removal of a dead fetus, removal of an ectopic pregnancy, an abortion that is
103 necessary to avert the death of a woman, an abortion that is necessary to avert a serious risk of
104 substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of a woman, an abortion of a
105 fetus that has a defect that is uniformly diagnosable and uniformly lethal, or an abortion where
106 the woman is pregnant as a result of rape or incest."
107 (4) In order to assist the Department of Health in fulfilling its responsibilities relating
108 to the licensing of an abortion clinic and the enforcement of Title 76, Chapter 7, Part 3,
109 Abortion, if a physician responds positively to the question described in Subsection (3)(a), the
110 division shall, within 30 days after the day on which it renews the physician's license under this
111 chapter, inform the Department of Health in writing:
112 (a) of the name and business address of the physician; and
113 (b) that the physician responded positively to the question described in Subsection
114 (3)(a).
115 Section 3. Section 58-67-304 (Effective 07/01/18) is amended to read:
116 58-67-304 (Effective 07/01/18). License renewal requirements.
117 (1) As a condition precedent for license renewal, each licensee shall, during each
118 two-year licensure cycle or other cycle defined by division rule:
119 (a) complete qualified continuing professional education requirements in accordance
120 with the number of hours and standards defined by division rule made in collaboration with the
121 board;
122 (b) appoint a contact person for access to medical records and an alternate contact
123 person for access to medical records in accordance with Subsection 58-67-302(1)(i);
124 (c) if the licensee practices medicine in a location with no other persons licensed under
125 this chapter, provide some method of notice to the licensee's patients of the identity and
126 location of the contact person and alternate contact person for the licensee; and
127 (d) if the licensee is an associate physician licensed under Section 58-67-302.8,
128 successfully complete the educational methods and programs described in Subsection
129 58-67-807(4).
130 (2) If a renewal period is extended or shortened under Section 58-67-303, the
131 continuing education hours required for license renewal under this section are increased or
132 decreased proportionally.
133 (3) An application to renew a license under this chapter shall:
134 (a) require a physician to answer the following question: "Do you perform elective
135 abortions in Utah in a location other than a hospital?"; and
136 (b) immediately following the question, contain the following statement: "For purposes
137 of the immediately preceding question, elective abortion means an abortion other than one of
138 the following: removal of a dead fetus, removal of an ectopic pregnancy, an abortion that is
139 necessary to avert the death of a woman, an abortion that is necessary to avert a serious risk of
140 substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of a woman, an abortion of a
141 fetus that has a defect that is uniformly diagnosable and uniformly lethal, or an abortion where
142 the woman is pregnant as a result of rape or incest."
143 (4) In order to assist the Department of Health in fulfilling its responsibilities relating
144 to the licensing of an abortion clinic and the enforcement of Title 76, Chapter 7, Part 3,
145 Abortion, if a physician responds positively to the question described in Subsection (3)(a), the
146 division shall, within 30 days after the day on which it renews the physician's license under this
147 chapter, inform the Department of Health in writing:
148 (a) of the name and business address of the physician; and
149 (b) that the physician responded positively to the question described in Subsection
150 (3)(a).
151 Section 4. Section 76-7-301 is amended to read:
152 76-7-301. Definitions.
153 As used in this part:
154 (1) (a) "Abortion" means:
155 (i) the intentional termination or attempted termination of human pregnancy after
156 implantation of a fertilized ovum through a medical procedure carried out by a physician or
157 through a substance used under the direction of a physician;
158 (ii) the intentional killing or attempted killing of a live unborn child through a medical
159 procedure carried out by a physician or through a substance used under the direction of a
160 physician; or
161 (iii) the intentional causing or attempted causing of a miscarriage through a medical
162 procedure carried out by a physician or through a substance used under the direction of a
163 physician.
164 (b) "Abortion" does not include:
165 (i) removal of a dead unborn child;
166 (ii) removal of an ectopic pregnancy; or
167 (iii) the killing or attempted killing of an unborn child without the consent of the
168 pregnant woman, unless:
169 (A) the killing or attempted killing is done through a medical procedure carried out by
170 a physician or through a substance used under the direction of a physician; and
171 (B) the physician is unable to obtain the consent due to a medical emergency.
172 (2) "Abortion clinic" means the same as that term is defined in Section 26-21-2.
173 (3) "Abuse" means the same as that term is defined in Section 78A-6-105.
174 (4) "Department" means the Department of Health.
175 (5) "Hospital" means:
176 (a) a general hospital licensed by the [
177 Title 26, Chapter 21, Health Care Facility Licensing and Inspection Act; and
178 (b) a clinic or other medical facility to the extent that such clinic or other medical
179 facility is certified by the [
180 personnel sufficient in quantity and quality to provide the same degree of safety to the pregnant
181 woman and the unborn child as would be provided for the particular medical procedures
182 undertaken by a general hospital licensed by the [
183 (6) "Information module" means the pregnancy termination information module
184 prepared by the department.
185 [
186 physician's good faith clinical judgment, so threatens the life of a pregnant woman as to
187 necessitate the immediate abortion of her pregnancy to avert her death, or for which a delay
188 will create serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of major bodily function.
189 (8) "Minor" means an individual who is:
190 (a) under 18 years of age;
191 (b) unmarried; and
192 (c) not emancipated.
193 [
194 the abortion:
195 (i) deliberately and intentionally vaginally delivers a living fetus until, in the case of a
196 head first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother, or, in the case of
197 breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother,
198 for the purpose of performing an overt act that the person knows will kill the partially delivered
199 living fetus; and
200 (ii) performs the overt act, other than completion of delivery, that kills the partially
201 living fetus.
202 (b) "Partial birth abortion" does not include the dilation and evacuation procedure
203 involving dismemberment prior to removal, the suction curettage procedure, or the suction
204 aspiration procedure for abortion.
205 [
206 (a) a medical doctor licensed to practice medicine and surgery under Title 58, Chapter
207 67, Utah Medical Practice Act;
208 (b) an osteopathic physician licensed to practice osteopathic medicine under Title 58,
209 Chapter 68, Utah Osteopathic Medical Practice Act; or
210 (c) a physician employed by the federal government who has qualifications similar to a
211 person described in Subsection [
212 Section 5. Section 76-7-302 is amended to read:
213 76-7-302. Circumstances under which abortion authorized.
214 (1) As used in this section, "viable" means that the unborn child has reached a stage of
215 fetal development when the unborn child is potentially able to live outside the womb, as
216 determined by the attending physician to a reasonable degree of medical certainty.
217 (2) An abortion may be performed in this state only by a physician.
218 (3) An abortion may be performed in this state only under the following circumstances:
219 (a) the unborn child is not viable; or
220 (b) the unborn child is viable, if:
221 (i) the abortion is necessary to avert:
222 (A) the death of the woman on whom the abortion is performed; or
223 (B) a serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function
224 of the woman on whom the abortion is performed;
225 (ii) two physicians who practice maternal fetal medicine concur, in writing, in the
226 patient's medical record that the fetus has a defect that is uniformly diagnosable and uniformly
227 lethal; or
228 (iii) (A) the woman is pregnant as a result of:
229 (I) rape, as described in Section 76-5-402;
230 (II) rape of a child, as described in Section 76-5-402.1; or
231 (III) incest, as described in Subsection 76-5-406(10) or Section 76-7-102; and
232 (B) before the abortion is performed, the physician who performs the abortion:
233 (I) verifies that the incident described in Subsection (3)(b)(iii)(A) has been reported to
234 law enforcement; and
235 (II) complies with the requirements of Section 62A-4a-403.
236 (4) An abortion may be performed only in an abortion clinic or a hospital, unless it is
237 necessary to perform the abortion in another location due to a medical emergency.
238 Section 6. Section 76-7-304 is amended to read:
239 76-7-304. Considerations by physician -- Notice to a parent or guardian --
240 Exceptions.
241 [
242 [
243 [
244 [
245 [
246 [
247 [
248 physician shall consider all factors relevant to the well-being of [
249 whom [
250 (a) her physical, emotional, and psychological health and safety;
251 (b) her age; and
252 (c) her familial situation.
253 [
254 an abortion on a minor, the physician shall notify a parent or guardian of the minor that the
255 minor intends to have an abortion.
256 [
257 (a) subject to Subsection [
258 (i) a medical condition exists that, on the basis of the physician's good faith clinical
259 judgment, so complicates the medical condition of a pregnant minor as to necessitate the
260 abortion of her pregnancy to avert:
261 (A) the minor's death; or
262 (B) a serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function
263 of the minor; and
264 (ii) there is not sufficient time to give the notice required under Subsection [
265 before it is necessary to terminate the minor's pregnancy in order to avert the minor's death or
266 impairment described in Subsection [
267 (b) subject to Subsection [
268 (i) the physician complies with Subsection [
269 (ii) (A) the minor is pregnant as a result of incest to which the parent or guardian was a
270 party; or
271 (B) the parent or guardian has abused the minor; or
272 (c) subject to Subsection [
273 responsibility for the minor's care and upbringing.
274 [
275 give the 24-hour notice described in Subsection [
276 notice as early as possible before the abortion, unless it is necessary to perform the abortion
277 immediately in order to avert the minor's death or impairment described in Subsection [
278 (3)(a)(i).
279 (b) If, for a reason described in Subsection [
280 minor is not notified that the minor intends to have an abortion, the physician shall notify
281 another parent or guardian of the minor, if the minor has another parent or guardian that is not
282 exempt from notification under Subsection [
283 [
284 does not notify a parent or guardian of a minor that the minor intends to have an abortion, the
285 physician shall report the incest or abuse to the Division of Child and Family Services within
286 the Department of Human Services.
287 Section 7. Section 76-7-304.5 is amended to read:
288 76-7-304.5. Consent required for abortions performed on minors -- Hearing to
289 allow a minor to self-consent -- Appeals.
290 [
291 [
292 an abortion on a minor unless:
293 (a) the physician obtains the informed written consent of a parent or guardian of the
294 minor, consistent with Sections 76-7-305[
295 (b) the minor is granted the right, by court order under Subsection [
296 consent to the abortion without obtaining consent from a parent or guardian; or
297 (c) (i) a medical condition exists that, on the basis of the physician's good faith clinical
298 judgment, so complicates the medical condition of a pregnant minor as to necessitate the
299 abortion of her pregnancy to avert:
300 (A) the minor's death; or
301 (B) a serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function
302 of the minor; and
303 (ii) there is not sufficient time to obtain the consent in the manner chosen by the minor
304 under Subsection [
305 avert the minor's death or impairment described in Subsection [
306 [
307 (a) to seek consent from a parent or guardian under Subsection [
308 (b) to seek a court order under Subsection [
309 [
310 minor to the performance of an abortion, or if the minor chooses not to seek the consent of a
311 parent or guardian, the minor may file a petition with the juvenile court to obtain a court order
312 under Subsection [
313 [
314 the public.
315 (b) After considering the evidence presented at the hearing, the court shall order that
316 the minor may obtain an abortion without the consent of a parent or guardian of the minor if
317 the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence that:
318 (i) the minor:
319 (A) has given her informed consent to the abortion; and
320 (B) is mature and capable of giving informed consent to the abortion; or
321 (ii) an abortion would be in the minor's best interest.
322 [
323 (a) provide for the administration of the proceedings described in this section;
324 (b) provide for the appeal of a court's decision under this section;
325 (c) ensure the confidentiality of the proceedings described in this section and the
326 records related to the proceedings; and
327 (d) establish procedures to expedite the hearing and appeal proceedings described in
328 this section.
329 Section 8. Section 76-7-305 is amended to read:
330 76-7-305. Informed consent requirements for abortion -- 72-hour wait mandatory
331 -- Exceptions.
332 (1) A person may not perform an abortion, unless, before performing the abortion, the
333 physician who will perform the abortion obtains a voluntary and informed written consent from
334 the woman on whom the abortion is performed, that is consistent with:
335 (a) Section 8.08 of the American Medical Association's Code of Medical Ethics,
336 Current Opinions; and
337 (b) the provisions of this section.
338 (2) Except as provided in Subsection [
339 informed only if[
340 (a) a staff member of an abortion clinic or hospital, physician, registered nurse, nurse
341 practitioner, advanced practice registered nurse, certified nurse midwife, genetic counselor, or
342 physician's assistant presents the information module to the pregnant woman;
343 (b) the pregnant woman views the entire information module and presents evidence to
344 the individual described in Subsection (2)(a) that the pregnant woman viewed the entire
345 information module;
346 (c) after receiving the evidence described in Subsection (2)(b), the individual described
347 in Subsection (2)(a):
348 (i) documents that the pregnant woman viewed the entire information module;
349 (ii) gives the pregnant woman, upon her request, a copy of the documentation
350 described in Subsection (2)(c)(i); and
351 (iii) provides a copy of the statement described in Subsection (2)(c)(i) to the physician
352 who is to perform the abortion, upon request of that physician or the pregnant woman;
353 (d) after the pregnant woman views the entire information module, the physician who
354 is to perform the abortion, the referring physician, a physician, a registered nurse, nurse
355 practitioner, advanced practice registered nurse, certified nurse midwife, genetic counselor, or
356 physician's assistant, in a face-to-face consultation in any location in the state, orally informs
357 the woman of:
358 [
359 [
360 [
361 will affect the fetus;
362 [
363 [
364 the proposed abortion procedure is a medication-induced abortion;
365 [
366 unborn child at the time the abortion would be performed;
367 [
368 [
370 [
373 [
374 [
380 [
382 [
384 [
385 [
388 [
390 [
394 [
395 [
397 [
399 [
401 [
405 [
407 [
409 [
412 [
413 [
415 [
417 [
420 [
424 [
426 [
428 [
430 (vii) the right to view an ultrasound of the unborn child, at no expense to the pregnant
431 woman, upon her request; and
432 (e) after the pregnant woman views the entire information module, a staff member of
433 the abortion clinic or hospital provides to the pregnant woman:
434 (i) on a document that the pregnant woman may take home:
435 (A) the address for the department's website described in Section 76-7-305.5; and
436 (B) a statement that the woman may request, from a staff member of the abortion clinic
437 or hospital where the woman viewed the information module, a printed copy of the material on
438 the department's website; and
439 (ii) a printed copy of the material on the department's website described in Section
440 76-7-305.5, if requested by the pregnant woman.
441 (3) Before performing an abortion, the physician who is to perform the abortion shall:
442 (a) in a face-to-face consultation, provide the information described in Subsection
443 (2)(d), unless the attending physician or referring physician is the individual who provided the
444 information required under Subsection (2)(d); and
445 (b) (i) obtain from the pregnant woman a written certification that the information
446 required to be provided under Subsection (2) and this Subsection (3) was provided in
447 accordance with the requirements of Subsection (2) and this Subsection (3); and
448 (ii) obtain a copy of the statement described in Subsection (2)(c)(i).
449 [
450 the physician shall inform the woman prior to the abortion, if possible, of the medical
451 indications supporting the physician's judgment that an abortion is necessary.
452 [
453 [
454 shall:
455 (a) inform the woman that the ultrasound images will be simultaneously displayed in a
456 manner to permit her to:
457 (i) view the images, if she chooses to view the images; or
458 (ii) not view the images, if she chooses not to view the images;
459 (b) simultaneously display the ultrasound images in order to permit the woman to:
460 (i) view the images, if she chooses to view the images; or
461 (ii) not view the images, if she chooses not to view the images;
462 (c) inform the woman that, if she desires, the person performing the ultrasound, or
463 another qualified person shall provide a detailed description of the ultrasound images,
464 including:
465 (i) the dimensions of the unborn child;
466 (ii) the presence of cardiac activity in the unborn child, if present and viewable; and
467 (iii) the presence of external body parts or internal organs, if present and viewable; and
468 (d) provide the detailed description described in Subsection (6)(c), if the woman
469 requests it.
470 [
471 required to be provided to a pregnant woman under this section if the abortion is performed for
472 a reason described in:
473 (a) Subsection 76-7-302(3)(b)(i), if the treating physician and one other physician
474 concur, in writing, that the abortion is necessary to avert:
475 (i) the death of the woman on whom the abortion is performed; or
476 (ii) a serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function
477 of the woman on whom the abortion is performed; or
478 (b) Subsection 76-7-302(3)(b)(ii).
479 [
480 violates the provisions of this section:
481 (a) is guilty of unprofessional conduct as defined in Section 58-67-102 or 58-68-102;
482 and
483 (b) shall be subject to:
484 (i) suspension or revocation of the physician's license for the practice of medicine and
485 surgery in accordance with Section 58-67-401 or 58-68-401; and
486 (ii) administrative penalties in accordance with Section 58-67-402 or 58-68-402.
487 [
488 the information described in Subsection (2) or (3), or for failing to comply with Subsection
489 [
490 (a) the physician can demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that the
491 physician reasonably believed that furnishing the information would have resulted in a severely
492 adverse effect on the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman;
493 (b) in the physician's professional judgment, the abortion was necessary to avert:
494 (i) the death of the woman on whom the abortion is performed; or
495 (ii) a serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function
496 of the woman on whom the abortion is performed;
497 (c) the pregnancy was the result of rape or rape of a child, as defined in Sections
498 76-5-402 and 76-5-402.1;
499 (d) the pregnancy was the result of incest, as defined in Subsection 76-5-406(10) and
500 Section 76-7-102; or
501 (e) at the time of the abortion, the pregnant woman was 14 years of age or younger.
502 [
503 76-7-304.5 may not be held civilly liable to the physician's patient for failure to obtain
504 informed consent under Section 78B-3-406.
505 [
506 accordance with the provisions of Subsection [
507 woman.
508 (b) A local health department shall refer a [
509 ultrasound described in Subsection [
510 [
511 (a) [
512 less than 72 hours before [
513 (b) in the physician's professional judgment, the abortion was necessary in a case
514 where:
515 (i) a ruptured membrane, documented by the attending or referring physician, will
516 cause a serious infection; or
517 (ii) a serious infection, documented by the attending or referring physician, will cause a
518 ruptured membrane.
519 Section 9. Section 76-7-305.5 is amended to read:
520 76-7-305.5. Requirements for information module and website.
521 (1) In order to ensure that a woman's consent to an abortion is truly an informed
522 consent, the [
523 this section[
524 [
525 [
526 (2) The [
527 website described in Subsection (1) shall:
528 (a) be scientifically accurate, comprehensible, and presented in a truthful,
529 nonmisleading manner;
530 (b) present adoption as a preferred and positive choice and alternative to abortion;
531 (c) be [
532 childbirth over abortion;
533 (d) state that the state prefers childbirth over abortion;
534 (e) state that it is unlawful for any person to coerce a woman to undergo an abortion;
535 (f) state that any physician who performs an abortion without obtaining the woman's
536 informed consent or without providing her a private medical consultation in accordance with
537 the requirements of this section, may be liable to her for damages in a civil action at law;
538 (g) provide [
539 private services available to assist, financially or otherwise, a pregnant woman[
541 (i) medical assistance benefits for prenatal care, childbirth, and neonatal care;
542 (ii) services and supports available under Section 35A-3-308;
543 (iii) other financial aid that may be available during an adoption; [
544 (iv) services available from public adoption agencies, private adoption agencies, and
545 private attorneys whose practice includes adoption; and
546 (v) the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of each person listed under this
547 Subsection (2)(g);
548 (h) describe the adoption-related expenses that may be paid under Section 76-7-203;
549 (i) describe the persons who may pay the adoption related expenses described in
550 Subsection (2)(h);
551 (j) except as provided in Subsection (4), describe the legal responsibility of the father
552 of a child to assist in child support, even if the father has agreed to pay for an abortion;
553 (k) except as provided in Subsection (4), describe the services available through the
554 Office of Recovery Services, within the Department of Human Services, to establish and
555 collect the support described in Subsection (2)(j);
556 (l) state that private adoption is legal;
557 (m) [
558 segments, the probable anatomical and physiological characteristics of an unborn child at
559 two-week gestational increments from fertilization to full term, including:
560 (i) brain and heart function; [
561 (ii) the presence and development of external members and internal organs; and
562 (iii) the dimensions of the fetus;
563 (n) show an ultrasound of the heartbeat of an unborn child at:
564 (i) four weeks from conception;
565 (ii) six to eight weeks from conception; and
566 (iii) each month after 10 weeks gestational age, up to 14 weeks gestational age;
567 [
568 stages of growth of the unborn child, including:
569 (i) the medical risks associated with each procedure;
570 (ii) the risk related to subsequent childbearing that are associated with each procedure;
571 and
572 (iii) the consequences of each procedure to the unborn child at various stages of fetal
573 development;
574 [
575 [
576 [
577 the two-week gestational increments described in Subsection (2)(m)[
578 [
580 [
582 [
583 [
584 (s) except as provided in Subsection (5), include:
585 (i) information regarding substantial medical evidence from studies concluding that an
586 unborn child who is at least 20 weeks gestational age may be capable of experiencing pain
587 during an abortion procedure; and
588 (ii) the measures that will be taken in accordance with Section 76-7-308.5;
589 (t) explain the options and consequences of aborting a medication-induced abortion;
590 (u) include the following statement regarding a medication-induced abortion,
591 "Research indicates that mifepristone alone is not always effective in ending a pregnancy. You
592 may still have a viable pregnancy after taking mifepristone. If you have taken mifepristone but
593 have not yet taken the second drug and have questions regarding the health of your fetus or are
594 questioning your decision to terminate your pregnancy, you should consult a physician
595 immediately.";
596 (v) inform a pregnant woman that she has the right to view an ultrasound of the unborn
597 child, at no expense to her, upon her request; and
598 (w) be in a typeface large enough to be clearly legible.
599 (3) The information module and website described in Subsection (1) may include a
600 toll-free 24-hour telephone number that may be called in order to obtain, orally, a list and
601 description of services, agencies, and adoption attorneys in the locality of the caller.
602 [
604 [
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627 (4) The department may develop a version of the information module and website that
628 omits the information in Subsections (2)(j) and (k) for a viewer who is pregnant as the result of
629 rape.
630 (5) The department may develop a version of the information module and website that
631 omits the information described in Subsection (2)(s) for a viewer who will have an abortion
632 performed:
633 (a) on an unborn child who is less than 20 weeks gestational age at the time of the
634 abortion; or
635 (b) on an unborn child who is at least 20 weeks gestational age at the time of the
636 abortion, if:
637 (i) the abortion is being performed for a reason described in Subsection
638 76-7-302(3)(b)(i) or (ii); and
639 (ii) due to a serious medical emergency, time does not permit compliance with the
640 requirement to provide the information described in Subsection [
641 [
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648 (6) The department and each local health department shall make the information
649 module and the website described in Subsection (1) available at no cost to any person.
650 (7) The department shall make the website described in Subsection (1) available for
651 viewing on the department's website by clicking on a conspicuous link on the home page of the
652 website.
653 (8) The department shall ensure that the information module is:
654 (a) available to be viewed at all facilities where an abortion may be performed;
655 (b) interactive for the individual viewing the module, including the provision of
656 opportunities to answer questions and manually engage with the module before the module
657 transitions from one substantive section to the next;
658 (c) produced in English and may include subtitles in Spanish or another language; and
659 (d) capable of being viewed on a tablet or other portable device.
660 (9) The department shall present the information module to the Health and Human
661 Services Interim Committee for the committee's review and recommendation before November
662 1, 2018.
663 (10) The department shall release the information module, for the use described in
664 Section 76-7-305, before January 1, 2019.
665 (11) After the department releases the initial version of the information module, for the
666 use described in Section 76-7-305, the department shall:
667 (a) update the information module, as required by law; and
668 (b) present an updated version of the information module to the Health and Human
669 Services Interim Committee for the committee's review and recommendation before releasing
670 the updated version for the use described in Section 76-7-305.
671 Section 10. Section 76-7-305.7 is amended to read:
672 76-7-305.7. Statistical report by the Department of Health.
673 (1) In accordance with Subsection (2), the [
674 an annual basis, after December 31 of each year, compile and report the following information,
675 relating to the preceding calendar year, to the Health and Human Services Interim Committee:
676 (a) the total number of abortions that were performed in the state;
677 (b) the reported reasons, if any, the women sought the abortions described in
678 Subsection (1)(a);
679 (c) the stage of pregnancy in which the abortions described in Subsection (1)(a) were
680 performed, including:
681 (i) the trimester; and
682 (ii) estimated week of pregnancy;
683 (d) the races and ethnicities of the women who obtained the abortions described in
684 Subsection (1)(a), including:
685 (i) Alaska Native;
686 (ii) American Indian;
687 (iii) Asian;
688 (iv) Black or African American;
689 (v) Hispanic or Latino;
690 (vi) Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander;
691 (vii) White, not Hispanic or Latino; and
692 (viii) some other race;
693 (e) the total amount of informed consent material described in this section that was
694 distributed or accessed;
695 (f) the number of women who obtained abortions in this state without receiving the
696 informed consent materials described in this section;
697 (g) the number of statements signed by attending physicians under Subsection
698 [
699 (h) any other information pertaining to obtaining informed consent from a woman who
700 seeks an abortion.
701 (2) The report described in Subsection (1) shall be prepared and presented in a manner
702 that preserves physician and patient anonymity.
703 Section 11. Section 76-7-313 is amended to read:
704 76-7-313. Department's enforcement responsibility -- Physician's report to
705 department.
706 (1) In order for the [
707 statistical information and ensure enforcement of the provisions of this part[
708 (a) any physician performing an abortion must obtain and record in writing:
709 [
710 abortion was performed;
711 [
712 Subsection (1)(a);
713 [
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718 [
719 (b) the department shall make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
720 Administrative Rulemaking Act.
721 (2) Each physician who performs an abortion shall provide the following to the
722 [
723 performed:
724 (a) the information described in Subsection (1);
725 (b) a copy of the pathologist's report described in Section 76-7-309;
726 (c) an affidavit:
727 (i) that the required consent was obtained pursuant to Sections 76-7-305[
728 76-7-305.5[
729 (ii) described in Subsection [
730 (d) a certificate indicating:
731 (i) whether the unborn child was or was not viable, as defined in Subsection
732 76-7-302(1), at the time of the abortion; and
733 (ii) if the unborn child was viable, as defined in Subsection 76-7-302(1), at the time of
734 the abortion, the reason for the abortion.
735 (3) If the information module or the address to the website is not provided to a
736 pregnant woman, the physician who performs the abortion on the woman shall, within 10 days
737 after the day on which the abortion is performed, provide to the department an affidavit that:
738 (a) specifies the information that was not provided to the woman; and
739 (b) states the reason that the information was not provided to the woman.
740 [
741 confidential and privileged pursuant to Title 26, Chapter 25, Confidential Information Release.
742 (5) The department shall pursue all administrative and legal remedies when the
743 department determines that a physician or a facility has not complied with the provisions of this
744 part.
745 Section 12. Section 76-7-314 is amended to read:
746 76-7-314. Violations of abortion laws -- Classifications.
747 (1) A willful violation of Section 76-7-307, 76-7-308, 76-7-310, 76-7-310.5, 76-7-311,
748 or 76-7-312 is a felony of the third degree.
749 (2) A violation of Section 76-7-326 is a felony of the third degree.
750 (3) A violation of Section 76-7-314.5 is a felony of the second degree.
751 (4) A violation of any other provision of this part, including Subsections
752 76-7-305(2)(a) through (c), and (e), is a class A misdemeanor.
753 (5) The Department of Health shall report a physician's violation of any provision of
754 this part to the Physicians Licensing Board, described in Section 58-67-201.
755 (6) Any person with knowledge of a physician's violation of any provision of this part
756 may report the violation to the Physicians Licensing Board, described in Section 58-67-201.
757 (7) In addition to the penalties described in this section, the department may take any
758 action described in Section 26-21-11 against an abortion clinic if a violation of this chapter
759 occurs at the abortion clinic.
760 Section 13. Repealer.
761 This bill repeals:
762 Section 76-7-305.6, Abortion facilities required to provide printed materials and
763 informational video -- Department of Health to make printed materials and
764 informational video available.
765 Section 14. Effective date.
766 This bill takes effect on May 8, 2018, except that:
767 (1) the amendments to Section 58-67-304 (Effective 07/01/18) take effect on July 1,
768 2018; and
769 (2) the amendments to Sections 76-7-305, 76-7-313, and 76-7-314 take effect on
770 January 1, 2019.