8 General Description:
9 This bill amends the Utah Criminal Code regarding an Internet service provider's
10 responsibility to offer content filtering methods for material harmful to minors.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ amends the definition of Internet service provider;
14 ▸ requires an Internet service provider to notify consumers and the Division of
15 Consumer Protection of the ability to block material harmful to minors;
16 ▸ provides a civil fine for failure to comply with the preceding paragraph;
17 ▸ allows Internet service providers to engage a third party to assist with filtering
18 methods;
19 ▸ increases the cap on the civil fine that may be imposed on an Internet service
20 provider that knowingly fails to filter material harmful to minors;
21 ▸ removes provisions requiring the Division of Consumer Protection to test an
22 Internet service provider's filtering methods; and
23 ▸ makes technical changes.
24 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
25 None
26 Other Special Clauses:
27 None
28 Utah Code Sections Affected:
30 76-10-1230, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 297
31 76-10-1231, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 297 and 382
33 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
34 Section 1. Section 76-10-1230 is amended to read:
35 76-10-1230. Definitions.
36 As used in Sections 76-10-1231 and 76-10-1233:
37 (1) "Consumer" means [
38 subscribes to a service provided by a service provider for personal or residential use.
39 (2) "Content provider" means a person domiciled in Utah or that generates or hosts
40 content in Utah, and that creates, collects, acquires, or organizes electronic data for electronic
41 delivery to a consumer with the intent of making a profit.
42 (3) (a) "Hosting company" means a person that provides services or facilities for
43 storing or distributing content over the Internet without editorial or creative alteration of the
44 content.
45 (b) A hosting company may have policies concerning acceptable use without becoming
46 a content provider under Subsection (2).
47 (4) [
48 providing [
49 with the intent of making a profit, [
51 [
53 (5) "Properly rated" means content using a labeling system to label material harmful to
54 minors provided by the content provider in a way that:
55 (a) accurately apprises a consumer of the presence of material harmful to minors; and
56 (b) allows the consumer the ability to control access to material harmful to minors
57 based on the material's rating by use of reasonably priced commercially available software,
58 including software in the public domain.
59 (6) "Restrict" means to limit access to material harmful to minors by:
60 (a) properly rating content; or
61 (b) any other reasonable measures feasible under available technology.
62 (7) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (7)(b), "service provider" means an Internet
63 service provider.
64 (b) "Service provider" does not include a person who does not terminate a service in
65 this state, but merely transmits data through:
66 (i) a wire;
67 (ii) a cable; or
68 (iii) an antenna.
69 (c) "Service provider," notwithstanding Subsection (7)(b), includes a person who meets
70 the requirements of Subsection (7)(a) and leases or rents a wire or cable for the transmission of
71 data.
72 Section 2. Section 76-10-1231 is amended to read:
73 76-10-1231. Data service providers -- Internet content harmful to minors.
74 (1) (a) Upon request by a consumer, a service provider shall filter content to prevent
75 the transmission of material harmful to minors to the consumer.
76 (b) A service provider complies with Subsection (1)(a) if [
77 provider makes a good faith effort to apply a generally accepted and commercially reasonable
78 method of filtering.
79 (2) (a) At the time of a consumer's subscription to a service provider's service, [
82 conspicuous manner that the consumer may request to have material harmful to minors blocked
83 under Subsection (1)(a).
84 (b) (i) A service provider shall, before December 30, 2018, notify in a conspicuous
85 manner all of the service provider's consumers with a Utah residential address that the
86 consumer may request material harmful to minors be blocked under Subsection (1)(a).
87 (ii) A service provider may provide the notice described in Subsection (2)(b)(i):
88 (A) by electronic communication;
89 (B) with a consumer's bill; or
90 (C) in another conspicuous manner.
91 (c) Before December 31, 2018, a service provider shall:
92 (i) notify the Division of Consumer Protection within the Department of Commerce
93 that notice was sent under Subsection (2)(b); and
94 (ii) provide the Division of Consumer Protection within the Department of Commerce
95 a copy of the notice that was sent under Subsection (2)(b).
96 (d) The Division of Consumer Protection within the Department of Commerce shall
97 report all violations of Subsections (2)(b) and (c) to the attorney general.
98 (3) (a) A service provider may comply with Subsection (1)(a) by[
99 in-network filtering to prevent receipt of material harmful to minors, provided that the filtering
100 does not affect or interfere with access to Internet content for consumers who do not request
101 filtering under Subsection (1)[
102 [
103 (b) A service provider may comply with Subsection (1)(a) by engaging a third party to
104 provide [
107 or referring a consumer to a third party that provides a commercially reasonable method of
108 filtering to block the receipt of material harmful to minors.
109 [
110 providing filtering under this Subsection (3)[
111 (4) If the attorney general determines that a service provider violates Subsection (1) or
112 (2), the attorney general shall:
113 (a) notify the service provider that the service provider is in violation of Subsection (1)
114 or (2); and
115 (b) notify the service provider that the service provider has [
116 the provision being violated or be subject to Subsection (5).
117 (5) (a) A service provider that intentionally or knowingly violates Subsection (1)[
120 (b) A service provider that intentionally or knowingly violates Subsection (2) is subject
121 to a civil fine up to $10,000.
122 (6) A proceeding to impose a civil fine under Subsection (5) may only be brought by
123 the attorney general in a court of competent jurisdiction.
124 [
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