Senator Evan J. Vickers proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Evan J. Vickers

House Sponsor: Keith Grover

7     =====================================================================

9     Committee Note:
10          The Executive Appropriations Committee recommended this bill.
11     General Description:
12          This bill supplements or reduces appropriations previously provided for the support and
13     operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2018;
14     and appropriates funds for the support and operation of state government for the fiscal year
15     beginning July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019.
16     Highlighted Provisions:
17          This bill:
18          ▸     provides appropriations for the use and support of higher education agencies and
19     institutions;
20          ▸     provides appropriations for other purposes as described.
21     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22          This bill appropriates ($277,500) in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year 2018, all of
23     which is from the Education Fund.
24          This bill appropriates $1,852,390,900 in operating and capital budgets for fiscal year 2019,
25     including:
26          ▸     $338,031,400 from the General Fund;
27          ▸     $669,446,900 from the Education Fund;
28          ▸     $844,912,600 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
29          This bill appropriates $11,500,000 in restricted fund and account transfers for fiscal year
30     2019, all of which is from the Education Fund.

31     Other Special Clauses:
32          Section 1 of this bill takes effect immediately. Section 2 of this bill takes effect on July 1,
33     2018.
34     Utah Code Sections Affected:
36     =====================================================================
37     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
38          Section 1. FY 2018 Appropriations. The following sums of money are appropriated for the
39     fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2018. These are additions to amounts
40     previously appropriated for fiscal year 2018.
41          Subsection 1(a). Operating and Capital Budgets. Under the terms and conditions of
42     Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of
43     money from the funds or accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of
44     Utah.
45     Utah State University
46     Item 1
     To Utah State University - Education and General
47     From Education Fund, One-Time

48     Schedule of Programs:
49     Operations and Maintenance

50     Snow College
51     Item 2
     To Snow College - Education and General
52     From Education Fund, One-Time

53     Schedule of Programs:
54     Operations and Maintenance

55     Salt Lake Community College
56     Item 3
     To Salt Lake Community College - Education and General
57     From Education Fund, One-Time

58     Schedule of Programs:
59     Operations and Maintenance

60     Utah System of Technical Colleges
61     Item 4
     To Utah System of Technical Colleges - Ogden-Weber Technical
62     College
63     From Education Fund, One-Time

64     Schedule of Programs:
65     Ogden-Weber Technical College

66          Section 2. FY 2019 Appropriations. The following sums of money are appropriated for the
67     fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019.
68          Subsection 2(a). Operating and Capital Budgets. Under the terms and conditions of

69     Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the Legislature appropriates the following sums of
70     money from the funds or accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the state of
71     Utah.
72     University of Utah
73     Item 5
     To University of Utah - Education and General
74     From General Fund

75     From Education Fund

76     From Education Fund, One-Time

77     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

78     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

79     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

80     Schedule of Programs:
81     Education and General

82     Operations and Maintenance

83          The Legislature intends that the University of Utah report
84     on the following performance measures for the Education and
85     General line item, whose mission is: "To serve the people of
86     Utah and the world through the discovery, creation and
87     application of knowledge; through the dissemination of
88     knowledge by teaching, publication, artistic presentation and
89     technology transfer; and through community engagement": (1)
90     Postsecondary student retention rate, (2) Postsecondary
91     completion, and (3) Total postsecondary costs per degree by
92     October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations
93     Subcommittee.
94     Item 6
     To University of Utah - Educationally Disadvantaged
95     From General Fund

96     From Education Fund

97     From Revenue Transfers

98     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

99     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

100     Schedule of Programs:
101     Educationally Disadvantaged

102          The Legislature intends that the University of Utah report
103     on the following performance measures for the Educationally
104     Disadvantaged line item, whose mission is: "The Center for
105     Disability & Access is dedicated to students with disabilities
106     by providing the opportunity for success and equal access at

107     the University of Utah. We are committed to providing
108     reasonable accommodations as outlined by Federal and State
109     law. We also strive to create an inclusive, safe and respectful
110     environment. By promoting awareness, knowledge and equity,
111     we aspire to impact positive change within individuals and the
112     campus community": (1) Students with disabilities registered
113     and receiving services (Target = 2%-5% of total university
114     enrollment), (2) Provision of alternative format services,
115     including Braille and Video Captioning (Target = provide
116     accessible materials in a timely manner - prior to materials
117     being needed/utilized in coursework), and (3) Provide
118     Interpreting Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students
119     (Target = Maintain a highly qualified and 100% certified
120     interpreting staff. Achieve 100% delivery of properly
121     requested interpreting needs) by October 15, 2019 to the
122     Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
123     Item 7
     To University of Utah - School of Medicine
124     From General Fund

125     From Education Fund

126     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

127     From General Fund Restricted - Cigarette Tax Restricted Account

128     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

129     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

130     Schedule of Programs:
131     School of Medicine

132          The Legislature intends that the University of Utah report
133     on the following performance measures for the School of
134     Medicine line item, whose mission is: "The University of Utah
135     School of Medicine serves the people of Utah and beyond by
136     continually improving individual and community health and
137     quality of life. This is achieved through excellence in patient
138     care, education, and research. Each is vital to our mission and
139     each makes the others stronger": (1) Number of medical school
140     applications (Target = Exceed number of applications as an
141     average of the prior three years), (2) Number of student
142     enrolled in medical school (Target = Maintain full cohort based
143     on enrollment levels), (3) Number of applicants to matriculates
144     (Target = Maintain healthy ratio to insure a class of strong

145     academic quality), (4) Number of miners served (Target =
146     Maintain or exceed historical number served), and (5) Number
147     of miners enrolled (Target = Maintain or exceed historical
148     number enrolled) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education
149     Appropriations Subcommittee.
150     Item 8
     To University of Utah - Cancer Research and Treatment
151     From General Fund

152     From General Fund Restricted - Cigarette Tax Restricted Account

153     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

154     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

155     Schedule of Programs:
156     Cancer Research and Treatment

157          The Legislature intends that the University of Utah report
158     on the following performance measures for the Cancer
159     Research and Treatment line item, whose mission is: "To
160     understand cancer from its beginnings, to use that knowledge
161     in the creation and improvement of cancer treatments, to
162     relieve the suffering of cancer patients, and to provide
163     education about cancer risk, prevention, and care": (1)
164     Extramural cancer research funding help by HCI investigators
165     (Target = Increase the funding by between 3-6% from 2015
166     level $55.9M), (2) Cancer clinical trials available to HCI
167     patients. (Target = Enrollment at or above 12 percent of new
168     HCI cancer patients, and (3) Expand cancer research programs
169     (Target = Launch a new research initiative in Health Outcomes
170     and Population Equity (HOPE), and continue the HCI
171     PathMaker program) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
172     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
173     Item 9
     To University of Utah - University Hospital
174     From General Fund

175     From Education Fund

176     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

177     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

178     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

179     Schedule of Programs:
180     University Hospital

181     Miners' Hospital

182          The Legislature intends that the University of Utah report

183     on the following performance measures for the University
184     Hospital line item, whose mission is: "The University of Utah
185     Health Sciences Center serves the people of Utah and beyond
186     by continually improving individual and community health and
187     quality of life. This is achieved through excellence in patient
188     care, education, and research; each is vital to our mission and
189     each makes the others stronger": (1) Number of annual
190     residents in training (Target = 578), (2) Number of annual
191     resident training hours (Target = 2,080,800), and (3)
192     Percentage of total resident training costs appropriated by the
193     legislature (Target = 20.7%) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
194     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
195     Item 10
     To University of Utah - School of Dentistry
196     From General Fund

197     From Education Fund

198     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

199     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

200     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

201     Schedule of Programs:
202     School of Dentistry

203          The Legislature intends that the University of Utah report
204     on the following performance measures for the School of
205     Dentistry line item, whose mission is: "To improve the oral and
206     overall health of the community through education, research,
207     and service": (1) Number of RDEP Beneficiaries Practicing in
208     Utah (Target = 40% of RDEP beneficiaries), (2) Number of
209     RDEP Beneficiaries Admitted to Advanced Practice Residency
210     (Target = 20% of RDEP beneficiaries), and (3) Number of total
211     RDEP Beneficiaries admitted to Program (Target = 10
212     beneficiaries) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education
213     Appropriations Subcommittee.
214     Item 11
     To University of Utah - Public Service
215     From General Fund

216     From Education Fund

217     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

218     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

219     Schedule of Programs:
220     Seismograph Stations

221     Natural History Museum of Utah

222     State Arboretum

223          The Legislature intends that the University of Utah report
224     on the following performance measures for the Seismograph
225     Stations Program, whose mission is: "Reducing the risk from
226     earthquakes in Utah through research, education, and public
227     service": (1) Timeliness of response to earthquakes in the Utah
228     region. (Target = For 100% of earthquakes with magnitude 3.5
229     or greater that occur in the Utah region UUSS will transmit an
230     alarm to the Utah Department of Emergency Management
231     within 5 minutes and post event information to the web within
232     10 minutes), (2) Publications and presentations related to
233     earthquakes. (Target = Each year UUSS researchers will
234     publish at least five papers in peer-reviewed journals. Make at
235     least ten presentations at professional meetings, and make at
236     least ten oral presentations to local stakeholders), and (3)
237     External funds raised to support UUSS mission (Target = Each
238     year UUSS will generate external funds that equal or exceed
239     the amount provided by the State of Utah by October 15, 2019
240     to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
241          The Legislature intends that the University of Utah report
242     on the following performance measures for the Natural History
243     Museum of Utah Program, whose mission is: "The Natural
244     History Museum of Utah illuminates the natural world and the
245     place of humans within it": (1) Total on-site attendance (Target
246     = Meet or exceed 282,000 for FY 2017), (2) Total off-site
247     attendance (Target = Meet or exceed 200,000 for FY 2017),
248     and (3) Number of school interactions (Target = Meet or
249     exceed 1,250 for FY 2017) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
250     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
251          The Legislature intends that the University of Utah report
252     on the following performance measures for the State
253     Arboretum Program, whose mission is: "To connect people
254     with plants and the beauty of living landscapes": (1) Number of
255     memberships (Target = Increase number of memberships by
256     3% annually from June 30, 2016 to June 30, 2019), (2) Number
257     of admissions (Target: = Increase number of admission by 3%
258     annually from June 30, 2016 to June 30, 2019), and (3)

259     Number of school children participating in on-site field classes
260     (Target = Maintain present level of participation until
261     Education Center is build that will permit expansion beyond
262     what current facilities permit) by October 15, 2019 to the
263     Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
264     Item 12
     To University of Utah - Statewide TV Administration
265     From General Fund

266     From Education Fund

267     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

268     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

269     Schedule of Programs:
270     Public Broadcasting

271          The Legislature intends that the University of Utah report
272     on the following performance measures for the Statewide TV
273     Administration Program, whose mission is: "KUED entertains,
274     informs, and enriches our viewers with exceptional content and
275     is a valued community resource. Our mission is to be a
276     community resource that is trusted, valued, and essential": (1)
277     Determine number of television households that tune in to
278     KUED (Target = Measurement during Nielsen "sweeps"
279     greater than or equal to the prior three year percentages), (2)
280     Number of visitors to KUEDs informational page and KUEDs
281     video page (Target = Measure Google Analytics to meet or
282     exceed prior three year percentages), and (3) Number of people
283     participating in KUED Community Outreach Events (Target =
284     Equal or greater to the number of viewers in the past three
285     years) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education
286     Appropriations Subcommittee.
287     Item 13
     To University of Utah - Poison Control Center
288     From General Fund

289     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

290     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

291     Schedule of Programs:
292     Poison Control Center

293          The Legislature intends that the University of Utah report
294     on the following performance measures for the Poison Control
295     Center line item, whose mission is: "To prevent and minimize
296     adverse health effects from a poison exposure through

297     education, service, and research": (1) Poison Center Utilization
298     (Target = exceed Nationwide Average), (2) Health care costs
299     averted per dollar invested (Target = $10.00 savings for every
300     dollar invested in the center), and (3) Service level - speed to
301     answer (Target = answer 85% of cases within 20 seconds) by
302     October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations
303     Subcommittee.
304     Item 14
     To University of Utah - Center on Aging
305     From General Fund

306     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

307     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

308     Schedule of Programs:
309     Center on Aging

310          The Legislature intends that the University of Utah report
311     on the following performance measures for the Center on
312     Aging line item, whose mission is: "To provide educational
313     and research programs in gerontology at the University of
314     Utah": (1) Increased penetration of UCOA influence by
315     measuring how many stakeholders including UCOA members,
316     community guests, engaged in meetings, events, consults
317     directly as a result of UCOA efforts and facilitation (Target =
318     Annual increase of 25% of qualified UCOA engagements with
319     aging stakeholders), (2) Access to the ADRC - Cover to Cover
320     Program (Target = To provide services to 100% of the people
321     of Utah over age 65), and (3) Increased penetration of iPods
322     placed through facilities and service organizations throughout
323     the state of Utah (Target = Annual increase of 15% of
324     aggregated placements of iPods through the Music & Memory
325     program) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education
326     Appropriations Subcommittee.
327     Item 15
     To University of Utah - Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational
328     and Environmental Health
329     From General Fund Restricted - Workplace Safety Account

330     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

331     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

332     Schedule of Programs:
333     Center for Occupational and Environmental Health

334          The Legislature intends that the University of Utah report

335     on the following performance measures for the Rocky
336     Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health
337     line item, whose mission is: "To maintain with our customers
338     an impeccable reputation for professionalism, objectivity,
339     promptness, and evenhandedness. To promote, create and
340     maintain a safe and healthful campus environment": (1)
341     Number of Students in the degree programs (Target = Greater
342     than or equal to 45 students), (2) Number of students trained
343     (Target = Greater than or equal to 600), and (3) Number of
344     businesses represented in continuing education courses (Target
345     = Greater than or equal to 1,000) by October 15, 2019 to the
346     Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
347     Utah State University
348     Item 16
     To Utah State University - Education and General
349     From General Fund

350     From Education Fund

351     From Education Fund, One-Time

352     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

353     From Revenue Transfers

354     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

355     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

356     Schedule of Programs:
357     Education and General

358     USU - School of Veterinary Medicine

359     Operations and Maintenance

360          The Legislature intends that Utah State University report
361     on the following performance measures for the Education and
362     General line item, whose mission is: "to be one of the nations
363     premier student-centered land-grant and space-grant
364     universities by fostering the principle that academics come
365     first, by cultivating diversity of thought and culture and by
366     serving the public through learning, discovery and
367     engagement": (1) Postsecondary student retention rate, (2)
368     Postsecondary completion, and (3) Total postsecondary costs
369     per degree by October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education
370     Appropriations Subcommittee.
371     Item 17
     To Utah State University - USU - Eastern Education and General
372     From General Fund

373     From Education Fund

374     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

375     From Revenue Transfers

376     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

377     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

378     Schedule of Programs:
379     USU - Eastern Education and General

380          The Legislature intends that Utah State University report
381     on the following performance measures for the USU Eastern
382     Education and General line item, whose mission is: "with
383     efficiency, innovation, and excellence, Utah State University
384     Eastern prepares the people who create and sustain our region":
385     (1) Degrees & certificates awarded by USUE (Target = 365),
386     (2) FTE student enrollment (Fall Day-15 Budget-Related)
387     (Target = 950), and (3) IPEDS Overall Graduation Rate
388     [150%] for all first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students;
389     this includes all bachelors and associate degree seeking
390     students who complete within 150% of when they start their
391     program of study (within 6 yrs. for Bachelors and 3 yrs. For
392     Associates) (Target 49% with a 0.5% increase per annum) by
393     October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations
394     Subcommittee.
395     Item 18
     To Utah State University - Educationally Disadvantaged
396     From General Fund

397     Schedule of Programs:
398     Educationally Disadvantaged

399          The Legislature intends that Utah State University report
400     on the following performance measures for the Educationally
401     Disadvantaged line item, whose mission is: "to provide
402     services to educationally disadvantaged students": (1) Students
403     served (Target = 20), (2) Average aid per student (Target =
404     $4,000), and (3) Transfer and retention rate (Target = 80%) by
405     October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations
406     Subcommittee.
407     Item 19
     To Utah State University - USU - Eastern Educationally
408     Disadvantaged
409     From General Fund

410     From Education Fund

411     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

412     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

413     Schedule of Programs:
414     USU - Eastern Educationally Disadvantaged

415          The Legislature intends that Utah State University report
416     on the following performance measures for the Eastern
417     Educationally Disadvantaged line item, whose mission is: "to
418     provide services to educationally disadvantaged students": (1)
419     Students served (Target = 275), (2) Average aid per student
420     (Target = $500), and (3) Transfer and retention rate (Target =
421     50%) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education
422     Appropriations Subcommittee.
423     Item 20
     To Utah State University - USU - Eastern Career and Technical
424     Education
425     From General Fund

426     From Education Fund

427     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

428     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

429     Schedule of Programs:
430     USU - Eastern Career and Technical Education

431          The Legislature intends that Utah State University report
432     on the following performance measures for the Eastern Career
433     and Technical Education line item, whose mission is: "to
434     provide open-entry, open-exit competency-based career and
435     technical education programs, and emphasize short-term job
436     training and retraining for southeastern Utah": (1) CTE
437     licenses and certifications (Target = 100), (2) CTE Graduate
438     placements (Target = 45), and (3) CTE Completions (Target =
439     50) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education
440     Appropriations Subcommittee.
441     Item 21
     To Utah State University - Uintah Basin Regional Campus
442     From General Fund

443     From Education Fund

444     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

445     From General Fund Restricted - Infrastructure and Economic Diversification Investment
446     Account

447     From Revenue Transfers

448     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

449     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

450     Schedule of Programs:
451     Uintah Basin Regional Campus

452          The Legislature intends that Utah State University report
453     on the following performance measures for the Uintah Basin
454     Regional Campus line item, whose mission is: "to provide
455     education opportunities to citizens in the Uintah Basin": (1)
456     Degrees & certificates awarded by RC/AIS (Target = 850), (2)
457     FTE student enrollment (Fall Day-15 Budget-Related) (Target
458     = 375), and (3) IPEDS Overall Graduation Rate [150%] for all
459     first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students; this includes all
460     bachelors and associate degree seeking students who complete
461     within 150% of when they start their program of study (within
462     6 yrs. for Bachelors and 3 yrs. For Associates) (Target 49%
463     with a 0.5% increase per annum) by October 15, 2019 to the
464     Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
465     Item 22
     To Utah State University - Southeastern Continuing Education
466     Center
467     From General Fund

468     From Education Fund

469     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

470     From Revenue Transfers

471     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

472     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

473     Schedule of Programs:
474     Southeastern Continuing Education Center

475          The Legislature intends that Utah State University report
476     on the following performance measures for the Southeastern
477     Continuing Education Center line item, whose mission is: "To
478     provide education opportunities to citizens in the southeastern
479     Utah": (1) Degrees & certificates awarded by RC/AIS (Target
480     = 850), (2) FTE student enrollment (Fall Day-15
481     Budget-Related) (Target 185), and (3) IPEDS Overall
482     Graduation Rate [150%] for all first-time, full-time,
483     degree-seeking students; this includes all bachelors and
484     associate degree seeking students who complete within 150%
485     of when they start their program of study (within 6 yrs. for
486     Bachelors and 3 yrs. For Associates) (Target 49% with a 0.5%

487     increase per annum) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
488     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
489     Item 23
     To Utah State University - Brigham City Regional Campus
490     From General Fund

491     From Education Fund

492     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

493     From Revenue Transfers

494     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

495     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

496     Schedule of Programs:
497     Brigham City Regional Campus

498          The Legislature intends that Utah State University report
499     on the following performance measures for the Brigham City
500     Regional Campus line item, whose mission is: "To provide
501     education opportunities to citizens in Brigham City and
502     surrounding communities": (1) Degrees & certificates awarded
503     by RC/AIS (Target = 850), (2) FTE student enrollment (Fall
504     Day-15 Budget-Related) (Target = 650), and (3) IPEDS
505     Overall Graduation Rate [150%] for all first-time, full-time,
506     degree-seeking students; this includes all bachelors and
507     associate degree seeking students who complete within 150%
508     of when they start their program of study (within 6 yrs. for
509     Bachelors and 3 yrs. for Associates) (Target = 49% with a
510     0.5% increase per annum) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
511     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
512     Item 24
     To Utah State University - Tooele Regional Campus
513     From General Fund

514     From Education Fund

515     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

516     From Revenue Transfers

517     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

518     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

519     Schedule of Programs:
520     Tooele Regional Campus

521          The Legislature intends that Utah State University report
522     on the following performance measures for the Tooele
523     Regional Campus line item, whose mission is: "To provide
524     education opportunities to citizens in Tooele and along the

525     Wasatch Front": (1) Degrees & certificates awarded by
526     RC/AIS (Target = 850), (2) FTE student enrollment (Fall
527     Day-15 Budget-Related) (Target = 1,200), and (3) IPEDS
528     Overall Graduation Rate [150%] for all first-time, full-time,
529     degree-seeking students; this includes all bachelors and
530     associate degree seeking students who complete within 150%
531     of when they start their program of study (within 6 yrs. for
532     Bachelors and 3 yrs. for Associates) (Target 49% with a 0.5%
533     increase per annum) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
534     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
535     Item 25
     To Utah State University - Water Research Laboratory
536     From General Fund

537     From Education Fund

538     From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease

539     From General Fund Restricted - Land Exchange Distribution Account

540     From Revenue Transfers

541     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

542     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

543     Schedule of Programs:
544     Water Research Laboratory

545          The Legislature intends that Utah State University report
546     on the following performance measures for the Water Research
547     Laboratory line item, whose mission is: "to work with
548     academic departments at USU to generate, transmit, apply, and
549     preserve knowledge in ways that are consistent with the
550     land-grant mission of the University": (1) Peer-reviewed
551     journal articles published (Target = 10), (2) Number of
552     students supported (Target = 150), and (3) Research projects
553     and training activities (Target = 200) by October 15, 2019 to
554     the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
555     Item 26
     To Utah State University - Agriculture Experiment Station
556     From General Fund

557     From Education Fund

558     From Federal Funds

559     From Revenue Transfers

560     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

561     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

562     Schedule of Programs:

563     Agriculture Experiment Station

564          The Legislature intends that Utah State University report
565     on the following performance measures for the Agriculture
566     Experiment Station line item, whose mission is: "to facilitate
567     research that promotes agriculture and human nutrition, and
568     enhance the quality of rural life: (1) Number of students
569     mentored (Target = 300), (2) Journal articles published (Target
570     = 300), and (3) Lab accessions (Target = 100,000) by October
571     15, 2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations
572     Subcommittee.
573     Item 27
     To Utah State University - Cooperative Extension
574     From General Fund

575     From Education Fund

576     From Federal Funds

577     From Revenue Transfers

578     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

579     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

580     Schedule of Programs:
581     Cooperative Extension

582          The Legislature intends that Utah State University report
583     on the following performance measures for the Cooperative
584     Extension line item, whose mission is: "To deliver
585     research-based education and information throughout the State
586     in cooperation with federal, state, and county partnerships": (1)
587     Direct contacts (Adult and Youth) (Target = 722,000 - 3 year
588     rolling average), (2) Faculty-delivered activities and events
589     (Target = 2,000 - 3 year rolling average), and (3) Faculty
590     publications (Target = 300 - 3 year rolling average) by October
591     15, 2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations
592     Subcommittee.
593     Item 28
     To Utah State University - Prehistoric Museum
594     From General Fund

595     From Education Fund

596     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

597     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

598     Schedule of Programs:
599     Prehistoric Museum

600          The Legislature intends that Utah State University report

601     on the following performance measures for the Prehistoric
602     Museum line item, whose mission is: "The Prehistoric Museum
603     creates understanding and appreciation of natural and cultural
604     processes that formed the geologic, fossil and prehistoric
605     human records found in eastern Utah. We do this through
606     educational and interpretive programs based upon our
607     academic research, preservation programs, authentic exhibits,
608     and the creative efforts of our staff and community": (1)
609     Museum admissions (Target = 18,000), (2) Number of offsite
610     outreach contacts (Target = 1,000), and (3) Number of
611     scientific specimens added (Target = 800) by October 15, 2019
612     to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
613     Item 29
     To Utah State University - Blanding Campus
614     From General Fund

615     From Education Fund

616     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

617     From Revenue Transfers

618     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

619     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

620     Schedule of Programs:
621     Blanding Campus

622          The Legislature intends that Utah State University report
623     on the following performance measures for the Blanding
624     Campus line item, whose mission is: "with efficiency,
625     innovation, and excellence, Utah State University Eastern
626     prepares the people who create and sustain our region": (1)
627     Degrees & certificates awarded by USUE (Target = 365), (2)
628     FTE student enrollment (Fall Day-15 Budget-Related) (Target
629     = 375), and (3) IPEDS Overall Graduation Rate [150%] for all
630     first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students; this includes all
631     bachelors and associate degree seeking students who complete
632     within 150% of when they start their program of study (within
633     6 yrs. for Bachelors and 3 yrs. For Associates) (Target 49%
634     with a 0.5% increase per annum) by October 15, 2019 to the
635     Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
636     Weber State University
637     Item 30
     To Weber State University - Education and General
638     From General Fund

639     From Education Fund

640     From Education Fund, One-Time

641     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

642     From Revenue Transfers

643     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

644     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

645     Schedule of Programs:
646     Education and General

647     Operations and Maintenance

648          The Legislature intends that Weber State University report
649     on the following performance measures for the Education and
650     General line item, whose mission is: "To ensure quality
651     academic experiences for students to be successful and
652     graduate with an associate, bachelor, or master degree from
653     programs that are responsive to community needs": (1)
654     Postsecondary student retention rate, (2) Postsecondary
655     completion, and (3) Total postsecondary costs per degree by
656     October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations
657     Subcommittee.
658     Item 31
     To Weber State University - Educationally Disadvantaged
659     From General Fund

660     From Education Fund

661     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

662     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

663     Schedule of Programs:
664     Educationally Disadvantaged

665          The Legislature intends that Weber State University report
666     on the following performance measures for the Educationally
667     Disadvantaged line item, whose mission is: "To enhance the
668     college experiences of students from traditionally
669     underrepresented backgrounds": (1) Awarding degrees to
670     underrepresented students (Target = Increase to average of 6%
671     of all degrees awarded), (2) Bachelors degrees within six years
672     (Target = Average 5 year graduation rate of 25%), and (3) First
673     year to second year enrollment (Target = 50%) by October 15,
674     2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
675     Southern Utah University
676     Item 32
     To Southern Utah University - Education and General

677     From General Fund

678     From Education Fund

679     From Education Fund, One-Time

680     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

681     From Revenue Transfers

682     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

683     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

684     Schedule of Programs:
685     Education and General

686     Operations and Maintenance

687          The Legislature intends that Southern Utah University
688     report on the following performance measures for the
689     Education and General line item, whose mission is: "Southern
690     Utah University leads students to successful educational
691     outcomes": (1) Postsecondary student retention rate, (2)
692     Postsecondary completion, and (3) Total postsecondary costs
693     per degree by October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education
694     Appropriations Subcommittee.
695     Item 33
     To Southern Utah University - Educationally Disadvantaged
696     From General Fund

697     From Education Fund

698     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

699     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

700     Schedule of Programs:
701     Educationally Disadvantaged

702          The Legislature intends that Southern Utah University
703     report on the following performance measures for the
704     Educationally Disadvantaged line item, whose mission is:
705     "Southern Utah University leads educationally disadvantaged
706     students to successful educational outcomes": (1) Graduation
707     rate for educationally disadvantaged students (Target =
708     Increase ED students equivalent to SUU overall rate), (2)
709     Retention rate for educationally disadvantaged students (Target
710     = Increase ED students equivalent to SUU overall rate), and (3)
711     Minimum 33% of ED scholarships offered to minority students
712     (Target = 33% Min.)by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
713     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
714     Item 34
     To Southern Utah University - Shakespeare Festival

715     From General Fund

716     From Education Fund

717     Schedule of Programs:
718     Shakespeare Festival

719          The Legislature intends that Southern Utah University
720     report on the following performance measures for the
721     Shakespeare Festival line item, whose mission is: "The Utah
722     Shakespeare Festival through its Education department
723     cultivates creative communities and human development
724     through Shakespeare and instructional play for individuals,
725     schools and communities with emphasis on at-risk and low
726     income populations": (1) Professional outreach program in the
727     schools instructional hours (Target = 25% increase in 5 years),
728     (2) Education seminars & orientation attendees (Target = 25%
729     increase in 5 years), and (3) USF annual fundraising (Target =
730     50% increase in 5 years) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
731     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
732     Item 35
     To Southern Utah University - Rural Development
733     From General Fund

734     From Education Fund

735     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

736     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

737     Schedule of Programs:
738     Rural Development

739          The Legislature intends that Southern Utah University
740     report on the following performance measures for the Rural
741     Development line item, whose mission is: "Southern Utah
742     University through the Office of Regional Services assists our
743     rural Utah communities with economic and business
744     development": (1) Rural businesses assisted (Target = 25%
745     increase in 5 years), (2) Business training events (Target =
746     10% increase in 5 years), and (3) Individuals trained (Target =
747     10% increase in 5 years) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
748     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
749     Utah Valley University
750     Item 36
     To Utah Valley University - Education and General
751     From General Fund

752     From Education Fund

753     From Education Fund, One-Time

754     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

755     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

756     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

757     Schedule of Programs:
758     Education and General

759     Operations and Maintenance

760          The Legislature intends that Utah Valley University report
761     on the following performance measures for the Education and
762     General line item, whose mission is: "A teaching institution
763     which provides opportunity, promotes student success, and
764     meets regional educational needs. UVU builds on a foundation
765     of substantive scholarly and creative work to foster engaged
766     learning": (1) Postsecondary student retention rate, (2)
767     Postsecondary completion, and (3) Total postsecondary costs
768     per degree by October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education
769     Appropriations Subcommittee.
770     Item 37
     To Utah Valley University - Educationally Disadvantaged
771     From General Fund

772     From Education Fund

773     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

774     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

775     Schedule of Programs:
776     Educationally Disadvantaged

777          The Legislature intends that Utah Valley University report
778     on the following performance measures for the Educationally
779     Disadvantaged line item, whose mission is: "Accessible and
780     equitable educational opportunities for all students and support
781     studentsachievement of academic success at the University":
782     (1) Portion of degree-seeking undergraduate students receiving
783     need-based financial aid (Target = 45%), (2) Number of
784     students served in mental health counseling (Target =
785     4,000),and (3) Number of tutoring hours provided to students
786     (Target = 22,000) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education
787     Appropriations Subcommittee.
788     Snow College
789     Item 38
     To Snow College - Education and General
790     From General Fund

791     From Education Fund

792     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

793     From Revenue Transfers

794     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

795     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

796     Schedule of Programs:
797     Education and General

798     Operations and Maintenance

799          The Legislature intends that Snow College report on the
800     following performance measures for the Education and General
801     line item, whose mission is: "Snow College centralizes its
802     mission around a tradition of excellence, a culture of
803     innovation, and an atmosphere of engagement to advance
804     students in the achievement of their educational goals": (1)
805     Postsecondary student retention rate, (2) Postsecondary
806     completion, and (3) Total postsecondary costs per degree by
807     October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations
808     Subcommittee.
809     Item 39
     To Snow College - Educationally Disadvantaged
810     From General Fund

811     Schedule of Programs:
812     Educationally Disadvantaged

813          The Legislature intends that Snow College report on the
814     following performance measures for the Educationally
815     Disadvantaged line item, whose mission is: "Snow College
816     supports the academic preparation of students least likely to
817     attend college": (1) Number educationally disadvantaged
818     awards to students (Target = 75), (2) Average amount of aid
819     awarded (Target = $500), and (3) Percentage of remedial
820     students completing a college-level course in the same subject
821     within two academic years of entry (Target = 75%) by October
822     15, 2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations
823     Subcommittee.
824     Item 40
     To Snow College - Career and Technical Education
825     From General Fund

826     From Education Fund

827     Schedule of Programs:
828     Career and Technical Education

829          The Legislature intends that Snow College report on the
830     following performance measures for the Career and Technical
831     Education line item, whose mission is: "Provide relevant
832     technical education and training that supports local and
833     statewide industry and business development": (1) Headcount
834     enrollment of post-secondary students in CTE programs
835     (Target 1,200), (2) Number of degree, certificate, and/or
836     licensure programs offered in industry-relevant areas of study
837     (Target = 4 new programs/certificates/degrees), and (3)
838     Number of degrees, certificates, awards, and/or licensures
839     (Target = 100) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education
840     Appropriations Subcommittee.
841     Dixie State University
842     Item 41
     To Dixie State University - Education and General
843     From General Fund

844     From Education Fund

845     From Education Fund, One-Time

846     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

847     From Revenue Transfers

848     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

849     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

850     Schedule of Programs:
851     Education and General

852     Operations and Maintenance

853          The Legislature intends that Dixie State University report
854     on the following performance measures for the Education and
855     General line item, whose mission is: "Dixie State University is
856     a public comprehensive university dedicated to rigorous
857     learning and the enrichment of the professional and personal
858     lives of its students and community by providing opportunities
859     that engage the unique Southern Utah environment and
860     resources": (1) Postsecondary student retention rate, (2)
861     Postsecondary completion, and (3) Total postsecondary costs
862     per degree by October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education
863     Appropriations Subcommittee.
864     Item 42
     To Dixie State University - Educationally Disadvantaged
865     From General Fund

866     Schedule of Programs:

867     Educationally Disadvantaged

868          The Legislature intends that Dixie State University report
869     on the following performance measures for the Educationally
870     Disadvantaged line item, whose mission is: "To support the
871     academic success of culturally diverse students": (1) Number
872     of students served (Target = 20), (2) Number of minority
873     students served (Target = 15), and (3) Expenditures per student
874     (Target = $1,000) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education
875     Appropriations Subcommittee.
876     Item 43
     To Dixie State University - Zion Park Amphitheater
877     From General Fund

878     From Education Fund

879     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

880     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

881     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

882     Schedule of Programs:
883     Zion Park Amphitheater

884          The Legislature intends that Dixie State University report
885     on the following performance measures for the Zion Park
886     Amphitheater line item, whose mission is: "to provide a
887     world-class outdoor venue combining learning and the arts in
888     Southern Utah": (1) Number of performances (Target = 15), (2)
889     Ticket sales revenue (Target = $35,000), and (3) Performances
890     featuring Utah artists (Target = 10) by October 15, 2019 to the
891     Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
892     Salt Lake Community College
893     Item 44
     To Salt Lake Community College - Education and General
894     From General Fund

895     From Education Fund

896     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

897     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

898     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

899     Schedule of Programs:
900     Education and General

901     Operations and Maintenance

902          The Legislature intends that Salt Lake Community College
903     report on the following performance measures for the
904     Education and General line item, whose mission is: "Salt Lake

905     Community College is your community college. We engage
906     and support students in educational pathways leading to
907     successful transfer and meaningful employment": (1)
908     Postsecondary student retention rate, (2) Postsecondary
909     completion, and (3) Total postsecondary costs per degree by
910     October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations
911     Subcommittee.
912     Item 45
     To Salt Lake Community College - Educationally Disadvantaged
913     From General Fund

914     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

915     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

916     Schedule of Programs:
917     Educationally Disadvantaged

918          The Legislature intends that Salt Lake Community College
919     report on the following performance measures for the
920     Educationally Disadvantaged line item, whose mission is:
921     "Benefitting disadvantaged students, including minority
922     students, and to be used for scholarships, tutoring, counseling,
923     and related support services for educationally disadvantaged
924     students": (1) Number of Needs-based scholarships awarded
925     (Target = 200), (2) Percentage of needs-based recipients
926     returning (Target = 50%), and (3) Graduation rate of needs
927     based scholarship recipients (Target = 50%) by October 15,
928     2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
929     Item 46
     To Salt Lake Community College - School of Applied Technology
930     From General Fund

931     From Education Fund

932     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

933     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

934     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

935     Schedule of Programs:
936     School of Applied Technology

937          The Legislature intends that Salt Lake Community College
938     report on the following performance measures for the School
939     of Applied Technology line item, whose mission is:
940     "Developing innovative, short-term, competency-based
941     education to create a skilled workforce for Salt Lake County
942     and the State of Utah": (1) Membership hours (Target =

943     350,000), (2) Certificates awarded (Target = 200), and (3) Pass
944     rate for certificate or licensure exams (Target 85%) by October
945     15, 2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations
946     Subcommittee.
947     State Board of Regents
948     Item 47
     To State Board of Regents - Administration
949     From General Fund

950     From Education Fund

951     From Federal Funds

952     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

953     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

954     Schedule of Programs:
955     Administration

956     Federal Programs

957          The Legislature intends that the State Board of Regents
958     report on the following performance metrics for the
959     Administration line item , whose mission includes: "Support
960     the Board of Regents in all responsibilities" (1) Percent of Utah
961     High School Graduates who enroll in a USHE institution
962     within five years of graduation, (2) For every dollar invested
963     by the state in state tax funds, the corresponding increase in
964     new tax revenue generated, and (3) the total cost per degree
965     and certificates at the system level by October 15, 2019 to the
966     Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
967     Item 48
     To State Board of Regents - Student Assistance
968     From General Fund

969     From Education Fund

970     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

971     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

972     Schedule of Programs:
973     Regents' Scholarship

974     Student Financial Aid

975     Minority Scholarships

976     New Century Scholarships

977     Success Stipend

978     Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education

979     T.H. Bell Teaching Incentive Loans Program

980     Veterans Tuition Gap Program

981     Public Safety Officer Career Advancement Reimbursement

982     Student Prosperity Savings Program

983          The Legislature intends that the State Board of Regents
984     report on the following performance measures for the Student
985     Assistance line item, whose mission is: "To process, award,
986     and appropriate student scholarships and financial assistance;
987     including Regents Scholarship, New Century Scholarship,
988     Student Financial Aid, Minority Scholarship, Veterans Tuition
989     Gap Program, Success Stipend, and WICHE": (1) Regents
990     Scholarship (Target = Allocate all appropriations to qualified
991     students, less overhead), (2) New Century (Target = Allocate
992     all appropriations to qualified students, less overhead); (3)
993     WICHE (Target = Allocate all appropriations to qualified
994     students, less overhead) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
995     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
996     Item 49
     To State Board of Regents - Student Support
997     From General Fund

998     From Education Fund

999     From Revenue Transfers

1000     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1001     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

1002     Schedule of Programs:
1003     Services for Hearing Impaired Students

1004     Concurrent Enrollment

1005     Articulation Support

1006     Campus Compact

1007          The Legislature intends that the State Board of Regents
1008     report on the following performance measures for the Student
1009     Support line item, whose mission is: "Programmatic support
1010     for students with special needs, concurrent enrollment, transfer
1011     students, and Campus Compact initiatives": (1) Hearing
1012     Impaired (Target = Allocate all appropriations to institutions),
1013     (2) Concurrent Enrollment (Target = Increase total student
1014     credit hours by 1%) and (3) Campus Compact - Hours of
1015     Service completed by Utah college students (Target = 1.3M)
1016     by October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations
1017     Subcommittee.
1018     Item 50
     To State Board of Regents - Technology

1019     From General Fund

1020     From Education Fund

1021     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1022     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

1023     Schedule of Programs:
1024     Higher Education Technology Initiative

1025     Utah Academic Library Consortium

1026          The Legislature intends that the State Board of Regents
1027     report on the following performance measures for the
1028     Technology line item, whose mission is: Support System-wide
1029     information technology and library needs": (1) HETI Group
1030     purchases (Target = $3.7M savings), (2) UALC Database
1031     searches (Target = 33.1M searches), and (3) UALC Text
1032     articles downloaded (Target = 5.1M downloads) by October
1033     15, 2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations
1034     Subcommittee.
1035     Item 51
     To State Board of Regents - Economic Development
1036     From General Fund

1037     From Education Fund

1038     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1039     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

1040     Schedule of Programs:
1041     Engineering Initiative

1042     Engineering Loan Repayment

1043     Economic Development Initiatives

1044          The Legislature intends that the State Board of Regents
1045     report on the following performance measures for the
1046     Economic Development line item, whose mission is: "Support
1047     Engineering Initiative, Engineering Loan Repayment program,
1048     and promote economic development initiatives within the
1049     state": (1) Engineering Initiative degrees (Target = 6% annual
1050     increase), and (2) Engineering Scholarship (Target =
1051     Contingent on funding, allocate appropriations to student
1052     scholarships, less overhead) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
1053     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
1054     Item 52
     To State Board of Regents - Education Excellence
1055     From Education Fund

1056     From Education Fund Restricted - Performance Funding Rest. Acct.

1057     From Education Fund Restricted - Performance Funding Rest. Acct., One-Time

1059     From Revenue Transfers

1060     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1061     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

1062     Schedule of Programs:
1063     Education Excellence

1064     Performance Funding

1065          The Legislature intends that the State Board of Regents
1066     report on the following performance measures for the
1067     Education Excellence line item, whose mission is: "Support the
1068     Governors Education Excellence Commission goal of having
1069     66 percent of Utah adult citizens (25-34) having earned a
1070     postsecondary degree or certificate by the year 2020": (1)
1071     Cumulative awards (Target = 262,700 for 2017-18), (2)
1072     Completions (Target = Increase 5 year rolling average by 1%),
1073     and (3) 150% Graduation rate (Target = Increase 5 year rolling
1074     average by 1%) by October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education
1075     Appropriations Subcommittee.
1076     Item 53
     To State Board of Regents - Math Competency Initiative
1077     From Education Fund

1078     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1079     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

1080     Schedule of Programs:
1081     Math Competency Initiative

1082          The Legislature intends that the State Board of Regents
1083     report on the following performance measures for the Math
1084     Competency line item, whose mission is: "Increase the number
1085     of high school students taking QL mathematics": (1) Increase
1086     the number of high school math teachers qualified to teach
1087     concurrent enrollment math classes (Target = Year 1 of 72,
1088     Year 2 of 127), (2) Develop web-based tools to oversee CE
1089     program (Target = All tools in place by July 1, 2017), and (3)
1090     Increase the number of QL students taking math through
1091     concurrent enrollment (Target = Increase 5%) by October 15,
1092     2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
1093     Item 54
     To State Board of Regents - Medical Education Council
1094     From General Fund

1095     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

1096     From Revenue Transfers

1097     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1098     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

1099     Schedule of Programs:
1100     Medical Education Council

1101          The Legislature intends that the State Board of Regents
1102     report on the following performance measures for the Medical
1103     Education Council line item, whose mission is: "Retaining the
1104     Utah trained healthcare workforce, facilitating rural training
1105     opportunities, and strengthening public-private partnerships":
1106     (1) Graduate medical education growth (Target = 2.2%
1107     growth), (2) Retention for residency and fellowship programs
1108     (Target = 52%, 35%), and (3) Utah health provider to 100,000
1109     population ratio (Target = 258) by October 15, 2019 to the
1110     Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
1111     Utah System of Technical Colleges
1112     Item 55
     To Utah System of Technical Colleges - Bridgerland Technical
1113     College
1114     From General Fund

1115     From Education Fund

1116     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

1117     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1118     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

1119     Schedule of Programs:
1120     Bridgerland Tech Equipment

1121     Bridgerland Technical College

1122          The Legislature intends that the Utah System of Technical
1123     Colleges report on the following performance measures for the
1124     Bridgerland Technical College line item, the mission of which
1125     is, "To meet the needs of Utah's employers for
1126     technically-skilled workers and to promote local and statewide
1127     economic development by providing market-driven technical
1128     education to secondary and adult students": (1) Certificates
1129     awarded per 100 certificate-seeking full-time equivalent
1130     students; (2) Estimated cost per certificate, considering
1131     instructional resources derived from state funds and dedicated
1132     to certificate-seeking students; and (3) Employment and wages

1133     1 year and 5 years after completion of an accredited
1134     postsecondary certificate, by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
1135     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
1136     Item 56
     To Utah System of Technical Colleges - Davis Technical College
1137     From General Fund

1138     From Education Fund

1139     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

1140     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1141     From Closing Nonlapsing Balances

1142     Schedule of Programs:
1143     Davis Tech Equipment

1144     Davis Technical College

1145          The Legislature intends that the Utah System of Technical
1146     Colleges report on the following performance measures for the
1147     Davis Technical College line item, the mission of which is, "To
1148     meet the needs of Utah's employers for technically-skilled
1149     workers and to promote local and statewide economic
1150     development by providing market-driven technical education
1151     to secondary and adult students": (1) Certificates awarded per
1152     100 certificate-seeking full-time equivalent students; (2)
1153     Estimated cost per certificate, considering instructional
1154     resources derived from state funds and dedicated to
1155     certificate-seeking students; and (3) Employment and wages 1
1156     year and 5 years after completion of an accredited
1157     postsecondary certificate, by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
1158     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
1159     Item 57
     To Utah System of Technical Colleges - Dixie Technical College
1160     From General Fund

1161     From Education Fund

1162     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

1163     Schedule of Programs:
1164     Dixie Tech Equipment

1165     Dixie Technical College

1166          The Legislature intends that the Utah System of Technical
1167     Colleges report on the following performance measures for the
1168     Dixie Technical College line item, the mission of which is, "To
1169     meet the needs of Utah's employers for technically-skilled
1170     workers and to promote local and statewide economic

1171     development by providing market-driven technical education
1172     to secondary and adult students": (1) Certificates awarded per
1173     100 certificate-seeking full-time equivalent students; (2)
1174     Estimated cost per certificate, considering instructional
1175     resources derived from state funds and dedicated to
1176     certificate-seeking students; and (3) Employment and wages 1
1177     year and 5 years after completion of an accredited
1178     postsecondary certificate, by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
1179     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
1180     Item 58
     To Utah System of Technical Colleges - Mountainland Technical
1181     College
1182     From Education Fund

1183     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

1184     Schedule of Programs:
1185     Mountainland Tech Equipment

1186     Mountainland Technical College

1187          The Legislature intends that the Utah System of Technical
1188     Colleges report on the following performance measures for the
1189     Mountainland Technical College line item, the mission of
1190     which is, "To meet the needs of Utah's employers for
1191     technically-skilled workers and to promote local and statewide
1192     economic development by providing market-driven technical
1193     education to secondary and adult students": (1) Certificates
1194     awarded per 100 certificate-seeking full-time equivalent
1195     students; (2) Estimated cost per certificate, considering
1196     instructional resources derived from state funds and dedicated
1197     to certificate-seeking students; and (3) Employment and wages
1198     1 year and 5 years after completion of an accredited
1199     postsecondary certificate, by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
1200     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
1201     Item 59
     To Utah System of Technical Colleges - Ogden-Weber Technical
1202     College
1203     From General Fund

1204     From Education Fund

1205     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

1206     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1207     Schedule of Programs:
1208     Ogden-Weber Tech Equipment

1209     Ogden-Weber Technical College

1210          The Legislature intends that the Utah System of Technical
1211     Colleges report on the following performance measures for the
1212     Ogden-Weber Technical College line item, the mission of
1213     which is, "To meet the needs of Utah's employers for
1214     technically-skilled workers and to promote local and statewide
1215     economic development by providing market-driven technical
1216     education to secondary and adult students": (1) Certificates
1217     awarded per 100 certificate-seeking full-time equivalent
1218     students; (2) Estimated cost per certificate, considering
1219     instructional resources derived from state funds and dedicated
1220     to certificate-seeking students; and (3) Employment and wages
1221     1 year and 5 years after completion of an accredited
1222     postsecondary certificate, by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
1223     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
1224     Item 60
     To Utah System of Technical Colleges - Southwest Technical
1225     College
1226     From General Fund

1227     From Education Fund

1228     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

1229     Schedule of Programs:
1230     Southwest Tech Equipment

1231     Southwest Technical College

1232          The Legislature intends that the Utah System of Technical
1233     Colleges report on the following performance measures for the
1234     Southwest Technical College line item, the mission of which
1235     is, "To meet the needs of Utah's employers for
1236     technically-skilled workers and to promote local and statewide
1237     economic development by providing market-driven technical
1238     education to secondary and adult students": (1) Certificates
1239     awarded per 100 certificate-seeking full-time equivalent
1240     students; (2) Estimated cost per certificate, considering
1241     instructional resources derived from state funds and dedicated
1242     to certificate-seeking students; and (3) Employment and wages
1243     1 year and 5 years after completion of an accredited
1244     postsecondary certificate, by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
1245     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
1246     Item 61
     To Utah System of Technical Colleges - Tooele Technical College

1247     From General Fund

1248     From Education Fund

1249     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

1250     Schedule of Programs:
1251     Tooele Tech Equipment

1252     Tooele Technical College

1253          The Legislature intends that the Utah System of Technical
1254     Colleges report on the following performance measures for the
1255     Tooele Technical College line item, the mission of which is,
1256     "To meet the needs of Utah's employers for technically-skilled
1257     workers and to promote local and statewide economic
1258     development by providing market-driven technical education
1259     to secondary and adult students": (1) Certificates awarded per
1260     100 certificate-seeking full-time equivalent students; (2)
1261     Estimated cost per certificate, considering instructional
1262     resources derived from state funds and dedicated to
1263     certificate-seeking students; and (3) Employment and wages 1
1264     year and 5 years after completion of an accredited
1265     postsecondary certificate, by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
1266     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
1267     Item 62
     To Utah System of Technical Colleges - Uintah Basin Technical
1268     College
1269     From General Fund

1270     From Education Fund

1271     From Education Fund, One-Time

1272     From Dedicated Credits Revenue

1273     From Beginning Nonlapsing Balances

1274     Schedule of Programs:
1275     Uintah Basin Tech Equipment

1276     Uintah Basin Technical College

1277          The Legislature intends that the Utah System of Technical
1278     Colleges report on the following performance measures for the
1279     Uintah Basin Technical College line item, the mission of which
1280     is, "To meet the needs of Utah's employers for
1281     technically-skilled workers and to promote local and statewide
1282     economic development by providing market-driven technical
1283     education to secondary and adult students": (1) Certificates
1284     awarded per 100 certificate-seeking full-time equivalent

1285     students; (2) Estimated cost per certificate, considering
1286     instructional resources derived from state funds and dedicated
1287     to certificate-seeking students; and (3) Employment and wages
1288     1 year and 5 years after completion of an accredited
1289     postsecondary certificate, by October 15, 2019 to the Higher
1290     Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
1291     Item 63
     To Utah System of Technical Colleges - USTC Administration
1292     From General Fund

1293     From Education Fund

1294     From Education Fund Restricted - Performance Funding Rest. Acct.

1295     From Education Fund Restricted - Performance Funding Rest. Acct., One-Time

1297     Schedule of Programs:
1298     Administration

1299     Custom Fit

1300     Equipment

1301     Performance Funding

1302          The Legislature intends that the Utah System of Technical
1303     Colleges report on the following performance measures for the
1304     Administration line item, the mission of which is, "To support
1305     career and technical education throughout the State of Utah":
1306     (1) Percentage of enrolled high school students obtaining an
1307     accredited postsecondary certificate prior to and within one
1308     year of high school graduation (target = 33% and 50%,
1309     respectively, to be attained by FY 2028); (2) System-wide
1310     placement rates for certificate-seeking students (target = 10%
1311     to 20% above minimum accreditation standards); and (3)
1312     Graduation rates for all programs and for those identified as
1313     leading to high-wage/high-demand careers (target = 80% for
1314     programs of less than 600 hours in length, 70% for programs of
1315     600 hours or greater but less than 900 hours, and 60% for
1316     programs of 900 hours or more, to be attained by FY 2028), by
1317     October 15, 2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations
1318     Subcommittee.
1319          The Legislature intends that the Utah System of Technical
1320     Colleges report on the following performance measures for the
1321     Custom Fit line item, the mission of which is, "To support
1322     economic and workforce development through training

1323     partnerships between Utah companies and the Utah System of
1324     Technical Colleges (USTC)": (1) Companies served by Custom
1325     Fit training; (2) Trainees served by Custom Fit training; and (3)
1326     Hours of instruction provided by Custom Fit, by October 15,
1327     2019 to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee.
1328          Subsection 2(b). Restricted Fund and Account Transfers. The Legislature authorizes
1329     the State Division of Finance to transfer the following amounts between the following funds or
1330     accounts as indicated. Expenditures and outlays from the funds to which the money is transferred
1331     must be authorized by an appropriation.
1332     Item 64
     To Performance Funding Restricted Account
1333     From Education Fund

1334     From Education Fund, One-Time

1335     Schedule of Programs:
1336     Performance Funding Restricted Account

1337          Section 3. Effective Date.
1338          If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, Section 1 of this bill
1339     takes effect upon approval by the Governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of
1340     Utah Constitution Article VII, Section 8 without the Governor's signature, or in the case of a veto,
1341     the date of override. Section 2 of this bill takes effect on July 1, 2018.