


Chief Sponsor: Todd Weiler

House Sponsor: Sandra Hollins


8     General Description:
9          This bill modifies provisions relating to prostitution and penalties relating to sexual
10     solicitation.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     defines terms;
14          ▸     provides that an individual is guilty of patronizing a prostitute, aiding prostitution,
15     or exploiting prostitution if the individual believed the other individual to be a
16     prostitute;
17          ▸     modifies the penalty for sexual solicitation; and
18          ▸     makes technical changes.
19     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20          None
21     Other Special Clauses:
22          None
23     Utah Code Sections Affected:
24     AMENDS:
25          76-10-1301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 433
26          76-10-1303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 433
27          76-10-1304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 433

28          76-10-1305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 433
29          76-10-1313, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 433

31     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
32          Section 1. Section 76-10-1301 is amended to read:
33          76-10-1301. Definitions.
34          [For the purposes of this part:]
35          As used in this part:
36          (1) "Child" is [a person] an individual younger than 18 years of age.
37          (2) "Inmate" means [a person] an individual who engages in prostitution in or through
38     the agency of a place of prostitution.
39          (3) "Place of prostitution" means a place or business where prostitution or promotion
40     of prostitution is arranged, regularly carried on, or attempted by one or more [persons]
41     individuals under the control, management, or supervision of another.
42          (4) "Prostitute" means an individual engaged in the activities described in Subsection
43     76-10-1302(1).
44          [(4)] (5) "Public place" means any place to which the public or any substantial group of
45     the public has access.
46          [(5)] (6) "Sexual activity" means, regardless of the gender of either participant:
47          (a) acts of masturbation, sexual intercourse, or any sexual act involving the genitals of
48     one [person] individual and the mouth or anus of another [person] individual; or
49          (b) touching the genitals, female breast, or anus of one [person] individual with any
50     other body part of another [person] individual with the intent to sexually arouse or gratify
51     either [person] individual.
52          Section 2. Section 76-10-1303 is amended to read:
53          76-10-1303. Patronizing a prostitute.
54          (1) [A person] An individual is guilty of patronizing a prostitute when the [person]
55     individual:
56          (a) pays or offers or agrees to pay [another person] a prostitute, or an individual
57     the actor believes to be a prostitute, a fee, or the functional equivalent of a fee, for the purpose
58     of engaging in an act of sexual activity; or

59          (b) enters or remains in a place of prostitution for the purpose of engaging in sexual
60     activity.
61          (2) Patronizing a prostitute is a class A misdemeanor, except as provided in Subsection
62     (3), (4), or (5) and Section 76-10-1309.
63          (3) A violation of this section that is preceded by a conviction under this section or a
64     conviction under local ordinance adopted under Section 76-10-1307 is a class A misdemeanor.
65          (4) A third violation of this section or a local ordinance adopted under Section
66     76-10-1307 is a third degree felony.
67          (5) If the patronizing of a prostitute under Subsection (1)(a) involves a child as the
68     other [person] individual, a violation of Subsection (1)(a) is a third degree felony.
69          (6) Upon a conviction for a violation of this section, the court shall order the maximum
70     fine amount and may not waive or suspend the fine.
71          Section 3. Section 76-10-1304 is amended to read:
72          76-10-1304. Aiding prostitution.
73          (1) [A person] An individual is guilty of aiding prostitution if the [person] individual:
74          (a) (i) solicits [a person] an individual to patronize a prostitute, or to patronize an
75     individual the actor believes to be a prostitute;
76          (ii) procures or attempts to procure a prostitute, or an individual the actor believes to
77     be a prostitute, for a patron; [or]
78          (iii) leases, operates, or otherwise permits a place controlled by the actor, alone or in
79     association with another, to be used for prostitution or the promotion of prostitution; or
80          (iv) provides any service or commits any act that enables another [person] individual to
81     commit a violation of this Subsection (1)(a) or facilitates another [person's] individual's ability
82     to commit any violation of this Subsection (1)(a); or
83          (b) solicits, receives, or agrees to receive any benefit for committing any of the acts
84     prohibited by Subsection (1)(a).
85          (2) Aiding prostitution is a class A misdemeanor[. However, a person], except as
86     provided in Subsection (3).
87          (3) An individual who is convicted a second time, and on all subsequent convictions,
88     under this section or under a local ordinance adopted in compliance with Section 76-10-1307 is
89     guilty of a third degree felony.

90          [(3)] (4) Upon a conviction for a violation of this section, the court shall order the
91     maximum fine amount and may not waive or suspend the fine.
92          Section 4. Section 76-10-1305 is amended to read:
93          76-10-1305. Exploiting prostitution.
94          (1) [A person] An individual is guilty of exploiting prostitution if the [person]
95     individual:
96          (a) procures [a person] an individual for a place of prostitution;
97          (b) encourages, induces, or otherwise purposely causes another to become or remain a
98     prostitute;
99          (c) transports [a person] an individual into or within this state with a purpose to
100     promote that [person's] individual's engaging in prostitution or procuring or paying for
101     transportation with that purpose;
102          (d) not being a child or legal dependent of a prostitute, shares the proceeds of
103     prostitution with a prostitute, or an individual the actor believes to be a prostitute, pursuant to
104     their understanding that [he] the actor is to share therein; or
105          (e) owns, controls, manages, supervises, or otherwise keeps, alone or in association
106     with another, a place of prostitution or a business where prostitution occurs or is arranged,
107     encouraged, supported, or promoted.
108          (2) Exploiting prostitution is a felony of the third degree.
109          (3) Upon a conviction for a violation of this section, the court shall order the maximum
110     fine amount and may not waive or suspend the fine.
111          Section 5. Section 76-10-1313 is amended to read:
112          76-10-1313. Sexual solicitation -- Penalty.
113          (1) [A person] An individual is guilty of sexual solicitation when the [person]
114     individual:
115          (a) offers or agrees to commit any sexual activity with another [person] individual for a
116     fee, or the functional equivalent of a fee;
117          (b) pays or offers or agrees to pay a fee or the functional equivalent of a fee to another
118     [person] individual to commit any sexual activity; or
119          (c) with intent to engage in sexual activity for a fee or the functional equivalent of a fee
120     or to pay another [person] individual to commit any sexual activity for a fee or the functional

121     equivalent of a fee engages in, offers or agrees to engage in, or requests or directs another to
122     engage in any of the following acts:
123          (i) exposure of [a person's] an individual's genitals, the buttocks, the anus, the pubic
124     area, or the female breast below the top of the areola;
125          (ii) masturbation;
126          (iii) touching of [a person's] an individual's genitals, the buttocks, the anus, the pubic
127     area, or the female breast; or
128          (iv) any act of lewdness.
129          (2) An intent to engage in sexual activity for a fee may be inferred from [a person's] an
130     individual's engaging in, offering or agreeing to engage in, or requesting or directing another to
131     engage in any of the acts described in Subsection (1)(c) under the totality of the existing
132     circumstances.
133          (3) (a) Sexual solicitation is a class [B] A misdemeanor, except under Subsection
134     (3)(b).
135          (b) [Any person] An individual who is convicted a second [or subsequent] time under
136     this section or under a local ordinance adopted in compliance with Section 76-10-1307[,] is
137     guilty of a class A misdemeanor, except as provided in Section 76-10-1309.
138          (4) An individual who is convicted a third time under this section or a local ordinance
139     adopted in compliance with Section 76-10-1307 is guilty of a third degree felony.
140          [(4) If a person]
141          (5) If an individual commits an act of sexual solicitation and the [person] individual
142     solicited is a child, the offense is a third degree felony if the solicitation does not amount to
143     human trafficking or human smuggling, a violation of Section 76-5-308, or aggravated human
144     trafficking or aggravated human smuggling, a violation of Section 76-5-310.

Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel