



Chief Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

House Sponsor: Gregory H. Hughes


9     General Description:
10          This resolution honors Senator Orrin G. Hatch for his service to the state of Utah.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This resolution:
13          ▸     designates Wednesday, February 21, 2018, as "Orrin G. Hatch Day" in recognition
14     of Senator Hatch's singular legislative accomplishments and dedicated service to the
15     people of Utah.
16     Special Clauses:
17          None

19     Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
20          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch has dutifully served the people of Utah in the United States
21     Senate for more than four decades;
22          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch has passed more bills into law than any legislator alive today,
23     including some of the most significant bipartisan achievements of modern times;
24          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch, as the longest-serving member and former chairman of the
25     Senate Judiciary Committee, has long sought to protect the integrity of our courts, strengthen
26     privacy protections, defend intellectual property rights, and clarify our nation's criminal code;
27          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch has played an indispensable role in the confirmation of more

28     than 1,800 Article III judges, including every sitting Supreme Court justice;
29          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch was recently named "The Most Effective Senator" in the
30     nation by the Center for Effective Lawmaking--a nonpartisan research organization;
31          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch has long stood as an ardent defender of religious liberty, from
32     his authorship of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to his unwavering advocacy on behalf
33     of faith-based organizations across the country;
34          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch, as the lead sponsor of the Hatch-Waxman Act, is today
35     widely esteemed as the founder of the modern generic drug industry;
36          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch helped improve access, mobility, and quality of life for
37     millions of Americans with his sponsorship of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act;
38          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch authored the historic Dietary Supplement Health and
39     Education Act, providing a legal framework for a multi-billion-dollar industry that has created
40     countless jobs in the state of Utah;
41          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch, as the longest-serving Republican on the Senate Intelligence
42     Committee, provided critical counsel and timely analysis on some of the most consequential
43     national security issues of our time;
44          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch, as chairman of the Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force,
45     has been integral to the development of Silicon Slopes and Utah's technology industry;
46          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch, as chairman of the Senate Labor and Human Resources
47     Committee, worked to enact laws that have improved our nation's health and well-being and
48     that have helped to ensure an economically vibrant workforce;
49          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch, as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, has
50     championed policies to promote a pro-trade, pro-growth agenda, including the recent overhaul
51     of our nation's tax code;
52          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch serves as the president pro tempore of the United States
53     Senate;
54          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch holds the distinction of being the longest-serving Senator in
55     Utah's history; and
56          WHEREAS, Orrin Hatch has done immeasurable good for the state of Utah and the
57     nation:
58          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the

59     Governor concurring therein, designates Wednesday, February 21, 2018, as "Orrin G. Hatch
60     Day" in recognition of Senator Hatch's singular legislative accomplishments and dedicated
61     service to the people of Utah.
62          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Majority
63     and Minority Leaders of the United States Senate and the members of Utah's congressional
64     delegation.

Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel