9 General Description:
10 This rules resolution modifies committee organizational requirements.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This resolution:
13 ▸ modifies the membership requirements for the Education Interim Committee and
14 the Public Education Joint Appropriations Subcommittee.
15 Special Clauses:
16 None
17 Legislative Rules Affected:
19 IR1-1-201
20 JR3-2-302
22 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
23 Section 1. IR1-1-201 is amended to read:
24 IR1-1-201. Interim committees established -- Membership -- Chairs -- Chair
25 duties.
26 (1) The president of the Senate and the speaker of the House shall:
27 (a) appoint members from their respective chambers to serve on the following joint
28 interim committees:
29 (i) Business and Labor Interim Committee;
30 (ii) Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee;
31 (iii) Education Interim Committee, which shall have the same membership as the
32 Public Education Joint Appropriations Subcommittee established in JR3-2-302;
33 (iv) Government Operations Interim Committee;
34 (v) Health and Human Services Interim Committee;
35 (vi) Judiciary Interim Committee;
36 (vii) Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Interim Committee;
37 (viii) Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee;
38 (ix) Political Subdivisions Interim Committee;
39 (x) Public Utilities, Energy, and Technology Interim Committee;
40 (xi) Retirement and Independent Entities Interim Committee;
41 (xii) Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee; and
42 (xiii) Transportation Interim Committee; and
43 (b) appoint one member from their chamber to serve as cochair of each interim
44 committee.
45 (2) The chairs of each interim committee, meeting jointly, shall:
46 (a) determine the agenda for committee meetings;
47 (b) assist and give direction to staff in the conduct of the committee's business; and
48 (c) perform other duties assigned by the committee.
49 Section 2. JR3-2-302 is amended to read:
50 JR3-2-302. Joint appropriations subcommittees -- Creation -- Membership.
51 The members of the Joint Appropriations Committee shall be divided into the following
52 joint appropriations subcommittees:
53 (1) Infrastructure and General Government;
54 (2) Business, Economic Development, and Labor;
55 (3) Executive Offices and Criminal Justice;
56 (4) Social Services;
57 (5) Higher Education;
58 (6) Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality;
59 (7) Public Education, which shall have the same membership as the Education Interim
60 Committee established in IR1-1-201; and
61 (8) Retirement and Independent Entities.
Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel