8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies Senate rules relating to prioritized legislation.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This resolution:
12 ▸ limits the type of bills that may be referred out of the Senate Rules Committee
13 during the first two weeks of the legislative session; and
14 ▸ requires that priority bills be placed higher on a calendar than non-priority bills
15 under certain circumstances.
16 Special Clauses:
17 This bill provides a special effective date.
18 Legislative Rules Affected:
20 SR3-1-102
21 SR4-3-101
23 Be it resolved by the Senate of the state of Utah:
24 Section 1. SR3-1-102 is amended to read:
25 SR3-1-102. Senate Rules Committee -- Assignment duties.
26 (1) (a) Subject to Subsection (1)(b), the presiding officer shall submit all legislation
27 introduced in the Senate to the Senate Rules Committee.
28 (b) The president may direct legislation to be sent directly to a standing committee or
29 to one of the Senate floor calendars.
30 (2) [
31 specified in SR3-1-103 that is referred to the Senate Rules Committee, the committee
32 shall[
33 any[
34 (i) hold the legislation; or
35 (ii) refer legislation to the Senate with a recommendation that:
36 (A) the legislation be referred to a standing committee for consideration;
37 (B) the legislation be placed directly onto the second reading calendar;
38 (C) the legislation be read the second time and placed onto the consent calendar; or
39 (D) during the last week of the legislative session, the legislation be read the second
40 time and placed on the third reading calendar.
41 (b) During the first two weeks of the legislative session, the Senate Rules Committee
42 shall hold all legislation referred to the committee unless:
43 (i) the legislation has received a favorable recommendation from an interim committee
44 as defined in IR1-1-201; or
45 (ii) the legislation was prioritized under JR4-2-102.
46 (3) In carrying out its functions and responsibilities under this rule, the Senate Rules
47 Committee may not amend, substitute, or table legislation without the written consent of the
48 sponsor.
49 (4) If the chair of the Senate Rules Committee receives a summary report from the
50 Occupational and Professional Licensure Review Committee related to newly regulating an
51 occupation or profession within the two calendar years immediately preceding the session in
52 which a piece of legislation is introduced related to the regulation by the Division of
53 Occupational and Professional Licensing of that occupation or profession:
54 (a) the chair of the Senate Rules Committee shall ensure that the Senate Rules
55 Committee is informed of the summary report before the Senate Rules Committee takes action
56 on the legislation; and
57 (b) if the Senate Rules Committee refers the legislation to the Senate as provided in
58 Subsection [
59 (i) the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel shall make the summary
60 report reasonably available to the public and to legislators; and
61 (ii) if the legislation is referred to a standing committee, the Senate Rules Committee
62 shall forward the summary report to the standing committee.
63 Section 2. SR4-3-101 is amended to read:
64 SR4-3-101. Bills placed on calendars.
65 (1) (a) The secretary of the Senate shall cause each bill reported to the Senate by a
66 Senate standing committee or the Senate Rules Committee to be placed at the bottom of the
67 second reading calendar or on the consent calendar in the order that the bill is received, except
68 that legislation that was prioritized under JR4-2-102 shall be placed higher on the calendar than
69 non-prioritized legislation being placed on the calendar at the same time.
70 (b) The presiding officer shall ensure that each bill that is placed on the second reading
71 calendar without a fiscal note is circled until the fiscal note is received.
72 (2) The secretary of the Senate shall ensure that each bill on the second reading
73 calendar that is passed by a constitutional majority vote is placed at the bottom of the third
74 reading calendar.
75 Section 3. Effective date.
76 This bill takes effect on January 1, 2019.
Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel