9 General Description:
10 This joint resolution expresses support for a process of forming land use plans for
11 certain federally managed public lands in the state.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This resolution:
14 ▸ affirms the state's commitment to its public lands;
15 ▸ asserts that the state should form legislatively approved land use plans for federally
16 managed public lands in the state to better ensure that the land management reflects
17 state and local interests;
18 ▸ recognizes the Commission for the Stewardship of Public Lands as the appropriate
19 legislative entity to oversee the formation of the land use plans;
20 ▸ identifies certain areas of federally managed public lands that are of heightened
21 concern to the state; and
22 ▸ supports the Commission for the Stewardship of Public Lands issuing a request for
23 proposals to hire a consultant to form land use plans for federally managed public
24 lands that are of heightened concern to submit to the Legislature for its approval.
25 Special Clauses:
26 None
28 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
29 WHEREAS, the state of Utah is a premier public lands state and is committed to
30 remaining a public lands state;
31 WHEREAS, Utah's public lands provide unique opportunities for outdoor recreation
32 including motorized recreation, skiing, camping, hunting, fishing, biking, rock climbing, and
33 spelunking in addition to economic opportunities like responsible timber harvesting, mineral
34 development, wind and solar energy development, and livestock grazing;
35 WHEREAS, the federal government controls more than 66% of all land in the state of
36 Utah;
37 WHEREAS, the current condition of a significant portion of the federally managed
38 public lands in the state has jeopardized Utah communities, forests, wildlife, economies,
39 recreational opportunities, water quality, and air quality;
40 WHEREAS, the management of federally managed public lands in the state has
41 infringed upon and undermined the jurisdiction and duties of the state of Utah to protect the
42 health, safety, and welfare of its citizens;
43 WHEREAS, there are certain areas of federally managed public lands that are of
44 heightened concern to the state, including the Bears Ears National Monument, the Grand
45 Staircase-Escalante National Monument, certain areas in Emery County, and certain areas of
46 the central Wasatch Range;
47 WHEREAS, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) requires the
48 Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) to form land use plans for federally managed public lands;
49 WHEREAS, the Secretary's land use plans must be "consistent with State and local
50 plans to the maximum extent [the Secretary] finds consistent with Federal law and the purposes
51 of [FLPMA].";
52 WHEREAS, the state of Utah has not formed legislatively approved land use plans for
53 the state's federally managed public lands;
54 WHEREAS, the state is committed to improving the way public lands are managed in
55 the state;
56 WHEREAS, in 2018, the Legislature adopted a statewide resource management plan
57 that addresses natural resources on federally managed public lands and was the result of
58 significant public input and a collaborative effort between the state and each of Utah's 29
59 counties;
60 WHEREAS, the Utah Public Land Management Act, enacted in 2016, and the Utah
61 Wilderness Act, enacted in 2014, provide a legislative framework for caring for Utah's public
62 lands;
63 WHEREAS, local jurisdictions have done significant work regarding the management
64 of federally managed public lands based on extensive public input;
65 WHEREAS, the state of Utah, not the federal government, is in the best position to
66 form land use plans that ensure appropriate conservation, secure public access, encourage
67 multiple use, grow the economy, and sustain proper land management;
68 WHEREAS, forming land use plans for federally managed public lands will give the
69 state greater and more appropriate control over the land use plans used to manage federally
70 managed public lands in the state;
71 WHEREAS, in 2014 the Utah Legislature established the Commission for the
72 Stewardship of Public Lands, in part, to make recommendations regarding the state's sovereign
73 right to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens as it relates to public lands; and
74 WHEREAS, the Commission for the Stewardship of Public Lands has the
75 responsibility to oversee the formation of land use plans for federally managed public lands in
76 the state:
77 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
78 recognizes the importance of the state forming legislatively approved land use plans for
79 federally managed public lands in the state, especially those of heightened concern.
80 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the land use plans draw upon and integrate work
81 already completed in the area of public land management, including the efforts of local
82 jurisdictions, the statewide resource management plan, and existing state law.
83 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature supports the Commission for the
84 Stewardship of Public Lands issuing a request for proposals to hire a consultant to form land
85 use plans for federally managed public lands that are of heightened concern to submit to the
86 Legislature for its approval.