8 General Description:
9 This resolution recognizes the Know Before You Fly program as an official source of
10 safety education for operators of unmanned aircraft systems in Utah.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This resolution:
13 ▸ describes the growth of the use of unmanned aircraft systems;
14 ▸ explains safety concerns related to unmanned aircraft systems; and
15 ▸ recognizes the Know Before You Fly program as an official source of safety
16 education for operators of unmanned aircraft systems in Utah.
17 Special Clauses:
18 None
20 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
21 WHEREAS, the safe integration of unmanned aircraft systems into the National
22 Airspace System promises to drive new economic development and consumer choice, promote
23 more responsible stewardship of natural resources, facilitate more effective emergency
24 response and disaster recovery, and improve the efficiency and security of energy,
25 transportation, and communications networks;
26 WHEREAS, direct operation of unmanned aircraft systems for both commercial and
27 noncommercial use is growing rapidly, with more than 1,000,000 aircraft already registered;
28 WHEREAS, the development and adoption of services provided by unmanned aircraft
29 systems is expected to generate billions of dollars of new economic activity and create
30 thousands of new jobs in the United States;
31 WHEREAS, the safe operation of unmanned aircraft systems for both noncommercial
32 and commercial purposes is necessary for continued innovation, economic activity, and public
33 benefit;
34 WHEREAS, prospective operators of unmanned aircraft systems must understand and
35 abide by relevant requirements and limitations to ensure the safe operation of such systems;
36 WHEREAS, the regulatory framework for unmanned aircraft systems continues to
37 develop, including steps by the Federal Aviation Administration to integrate unmanned aircraft
38 systems into the National Airspace System and the issuance of operational requirements for
39 small unmanned aircraft systems operations in the airspace;
40 WHEREAS, easily accessible and freely available information regarding current
41 guidance for safe and responsible unmanned aircraft systems operations provides certainty to
42 unmanned aircraft system owners and operators, maximizes the public benefits of unmanned
43 aircraft systems, and mitigates risks to public safety and security;
44 WHEREAS, Know Before You Fly is an education campaign founded by the
45 Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International and the Academy of Model
46 Aeronautics, in partnership with the Federal Aviation Administration, to educate prospective
47 users about the safe and responsible operation of unmanned aircraft systems; and
48 WHEREAS, the Know Before You Fly educational campaign has developed
49 relationships with more than 150 supporters, including unmanned aircraft manufacturers, law
50 enforcement agencies, retailers, labor organizations, and institutions of higher education:
51 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
52 recognizes and supports the Know Before You Fly program as an official source of safety
53 education for prospective and active operators of unmanned aircraft systems in Utah.