


Chief Sponsor: Norman K. Thurston


7     General Description:
8          This House resolution addresses conduct on the House floor.
9     Highlighted Provisions:
10          This resolution:
11          ▸     provides that a representative may invite one guest who is not a lobbyist to
12     accompany the representative on the House floor while the House is in session;
13          ▸     addresses a guest's conduct on the House floor, including where the guest may sit;
14     and
15          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
16     Special Clauses:
17          None
18     Legislative Rules Affected:
19     AMENDS:
20          HR2-4-101.2
21          HR2-4-102

23     Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the state of Utah:
24          Section 1. HR2-4-101.2 is amended to read:
25          HR2-4-101.2. Admittance to House floor -- Prohibition against lobbying on
26     House floor -- Rules for lobbyists on House floor.
27          (1) [While] Except as otherwise provided in this rule, while the House is convened in
28     annual general session or special session, only the following individuals are permitted on the
29     House floor:

30          (a) a legislator;
31          (b) a member of House or Senate staff;
32          (c) a member of professional legislative staff;
33          (d) a House intern;
34          (e) a former legislator who is not a lobbyist; and
35          (f) the governor, lieutenant governor, state attorney general, state treasurer, and state
36     auditor.
37          (2) (a) While the House is convened in annual general session or special session, a
38     representative may invite one [of the following individuals as a] guest who is not a lobbyist to
39     accompany the representative on the House floor, provided that:
40          [(i) a member of the representative's immediate family;]
41          [(ii) an administrative assistant other than a House intern; or]
42          [(iii) a constituent who resides in the member's district.]
43          (i) the guest sits on a bench on the House floor or sits next to the representative;
44          (ii) the representative ensures that the guest does not impede staff work, distract from
45     the work of the House, or encroach on a neighboring representative's desk;
46          (iii) the guest complies with the requirements of this rule, HR2-4-102, and HR2-4-103;
47     and
48          (iv) no representative makes an objection in accordance with this subsection.
49          (b) A representative who believes that another representative's guest is impeding staff
50     work, distracting from the work of the House, or intruding on the representative's desk space
51     may communicate the representative's objection to the representative who invited the guest or
52     through the majority leader, the minority leader, or the speaker.
53          [(b)] (c) A representative may have no more than one guest on the House floor at any
54     one time.     
55          [(c) A representative who invites a guest onto the House floor shall:]
56          [(i) if the guest is not seated next to the representative as permitted under HR2-4-102,
57     ensure that the guest sits on a bench on the House floor, provided that seating is available; and]

58          [(ii) ensure that the guest stays only for a short visit not to exceed one hour.]
59          (3) A lobbyist, a guest, or an individual described in Subsection (1)(e)[,] or Subsection
60     (1)(f)[, or Subsection (2)] is prohibited from lobbying on the House floor.
61          (4) (a) Except as provided in this Subsection (4), a lobbyist is not permitted on the
62     House floor.
63          (b) A representative sponsoring a piece of legislation being debated by the House may
64     invite one lobbyist with expertise on the legislation being considered to be present on the
65     House floor during the presentation and debate on the legislation, if:
66          (i) the representative informs the sergeant-at-arms that the lobbyist is present on the
67     House floor;
68          (ii) the representative ensures that the lobbyist is seated on a bench on the House floor
69     during the presentation and debate on the legislation;
70          (iii) the representative ensures that the lobbyist does not engage in lobbying on the
71     House floor; and
72          (iv) the lobbyist leaves the House floor when the House moves to another item of
73     business.
74          (c) If the representative sponsoring the legislation needs the assistance of the lobbyist
75     during the course of debate on the legislation, the representative may request permission of the
76     speaker to have the lobbyist approach the representative sponsoring the legislation to provide
77     the needed information to the representative.
78          (5) The speaker or the speaker's designee may authorize special guests to be present in
79     the House chamber or on the House floor.
80          [(6) A representative who is visited by two or more guests shall arrange with the
81     sergeant-at-arms for the guests to be seated in the House gallery.]
82          Section 2. HR2-4-102 is amended to read:
83          HR2-4-102. Representatives' chairs and seating on the House floor.
84          (1) No one other than the speaker may occupy the chair or use the desk of the speaker,
85     without the speaker's authorization.

86          (2) When the House is convened in session, only the representative assigned to a desk
87     and chair may occupy the chair or use the desk, except that a legislator may sit in the chair of
88     another legislator.
89          (3) [When] In accordance with HR2-4-101.2, when the House is convened in session, a
90     representative may invite one individual to sit next to the representative on the House floor[, if
91     the representative complies with the requirements of HR2-4-101.2 and the invited individual
92     is:].
93          [(a) another legislator;]
94          [(b) a member of House or Senate staff;]
95          [(c) a member of professional legislative staff;]
96          [(d) a House intern;]
97          [(e) a member of the representative's immediate family;]
98          [(f) a constituent who resides in the representative's district; or]
99          [(g) a special guest who is authorized to access the House floor under
100     HR2-4-101.2(5).]